The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 16, 1915, Image 2

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Herry County Weekly
Kntomlat t.h- post-tF coat MoO. rnng
Ov, a« second-i- tra.l mar' r.
Advertisin'? Kates furnished on Ampli
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga., April 10, 1915
It Depends on You.
Do you remember how a new
depot was secured for McDon
ough? Doyou«not recall that it
was a matter in which every ci i
zen oi McDonough became active
ly interested?
A id when the time came for
the hearing before the State Rail
road Commission in Atlanta, Me
Donough—or most of it —went to
Atlanta and attended the hearing.
We succeeded. And no man
can with reason say that it is im
possible for McDonough to secure
anything she really wants, when
he recalls how admirably we
managed the depot matter.
This same interest in the heart
of t very citizen can secure for
McDonough anything it seeks.
How much broader the work,
however, and how much larger
force of co laborers can we have
when our cause is a county cause
as well as a city cause.
And such a cause is the project
to secure the Dixie Highway
through Henry county.
This is a case in which several
counties are intesely interested,
Butts county is as much concerned
as Henry, for the route which
would traverse Henry county must
also traverse Butts.
The purpose is for the route t >
enter Henry county on the noith
side, come through McDonough,
e via Wbite House or Flat
Rock, then through Locust Grove,
and so into Butts county, through
JeriKinsburg, Jackson, and Indian
Springs, thence through Monroe
county to Forsyth, and thence to
This is Ihe shortest possible dis
taiice over a highway between
Atlanta and Maeon.
All citizens of the towns named
and of the counties as well are in
terested in this project. Let us
all but put this interest to work
and we can’t avoid success.
Come to the meeting at McDon
ough to-morrow morning.
LOST.—On Feb. 22nd between
the depot and Judge Reagan’s a
small package, containing 2 yds.
white Satin 4 yds. of Cash’s ruf
fling and a white lace collar. Any
one having found the same please
leave at this office and receive
Pine Apple.
Mr. Claude Pelt, of Griffin, vis
ited homefolk Sunday.
t Mr. J. M. Lester and family
made an automobile trip to Indian
Springs Sunday.
• Mrs. Tomie Price was a visitor
in this section Thursday night.
Automobile Tax Must Be Paid.
It has been reported that there
-are still many automobile owners
in Henry county who have not
yet paid the 1915 automobile tax.
Therefore all sheriffs, bailiffs,
ar.d marshals are requested
rest all such persons for violation
of the law.
John Bryans,
Commissioner of Ronds and
Mr. and Mrs. M. T. Toney, of
Atlanta, were guests of the Dunn
He use Tuesday. ... ......
Inspect the Battle Fields.
Not by going to them, but by
bringing them to you.
We have secured a limited mim
her of copies of a 32 page War
Atlas of Europe, with detail maps
m colors of each country.
While our supply lasts, we
make you ttie following offers:
1. We will sell you the Atlas
for 25 cents. Postpaid for 27
cents. Stamps will be accept’d.
2. To all who, by the payment
of not less tnan one dollar, pay up
their subscription to a date noi
prior to January 1,19 Hi, we shall
give the Atlas free. If you wish
it mailed, add 2 cents in money or
stamps for postage.
3. To all others, v ho make pay
inents on subscription in an\
amount, we shall give the Atl,e
for the additional sum of fifteei
cents. If to be mailed send 17
cents additional.
Be on time and secure this in
teresting and valuable work oi
Offer no. 2 is good’fonly to
those who send or bring the pay
ment to us and doesjnot apply to
those to whom a collector has to
be sent.
Do Mot Gripe
"We have a pleasant, laxative that will
do just what 'you want it to do.
jte'xo&g. OuL&tZie.^
We sell thousands of them amt we
have never seen a better remedy tor the
bowels Sold only by us, 10 cents.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Flat Rock.
Mr. J. E. Bellah and Mr. Jones
of Atlanta, spent Sunday with the
former’s parents, Mr and Mrs. W.
A. Bellah.
Mr and Mrs. Henry Hinton and
Mrs. Oscar Miller spent Ti ursdav
m Atlanta.
Misses Ruth Mose’ey and Ger
truda Hinton wt-re the guests of
Miss Dovie W Lon Saturday night.
Mr. and Mrs. T. P. Bellah an
nounce the birth of a git!.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Mose ey
spent Sunday with the latter’s pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. John Bonner.
Misses Eva Belk and Mabel Wil
liams spent Saturday in Atlanta.
Messrs. Colon Wilson and Carl
Hinton, of Atlanta, spent Saturday
night with Mr. and Mrs. George
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Moseley spent
the week-end with Mr. and Mrs.
John Willingham, of Bushy Knob
Misses Ruth Moseley, Gertrude
Hinton and Dovie Wilson were
the guests of Miss Algene Flake
Sunday. r
Misses Bessie and Loraine Hin
ton spent Sunday in Atlanta.
Mrs. Walter Henry and little
daughter, Edna, and Miss Algene
Flake spent Thursday with Mrs.
Fred Mays.
Mrs. W. A. Bellah is spending a
few days with her son, Mr. T. P.
Miss Mary Walden spent last
week with her sister, Mrs. Ham
mond, near Conyers.
Misses Eva Belk and Mabel Wil
liams were the guests of Miss
Dovie Bellah.
Rev. Mr. Miller, of Jackson,
filled his regular appointment here
Miss Annie Mary Moseley spent
Sunday with Miss Alberta Moseley.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mays and lit
tle daughter spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Henry.
Mr. and Mrs. A. F, Fouche and
i little daughter, Caroline, spent
j Tuesday here with his parents,
I Mr. anu Mrs. J. A. Fouche.
About a year ago we put in service an Aberdeen-
Angus bull with our native cows. If there are any
doubting “Thomases” around we would be glad they
would take a good look at some of these crosses [al
though quite youngl and note how thick, low-set,
round, compact, fine in bone, soft hair, mellow skin,
rich color, and fine head.
Keep a close watch on these young calves and watch how rapidly they
grow and fatten. The sire of these calves gained as high as eighty-eight (88)
pounds in thirty days—and I was not trying to fatten him. 1 say watt n these
•rosses when they tret old enough to put on the grass and sc 2 them shed their
>ahy coats and put on a fine glossy “dress suit” and round up into the ‘ideal”
I have in service now one of the very best voting bulls that can be found,
le is right closely related to the best the breed has ever produced—and “blood
vill teli ”
It will more than pay any man to breed his cows to this animal and have
oming along a ‘ Black Brigade” that will turn dollars and pleasure your way
v hen the price of cotton is low.
No roofing is superior to Galvanized Iron.
We have a car load of the best grade of Galvanized
Iron Roofing.
Let us ha. e your oirly orders.
Planters Warehouse & Lumber Company
McDonough, Ga.
( Iffick Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. in SP. M.
Tin?ms- s n, Hirri,v r \stt
McDonough, Oa.
I f c,s - mi ml.
thts ts How
v /guy 4 gals. L.C&M. Semi
t '' Mixed Real Paint $8.40
Jti And 3 gals. Linseed Oil
4\ to mix with it at
V\ ’ estimated cost of 2.40
Ij /l Makes 7 gals. Paint for SIO.BO
II /» It’s only $1.54 per gal.
„ Thc L - * SEMI-MIXED
ZINC an<! LINSEED OlL—the hes»t Known
paint materials lor 100 years.
Use a gallon out of any you
buy and if not the best paint
made, then return the paint
and get. all your money back.
Co] eland Turner Merc. ' 'o.
McDonough, - - - Georgia
The many friends of Messrs.
Henry and Howard Stansell
sympathize with them in ihe
death of their brother and
uncle, Mr. George Stansell. He
died in Newton county Monday,
and the funeral and interment
were at Timberrid Tuesday.
You Can Enjoy Life
E t v-’t.-i ou \v;. . i- i not be troubled
will -fiou i you will take a
5 °Baa*
before and after each mexJ. Sold only
by us —‘25c a box.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Great Crop Producing
Henry County Supply Co.,
McDonough, Georgia.
Mrs. Baker, of Hapeville, Ala., says:
“One bottle of DR. PRATHER’S COUGH SYRUP relieved me
more than any cough medicine 1 have used in fifteen vearO
Dr. Prather’s Cough Salve
will give just as satisfactory results. Try these and convince your
self you are getting the BEST FOR YOUR MONEY.
For sale by Horton Drug Company and dealers at McDonough,
Ga., manufactured by
Girard, Ala.