Newspaper Page Text
denry County Weekly
Entered at the postofflc«*at McDonougD,
Ba., .vs second-cirtSß mail matter.
Advertising Rates furnished on Appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough, Ga., June 4, 1915.
A Voice That is Hushed.
Thousandsthroughout the coun
try mourn Judge Daniel’s death.
They will miss him in all the varied
activities in which his splendid
powers were engaged during this
all too brief earthly pilgrimage.
Different peoples will remember
him with different thoughts tup
perinost in their minds. Many of
Ibis secret order companions enjoy
ed the prolonged friendship of the
ripening years. But many more,
4o whom fortune denied this boon,
knew the spell of his eloquence
and so the vast proportion of the
fraternity men will J[remember
himmore with the» thought
of the charming gift of* speech
which was his and which reach
ed its loftiest periods when strung
to the tune of fraternal work.
Many in the State and in the
circuit will remember him with
thought of his career as an*’able
and just judge and ofi the fcinspir
:ing charges, which he was wont to
make to the grand juries ■of the
And an even smaller circle will
have as the prominent thought in
remembering him the Christian
faith that fashioned his powers
for conquest in all the fields in
which he labored. These are the
tellow officers of his church and
the fortunate members of the
Baracca class which he taught.
But as wide as its limits, even
in the circuit we believe a majori
ty will remember him more with
the uppermost idea of the bound
ess humanity,of the man.
Some men succeed and rise to
the heights by knowing men. We
kuow of no higher tribute which
could be paid to the purity of a
man’s life than that which can
surely be paid to Judge Daniel, he
succeeded and rose because men
knew him.
He had the fame of being called
America’s most gifted secret order
orator. This was achieved by the
application of his intense energy
So the mastery of the subject.
Much thought and work entered
into the preparation of his ad
dresses and this gave him a inas-
Sery over his audiences.
With all his labors .'and all his
thinking, however, a person never
approached this gracious gentle
man without receiving a greeting
so genial and kindly that one
would think every other pursuit
were abandoned to the judge’s
feeling of pleasure in the greet
So we think more of the man
than the judge or the high official
and feel the loss of the light of a
life that loved his fellows and the
silence of a voice whose brotherly
greeting of friend with friend
went deeper to our hearts than
all the splendid eloquence of the
nation-thrilling oration.
Inspect the Battle Fields.
Not by going to them, but bv
bringing them to you.
We have secured a limited num
ber of copies of a 32 page War
Atlas of Europe, with detail maps
m colors of each country.
While our supply lasts, we
make you the following offers:
1. We will sell you the Atlas
lor 25 cents. Postpaid for 27
cents. Stamps will be accepted.
2. To all who, by the payment
of not less than one dollar, pay up
their subscription to a date not
prior to January 1, 1916, we shall
give the Atlas free. If you wish
it mailed, add 2 cents in money or
stamps for postage.
3. To aii others, w ho make pay
ments on subscription in any
amount, we shall give the Atlas
for the additional sum of fifteen
cents. If to be mailed send 17
cents additional.
Be on time and secure this in
teresting and. valuable work of
Offer no. 2 is good only to
those who send or bring the pay
ment to us and does riot apply to
those to whom a collector has io
be sent.
r YOU will SAVE
A | 56 cts. PER GAL
* JBu y 4 gat?. L.C&M. Semi
1, / Mixed Real Paint $8.40
/0| I And 3 gals. Linseed Oil
I I * to mix with it at
v\ | I estimated cost of 2.40
II A I Makes 7 gala. |*aint for SIO.BO
> 1 I It’s only $1.54 per gal.
ZINC anil LINSEED OIL- the best known
paint materials lor 100 years.
Use a gallon out of any you
buy and if not the best paint
made, then return the paint
and get all your money back.
Copeland Turner Merc. Co.
McDonough, - - - Georgia
Guardian's Application to Sell
Real Estate.
Georgia, Spalding County:
After four wholes no ice, pur
suant to See ;U)hs of the Civil Code,
a petition, ot which a true copy is
subjoined, will he presented to the
Honorable Robt. T Daniel. Judge
of tiie Superior Court, at the Court
House at Griffin, in said County,
at 10 o’eloci: A. A>., ou he 3rd day
of Juiv, 1015
Mrs. E. F. Smith Foss,
C uardian.
Georgia, Si aluing County.
To the ionorahie Eh bt. T. Daniel,
Judge of tli i Superiot Court of said
County :
The petition of Mrs. E. F. Smith
Fi ss rt-sptctfnlly shows;
1. That sho is the guardian Of
Geneva Stmt h Drue*', Claude Smith,
Nolie Smith, and Joyeie Smith,
minor elnldien ul W. H. Smith de
ceased, having been heretofore
duly appointed as such guardian in
said county ol Spalding.
2. *That she desires to sell for re
investment at private sale the fol
lowing property, the same being
the-estuto ol said w ards, to wit :
One third undivided interest, in
and to all that, tiact oi parcel of
of land in Hampton District
of Henry County, Georgia, being
parts of lots Nos. 50, 78, and 74*. in
the Third Dtstnot <>t said County,
containing 150 acres, more or less,
bounded North bv Bear Creek ;
East by lands of W. M, Harris, arid
West by lands t >7. i\ Harris and
C. W. Dupre**
Each of surd four named minors
owns a one tw ltth undivided in
terest in saul la 1 ds.
3. All of said lands reuts for
about eight tales of cotton a year,
and the share ot'each *f saidminors
therein is about two-thirds of a
bale ot a bale of cotton a '’ear, and
the expense of keeping the same is
about $ a. ear
4. The reasons tor making the
application are that said property
is not a paying investment, arid for
the further reason that there is a
judgement against, said Dud, iD
-0! ’ li* g th * mteiest of -aid minors,
land petitioner has no means* fpa -
’ ing the same.
5. P-tit- » or'l. sres to ;»* l] said
propert private sale to Dr. R.
T. Arnold tor the sum of fldqO.OO,
cash, and alter paying the '^legal
!s the Best Beef
Breed in the W orld?
That question has long since been correctly answered. Where breeders are well informed they
have ceased to dispute that the Aberdeen-Angus stands at the very top, the world over. Below is a
summary of the fat car load lots showing the superiority of the Angus over all breeds.
At the International Live Stock Exposition, where all the best breeds compete each year for the
grand championship, you will notice that the Angus have won championships on car load lots, eleven
out ot fourteen years:
Year. Breed. Per Cwt.
1913—Aberdeen-Angus $13.25
1912 —Aberdeen-Angus 14.00
1911 —Aberdeen-Angus 15.75
1910 —Aberdeen-Angus 13.50
1909 —Shorthorn __ 15.00
1908 —Aberdeen-Angus 11.00
1907 —Aberdeen-Angus 8.00
1906—Aberdeen-Angus 17.00
1905 —Aberdeen-Angus__ . 8.65
1904 —Aberdeen-Angus 10.00
1903 —Hereford 8.35
1902 —Aberdeen Angus 14 50
1901 —Hereford 12.00
1900 —Aberdeen-Angus 15 50
In the single carcass contest the Angus have won thirteen out of the fourteen years. These fig
ures are taken from the records and are undisputable. If you want to grade up your cattle with the
best breed in the world, bring your cows along.
Panama Pacific Exposition
Opened February 20th • Closes December 4th
Panama California Exoosition
Opened January Ist Closes December 31
$72.00 Round Trip Fare $95.95
from McDonough via
Premier Carrier of the South
$72.1)0 applicable via Chicago, St. Lcuis, Memphis, Shreveport; returning via same or any other direct
route. Not via Portland or Seattle.
§95.95 applicable via Chicago. S\ Louis, Memphis, Shreveport; reluming via same or any other direct
Tickets on sale March Ist to November 30th, inclusive. Einal return limit three months from date
of sale, not to exceed December 31, 1915.
STOP-OVERS permitted at all points on going and return trip.
SIDE TRIPS may be made to Santa Fe, Petrified Forest, Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Yosemite National
Park, Pike’s Peak. Garden of the Gods, Glacier National Park, and other points ot interest. FREE SIDE
TRIP to SAN DIEGO, and Cailifornia Exposition from Los Angeles.
Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas Citv and
Denver, making direct connections with through cars for ihe Pacific Coast,
necessitating only one change of cars.
For complete information call on nearest agent, or address:
R. L. BAYLOR, D. P. A.
Atlanta, Ga. J. C. BEAM, A. G. P A.
Atlanta, Ga.
charge* against said fund, to r**iu
v-*sfc *ht* jmxvs-ds bv depositing
a .nit* in th** Savings ib»» k "t C.i:-
fiu at 4 per cent compound interest.
ti. Petitioner shows that notice
o k her intention *,o make this appli
cation has been published once a
week for tear weeks in the Griffin
Datlev News and Sun, and the Hen
ry Countv Weekly, being the news
papers in whick county advertise
merits are usually published in
Spalding and H-nry Counties, as
required ' b<w
Mrs. E. F. i, Smith) F<&s.
Sworn to and subscribed het<i* e
me this 24th duv of Mav p»i r>.
W. C. Beeks, X. P., Scalding
C Mint;, , t-ia. (i-25, 4.
Many People In This Town
never really enjoyed a meal until
we advised them to take a
Stesffi °KT, p 4 i *
before and after each meal. Sold only
by us —2oc a box.
Miss Bessie Sowell is visiting
friends at Jenkinsburg.
Miss Blanche Wentzell spent
Friday in Atlanta.
Rev. and Mrs. A. B. Sanders
Lose Infant Daughter.
The many friends here of Rev.
and Mrs. A. B. Sanders were
pleased last week to receive the
news ot the birth to them of a
This week however ve hear of
the death of the little girl, which
oceured at their home in Mays
The bereaved family have the
sympathy of all our people in