Newspaper Page Text
Excellent and Aged McDonough
District Citizen Died Wednes
day at Noon.
Mr. John K ...mball died Wed
nesday at noon, after a long ill
Mr. Kimball was 75 years of age
and was one of our county’s most
splendid citizens. He was of the
quiet, unassuming kind, but the
character and the heart of the
man were of pure gold.
He had a host of friends who
will mourn his dea'h.
The funeral will be at the Mc-
Donough Methodist Church this
(Friday) morning, and the inter
ment will follow at the McDon
ough cemetarv. The Rev. H. S.
"Smith will conduct the services.
Mr. Kimball is survived by three
sons: Messrs. Lon and Olin Kim
ball, of McDonough district, and
Mr. Charley Kimball, of Jackson;
and ten grandchildren.
Miss May Tarver left Monday
for a visit to Clarkston, from
where she w ill go to her home at
Lincolnton for the summer.
Mrs. Harry Dunn left today
to visit her parents, the Rev. and
Mrs. J L. Brownlee, at Madison.
Mr. Harry Dunn accompanied her
to Atlanta.
Miss Rosa Lee Brown is at
home from Shorter College at
Mr. Walter Cook, Jr., of Little
Rock, Ark., came Friday for a vis
it to his family here.
Mrs. M. A. Tye and Miss Nena
Tye accompanied Judge and Mrs.
Lew Hutchens home to Lawrence
ville for a visit.
Miss Eva Cathy is visiting the
family of Mr. John E’Dalgo at
Forsyth and attending the com
mencement of Bessie Tift College.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Bankston
and little Miss Sarah spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. James Banks
ton at Griffin.
Misses Frances and Flora Neal
will leave Monday for Oxford, to
attend Emory College commence
ment. Mr. Benton Neal is one of
the graduates.
Miss Helen Harris returned
home Monday from LaGrange Col
lege at LaGrange.
Professor and Mrs. T. J. Horton,
of Hampton, were the guests of
relatives here for several days
last week.
Miss Blake Bunn is the guest
Of Mr. and Mrs. John Shields in
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon have
returned home from a stay with
her parents in Spalding county.
Judge and Mrs. Lew Hutchens,
of Lawrenceville, spent the week
end here with relatives.
Mrs. Jack Craft and Jack, Jr.,
spent last week here with Mr. and
Mrs. E. M. Smith. Mr. Jack Craft
came from the Bankers’ conven
tion at Savannah Sunday and re
mained here till Monday.
Miss Ellene Neal returned Sun
day from Thomson, where she has
been teaching.
Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Turner re
turned Tuesday from Savannah
and Tybee.
FOR SALE —one-half interest
in Ola-Woodstowd Telephone
Line. Have too much other busi
ness to give it proper attention.
A. C. Norman, Route 1, McDon
ough, Ga. Adv. 6-11,4.
Stock Sale of H. Dobkin wil! con=
tinue another ten days.
Come and get your goods at these
sacrificing prices.
McDonugh, Georgia.
Telephone Saved Child’s Life
One of the children fell into a water tank on
en Alabama farm and was rescued unconscious and
apparently lifeless. The frantic mother rushed to
the telephone and called the doctor six miles away.
He told her what to do and started at once, but
before he arrived the child was out of danger.
The protection of women and children is only
one of the chief values of the telephone on the
You can have this service at small cost. See
the nearest Bell Telephone Manager or send a
postal for our free booklet.
48 South Pryor Street., Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Turner Hosts.
Mr. and Mrs. John H. Turner
were hosts at an elegant birthday
dinner in honor of Judge E. J.
Reagan Sunday.
Little Miss Mildred Brown re
turned home Saturday from a vis
it to her grandmother at Bullocn
ville. Little Miss Tommie Grace
Hill accompanied her for a visit.
The many Henry county friends
of Miss Bess Thaxton, of Moultrie
will be interested in the news of
her approaching marriage to Mr.
Chas. Brookfield, of Moultrie, on
the 16th instant. She once taught
in the schools of this county and
visited the family of Mr. B. B. Car
This is the time to fit your porch
for the comforts of the warm
weather, we will be glad to show
you our line of Porch suits, swings,
Setters and everything pertaining
to comfort and your porch, see us
before you buy. Howard Carmi
chael Furniture Co. Adv.
A large crowd from McDonough
and elsewhere was at the singi lg
at old Beersheba Sunday.
Mr. A. A. Jameson, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. R.
H. Hankinson Sunday.
Mrs. H. Dobkin spent Tuesday
and Wednesday in Atlanta.
Mrs. Mollie Carmichael, of Jack
son, was the week-end guest of
her cousin, Mrs. A. W. Walker.
Mrs. John S. Brown and A. G.
Combs, Jr., spent Sunday here
with Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Patterson.
Miss Mabel Williams, of Locust
Grove, came T uesday to visit her
aunts, Mrs. Dupree, Mrs. Huling,
and Mrs. Varner.
Miss Marie Dupree left Wednes
day for Zebulon, where she goes
to attend the marriage of her
cousin, Miss Mattie Dupree.
Speer’s glasses always give sat
isfation. Adv.
Mrs. J. A. Owens left Wednes
day for Soperton to visit her
Come in and look at our line of
porch furniture, crex squares and
small rugs to match, we have an
exclusive line. Howard Carmi
chael Furniture Co. Adv.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and Mrs.
W. W. Ward and children, of
Stockbridge, have been spending
several days at Indian Springs.
When eyes pain you use Speer’s
they cure eyepam. Adv.
• Mrs. Jim Fields is convalescing
after being confined to her room
for a number of days.
Mrs. George Green has recovei
ed from her recent illness.
Mr. J. M. Johnson, of Locust
Grove, was in McDonough Mon
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Turner at
tended the home-coming at Tur
ner’s church Sunday.
Sacred Hard Singing.
There will be an all day Sacred
Harp Singing at Ozias the 3rd
Sunday in June. All lovers of the
Sacred Hard are cordially invited.
Sudan Grass Seed, 25 cents
pound, at Lubbock, free pests
plenty time plant for big hay crop.
C. C. Wright, Lubbock, Texas.
Phene Main C-7S M 2621 J Reside"****
Miss Lorah A Allen
Diamonds, Watches. Clocks, Cut
Claws and Silverware
318 Atlanta National Bank Building
Watch. Clock and J.‘weir.v repair
ing h specialty. AH kinds of plain
and Diamond Jewelry made to or
der. Engr ving, «'piieal Work.—
Engraved Wedding Invitations.
Corner Whitehall and Aiabama Sts.
Attorney at Law,
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Buiiding,
Will practice in all the courts.
Will be in his Hampton office
on Suturdays only and on every
other dav in 816 Hurt Building,
Atlanta, Ga.
Office Hours :
7.'K) to 12 A. M. i« 5 p. M.
McDonough, Ga.
People Say To Us
4, 1 cannot eat this or that food, it does
not agree with me.” Our advice to
all of them is to take a
°Tablet' 3
before and after each meal. 25c a box.
The McDonough Drug Co.
Miss Nina Wall has been in At
lanta this week.
Miss Annie G. Thompson is
visiting her aunt, Mrs. Mayson, in
Atlanta this w^ek.
Messrs Will Peace and Gordon
Dickson went to the Commence
ment at Douglasville last week.
Miss Marie Dupree has been vis
iting friends at Locust Grove.
Mr. David Wall attended the
Wesleyan College commencement
at Macon for the week-end.
Summer is here, we have the
most exclusive line in town, If you
are interested see us. Prices are
no consideration as we have
bought this furniture at a bargain
price and are in position to save
you money. See our window,
that speaks for itself. Howard
Carmichael Furniture Co. Adv.
Mrs. F. D. McMil’an, of Atlanta,
was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Turner Sunday and of
Judge and Mrs, E. J. Reagan Sun
day night.
Mrs. T. A. Sloan’s many friends
regret that illness has kept her
confined to her home this week.
White seed peas, Golden Dent
corn and running butter beans.
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co. Adv.
Mr, Hill P. Redwine, of Fayette
ville, was here for the week-end
Mrs. Redwine and little daughter,
Martha, returned home with him
Sunday, after a two weeks’ visit
to her parents, Judge and Mrs,
E. J. Reagan.
Mr. Joel Bankston spent Friday
in Atlanta.
South Avenue.
Rev. McDavis, of Atlanta,
preached at Bethel Sunday morn
Mr. and Mrs. Talmon Pattillo
and children were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burks Friday.
Mr. W. H. White went to Mc-
Donough Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Austin dined
with the latters parents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. W. Thurman, Sunday.
Mr. M. C. White visited the Gate
City last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert White, spent
Sunday afternoon with Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. White.
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Burks and
Miss Barbara Owens, of East At
lanta, were the guests for the
week-end of Mr. and Mrs. Jim
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Peterman
visited Mr. and Mrs. D. A. George
Friday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. South and
children spent Sunday afternoon
with Miv and Mrs. Talmon Pattillo
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Puket and
children, of DeKalb county, were
the guest of the latter’s mother,
Mrs. M. D. Ford, and family Sun
Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Peterman
spent Wednesday night with the
former's father, Mr. A. C. Peter
man, and daughter, Lucy.
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Gardner and
children, were the dimmer guests
of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thurman
Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Powell, of
Rex, visited the latters parents,
Mr. and Mrs. John White, Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Moore and
Homer, Jr., motored from Conley,
and spent a while with Mrs.
Moore’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
G. Calloway, Sunday afternoon.
Busy Bee.
L ~ Our Advice Is:
When you fee! out of sorts from consti
pation, let us say that if *
jtexogft (hdefrCiatt,
do not relieve you, see a physician,
because do other home remedy will!
gold only by us, 10 cents.
The McDonough Drug Co.
is on us again and we have an
immense stock of Diamonds
watches jewelry and silver that
has been carefully selected and
priced to cooperate with the
scarcity of money and the low
price of cotton.
If it is not convenient for you to
pay cash we will gladly welcome
your charge account.
Durham Jewelry
20 Edgewood Ave. Atlanta, 6a