The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 02, 1915, Image 1

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    [he Henry County Weekly
April, 1915.
Wrongs of History Righted.
1. Who presided over the
Peace Convention I eld in Wash
ington in 1861? Why was it so
suddenly dissolved?
2. What was the South’s pre
paredness for war?
3. Give the population of tin
seceding states, and that of the
non-stceding states.
4. Wiiat proportion of the
South’s population were negroes?
5. When war was declared
what became of all of the South
ern men who were captains of
ships or commanders of fleets?
6. How many men enlisted in
the Federal army? How many in
the Southern army?
7. How many battles and skir
mishes in the four years? How
many in your state?
8. How many men were Jost
on both sides? '1.000,000).
9. Tell what you know of the
blockade, and why necessary?
10. What extent of sea coast
did the South have? The North?
11. How was the South affected
by the interruption to her export
trade in cotton and tobacco?
12. Who invented the cotton
gin? When?
13. How much cotton is shipped
annually from the South?
14. Why is cotton called king?
Notice to Confederate Veterans
All old veterans, their widows
or descendants, who desire cross
es of honor should secure applica
tion blanks from Mrs. A. R. Scott or
Mrs. J. A. Louche, in order that
they may get their papers
through in time to receive the
crosses on Memorial Day.
Messrs. Gordon Dickson, Robert
McDonald, Jerome Cook, Grady
Ingram, and Eugene Gunter at
tended the debate at Jackson Fri
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Low visited
Atlanta Monday.
Mrs. Paul Turner and MissNei a
Tye visited Atlanta Saturday.
Mrs. J. A. Fouche spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
High Class Millinery. Miss
Blanche Wentzell. Adv.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon and
children and Miss Blanche Went
zell spent Sundax in Griffin.
Miss Blanche Wentzeil visited
Atlanta Monday.
Miss Blanche Wentzell and little
M s Oiive Lemon will spend
Etster Sunday with friends at
Mr. G. W. Cathy visited Jackson
Dr. ml Mrs. H. VV. Copeland
an ! 1 ' of Jackson, were
here Sun lay with Mr. and Mrs.
.H. J. Copeland.
Mr and Mrs. Lamar Etheridge,
of Jackson, will arrive Friday to
be the _ue-ts of Judge and Mrs.
Pam Funier.
Messrs. A. C. Sowell and Paul
So wi ll spent the week-end at
ho e here.
Mr. Will Peace spent the week
end at Douglasville.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday afril >, 1915
Unusually Fine Prog-aTi Has
Been Arranged. Reduced
Railroad Pates.
The program committee for the
annual State Convention of the
Georgia Sunday School Associa
tion, which is to he held in Arner
icus, April 20*21 22, has planned
a program on which more than
sixty of the leading Sun lay
School workers fre m various
parts of the State are to take
The delagates at this Conven
tion are to have the very great
privilege of hearing at each ses
sion Mr. John L. Alexander of
Chicago, Secondary Division Sup
erintendent of the International
Sunday School Association. Mr.
Alexander is considered the
world’s greatest specialist on Sun
day School work among the teen
age bovs and girls. The music
of the Convention is to be under
the direction of Prof. E. O. Excell,
of Chicago, assisted by his pianist,
Prof. Alvin W. Roper, of Winona
Lake, Indiana. '
Among the speakers are Dr.
Lansing Burrows, President of
the Southern Baptist Convention;
Mr. w. S. Witham, Atlanta; Dr. R.
S. Brank, Savannah; Prof* M. M.
Parks, Milledgeville. President of
the Georgia NofTrial aiTrT fnclast
rial College; Mr. F. S. Etheridge
Jackson, Mr. John J. Eagan, At
lanta; Rev. Charles W. Daniel, At
lanta; Mr. A. P. McKay, Rome; Dr.
Marion McH. Hull, Atlanta; Mrs.
H. H. Tift, Tifton; Mrs. S. H. As
kew, Atlanta.
Mr. T. M. Furlow of Americas,
is Chairman of the Committee on
arrangements fdr the Convention, j
and the church people of Ameri
cus are making elaborate [ repar
ations for the entertainment o v all
who attend. They have furnish
ed the office of the State Sunday
School Association, at Atlanta,
with letterheads printed in two
colors, on which are the pictures
of eighteen of the speakers. The
poster is in two colors and is be
ing mailed to the Sunday School
Superintendents over the State.
All white Sunday Schools in
the State are entitled to three
delegates, besides pastor and sup
erintendent. Every Sunday
School is requested to elect three
alternate delegates who can take
the place of any regular delegate
who finds it impossible to attend.
In case any School, or Church
that has no School, fails to elect
delegates <he first three adults
who register from that Church
will be counted as delegates. Any
others will be visitors. All trains
will be met by the Entertainment
Committee. Each delegate will
register and will be entertained
free while attending the Conven
The various' railroads of the
State have granted a low round
trip rate whicn is but little more
than half of the usual price.
From the office of the State Asso
ciaton in Atlanta comes the news
that while there were 870 register
d delegates from 91 counties at
Aged and Excellent Citizen of
McDonough District Died
Wednesday of last Week.
Mr. W. T. Travnham died at his
his home in McDonough d strict
Wednesday.night of la*>t week at
10 o'clock.
Mr. Traynham was 93 years of
age and was pro'-ah v one of the
o'dest men in | our county. He
was a good ipan. whose life,
quietlv sp nt was yet filed wiih
worthy deeds and kindly ways
which made him friends of all
who knew him.
The funeral and interment were
at Salem church Friday morning
at 11 o’clock. The Rev. H. V.
Adamson conducted the services.
Mr. Trayiiham is survived bv
one son, Mr. Will Traynham, of
Locust Grove.
Rev. J. W. f,o \vh, a returned
Mis«iocarv fro|n China. lectured at
the Institute Auditorium Monday
evening. Quite a large crowd was
present to hear his interesting dis
Miss H'den Howard is the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Donovan
Mr. and Mrs. Stewart McElvea,
of Macon, were the recent guests
Of Mt> vV,4<\ C .sudlaw.
• , ... . ■.
%M*. 1. G. Walker's manv friends
are d -lighted to see him out after
: s recent illness.
M and Mrs. J W. Brown spent
Friday in Atlanta.
Presbyterian Society
Elects Officers.
The last meeting of Hie Wom
an’s Missionary Society of the
Presbyterian church was held at
the residence of Mrs. John Fisher.
At this meeting new officers
were elected, as follows:
Mrs. R. L. Tomlinson, President;
Mrs. Roy Turner, Recording Sec
retary; Mrs. John Fisher, Corres
ponding Secretary; Mrs. Green
Copeland, Treasurer; Mrs. S. W.
Farrar, Secretary.
Little Clifford McDonald
m Claimed By Death.
Little John Clifford McDonald,
the fo r year old son of Mr. and
Mrs. John McDonald, died at his
parents’ home at Snapping Shoals
Sunday afternoon at 2:45 o’clock.
He was a bright and winsome
young lad and made friends of all
who knew him. His sunny and
cheering presence is sorely missed
from the stricken home «f the be
reaved parents.
The funeral and interment were
at Hopewell Monday afternoon at
2:30 o’clock. Rev. Mr. Kennedy
conducted the services,
the Convention last year, the
probability is that attendance will
;be better this year. From all sec
tions of the State Sunday School
workers are planning to attend.
Ten people from one station in
Dade County, which is about three
hundred miles from the Conven
tion, have indicated that they will
go. The round trip rate from Mc-
Donough is $4,20.
Mayor of Progressive City With
Civic League Issjes Proclama
tion April 15-16 as Dates.
t —■*
We publish below the procla
mation uf Mnyor Lou L. Pitts, of
'Locust Grove, cal"or for “clean
up” week in Locust Grove.
The civic le igue there is sup
porting the Mayor in this com
mendable work and no doubt Loc
ust Grove w ill profit bv observing
tilt 1 days as urge 1. Other cities
and communities would do well to
follow such a worthy example.
Whereas, tlm re exist, in this
and other -towns and cities of
Georgia, organizations known as
civic leagues, whose aims and ef
forts are directed toward making
more wholesome the civic status
|of the various cities and munici
palities in which such leagues are
i in vogue; and —
Whereas, it is customary to set
i apart a day, or certain days, in
each year when the citizens of
'said towns shall cease from their
regular vacations and engage in
i the work of making more attrac
tive and healthful the thorough
fares and individual premises of
their respective communities.
Therefore, I, acting in coiijtme
jtion with the Civic League of
1 ! Oeost Grove, do proclaim fhrG
the days beginning with the sth,
day or April and ending with the
12th day of April, 1915, shall be
known as “clean up,, days in th? *,
the town of Locust Grove; and I
express the hope that we all may
enter unitedly,"and heartily into
these worthy labors for improv
ing the appearance and sanitary
conditions of the town in which
we live.
Signed, this, the 30th day of
March, 1915.
Lon L. Pitts,
A Man's Recreation Creed
First, I will never patronize an
entertainment that brutalizes man
or shames a woman.
Second, I will always do some
part of my playing in the open air.
Third, I will not he merely a
lazy spectator of sport; 1 will taste
for myself its zest and thrill.
Fourth, I will a,roidover-amuse
ment as I pray that I may be sav
ed from overwork.
Fifth, I will choose the am use -
ments that mv wife can share.
Sixth, I will not spend Sunday
lin carin'* for my bodily pleasures
)so much that 1 forget my soul and
its relations to God’s kingd an.
Seventh. 1 will never spend on
pleasure money that belongs to
other aspects of my life.
Eighth, I will remember to en
joy a boy’s sports again when my
boy needs me as a chum.
Ninth, 1 will recollect that play
should be for the sake of my
mind as well as for my * body;
hence I shall not shun those
forms of entertainment that deal
with ideas
Tenth, I will never let play
serve as the end of existence, but
always it shall be used to make
me a better workman and a rich
er soul. —The. Front Rank.
Excel'ent and Prominent Citizen
of Stockbridcte District Died
Thursday of Last Week.
Mr.'Jim Jarrett. Sr., died at his
home m ol I Stockhridge Thurs
day morning of last week at 8
Mr. Jarrett was 73 years of age
and was one of the county’s best
men. He was upright in his deal
ings and genial and pleasant in
his intercourse with Irs fellows.
Ho had many friends who join
with the bereaved family in
mourning his death.
Ihe funeral services were held
at the residence Friday, morning
at 10 o’clock and the interment fol
io wed at Old Concord cemetery.
Rev. Mr. Rowden conducted the
Mr. Jarrett is survived by his
wife: and four sons; Messrs?. J. Ol
Jarrett, T. W. Jarrett, O. J. Jarrett,
and R. L. Jarrett.
Mrs. B. E, Horton and Mrs.
W. G. Copeland Entertain.
Mrs. 'A F. Horton aud Mr-*.
Given Copeland at the home of thft
former entertained ten of their
duly friends Friday.
An elegant repast was served.
I' '.i ke and all tlieacioessories were
1* vid. •hi these loli.s in thia
h.*a.ut-if nliy served <ltnne»\
Pine Apple.
Mrs. W. A. Copeland, from near
Ml.-Carmel, vi ;ited relatives in this
section Friday nightard Saturday.
Mr. J M. In ster and family vis
ited Mrs. T. VV. Price and family
Mr. and Mrs. C.'E. Lester visit
ed Mr. W. VV. Norton and family
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown, Mrs.
Cora Hill and Miss Maud Hill made
a motor trip to Atlanta Saturday.
Mrs. B. E. Horton and Mrs. W.
G. Copeland entertained very
charmingly at the former’s home
at a spend-the-day party Friday.
Miss Annie Lemon is at home
from Agnes Scott college for a
hurt vacation.
The Rev. J. M. Gilmore was
■•dh d Tuesday to Wart hen to at
tend the funeral of his aunt, Mrs.
George Gilmore.
Speer examines the eyes and
fits glasses for all eye troubles.
Tomato p'ants three months old
for sale. C. M. Speer. Adv.
Misses Blake Bunn and Berma
Bmin sperjt Saturday i Atlau a.
Mis. Turner V en-w rth. of At
lanta, and Mis- iVlozell- Baldwin
of Cuthbert, wid he th ween-end
gu* sts of Jud ;v and Mrs. Paul
Irs. Arthur 8 -wart spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
Irs. Lula' H • i lerson of Atlan
ta, came Tuesii ty afternoon and is
w"ii her moth-r, Mrs. Mary Tye.
for a few days.
Mr. Robert Turner was avisito
to Atlanta Saturday.
Irs. Serena Swann is the guest
of tier daughter, irs. tl. S. Elliott