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The |
Y g:i will have only yourself to blame if you are “talked
Luo" buying an “unsuitable” or a “theoretical” Car.
T**« two commonest mistakes made in buying an automobile are — First , Buying a car
f :1 suited to your needs. —Second , Buying a car that has not passed the theory stage.
The first mistake—buying an “un
suitable” car—is perhaps made even
les.. often than the second. But for
your ©;vn sake study your needs sen
sibly, just as you study your house
hold needs, and buy a car you can
afford to enjoy—a car you will have
pride in, and yet one that will not be a
“ghost of reproach” to year good
38,000 happy satisfied Maxwell owners are driving 33,000 handsome streamline Maxwell Cars to-day— at an up-keep
cost that any man of any standing can afford, and at an original cost that is simply a practical investment.
Twelve hundred a week, five thousand a month. That is the actual
outf ut of “The Wonder Car” right now and. constantly increasing.
Not hare promises that cannot be kept, but actual deliveries to
l.ic.: well Dealers.
Stop! Think a moment. There rrust he something back of
a production so great. There must be the hearty approval and
confidence of the public in the car they buy and the car must merit
it all
The Maxwell Company’s Guarantee of Service to Maxwell Owners
No other r mobile is backed by a more reliable service than that guaranteed every Maxwell owner. More than 2,000 Maxwell dealers
—in every part of this country —are always ready to give expert advice, to make adjustments, and to supply new parts at reasonable prices
This splendid Maxwell dealer service organization is perfected and completed by the chain of Maxwell owned and Maxwell operated
Service Branches. Sixteen great Maxwell Service Stations are so located throughout the country that a Maxwell dealer can supply any part
for an owner within a few hours if not in his stock. Maxwell Service is one of the great advantages essayed by Maxwell owners.
Order a Maxwell from us now, and when you want it delivered, we will
give you your car—not an excuse on delivery day
® ETIOrT s.ap.tek *r »rr*ou staitu 'bj ®*a
The second mistake buying a
“theoretical” car is perhaps the
sadder mistake or the tv o —because
when you have made this mistake,
you have on your h?.nds some engi
neer’s or designer's untried theory,
instead cf a tried, kr ~ r, *n, successful
car. And you have pc. a price that,
put in the right car, would never
been a reproach but would have
200 Maxwell Cars Every Day
26 Maxwell cars every hour of the business day. Yes, that is
just what the public are buying, and wnen you order a Maxwell,
you get one the day you want it.
Back of each Maxwell stands one of the greatest and most
efficient organizations in the industry* and one strong enough
financially to insure you against the purchase of an “orphan car”
and to give you actual deliveries of a wonderful car on the day
you want it.
bought an automobile of real pride
and joy.
It is because se** theoe two mis
takes being constantly made be
cause we see sensible people being
constantly talked into these “auto
mobile fiascos” that we boast so
much about the record of the cur we
sell —The Maxwell.