Newspaper Page Text
Miss IdH L'm'i arplHV is tin- guest
of MissLnkye Harper at Jonesboro.
Ths ladies ot the M thodisf Mis
sionary Society will have their an
nual tea at the home of Mrs. J. H.
Dickson tins evening.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M C wmichael
expect to mow hack into tli ir res
idence M ond i when ti !( > « -n
it will have been completed.
Me. Jim Stroud spent Tuesday m
The attorneys here this week at
tending Superior court were : Mes
srs. Frai;f{ Flynt mid \Y. K. H. S h
c.y, Si., and juuge Wm. 11. ti.eic,
of Griffin; Mr, C. L. of
Jackson, and Mr. Lawrence, of
Mrs. Paul Turner and little Jose
phine Turner spent Saturday in
Mrs. Lamar Etheridge, of Jack
son, will be tne guest of her pa
rents here-, ‘Judge and Mrs. Paul
Turner, on Memorial Day
Mr. Henry Davis, of iitlantu,
spent Saturday to M D tnotigU .
Miss M mde Sims, of Pleasant
Hdl, was fh < week- ;tid guest of
Miss Hattie Leon Low.
Mrs. Whit Turner and Mrs. .1 bias
Barclay left Wednesday for Lu-
Orange to attend the meeting of
the Presb,yferial Union of Hit- At
lanta Presbytery.
Misses Bert Richard 3 , of Atlanta,
and Beula Yoss, of Ashvdle, N. C..
were theattraticve week-end gu -sts
of Miss Beula Richards.
Mrs. Tom M'Gill, of Diwson,
spent Saturday nere with het sis
ter, Mrs. J. A. Fouche.
Mr. W. B: Moseley attended the
singingat Shar m Sunday. Messrs.
W. W. Com os, El C»ket. W. G.
Thompson, and Artuur Upchurch
wore among the leaders
Miss Addie May Stroud and M’-s
Helen Barnes, ot Jackson, wt rt‘ the
week-end guests of Mrs. Jim St-ruua.
Mr. K. W. D.iekt-rson visited At
lanta Tuesday
Mr. W. J. Elliott was greeting
his many friends here Monday.
Miss Hattie Bne Low’s ma.iv
.friends here were glad to see her
at home for the week-end. She is
making splendid success as a teach
er of expression m the Cunton
Mr. John Elalgo, of Forsyth, was
' »
the guest of Mr. (J \V. Oaths Mon
day. 1
Mr. and Mis. Sid Ford, of Clay
ton county, were tie- guests of Mr.
and Mrs. J. T. Pendley Saturday
and Saturdav night and of Mr. and
Mrs. D. P. ‘look Sunday.
Professor \V. J' McMillan was
the guest of Mr. George Alexander
during the School Fair.
Misses K itie Lon aud Ella Mc-
Vicker were the guests of Mrs H.
H. Greer during the Seho 1 Fair.
Mrs. R. L. E/.flle. of Atlanta,
was tin- guest of her ninth- r, Mrs.
I [pugg, during the School Fair.
Miss lone Price, ol the Sixth Dis
trict, visited friends hen- lust we k.
Mr a id Mr*. Clarence Fields, of
the Sixth district, «.-re quests of
Mr. and M<s. C. IT Hind Taesda .
Mr. F:ed Mavs, of Stock '»ridge,
was in oar city M today and secured,
one of The \V-jetty's War A.tlascs.
Mr. E A McHan. of Fairborn,
Grand L*ct.niorot the Hoyal Arch
iIttSOMS, addressed the Masons at
>1) tuoii;M Siturdrv evening.
The many friends of Mr W. A
Tarner are sympathizing with him
in his suffering with Catalans i n
his eves. H’* expects* to go to At
lanta tor an operation soon
Mr and M 'S. A. H. Swann and
little daughter were fh. gaesis f
Mrs. H. 8 Elliott Tuesday
Dr. and Mrs. M. E. B wry were
called Tuesday to Jonesboro by the
critical illn<--« of Mrs. Hanes Mr-.
Berry’s sister.
h-"' J mie '{ oten, of B rsh ehe
di-trier, was « guest of Mrs. W. ti
J. 1: g »m tins wet k.
Mr. and Mrs. ffreen Mitchell, of
the Sixth disiriot, were guests of
Mr. an l Mrs. Digram last week and
enjoyed Hie fair also
Mr and Mi". H<*nry Amis and
Mrs. Liluh Copebt d ne to red to
Gridin i'lesda v a (term mil
Judge Daniel Made a Splendid
Charge ta Grand Jury Much
Business Taken Up.
The regular spring term of the
Superior Court ol Henry county
convened at McDonough Monday
morning, with Judge Robert T.
Daniel presiding. The Hon. E. M.
Owen Solicitor General, was also
on hand to represent tlie State.
The gr ind jury was organized
by the * lection of Mr. A G Combs
as foreman and Mr. Alex Borders
as bailiff
Judge Daniel's charge to the
jury was a splendid one, thrilling
in its eloquence, and was a call to
all ii.s hearers to a higher regard
for law and a loftier conception of
citizenship. He magnified the
majesty of the law and enforced
the truth that the duty of uphold
ing the law is upon each citizen.
This week is being taken up
with the trial of civil cases. Ni xt
week the criminal cases will be
t. ied.
Take a
It will act as a laxative in the
The McDonough Drug Co.
Excellent McDonough Citizen
Died Monday Night After
Short Illness.
Mr. W J. Barrett died at his
home in McDonough Monday
night at 11 o’clock.
He had not been in good health
for several but had been
able to be up and about his affairs
until a few days before his death/
He became critically ill about the
1 middle of last week.
Mr. Barrett was about 52 years
of age and was a good man and a
good citizen. Of the rather quiet
i kind, he was not negative in his
1 life and those who knew him inti
mately valued his friendship as a
rare possession. McDonough val
-1 ued him as a citizen and a man
and mourns and misses him in
The funeral services were held
at the McDonough Methodist
church Wednesday morning at 10
j o’clock. The interment followed
at the McDonough c metery. The
Rev. H. S Smith conducted the
Mr. Barrett is survived by his
| wife ana five daughters, Misses
Eva, Clio, Orin, Ber nice and Eliz
abeth Ba.rett.
Mr. Milt Walker
Loses Gin by Fire.
Mr Milt Walker’s ginnery at
Green wood was destroyed by fire
Toesdn v night
TH-* loss was between S2,(HM).GO
and with no msumncc.
Is whs « new outfit and was a mod
ern p’ant in everv wnv
A nnint-er expecting to paint the
sni >k -s f aek on the next dnv, was
sleeping in the building. A >out K
o’clock *»«* started .1 fire in some
loose cotton by stepping on a
match he 3a.vs This* file was ex
tinguished. it was thought, hot. at
11 o’cio k fire was again discovered
and the plant could not be saved.
The Southern Mortgage Company :
Capital and Surplus, sp>o,ooo. FsßibliHicd 1870.
Gould Building— 10 )ecatur Street —9 Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
id SI,OOO to SIOO,OOI >u Five Ve/">* * tie at "-s "> 'able rafm,
Our sources ot money *» practically ii jxh., lsti*' 1 ' We have » strong
line ot customers among individual investors and Savings i>anks
and Trust Companies in the North, Fast and Middle West,
and we nil tuber among our customcis the
John Hancock Mutual l ife Insurance Co.
with assets ot more 'than a hundred million dollars.
J T. Holleinan, President
W, L. Kemp, Vice-President
J. \V. Andrews, Secretary
E R. Hunt, Treasurer
E. V. Carter, Attorney
A, d’Antignac, Inspector
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title
Telephone Saved Child’s Life
One of the children fell into a water tank on
an Alabama farm and was rescued unconscious and
apparently lifeless. The frantic mother rushed to
the telephone and called the doctor six miles away.
Tie told her what to do and started at once, but
before he arrived the child was out of danger.
The protection of women and children is only
one of the chief values of the telephone oil the
You ma have this service at small cost. See
the nearest Beil Telephone Manager or send a
postal for our free booklet.
48 South Pryor Street.. Atlanta. Oa
Popular and Well Known Hamp*
ton Couple Married at Mc-
Donough Sunday.
-Miss Mary Walr.iVen and Mr.
Craton Turner were marrie I Sun
day afternoon at the horn ; of the
Rev. H. S. Smith at McDonough.
The latter performed the ceremo
Mrs. Turner is the daughter of;
the Kev. J. M. Walraven, p.istorof
the Hampton Methodist church,
and she is a charming young lady,
possessing the .vo n inly gr ices in
both person and character. Sue
has many friends throughout the
State who are expressing lor her
their very best wishes.
Mr. Turner ifc a son of Mr. H. A.
Turner and is Vne of Hampton’s
most capable and popular young
business met . Of splendid char
acter and pleasing personality, he
has scores of friends in all sec
tions and he is receii ing their
hearty congratulations on iiis good
For information, call on or write to
McDonough, Georgia.
Attorney at Law,
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Buildup
Will practice in all the courts
Will be in his Hampton office
on Suturdays only on every
other dav in 816 H iri Building,
Atlanta, Ga.
I). A. \ \t< »YVN,
. . * ’ C ■ 'i
, >fmc . S,T
7/n> » v f> e. m,
'G, f u.i< Oa.
Olive Oil —Flesh Builder
One of the host known and most reliable
tissue builders.
Off Olive Oil
containing Hypophoephxtr*
i is both a flesh builder and nerve touic.
Pleasant to take. Easy to digest.
The MfcUOi.- jrug UO.
W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
R. H. Osborn, Abstracts of Title
E. A. Bouligltnv, Auditor
S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk
T. B Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
C. W. Felker, Jr. Abstract Clerk.
Horace Hollemau, Application Clerk.
[[Ml Ml ICtS.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Notion lb lie ruby given a that the
undersigned lias applied to the
Ordinary ot said county for leave
to soil four shares of Capital Stock
of The Par inert*' Link of Jenkins
burg, Ga, Certificate No.
ing to W. T. Capps, for the pnr
|)oso ot payment of debts and dis
tributioii. Said application will be
heard at the regular term of the
Court of Ordinary for stid county
to he held on the,first Monday in
Mav, IPlf).
Tins Apr. J. 1915.
J VV. Cappf,
Ailmr. Est. IV. T. Capps.
Georgia, Henry County.
Whereas, i. H. Gunter Executor
of I. L. Gunter, represents to the
Court in his petition, duly filed and
entered on record, that be lias fol
ly administered said estate :
This is. i In re fore, to cite all per
sons i one. i in-.. kindred ulid credi
tori-, to show cause, if any they
can, why said Administrator
should not be Uiscimrgod from his
idmmistiation, and receive Lot
tors of Dismission on the first
doiiday in May, 1915.
A. Darns, Ordinrry.
ieoigia, Henry County.
Mrs. J. E. Iliedsoe having made
application tor Twelve Months’
Support out ot tiie estate of N. T*.
Bletis >e deceased. All persons
CuncernoU are hereby required to
show cause before the Court of
Ordinary «<t said county on tLo
lies Monday m May, 1915 why srid
apjfiieaUn.t s i >uld uot be granted.
This srb dac of April 1915.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
4 Bb, 4.
Georgia, Homy County.
Whereas. T J L ? wis, Executor will ot i». i:. Lewis, represent#
to the Court in bis |s>tition. duly
til. da ml entered on ncord, tbit
In- ba» lully administered said es
ta :
This is, therefore, to cite all persona
concerned, kindred and creditors, to
ihow cause if any they can, why sa.J
Executor snonni i>m ee discharg
ed from his administration, and r*-
1 ceive Letters of Dismission on the
ion the first Monday in May. HHS.
1 A. G, Harris, Oidiflhry.