Newspaper Page Text
The Henr\ County Weekly
* J
Philomatheai Won Over Philoso
phian Society Thursday of
Last Week at L. G. I.
The students of Locust Grove
Institute on Thursday of last week
held their annual track meet be
tween the Philomathean and Phil
osophian literary societies.
The whoie morning was spent
in wit icssing various track events.
In addition to the regular events,
there were the three legged race,
sack races, and at the end a pie
The Philomatheans won the
largest number of events, scoring
95 points against 46 won by the
Charles White, son of Dr.
White, of the Atlanta Tabernacle,
was the individual point winner,
scoring 22 points.
Peyton Griggs led the Philoso
phians with 11 points.
Among the others who proved
successful in the races were Ho
gan, Gray, Montgomery, Moore,
Price, and Fillingem.
As the two societies include the
whole school, the loyal supporters
added much to the day by their
cheering along the track which
had previously been decorated.
As had been the custom before,
the students took charge of the
regular chapel exercises, and
much fun and amusement was
furnished by the various “take
offs” of the faculty members.
Mr. Tomlinson, the lyceurn lec
turer, spoke in the auditorium at
night, and his humorous lecture
proved a fitting number with
which to close the day’s program.
South Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore, of
Atlanta, spent the week-end with
the latters parent’s, Mr. and Mrs.
W. G. Callaway.
Mr. C. W. South had the mis
fortune to have his smoke-house
distroyed by fire Monday after
noon. The kitchen caught from
it and at first it looked like the
house could not be saved. The
neighbors heard the alarm and
hurried to the scene; while most
of the men were fighting fire, the
others and several colored wom
en carried nearly everything out
of the house. The wind being
favorable, the flames were extin
guished without much damage to
the house.
Mesdames. W. H. White and T.
W. Peterman called to see Mrs.
Birt White Sunday afternoon.
We are glad to note t lat Mrs
Birt White’s condition is much
improved. Miss Esther Temple
ton, the nurse, returned to Atlan
ta Monday.
Mr. W. H. White made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta Thursday.
Mr. W. W. Milam, of Stock
bridge, made a very able and in
teresting talk on the Sunday
School at Bethel Sunday morning.
Miss El on Clark’s friends are
glad that she is home again, and
able to be out.
Mr. and Mrs. Mather Austin
were the dinner guests of Mr. and
Mrs, J. W. Thurman Sunday.
Busy Bee
McDonough, Georgia. Friday april 9. 1915
Popular and Well Known Couple
of McDonough District Mar
ried Sunday Afternoon.
Miss Effie Nail and Mr. Will Ed
Cox were married Sunday after
noon at the home of the bride.
The Rev. J. J. Copeland, pastor of
the Locust Grove Methodist
church, performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Cox is a daughter of Mr,
and Mrs. Tobe Nail and h one of
McDonough district’s most attrac
tive and accomplished young
ladies. She has many friends who
are now expressing their best
Mr. Cox is a son of Mr. and Mrs.
A. F. Cox, of McDonough district,
and is a popular and capable
young farmer. His many friends
are congratulating him on his
good fortune.
Flat Rock.
Messrs. A. 11. Swann, of Stock
bridge, and Gus Owen made a
business trip to Kelleystown Fri-.
Mrs. M. B. Hinton spent several
days last week in Atlanta.
Miss Flavella Owen visited her
aunt, Mrs. J. W. Moseley, of
White House, several days last
Miss Jeffie Belk, one of the effi
cient teachers of Pleasant Grove,
spent Friday night and Saturday
with her sister, Miss Eva Belk.
Mrs. Henry, of Stockbridge, is
spending the week with her son,
Mr. W. R. Henrv.
Mr. John Bellah and little
daughter, of Stockbridge, spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. A.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Wilson, of At
lanta, were the week-end guests
of the former’s mother, Mrs. S. R.
Misses Eva Belk and Dovie Bel
lah were the guests of Mrs. Ola
Thompson, of Kelleystown, Sun
Mrs. Emory Pattillo and child
ren spent Thursday with her sis
ter, Mrs, Pete Love, of White
Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Wilson and
ittle son spent Sunday with the
former’s mother, Mrs. S. R. Wil
Messrs. Lewis and Henry Lee
Bellah spent Sunday at Bethel
with Mr. and Mrs. Bateman Clark.
Misses May and Eevelyn Owen
were the weekend guests of Miss
Mamie Lee Moseley of White
Miss Josephine Pattillo and Miss
Paine, of Atlanta, spent Sunday
with Miss Gertrude Hinton.
Miss Ella Walden, of Atlanta,
spent the week-end here with
home folk.
Miss Annie Nolan visited Atlan
ta Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Waiter Cook, Jr.,
and Walter Cook 111, spent Mon
day and Tuesday in Atlanta as the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. M.
Fambro. Mr. Cook returned to
Little Rock, Ark., Tuesday even
Missionary lea Was
A Pleasant Affair.
A delightful affair was the Mis
sionary tea at the home of Judge
and Mrs. Paul Turner Friday
The music of Mrs. L unar Ether
idge was enjoyed and Mrs. Julia
McDonald gave an excellent read
ing. The singing by Mrs. Farml
and Miss Annie G Thompson am
Messrs. Benton Thompson, E. M.
Copeland, and Will Green was
vLry fine also.
Moccasin Gap.
A large crowd attended preach
ing at Sarefis Sunday and heard a
a fine sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. Lon Savage bad
three families from Moccasin Gip
as their guests Sunday week, and
Sunday they were down paying
one of the visits back.
Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Hooten vis
ited her parents Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. John Trayner.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilkerson
were in Moccasin Gap Sunday.
We regret to know that Miss
Sallie Cawthon is not doing well.
We hope she will soon improve.
Master Grady Carter had the
m’sfortune to get poisoned last
week, but we are glad to say lie
is almost well.
A. B. C.
. "... i._l in ftillUhit -T 1 -
Misses Mav Meadows and Julia
Riley attended the teacher’s meet
ing Saturday at McDonough.
Mr. and Mrs. N. P. Henderson
and Mr. and Mrs. Y. C. H. Adam
son, of Ellenwood, Mr. and Mrs.
T. G. Swann, Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
Clark, and Mrs. J. L. Weitley, of
Atlanta, were the dining guests of
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark, Sunday.
We regret to know Mr. Howard
Swann is confined to his room
with a good case of chicken-pox
Mrs. W. M. Clark is spending a
few days with her sister, Mrs .D.
E. Selfridge, near McDonough.
Rev. F. R. Seaborn failed to fill
his regular appointment Sunday,
on account of illness, but Rev. W.
N. South filled his place and
preached a very able sermon.
Ths friends of Mr. J. E. Spray
berry are glad to see him out
again, after a severe attack of la
Mr. and Mrs. Perry Sprayberry,
of Atlanta, were the week-end
guests of the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. C. Howell.
The annual Easter egg hunt at
Mrs. M. D. Ford’s was enjoyed by
.the children and grand-children
Saturday afternoon.
We regret to learn of Mrs. C.
W. South’s illness and hope she
will soon be out again.
Hurrah! For the wedding bells
are ringing. We will hear them
ring in our vicinity soon.
Jay Bird.
The Ladies of the Methodist
Missionary society have arranged
to have this annual tea on the
evning of the 23rd at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dickson.
Mr. H. S. Williams, of Columbus,
spent Sunday here with friends.
1 lie Henry County School Fair will lie held here on Thursday*'
and Friday, the 15th and 16th instant.
A large attendance is expected and it will oe a great event.
The program is as follows:
* •
Thursdw, April 15th.
9:30 A. M. —Grammar school contest in declamation, recitation
spelling and essay.
11:25—Introduction of speaker, Judge T. J. Brown.
11:30 to 12:30 —Address, lion. M. L. Brittian, S*ate School Sup*v
-1:30 P. M. —High school contest in Athletics.
8:00 P. M. —High school contest in declamation, recitation, and
' ■“x x *
Friday, April ic.til 1
10:00 A. M. —Parade by all schools.
10:45 A. M. —Grammar school contest in Athletics.
2:30 P. M. —Awarding of Prizes.
Prizes will be offered in athletics, M muni Arts, Sewing Cookiwg;-
Declaination, Recitation, Spelling, ami Essay.
To Teachers and Pupils of Henry.C unity:
Everv school is expected to take some part in this Fair and/tryv
to win some of the prizes offered. The prizes will be awarded wy
the second day of the Fair
Round About News.
Miss Sarah H McMekin’s many
friends regret to losej her from
their midst. Site left Safnrday
for her home in Washington, after
a few days visit in Atlanta and
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Jarrett visited
the latter’s sister. Mrs. Homer
Sanders, Sunday.
Misses Frances and Kate Walden
visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. White
a few days last week.
Misses Jessie and Mande Jarrett
visited % section
Miss Handy Walden spent the
week-end in Stockbridge with her
sister, Mrs. J. T. Mays.
The friends of Mr. and Mrs. Mer
cer Turpin me sympathizing with
them in the loss of their residence,
which was U i.stroyed by fire Thurs
Mr. Ike Self ridge was hauling a
new girl Sunday.
Mr. Lee Mays took a few' of his
friends a joy ride in his auto
through this section Sunday.
Mrs. B. Y. White is much im
proved, after a severe illness, her
nurse having returned to Atlanta
last week,
’‘Fairv Fay.”
Automobile Tax Mjst Be Paid.
It has been reported that there
are still many automobile owners
in Henry county who have not
yet paid the 1915 automobile tax.
Therefore all sheriffs, bailiffs,
and marshals are requested to ar
rest all such persons for violation
of the law.
John Bryans,
Commissioner of Roads and
Mr. anu Mrs. T. J. Pattersowi’
were the quests at an elaborate'
dinner given by Mr. and Mrs. K&.
C. Brown at Locust Grove
Mr. and Mrs. Lamar Etheridge
and children, of Jackson, w©r;*-
the week-end guests of Judge arad
Mrs. Paul Turner.
Messrs. Russ FJliott, Hoinaiv
Harris, and Harry Greer, of At
lanta, spent Sunday here witttt
home folk.
Speer’s glasses are helpful toaiii
eyes. Atf*.,.
Dr. and Mrs. A. R. Scott sneou.
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Miss Beula Richards spent It#.-,
week-end at her home in Atlanta..
Miss Bert Ricnards, of Atlanta.
was the-guest of her sister, Miss.
Beula Richards, Friday and Satur
Mrs. Willie Ham spent tfkv
week-end at Locust Grove.
Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagsur
made an automobile trip to Atkaar
ta Tuesday.
Mrs. J. A. Fouche has recover
ed from a severe attack of
Tomato plants for sale, three
inonths old. C. M. Speei. Adsc.
Mr and Mrs. J. C. Daniel had as
their guests Sunday their children .;
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Anns
children; Mr. and Mrs J. P. Nich
ols, Mr. and Mrs. Anurew Blake -
and two sons, of Griffin; Mr. MM&
Mrs. Tom McKibben and iitfck
daughter, of Eatonton.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Ward am.
children spent Sunday with Mi
Ward’s father in northern Heruy