The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, April 16, 1915, Image 3

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    The Southern Mortgage Company
Capital and Surplus, Established 1.57
Gould Building—lo Decatur Street —9 Edgewuod Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot SI,OOO to sloo,oo< >u Five Ve« , “S' t'me at ■''♦s table tar m.
Our sources ot money n ' practically ii exh. asti^ 1 ' We havr* *• ttrong
line ot customers among individual investors ana Savings Ranks
and Trust Companies in the North, East and Middle WLst,
and we number among our customers trie
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.
with assets ot more r than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Hollenian, President W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
W, L. Kemp, Vice-President R. H. Osborn, Abstracts of Title
J. W. Andrews, Secretary L. A. Boulighnv, Auditor
E. R. Hunt, Treasurer S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk
E. V. Carter, Attorney T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
A, d'Antignac, Inspector C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
W. A. Howell. Abstracts of Title Horace Holleman, Application Clerk.
For intormation, call on or write to
McDonough, Georgia.
Will be at the following places
atthe time indicated on the last round
Hampton, Monday, April 12
Hampton District, west of Central
Railroad Tuesday, April 13
Hampton, Wednesday, April 14
Lowe’s, Thursday. April 15
Locnst Grove, Tnursday and Friday, April 16 and 17
This is the last Round and the books must close
on May I, 1915.
H. W. Carmichael,
Tax Reciver of Henry County, Ga.
A Telephone for
Eve::;/ Farmer
I i JOU want one ?
■err~..«v-ifc 1
We wP te’l you how to get it at small cost.
Fill out and return this coupon today.
Atlanta. Ga.
Please - G e your free booklet describing your plan for farmers’
telephone service at small cost.
Name -
R. F. D-No - -
Town and State
’h Pryor Street.. Atlanta, (la.
1 4LK
\ >ffice
on every
oti aiding,
Attorney at Law,
jffice in The Henry County
Weekly Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
N'hice iv mi thar th>
undersigned has applied to the
Ordinary of said county for leave
to sell four shares of Capital Stock
ot The farmers’ Bulk of .1 mid us
burg, Ga, Certificate No. 2 1, belong
ing to W. T. Capps, for the pur
pose of payment, of debts and dis
tribution. Said a p plica i ion will be
heard a 1 the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for said county
to be held on the first Monday in
May, 1915.
This Apr. 3. 1915.
J W. Capps,
Admr. E9t. W. T. Capps.
ieorgia, Henry County.
Whereas, I. H. Gunter Executor
of 1. L. (Gunter, represents to the
Court in bis petition, duly filed i nd
entered on record, that lie has 1 id
ly administered said estate : i
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause, if any they
can, why said Administrator
should not be discharged from Ids
administration, and receive Let
ters, of Dismission on the first
Monday in May. I!HS.
A. (i. Harris, Ordinrry.
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. N. B. Bledsoe having made
application for Twelve Month’s
Support oat of the estate of j. E.
Bledsoe deceased. All p rso ns
concerned are hereby required to
show cause before tlie Co art of
Ordinary of said county on tbe
first Monday in May, IDI -“* why srid
application should not h* grunted,
This sth day or April 1141 A
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, T. J. Lewis, L vent r
last will of D. R. Lewis, r i s ets
to the Court in Ins petition, dul
liled and entered on r> cord ih.t
he has fully administered said e.-
tate :
This is, therefore, to cite all persons
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
how cause if any they can, why said
Executor should not be disehi.r -
d from his administration, and re
vive Letters of Dismission on the
on the first Monday in May, l'. ln.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
4-30, 4
Miss Beula Richards spent the
week end in Atlanta.
Mrs. McCollum and Miss Ger
trude Farmer, of Decatur, were
the week-end guests of Miss Ves
sie May i'hrasher.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Low and
M ister Charles Low spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Miss Jettie Bunn, of East Point,
was the week end gue-i of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bunn.
Little Miss Sarah Biakston’s
fri nds regret th it a b idly injured
hand has k ?pt h *r from school
several days. She is nearly well
If You Are Nervous
and are losing weight, we recommend
that you take
contain my Ilypophoapkilf*
for a short time. A prescription which
we gladly endorse.
o,tough Drug Co.
Mr. Vera Harper and Mr. Levin,
of Covington, spent Sunday here
with the former’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. J. W i 1 irper.
The Rev. Jonas Barclay left
Tuesday to attend the meeting of
the Atlanta Presbytery at Senoia.
Mr T A. Sloan spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Th“ Hon. W. E. Watkins and
tiie 11. >11. J. 0. Gaston, ot Jaekson,
were 111 our citv Monday.
Jude; E. J. QReagan made a
rnotoi •:p to Griffin Saturday.
Mr L mis Smith, of M icon, was
a visitor in our city Sunday.
Mrs. W W. Ward and Mrs.
Rosser Ward, of Atlanta, attended
the Scho I Fair here Thursday.
What Is the Best Remedy For
This 13 a quest ion asked us many times
each day. The answer is
utexa&g. (Std&zZle^
We guarantee them to be satisfactory
to you. Bold only by us, 10 cents.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Brown spent
Saturday and Sunday at Bulloch
ville, and Mr. and Mrs. Will Reed
accompanied them home to Mc-
Donough Sunday afternoon.
Mr. Jim Stroud left Monday for
a short visit to Dublin.
Mrs. F. M. Smith spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Judge and Mrs. T. J. Brown
visited Atlanta Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner made |
a motor trip to .Covington Sun-:
day afternoon.
Messrs. J. C. Daniel and B. B.
Carmicheal left Tuesday to attend
the session of the Atlanta Presby
tery at Senoia.
Mrs. J. B. Newman visited her
mother, Mrs. Hutcheson, at Jones
boro, last week.
Yes —Many People
have told us the same story —distress
after eating, gases, heartburn. A
.J&t'i-aßg Tablet
before and after each meal will relieve
you. Sold only by us—2sc.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Dr. Walter Copeland and two
children, of Jackson, were here
M Eliza Crookshank left Sat
urday to visit Misses Emma and
Mattie Knott.
Mr. Gordon Dickson is now con
nect i with the force at the
Miss Annie G. Thompson has
recovered from an attack of la
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Carmichael
and Mrs. A. W. Walker made an
automobile trip to Atlanta Tues
Messrs. W. G. Copeland, J. E.
Hooten and Dr. Horton have made
their homes more attractive by
having a new coat of paint added
to their residences.
Mr. Harry Greer, of Atlanta,
spent the Sabbath here with his
*>* \i
IUV/lllV-1 .
Mrs. R. J. Culpeper, of McDon
ough district, is visiting relatives
in McDonough.
Mr. A. (). Blalock, of Fayette
ville, will be the guest of Mr. Lon
Sewell this week.
Mr. Lon Sowell is spending this
week at home and in the coun
A Convalescent
requires a f<v>d tome that will rapidly
build in* wasted tissue
containing Hy popKo«ph%te*
is a most reliable prescription which we
always recommend for that purpose.
The McDonough Drug Co.
A few friends enjoyed rook
with Mrs. Willie Turner Monday
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Forbes and
Mrs. Adair went to Atlanta Sun
day Mrs. Forbes had a severe
attack of lagrippe, and it settled
m her fa-r, from which she suf
fered intense pain. She went to
Atlanta for special treatment.
Let ill McDonough pul! togeth
er for Dixi" highway. We must
not let Jackson beat us in work
ing for it.
Mr. T. .1 Patterson left Tuesday
to attend a Woodman of the World
convention at Athens.
Mr. F. M. Copeland has returned
from Albany, where he went last
week to visit his sister, Mrs. Al
ii ine Combs.
Hon. E M. Smith attended su
oerior court in R ickdale county
several days last week.
Mr. R. W. p]xu i, of the Sixth
district, was in our city Monday
and secured one Tie Weekly's
War Atlases.
For stylishly and reason 1 ole
priced millinery, cdl to see Miss
Blanche Wentzell’s line. You will
be pleased.--Adv.
Call on Miss B 1 inche W itzell
for high class an 1 low orice I mil
linery. —Adv.
is on us again and we have an
immen e stuck of Diamonds
watches jewelry and .ilver that
has been carefully selected and
priced to cooperate with tha
scarcity of money and the low
price of cotton.
( * ■ 3
0 L% I)
If it is net convenient for you to
pay cash ve «. gladly welcome
your ch. L 3 account.
Dur .1 n Jewelry
20 Ed Ail<nta, Ga
MAD ETO ORDER, ice boxes,
scree 1 • o:'s, windows, porch.
I swing Prices Right. Roy Hoot*
en, M ») lough, Ga.
4-16,1 Adv*