Newspaper Page Text
the Southern Mortgage Company
Capital and. Surplus, s£oo,ooo. Established IS 7
Gould Building—lo Decatur Street— 9 Edgewvod Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums;
ot SI,OOO to sloo,oo< ,u Five Ye/**i’ f '"ne at uible raf‘*i.
Our sources ot money 0 * practically- it jxh.. asti^ 1 " We have ~ »trong
line ot customers among individual investors ana Savings banks
and Trust Companies in the North, East and Middle West,
and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.
with assets ot more ‘than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
W, L. Kemp, Vice-President R. H. Osborn, Abstracts of Title
J. W. Andrews, Secretary L. A. Boulighio, Auditor
E. R. Hunt, Treasurer S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk
E. V. Carter, Attorney T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
A. d’Antignac, Inspector C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title Horace Holleman, Application Clerk.
For intormation, call (»n or write to
McDonough, Georgia.
Attorney at Law,
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Buildint.
Will practice in all the courts.
Will be in his Hampton office
on Suturdays only and on every
other dav in 81b iHurt Building,
Atlanta, Ga.
Offiok Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. .M. to 5 P. M.
McDonough, Ga.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
having made application to me in dut
form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of
late of said county, notice is hereb)
given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of tne Cour
of Ordinary for said county to be held
on the first Monday in April, 1915.
Witness my hand and official signa
ture, this 16th dav of Feb., 1915.
3-26, 4 A. G. Harris. Ordinary
To The Citizes of
ough and Vicinity.
For fully thirty five (35) yours
the L. & M 8 ini Mixed Keu
Ptints have boom extensively used
throughout the (Jutted States mul
nlso in South A nerioa. They have
therefore been subjected to the
tests of sort of climatic con
ditions— nost successfully—there
by proving their extreme durabili
ty and superi >r value.
See our advertisement on o f hor
jiage, telling pr «perty- owners how
to make tueir own paint, and there
by save sixty cents a gallon on
every gallon used.
Longman & Martinet,
Paint Makers - - New York
People Ask Us
What is the best laxative? Yeans of
experience in selling ail kinds leads us
to always recommend
as the safest, surest and most satisfac
tory. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Mr. J. C. llowell went to Atlan
ta Saturday.
Messrs. K ben ease r Taylor and
Charlie Ragsdale, of Lithoniii, were
callers in this section Sunday af
Mr. and Mrs. N I*. Henderson
and Mr. and Mrs. W. H Clark mo
te rid to Atlanta Sunday.
Miss Katie Nep Swann is visiting
relatives in Atlanta this week.
Mr. Milton (lark is recovering
from a severe attack of lagrippe.
Mr M. C, White made a business
trip to the Hate City Thursday.
Mrs. J. C. Howell spent a few
days last week with tier daughter,
Mrs. Ollis Bowen, of Union.
•‘Jay Bird.”
LOST.—On Feb. 22nd between
the depot and Judge Reagan's a
small package, containing 2 yds.
white Satin 4 yds. of Cash's ruf
fling and a white lace collar. Any
one having found the same please
leave at this office and receive
Mr. and Mrs. Ware Hutcheson
and children, of Jonesboro, were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Newman Sunday.
Last Round of Tax Receiver
For 1915.
W ill be at the hollowing places
at the time indicated on the last
Brushy Knob, Monday, April, 5.
Shakerag, Tuesday, April, 6.
Stockbridge, Wednesday, April, 7.
Flippen, Thursday, April, 8.
Sixth, Friday, April, 9.
This is the last round and the books must c!oie
on May I, li)is.
Tax Receiver of Henry County, Ga.
Anvil Block.
Miss Mollie Ri ey, who luts been
visiting sister, C. W. SockweM,
for several weeks, has returned
to her home at Mt. Zion.
Miss Trudie Kelley, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end here with her
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Ritev, of Mt.
Zion, spent Saturday with Mr. and
Mrs. C. W Sock well.
Rev. Mr. Reynolds, >f Conley,
was the guest of Mr. P M. Black
man Sunday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Sockweh, of
Conyers, were the guest of rela
tives here Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. Ed Cowan and little son,
Hiram, spent Sunday with rela
lives near Union.
Mrs. Silas George and son, Bert,
spent Sunday in Lithonia.
Miss Mary Cash entertained her
fnends at a singing Sunday after
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, of
Bethel, and Mr. and Mrs. Fin
Henderson motored to Atlanta
For stylish Millinery see Miss
Blanche Wentzell’s line. Ady.
Mrs. T. J. Brown spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Miss Nellie Callaway WBs the
week-end guest of Miss Sarah
Cagle in Atlanta.
ieorgia, Henry County.
VVliereaH, W. F. Stanley, admin
istrator of EM Stun ley, represents
to the Court in uis petition, duly
til«d ami enter ml on record that
ne has fully administered said E 1 i
.Stanley s estate :
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
oneerr.ed, kindred and creditors, to
.how cause if any they can, why said
Administrator should not be discharg
d from his administration, and re
eive Letters of Dismission on the
first Monday 111 April IPJS.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
3-2 U. 4.
W 1! be sold before the (' ,nrt
House door in the cite of jjoboii
ongh, Henry C »'int (Jiirgii, b -
tween the legal tionrs of sale, on
ill i first Tuesday in April next;
one blue horse ill tile twelve years
old name Sun; one black mare
mule seven rears old name M illie ;
one hundred hnshe's of corn in
crib ; fifty bnsli ds of cootton sen: ;
tvv 1 thousand bundles of fod lei
Levied on as the property of .1.
(ieoriie to si'isty an execution
from Henry Superior Court in fav
or of .I A. M rtin against J. T
Marco JOth
4-2.4. VV. A W \ i > S'-erifi
In the District Court ©f the United
States for the Northern District
of Georgia.
In Bankruptcy
In the matter of Himie Dnbkm
Bankrupt. In Bankruptcy.
To the Creditors of the above
named of McDonough, County o
Henry and District aforesaid, a
Notice is hereby given tliHt on
March 12, IPJS tin- said Himie Dob.
kii> r -vii.s duly adjudged bankrupt
and that a meeting of Ins on dilors
willbe held at IJ. s Court House,
Atlanta, Ga., on April 3, liilii at
II o’clock, A. M., at which time
tile said creditors may attend,
prov< their claims, appointa Trus
tee, examine the Bankrupt, and
transact such other business as ma\
properly come before the meeting.
VA E. H. SEARCY. Jr., Referee,
Griffin, Ga.
Statement of the Ownership,
Management, Etc., Required
by Act of August 24, 1912 of
The Henry County Weekly, pub
lished weekly at McDonough,
Georgia, for April 1, 1915.
Editor, Frank Rtagan, McDon
ough, Georgia.
Managing Editor, Fcank Rea
gan, McDonough, Georgia.
Business Manager, Frank Rea
gan, McDonough, Georgia.
Publisher, Frank Reagan, Mc-
Donough, Georgia.
Owners: (If a corporotion, give
its name and the names and ad
dresses of s ockholders holdin 1
percent or more of total amount
of stock. If not a corporation,
give names and addresses of indi
vidual owners.)
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan, as Guard
ian of Annie F. Lemon, Lessor,
McDonough, Georgia.
Known bondholders, mort
gagees, and other security hold
ers, holding 1 per cent or more
if total amount of bonds, mort
gagees. or other securities: (If
here are none, so state.) None.
Frank Reagan, Editor.
Sworn to and subscribed, before
ne . his 20th day of March 1915.
W. J. Greer,
C. N. P of H. Co. Ga.
[ / commission expires Dec. 10,
! 9 1 6.
Delicate Children
upnally only need a food tonic to make
them strong and healthy
Olive Oil
J\g2l SSiSm Emulsion
containing H'jjrtpho* jJule*. .
is not only the best food tome but is
pleasant to take. Sold only by us.
The McDonough Drug Co.
What's an Editor, Anyhow?
A little village boy was given
the stunt b> his father to write at*
essay on editors and here is the
result, says an exchange.
“Don’t know ha v newspapers
came to be in this world. I don’t
Hunk God does for he haini got
nothing to say about them and
editors in the Bible. I think the
editor is one of the minin': links
>on read of, and stayed in the
hu dies until after the flool, and
1 ben came out and wrote the thing
, and has been here ever since.
! lon’t think he ever died.
“ 1 never saw a dead one and
never heard of one getting licked.
On;' paper is a mighty good one;
hut the editor goes without un
leiclothes all winter and don’t
veer any socks (poor editor) and
piw ain’t payed his subscription
a nee the paper started. 1 ast paw
if that vas why the editor had to
uck tin* juice out of snowballs in
vinter and go to bed when he
had his shirt washt in summer.
\nd then paw took me out to the
vood shed and licked me awful
lard. If the editor makes a mis
take folks say he ought to be
Ming, but if a doctor makes a ini.s
ta ;e he buries them and the peo
ple dassent say nothing, because
Lie doctor can read and write La
“When the editor makes a mis
take there is a lawsuit and swear
ing and a big fuss; but if a doctor
makes one tlv re is a funeral, cut
flowers and perfect silence. A
doctor can use a word a yard
long without him or anybody
anowing what it means; but if the
editor uses one he has to spell it
If the doct >r goes to see another
man’s wife he charges for the vis
it; but if the editor goes he gets a
charge of buckshot.
“When tne doctor gets drunk
it is a case of being overdone by
the heart and if he dies it is from
h( art trouble; when the editor
gets drunk it’s a case of too much
booze, and if he dies it’s the jim
jams. Any old colh ge can make
a doctor; a editor has to be born.”
“I Don’t Feel Good”
That is what a lot of people tell us.
Usually their bowels only need cleansing.
‘ttexoßC. Qtd&dtieA,
will do the trick and make you feel fine.
We know this positively. 'Take one
tonight. Sold only by us, 10 oeata.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Mr. Viet >r Upchurch his suf
fered a relapse and is now confin
ed to his bed, but is n >t too sick
see his friends.
Mrs. J. H Stroud will return
this week from South Georgia
and be the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Ed M -><> .
Mr. J. M. Carmichael visited At
lanta Saturday.
FTR SALE. —sec nd hand 12
' horse power J. I. Case traction
engine and saw mill. Apply to A.
N. Brown, McDonough, Ga.
4-2,3. Adv.
Master Julian Weems has re
covered foil his illness of last
Miss El ta Eirie Lindsey spent
the week-end in Atlanta.
Miss Je tie Ban i, of Eist Point,
spent the week-enk here at home.
Mr. Tom Wall has returned
from Mac m for a visit home.
Mrs. J i i‘S Carmichael and
Miss Ruth ,’ar.nichael spent Wed
nesday in \tlanta.
Mrs. A. R Scott entertained the
Methodist L ties’ Missionary So
ciety Satutd / afternoon.
The Tax R ‘-Mv r’s b >oks f>r re
turns close on VI iv 1, 1915. 1) • not
.forget to oak 1 our returns with
ont drinv. Adv
M-s. W. D. T irpley and Miss
; Ida Lou Tar were shopping
in Atlanta Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Dupree and
Misses M irie, Carrie, Clementine,
and Ida Belle Dupree spent Mon
day in Atlanta.