Newspaper Page Text
Dupree Ward Host
at Children’s Party.
Little Dupree Ward entertained
a number of his young friends at
his birthday party Saturday after
noon at his home in Locust Grove.
The hall, dining room, and liv
ing room nere beautifully deco
rated with spring flowers.
Delicious punch wn<? served by
Misses Clemmie Dupree and Car
olyn Weems Smith.
The dining room was beautiful
ly lighted with pink and white
candles, and a large white cake,
with the five pink and white can
dles on it, forming the center
piece of the beautiful table. The
cake and cream served continued
the pretty effect.
In one corner of the hall was a
fish pond, in which the children
fished, each receiving a souvenir
of this happy occasion.
Mrs. Carrie Dupree Smith assist
ed Mrs. Ward in entertaining.
Moccasin Gap.
Mrs. Nora Cawthon visited her
mother Sunday, Mrs. Hattie Guess,
Mrs. Jennie and Mrs. Lizzie Sav
age spent Sunday with Mrs. Don
ald Jinks.
Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Wilker
son visited her parents Saturday
night and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. Leave Wilkerson
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Austin near Mt. Bethel.
Mr. Ralph Bailey was at his reg
ular hitching post in Moccasin Gap
Mr. J. D. Carter spent Sunday
with his son, Mr. E. G. Carter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Traner spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Lon
Little Irene and Mildred Carter
spent Saturday night with their
grandfather, Mr. J. D. Carter, at
the home of Mr. H. L. Carter.
Miss Mary Nail was the guest of
Miss Della Carter Sunday.
We are glad to say that Miss
Sallie Cawthon has improved.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Carter
spent Sunday with the three Misses
Cawthon. A. B. C.
f Growing Children
frequently need a food tonic and tissue
builder for their good health.
..~06 Olive Oil
JVSSSsSb Emulsion
tomlaining H vpophotpkUm **'
is the preeeription for this.
The McDonough Drug Co.
South Avenue.
Mrs T. G. Swann spent last week
in Atlanta, the truest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ed Stewart. Friday she
was called to the dedside of her
•laughter in-law. Mrs. J. T. Swann,
who was very 111 at h~r home in
Mr. and Mrs. Martha Austin
spent the week-end with the form
er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. K.
Miss Jnlia Riley was the week
end guest of Misses Mamie and Ka
tie Nep Swann
Messrs. Clarence Scarborough
and (jus Born purchased a new
automobile last week, and gave
their best girls the first ride in it
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. Joe Howell and Mrs. W. H.
White spent Tuesday afternoon
with Mrs, T. W Peterman.
South Avenue was well repre
sented at the school fair last week,
every patron of the achool and all
pupils were there Friday. Some
one daring the day was heard to
remark that the beautifully deco
rated automobile procession and
the immense Crowd of people wen?
» reminder of the Shriners conven
tion in Atlanta. Busy Bee.
Round About News.
Mrs. John Jones visited her son,
Mr. Oscar Miller, Monday.
Mrs. J. W. Pattillo visited Mrs.
Mollie Mclntyre Tuesday.
Misses Anne and Rosa Jarrett
spent awhile in Stockbridge Mon
Mr. Tom Jarrett and son, Tom,
made a business trip to Atlanta
Misses Mandy and Kate Walden
spent Monday very delightfully
with Miss Kate Mays.
Mrs. Frances Grant and little
granddaughter, Frances Grant, of
Stockbiidge, spent Friday with
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jarrett and
Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Walden Thursday near McDonough.
Messrs. Lovett Burch and How
ard Love, of Fiippen, motored
through our section Wednesday.
Misses Mandy and Kate Walden
spent Friday night with Mr. and
Mrs. B. Y. White.
The friends of Miss Snowdie
Clark regret to hear of her illness
but hope that she has entirely re
Little Miss Frances Grant visit
ed Miss Carrie Walden Friday.
Master Charlie Wallace was in
our community Monday.
Mrs. Rosa Jarrett and cousin,
Miss Clyde Jarrett, spent Saturday
night with their cousins, Misses
Jessie and Maude Jarrett.
Master Claude Walden spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
Master Walter and Aldine Mays.
Mr. and Mrs. Monroe Barr spent
Sunday in Morrow, guests of the
former’s brother and wife, Mr.
and Mrs. S. W. Barr.
Messrs. W. R. Brown and B. W.
Walden visited Mr. and Mrs. B. Y.
White Saturday.
Mr. B. H. Walden, of near Flat
Rock, and brother Mr. W. W.
Walden, of Atlanta, visited Mr. B.
W. Walden and family Sunday.
The friends of Mr. S. F. Jarrett
regret to know that he is sick but
hope he will soon be well again.
Mr. Ben Jones made a short
visit to Mr. George Walden Sun
Mr. B. W. Walden is the first one
to report having cotton coming up
in this section.
Wonder what young men went
down the road mocking the roos
ters crowing Sunday night.
Fairy Fay.
People Say To Us
"I cannot, eat this or that food, it doe*
not agree with me.” Our advice to
all of them is to take a
SsisSL “sr
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Estimable Woman of Stock
bridge District Died at
Her Home Friday.
Mrs. W. H. Starr died at her
home in Stockbridge Friday after
noon at 2 o’clock.
She was a woman of excellent
Christian life and kindly ways, so
that the memory of her is a rich
possession left to her friends and
loved ones.
The funeral and interment were
at Flippen Saturday morning at 11
o’clock. Rev. Mr. Duncan con
ducted the services.
Mrs. Starr is survived by her
husband, one daughter, and five I
Panama Pacific Exposition
Opened February 20th Closes December 4th
Panama California Exposition
Opened January Ist Closes December 31
$72.00 Round Trip Fare $95.95
from McDonough via
Premier Carrier of the South
$72.00 applicable via Chicago, St. Louis; Memphis, Shreveport; returning via same or any other direct
route. Not via Portland or Seattle.
$95.95 applicable via Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Shreveport; reluming via same or any other direct
Tickets on sale March Ist to November 30th, inclusive. Final return limit three months from date
of sale, not to exceed December 31, 1915.
STOP-OVERS permitted at all points on going and return trip.
SIDE TRIPS may be made to Santa Fe, Petrified Forest, Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Yosemite National
Park, Pike’s Peak, Garden of the Gods, Glacier National Park, and other points of interest. FREE SIDE
TRIP to SAN DIEGO, and Cailifornia Exposition from Los Angeles.
Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City and
Denver, making direct connections with through cars for the Pacific Coast,
necessitating only one change of cars.
For complete information call on nearest agent, or address :
R. L. BAYLOR, D. P. A.
Atlanta, Ga. J. C. BEAM, A. G. P. A.
Atlanta, Ga.
Commencement Debaters and
Speakers and Editors of
School Annua! Named.
Professor Claude Gray, Presi
dent of Locust Grove
has furnished us a list of the
names of debaters and speakers
at the coming commencement
and the editors of the school an
A splendid commencement is
being planned by this excellent
The names of the speakers and
debaters are as follows:
J. W. Ham, Griswoldville, Ga.
A. B. Culberson, Smyrna, Ga.
W. E. Pate, Locust Grove, Ga.
Judson J. Green, Fortson, Ga.
John W. Faulkner, Columbus,
Judson J Green, Fortson, Ga.
Carleslie Giles, Deepstep, Ga.
Fred E. Smith, Atlanta, Ga.
Ossie Robertson, Lithonia. Ga.
Loma Thomason, Jackson, Ga.
Amelia Walker, Locust Grove,
Myrtice Thomason, Monticello,
Lucy Fields, Hampton, Ga;
Lucile Aultman, Byron, Ga.
Hester May Walker, Locust
Grove, Ga., Editor-in-Chief.
Jake Clements, Richland,
Business Manager.
Helen Smith, Manassas, Ga.,
Music Editor.
Myrtice Thomason, Monticello.
Ga., Local Editor.
Van B. Vaughn, Smyrna, Ga.,
Athletic Editor.
Ossie Robertson, Lithonia, Ga,,
Editor-in-chief, .
Chas. M. White, Atlanta.
Business Manager. ; •
Ruby Pierce, Montrose, Ga., Re
ligious Editor.
Bannie Kimball, Locust Grove,
Ga., Societies and Clubs.
W. F. Pate, Locust Grove, Ga.,
Art Editor.
McDonough Vacant Dwelling
Burned to the Ground Atter
Midnight Sunday.
The residence near Mr. Elliott
Clements’ in McDonough was de
stroyed by fire between 12 and 1
o’clock Sunday morning.
The fire department quickly re
sponded to the alarm but the fire
had made such headway that
nothing could be done toward ex
At the time of the fire the house
was vacant and the cause of the
fire is a mystery.
The loss was something over
$1,000.00 and was covered by in
Many People In This Town
never really enjoyed a. meal until
we advised them to take a
ftoxogg. D Tabtet ia
before and after each meat Sold only
by up— 26c a box.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Automobile Tax Mist Be Paid.
It has been reported that there
are still many automobile owners
in Henry county who' have not
yet paid the 1915 automobile tax.
Therefore all sheriffs, bailiffs,
and marshals are requested to ar
rest all such persons for violation
of the law.
John Bryans,
Commissioner of Roads and
Mr. John Dozier
Loses Infant Dagghter.
The little three-months-old in
fant daughter of Mr. John Dozier
died Thursday of last week.
The funeral and interment were
at the McDonough cemetery Fri
day morning at 11 o’clock, the
Rev. H. S. Smith conducting the
The little one’s mother passed
away just a few weeks ago and
many friends are sympathizing
with the bereaved father.
0 YOU will SAVE
JyJjgMr f 56 cts. PER GAL.
/nilb\ /Buy 4 gals. L.C&M. Semi
v / Mixed Real Paint |B.4C
7 X7T I And 3 gals. Linseed Oil
A If to mix with it at
v\ \ I estimated cost of 2.40
\1 A I Makes7 e als - Paint for SIO.BO
1/a /I I It’s only $1.54 per gal.
■EAL paint is pure white lead.
ZINC and LINSEED OIL —the beat knows
P*lal materials for 100 years.
Use a gallon out of any you
buy and if not the best paint
made, then return the paint
and get all your money back.
Copeland Turner Merc. Co.
McDonough, - - . Georgia
i j *
is on us again and we have an
immense stock of Diamonds
watches jewelry and silver that
has been carefully selected and
priced to cooperate with the
scarcity of money and the low
price of cotton.
If it is not convenient for you to
pay cash we will gladly welcome
your charge account.
Durham Jewelry
20 Edgewood Ave Atlanta, Ga
Our Advice Is:
When you feel out of sort* from consti
pation, let us say that if
jtexaßE (9tdenEi&a&
do not relieve you, see a physician,
because no other home remedy will.
Sold only by us, 10 cents.
The McDonough Drug Ce.