Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
McDonough makes move
A number of McDonough’s citizens have been discussing McDon
ough as a logical point on the proposed new Dixie Highway from
Chicago to Miami. They see the good it means to McDonough in
many ways.
In the first place, it means a great saving in providing a shorter
and better highway between Atlanta and McDonough, which is
greatly desired by our county’s own people.
Then it would bring tourists traveling this long highway through
our county and town almost daily. They would spend much money
in our borders during the year, and the advertising our county and
city would secure from such visits of these tourists would be beyond
Realizing these facts, these citizens decided to go to work and
met at the court house Monday afternoon. Though the meeting was
called only a few' minutes before, the room was filled and every per
son present favored a determined move to secure the highway.
This committee is as follows: Messrs. H. M. Amis. R. L. Turner,
H. J. Turner, J. T. Weems, B. E. Horton, Joe J. Smith, H. B. Neal, A.
A. G. Harris, and John Bryans.
On motion made and adopted, Dr. Smith, as chairman of the
meeting, appointed a committee to proceed at once to travel the
several proposed routes through Henry county, select from them
what they think the best from every standpoint, and ascertain the
date when we may make our showing to the committee who is to
select the highway.
Another meeting was called at McDonough for to-morrow, Sat
urday, morning at tiie court 1 house, to receive the report of this com
mittee and to take steps for the further prosecution of the project.
The meeting also requested that all the citizens of the county
who live on or are interested in any of the proposed routes also
attend to-morrow’s meeting.
The Hon. J. 0. Gaston, County Commissioner of Butts countv,
was also present and said he and Butts county people are intensely
interested in securing this highway and w ould co-operate with us in
every way possible.
Prominent Luella Citizen Took
Poison and Died at His
Home Tuesday.
Mr. B; F. Thompson died at his
home in Luella Tuesday morning
at 8 o’clock from the effect o poi
son taken by him.
Mr. Thompson and his son had
been working in the garden and
Mr. Thompson went into his room
then walked to the well and
drank some water.
His son met him near the well
and saw his father stagger ant 1 his
father’s appearance alarmed him.
He asked what the trouble was
but Mr. Thompson could not speak
in reply and was dead in a few
moments, before a physician could
reach him.
Mr. Thompson was one of the
county’s most prominent and re
spected citizens, having been in
business at Luella for a number
of years up to a year or two ago.
He was pleasant and friendly in
his intercourse with his fellows
and so had many friends who
mourn his deat .
The funeral and interment were
at Paul’s Chapel Wednesday after
noon at 3 o’clock. The Rev. J. A.
Drewry conducted the services.
Mr. Thompson is survived by
his wife and several daughters
and sons. j.
Mrs. Paul Turner visited Atlan
ta Saturday.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday april 16, 1915
South Avenue.
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. South spent
Sunday witii the latter’s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Sim Selfridge, in
Love’s district.
Mr. W. H. White made a busi
ness trip to McDonough Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Clark, of El
lenwood, were the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. T. W. Peterman Sunday
Mrs. W. G. Callaway, Mrs: T.
W. Peterman, and Mrs C. W.
South went to Atlanta Saturday.
Miss Julia Riley spent the week
end with relatives in Atlanta.
Mr. Joe Howell and wife spent
Sunday with his parents. Mr. and
Mrs. J. C. Howell.
Among recent purchasers of
automobiles around Rex are
Messrs. Walter Estes, Lon Scar
brough, J7m Allen, and Igo Dease
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Clark attend
ed services at William’s Chapel
Mr. Edgar Martin, of Atlanta,
was the guest of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. M. T. Martin, Sunday.
Busy Bee.
Miss Nina Wall Hostess.
Miss Nina Wall entertained the
Methodist Missionary Circle at her
home Saturday afternoon.
Messrs. Otis Love and Robert
McGarity made a motor visit to
Conyers and Atlanta Sunday and
Largest Sunday School Conven
tion in History of State is
Being Prepared For
From the office of the Georgia
Sunday School Association, At
lanta, comes the information that
the State Sunday School Conven
tion, which will be held in Ameri
cus on April 20-21-22, will proba
bly be the largest Sunday School
meeting ever held in the State.
‘‘On to Americas” seems to be the
thqught in the minds of hundreds
of Sunday School workers over
the State. The Americus people
are making big preparations for
the Convention, and are planning
to entertain at least one thousand
delegates. All. delegates to the
convention will be entertained
without cost while in the city.
The program for the convention
is arranged to touch almost every
phase of Sunday school work.
Tiie speakers are some of the best
Sunday school workers to be
found in the Slate, and each one
is well informed on the subject he
is to discuss. The speakers —
more than Hxty—will not theo
rize, but will speak from their own
practical experience.
It is t xpected that many Sun
day schools will have a full dele
gation at the conventio l. -Every
white Sunday school in the State
is entitled to three delegates, be
sides the pastor and superinten
dent. Tue program committee
: feel that no Sunday school worker
could spend three days in Ameri
cas without being greatly helped.
Round About News.
Mr. T. W. Jarrett spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Miss Ida May Jones spent last
week in /vilauia.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Walden visi
ted their daughter, Mrs. B. Y.
White, Saturday.
Mr. B. W. Walden spent Wed
nesday and Thursday in Atlanta.
Mr. Tom Jarrelt, Jr., and sisters,
Amic and Rosa, attended the ex
hibition at Union Monday night.
Mrs. Ed Owen, of Atlanta, was
the week-end guest of Mesdames
T. W. Jarrett and R. M. Barr.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Pattillo, of
Rex, were the guests of the tor
mer's mother, Mrs Media Pattillo,
Mr. Tom Cook and wife and
mother visited Mr. and Mrs. T.
W. Jarrett and family Sunday.
Mr. Bernice Crumbley and Anne
Jarrett visited Miss Tempie Jones
a short wnile Sunday.
The friends of Mr. Green Jones,
Jr., regret that he is very ill.
A certain young lady was wear
ing a new watch Sunday and
“hated to see what time it was as
often as wanted to.”
Miss Annie Nolan Hostess.
Miss Annie L. Nolan entertained
Miss Marguerite Ward and a few
other Atlanta friends at a box
party Monday afternoon.
Miss Ward is soon to be wedded
to Mr. Charles Frederick Roddy.
Miss Nellie Callaway visited
Hampton Sunday.
McDonough will celebrate
Hon. J. Q. Nolan Will be Orator of the Day—Other Features Afsss,.
Veterans Automobile Ride, Etc.
Complete Program is Published Below.
Ihe Charles T. Zachry Chapter of the United Daughters of the
Confederacy have completed arrangements for celebrating Memorial
Day on Monday, the 26th instant.
The complete program of the exercises is given below. These
wall take place at the school auditorium, at 2:60 o’clock in the after
In the morning the automobile owners of McDonough will cont
pliment the veterans with an automobile lide.
After the ride the Daughters will have a splendid spread for the
veterans in Mr. Daniel’s building on the west side of the pubß*:-
square, the old Henry County Drug Company place.
We give the program of the exercises below:
Master of Ceremonies—Rev. J. M. Gilmore.
Song —America.
Invocation —Rev. 11. S. Smith.
Song —Mrs. Lamar Etheridge.
Reading —Mrs. E. G. White.
Introduction of Speaker—Mr. E. M. Copeland.
Address —Hon. J. Q. Nolan.
Song—Sunny South —Miss Ida Lou Tarpley.
Delivering of Crosses of Honor—By the President, Mrs. J. A..
Song—Bugle Call—Misses A. G. Thompson, Bess Fouche, Mrs* X
A. Fouche. Messrs. Benton Thompso i, Fred Kelley and Mrs. J. fc.
Benediction—Rev. Jonas Barclay.
Ushers and Marshal—Messrs if. M Turner, R. I . Turn r, 1L C
Mr. D. T. Carmichael charge of the automobile ride forVderans
Anvil Block.
Miss Lillie Trammell spent the
week-end with home folk at Mor
Mrs. C. T. Pruitt and Mrs. W.
A. Sock well were the guests of
their sister, Mrs. N. P. Henderson,
at Ellenwood Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Clark spent
Sunday with relatives at Mt. Zion.
Mr. and Mrs. Barnie (’lark had
as their guests Sunday Mr. and
Mrs. Lee Morris and Messrs. Vol
ly Clark and Bertus Cash.
Misses Bessie May Pruitt mm
Vara Sockwell spent Sunday with
Katie Blackman.
Messrs. John Carroll and Char
lie Pruitt motored to Covh gt< a
Mr. and Mrs. Will Clark m
son, Forrest, spent the week-end
here with relatives.
Miss Dora Mitchell, of Mt. Zion,
spent last week here with Mr.
and Mrs. W. I. Mitchell.
Henry County's Crop is 32,671
Rev. E. Oglesby, the govern
ment’s agent for gathering the
ginning statistics in Henry county,
has furnished The Weekly with
the figures for the 1914 crop
Henry eounty’s 1914 crop is
32,671 bales. The 1913 crop was
28.657 bales. 7he gain for 1914
is 4,014 bales, a gain of fourteen
per cent.
Lieutenant A. M. Burdett, Com
mandant at the University of Tenn
essee at Knoxville, was the guest
of his.sister, Miss Burdett, Sun
Popular McDonough Girl ancf
Love s District Young Man
Married Sunday.
Miss Lila Hand and Mr. Homer"
Ford were married at the home erf
Elder A. C. Elliott in Love’s dis
trict Sunday afternoon. Elder I*3
liott performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Ford is an attractive ana
talented yoiftig lady of McDon*-
ough, and is a daughter of Mr
and Mrs. W. F. Hand. Her host
of friends in many sections are
extending to her their best wisher .
Mr. Ford is a son of Mrs. Georg*’
Ford and is one of Love’s district’s
most popular and capable younjr
farmers. He has many friemiss
who are congratulating him otv
his good fortune.
Mr. and Mrs. Ford are m iking
their home with the groom's,
mother in district.
Conley. v
Mrs. Annie Stephens is reaT
sick for the past week.
Mr. W. I. James his completed
the new room to his hoase and
has also dug a new well.
They are preparing to have a.:
Memorial Day at Tanners’ churdb
the first Sunc-ay in April.
Mrs. Oma Stephens has been
real sick for the past week but ire
hope she will soon be better.
Mr. L. T. Lane visited his moth
er at College Park Saturday.
Mr. J. M. Avery and little sot
Monroe, have been sick for a fe*
days, but we trust they wiil bo&
soon be well again.