Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
through McDonough.
Commissioners at Chattanooga
Give Henry County Two High
ways. One By Hampton.
McDonough secures a place on
the Dixie Highway from Chicago
to Miami. The news reached Mc-
Donough Saturday evening, as
the selection was made on that
day bv the commissioners from
the several slates.
Such a fine showing was made
by the competing routes in a num
ber of cases that two highways
were chosen over a large part of
the way.
These routes are called the east
and west routes.
The links in the highway from
Chattanooga to Macon, Ga., were
selected as follows: Chattnooga
to Atlanta —west route, via La-
Fayette and Rome, east route via
Dalton and Calhoun, the roads
joining at Cartersville. Atlanta to
Macon —west route via Griffin
and Barnesville; east route via Mc-
Donou jh and Jackson.
As selected by the commission
the west route to Chicago extends
from Chattanooga via Nashville,
Louisville, Itndianapolis, Danville,
111. and Chicago Heights and the
east route runs from Chatnooga
to Knoxville, Cumberland Gap.
*Ky, Lexington, Cincinnati, Dayton
and Indianapolis.
This proposition of selecting an
east and west highway, which the
commTssTorT dqnhf
importance and standing, was pro
posed by Commissioner W. T. An
derson, of Macon, Ga. and second
ded by Commissioners Thomas
Taggart, Indianapolis, and George
G. Harris Cincinnati. The plan, it
is said, takes care of the contests
between Louisville and Cincinnati
and those among competing routes
through the states of Kentucky
and Tennessee.
The section of the west Dixie
highway south of Macon was de
signated via Albany, Thomasville,
Ga., and Tallahassee, Fla. The
selection of the east route Macon
to Jacksonville, was deferred and
the two Georgia commissioners
were instructed to investigate the
various competing roads and re
port to the commission their de
cision as to the best eastern mute
within ninety days.
The Florida section was desig
nated as follows:
Tallahassee to Lake City to
Jacksonville and down the east
coast to Miami.
This gives Henry County both
the east and the west routes; the
one through Hampton, the other
through McDonough and Locust
We understand that Commis
misioner Bryans will at once go
to work on the east route and
proceed at once to put the same
in first class condition for its full
length through the county.
Miss Lucile Tolleson has return
ed home from her school duties
at Shorter College at Rome.
Miss Nina Wall spent Sunday at
Locust Grove.
Miss Hattie Sue Low returned
home from Canton Wednesday.
Hi§r many friends here are glad
to see her at home again after
several months' absence.
McDonough, Georgia. Friday may 28, 1915
McDonough boy scouts
" %
Tomorrow Night’s Meeting Will
Begin Summer's Scouting.
To Discuss Camp.
The regular meeting of the Mc-
Donough Troop of the Boy Scouts
of America will be held to-mor
row (Saturday) night at 8 o’clock,
instead of Friday night, the usual
At this meeting there will be a
complete reorganization of the
Several have failed to attend
for a number of months and, un
der the constitution, their names
should have been automatically
dropped from the membership
roll. They may however, at Sat
urday night’s meeting, appear,
make their excuses, pay their
dues now in arrears, and be re
stored t© good standing. Upon
their failure to do so, they will
lose their membership.
The matter of having a camp
during the summer will also be
passed on at this meeting.
Sunday School Convention.
The Eastern Division of the
Henry County S. S. Con. will meet
with Sharon Church Sunday, June
Mr. W. W. Miliam, President,
and one of the State workers will
be there.
The following schools compose
division and they are^nrrtest
ly urged to send messengers and
a contribution: This is absolutely
necessary of Henry County main
tains the Gold Star Standard.
The schools are: Fairview; Sha
ron; Kelleys; Timber Ridge; Tur
ners; Bethany; Pleasant Hill; Meth
odist; Baptist and Presbyterian, of
We will try to announce a com
plete program later.
J. M. Gilmore,
For the Committee.
Mrs Hankinson Hosiess.
An event Tuesday evening was
the party given bv Mrs. R. H.
Hankinson at the Hospatal heme
on Keysferry street to the ninth,
tenth,and eleventh grades of McD
onough High School.
Punch was served by Dr. and
Mrs. O. L. Adams.
The young people had a fine
time playing numerous games.
Cream and cake were enjoyed-
Anvil Block.
Mr. Oscar Cash spent the week
end in Atlanta with relatives.
Misses Snowdie and Chiffie
Clark, of Bethel, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Y. C. H. Adamson
Mr. P. M. Blackman and son,
Alec, spent Sunday in Atlanta with
Mrs. F. W. Clark.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Sockwell
visited relatives at East Lake Sun
Miss Eva Stanfield spent Satur
day night with Miss Fannie Mac-
Miss Mary Carroll visited her
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. J.
Clark, Saturday night;
Esteemed McDonough Woman
Yielded to Short Illness
Sunday Niaht.
j +*
Mis , .nnie Snell died at the
home of her sister, Mrs. Weaver,
in McDonough, Sufday night at
11:30 o’clock.
She had been serjously ill only
a few days and her deaih was
somewhat unexpected.
Miss Snell was forty- seven years
of age and was an excellent and
worthy Christian woman possess
ing many noble and winning traits
of character. She had many
friends who are made sad by her
The remains weiA shipped to I
Jackson on the 9 \ o’clock train
Tuesday morning and the funeral
and interment were! at the ceme
tery thereat 10 o'clock. The Rev.
Olin King conducted the services.
Miss Snell is survived by t>vo
sisters: Mrs. Anna Weaver and
Miss Cappa Snell, of McDonough:
and one brother. Mh H. B. Snell,
of Jacksonville, Fla,
Gardner Annual Reunion.
On the 22nd instant Mr. and
; Mrs. W. A. Gardner, of Brushy
Knob, gave their annual family
reunion agd picnic. It has been
the custojn to have a
barbecue in connection with the
reunion but this time Ihe ‘ fatted
calf” was killed And distributed
among the chifdrerfso that each
one could prepare to suit himself.
The result was a regular old-fash
hioned camp meeting dinner.
Barrels of lemonade sat handy
from 6P. M. and ten
gallons of excellent cream went
gotd at 2 P. M..
The war, panic, and even the
Dixie highway was forgotten dur
ing the day and everybody had a
genuine good time.
Besides seven children, sixty
grand-children, and ten great
grand-children, were: Mr. and
Mrs. J. H. S’mpson, of East Atlan
ta, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Bowen, of
Stockbridge, Rev. Mr. Smith, of
Locust Grove Institute, and
Messrs. Jim Burks and S. K. Aus
tin, of Rex.
All had a good time and prom
ised to meet again next year on
the 4th Saturday in May, if nothing
H. J. G.
Miss Annie G. Thompson is vis
iting relatives in Atlanta.
Dr. and Mrs. B. E. Horton, the
Hon. E. M. Smith, and Messrs. H.
J. Turner, J. R. Turner, Joe J.
Smith, and Dozier Russell repre
sented McDonough at the Dixie
Highway meeting at Chattanooga
last week. Mr. Dozier Russell
was the delegates’ able spokes
Mrs. Fannie Sowell and Miss Eliza
Bonner spent Tuesday in Stock
Dr. Wyman Sloan is at home
for his vacation from the medical
college in Atlanta.
Messrs. Otis Love, Robert Mc-
Garity, and Elton Sims visited
Conyers Sunday.
Miss Gladys Parr, of Macon, was
the week-end guest of Miss Ila
lene Smith.
Gunby Host
at ‘ Prom’’ Party.
A prettv event of Thursday af
ternoon was the "prom” party
given on the lawn at the home of
Mrs. Annie Nolan by Professor E.
I). Gun by in honor of the gradu
ating class and faculty of the Mc-
Donough High School.
He was assisted in receiving the
guests by Misses Eva Barrett and ;
Annie Nolan and Mr. Paul Sowell.
The graduating class and their
friends enjoyed a delightful prom
enade, while the faculty was in
tensely interested in a guessing
contest of advertisements.
Mr. Joseph Wilson won the
prize, which he presented to the
charming visitor, Miss Burdette,
of Washington.
The class colors and flowers
were carried out by beautiful
hand painted "prom” and score
Punch was served under a
bower made beautiful by magnolia
and crimson rambler roses. De
lightful ices carried out the class
color scheme in every detail.
One of the most charming feat
ures of the afternoon was the
singing together of the old South
ern songs.
About thirty-five guests called
during the afternoon.
Judge W. A. Brown has return
ed to Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon and
little Olive and Dorothy Lemon
are spending this week with Mrs.
Lemoirs parents in Spalding
Mrs. C. W. Bankston and Miss
Sarah spent Sunday at Morrow
with Mrs. Bankston’s mother.
Mrs. Charles Welch spent seve
ral days here last week with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joel Banks
ton. Mr. Charles Welch came
down and spent Sunday, Mrs.
Welch returning home with him.
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Sloan have
moved from the Brown House
and are now living in the house
with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlin
Mr. Adam Sloan left Thursday
for Louisville, where he will be
joined by Mr. Carl Sloan, and they
will visit the San Fradcisco expo
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph L Turner
left Wednesday for Savannah,
where Mr. Turner will attend the
Bankers’ convention. They will
spend a few days at Tybee before
returning home.
Miss Elon Elliott, of Atlanta,
was the guest of her grandfather,
Mr. J. M. McGarity, last week.
He and Miss Minnie McGarity re
turned home with her to visit his
daughter, Mrs. Ida Elliott.
Miss Jennie May Green left
Tuesday for her home in Yolande,
Ala., after attending school here.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Bishop, of
Atlanta, spent Saturday night and
Sunday with their daughter, Mrs.
T. J. Pendley.
Mrs. W. S. McCurdy and Mrs.
Joe McCollum, of Stone Mountain,
were here Monday to accompany
the family to the funeral of Miss
Snell at Jackson.
Mrs. Cora Hill and Mrs. A. K.
Brown spent Monday in Atlanta.
gp cals
Mr. and Mrs I). T. Carmichael
jind children made a motor trip fc;>
Atlanta Tm sday and picnicked aU
Grant Park.
Messrs.!). T. Carmichael air.:,
Will Atkinson left Wednesday fc v
a several days fishing trip toNeiu..
Mrs. Lilah Copeland gave henr
Sunday School class a delightf .l
picnic at the Big Spring Saturday
Miss Zue Ward, of Stockbridge..
is the guest of Mrs. Tommie Tur
*■ f
Mr. Paul Sowell spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Miss Julia Burdette and her sif
ter, Miss Edna Burdette, have re -
turned to their home in Washing -
Professor E. D. Gunby has re -
turned to Ins home in Ihomso/u.
Miss Lul l Hall left Monday af
ternoon for her home in Messina* .
Mr. Ed McGuire, of Atlanta, wf
a visitor in McDonough Sundry
Mrs. Tommie Turner, Miss Zur.
Ward, Mrs. Annie Nolan, Mrs. HL.
M. Smith, and Misses Eva Barrel
and Annie N >i m formed a delight
ful party visiting Lowe’A-' pone:
Monday afternoon.
Mr. Louis Smith, of Macon, waf.
a cad r here during the pas&.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M Turner, Mi _
and Mrs. E. D. Tolleson, Mrs. J.J
WSbrn's, Mr * Alec Brown; aM !
Misses Maude Hill and Lucile ToJ
leson and Messrs. H irold Sowell
and Thornton Farrar, and a num
ber of the younger ones formed aa
pleasant swimming party at Lowe Y
pond Monday afternoon.
FOR SALE—one-half interests
in Ola-Woodstowd Telephone.
Line. Have too much other busi -
ness to give it proper attention..
A. C. Norman, Route l, McDon
ough, Ga. Adv. 6-11,4.
Mrs. I. D. Crawford, of Inmate,
spent Wednesday here with her
sister, Mrs. Annie M. Nolan.
The Methodist Missionary See
ing Circle met with Miss Blakte
Bunn Saturday afternoon.
Miss Irene Bankston, of Jenk
insburg, is tho guest of Miss Bes
sie Sowell.
Miss Edith Ellington has return
ed to her norne in Thomson, for
her vacation.
Mr. E. L. Reagan is at home
from Charleston.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Tomlinscc
spent Sunday in Jackson.
Miss Jane Stanfield, of Jackson
wa» the charming guest of Mr>_
E. J. Reagan Tuesday. Her hotftt
of friends and admirers here are
al ways glad to see her.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo SDent tbo
week-end with her parents ir
Locust Grove.
Mr. Hill P Red wine, of Fayette
ville, spent the week end hen
with his family, now the guests of 1
Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagan.
Miss Bess Fouche left Tuesday
for Birmingham, where she- wdfr
be the charming maid of hono*-
at the wedding of Miss SadiY-
Drake to Mr. Witte. She will b*i
awav for a month or more.
51.00 A YEA.*