Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
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LAo i L rift Ui¥is iU ft Kit I
Every School Represented and
an Excellent Meeting Was
the Result.
The eastern division of the Hen
ry County Sunday School Associa
-1 tion met at Sharon church Sun
It was a splendid meeting in
every respect and was attended
by an immense throng of people.
There were official representatives
present from every Sunday School
in the division and every school
pledged to assist in the financial
support of the work.
The interest being manifested
in Sunday School work in Henry
county is gratifying indeed to all
who wish to see the higher things
Former Henry County Woman,
Sister of Mr. Willie Hammons,
Died Monday.
Mrs. W. H. Renfrae died at her
home in East Point Monday.
She was 31 years of age and is
remembered here as Miss Ham
iftons. She was an excellent
■Christian woman and had many
trie ids and relatives in Henry
county w;ho mourn her death.
The remains were .brought to
McDonough on the 8:45 o’clock
train Tuesday morning and the
funeral and interment were at
Bethany at 10 o’clock Tuesday
Mrs. Renfroe leaves her hus
band and jpne child. Mr. Willie
Hammons, of this county, was her
South Avenue.
Sunday was a day long to be
remembered around Bethel. At
11 o’clock Rev. J. E. England
delivered a very impressive ser
mon on the unlimited length,
breadth, and depth of the love of
God. The afternoon was spent in
an old fashioned experience meet
ing. There were just a very few
persons present who could remem
ber Brother England when he
was pastor here forty years ago.
but all were indeed glad to have
such a faithful servant of Cod in
their midst.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 11. White spent
Wednesday in the Gate City.
Miss Ethel White spent a few
days in Atlanta last week.
Mrs. J. C. Howell spent Friday
afternoon with Mrs. T. W. Peter
Mrs. W. G. '"'alioway visited At
lanta Wednesday.
Mrs. T. W. Peterman and Mrs.
C. W. South spent Monday after
noon with Mrs. W. G. Callaway
and daughter, Mrs. John Morris
Mr. and Mrs. Torn Clark, Mr.
and Mrs. Lon Suttles, Mr. and
Mrs. W. R- Carroll, Mr. and Mrs.
Tom Suttles, and Messrs. Asmon,
and Oscar Lewis and Wiley Sut
tles were among the home-comers
from Atlanta Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Waldrop
were the guests of their daughter
Mrs. Talmon Pattillo, Sunday.
Busy Bee.
mcdonouoh, geokgia. frijay junb 1915.
unuyn » i r*sam’Q uoiiAC
iluftcLL o iiuihl
Former Residence of Dr. 6. P.
Campbell Burned Monday Af
ternoon. Contents Saved.
Fire destroyed the residence of
Howell Lemon near the negro
Methodist church and just beyond
the city limits Monday afternoon.
The fire was discovered about 6
o’clock in the roof about one of
the chimneys near the center of
the building. It is supposed to
have been caused by a defective
As the water from the city wat
erworks could not be reached
from that point, the fire depart
ment couid give no aid. Ad the
furniture and mantels, h >wever,
were saved.
This building was for many
years the residence of the late Dr.
G. P. Campbell, and was one of
the first erected in that section.
The loss is believed to be about
covered by the insurance of sl,-
, / t _ _- '4
Good Attendance and Pleasing
Program Marked The Three
Days Occasion. #
The three days’ Chautauqua in
McDonough came to a close with
t-heWerincsd ay
It was thoroughly enjoyed by
the McDonough pepple and by
many from elsewhere.
Music and magic and lectures
comprised the program and a
high order of entertainment
was furnished. The funny and
serious were blended in a pleas
ing way to appeal to every tast.-.
The management and all the
ladies and gentlemen comprizing
the list of entertainers are excel
lent and genial people, and it was
a pleasure for the city to have
them with us.
This ehatauqua was secured for
McDonough by a committee of
fifteen of our public spirited citi
zens who guaranteed sufficient
financial returns to have these at
tractions come here.
it is creditable to our people
that they have lost nothing, as the
receipts were slightly more than
enough to pay espenses.
Miss Blanche Duncan, has re
turned to Powder springs, after
spending several days with Miss
es Annie and Janie Peebles.
Miss Tripple, of Griffin, is the
guest of Miss Mary Fears.
Miss Julia Moore, entertained,
at “Rook” Monday night.
Miss Katie May Arnold, of Lex
ington, is spending sometime with
Miss Orin Arnold.
Mrs. J. S. Johnson, of Atlanta,
is the guest of her parents, Col.
and Mrs. H. A. Peebles.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Moore, spent
Sunday in Molena, with relatives.
Miss Mary Fields, has returned
from Milledgeville.
no um tdu AUKinuurrc
will V»m.l V(1 VVII Wiu w
■ ■
Third Round For Churches of
Griffin District is Published
* in Full.
We copy from- the. Wesleyan
Advocate the following list of
quarterly conferences for the
Methodist churches of the Griffin
Griffin District
Third pfbund
Hanleiter, June 5.
Third Church ai d Kincaid, Kin
caid, June 13.
First Church, Griffin, June 20.
Thomaston, Junl 27.
Thomaston Ct., |sethel, July 3.
Culloden and Cullo
den, July 4.
Jonesboro Ct., ?4bah’s Ark, July
10. ■ -1
Barnesville Ct., t|abernacle, July
Barnesville, July |l, Evening.
Fayetteville Ct., fnion, July 17-
Forsyth Ct., Rogdrs, July 24.
Forsyth. July 25.
Senoia Ct., Mt. Carmel, July 27,
Zebulon Ct., Holldnville, July 28.
Milner Ct., Century Nelson, July
Jenkirsburg Ct., -Pleasant Hill,
July 30.
Griffin Ct., Williamson, July 31.
Inman Ct., County Line, Aug 1.
Hampton Ct., Mt. ,Carmel, Aug.
fcddwp *7 rtv e v , AU g.
Stockbridge Ct., Williams, Aug.
McDonough Ct., Shingle Roof,
Aug. 21.
Fiovilla Ct., Pleasant Grove,
Aug. 28.
Jackson, Aug. 29.
Let pastors see’Hi at committees
to examine church registers and
records of church conference pre
pare reports.
Fletcher Walton, P. E.
Mr. Walter Cook, Jr., returned
Monday to Little Rock, Ark., after
a week snent with his family here.
Mrs. H. W. Copeland and child
ren, of Jackson, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Copeland
Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. E. M. Smith spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Judge C. S. Reid’s many Mc-
Donough and Henry county friends
regret his death at his home in
Decatur Monday. He was one of
Georgia’s best judges and best
Silver Brand Insect Powder kills
house flies. Horton Drug Co.
Adv. 6-25-3.
Mr. and Mrs. Luther Fargason
and Charles Fargason and Mrs. J.
I B. Russell attended thecommence
ment of the Georgia Normal anu
! Industrial College at Miliedgeville.
Mr. John Pullen spent Thursday
| of last week at Indian Spring.
Dr. B. E. Horton attended the
; convention of the Sixth District
Medical Association at Indian
Spring Wednesday.
Miss Stella Williams, of Atlanta,
is the guest of Mrs. B. E. Horton.
Mr. J. E. Cook, of Atlanta, was
the guest of his sister, Mrs. B. E.
| Horton, for several days this week.
Former McDonough Boy Was
Rewarded by Commerce School
For Best Declamation.
In last week’s issue of the Com
merce Observer we read the news
of the commencement exercises of
the Commerce schools.
It gives the news of Mr. Wiley
Sanders’ graduation and of Mr.
Sam Sanders’ winning the gold
medal offered for the best decla
The following words of praise
are used as to Mr. Wilev Sanders:
“Tue class orator, Wiley San
ders, delivered a clear-cut speech,
using as Ins subject, “A Definite
Purpose as a-Factor in Life.” His
stage grace and magnetic man
ners added force to his address.”
These young men are the sons
of the Rev. A. B. Sanders, our
former Methodist pastor. They
have hosts of friends here who
genuinely rejoice at their success
and worthily won honors.
McDonough public schools
Nearly All Old Teachers Reelect
ed. Miss Ellens Neal is
One of the Neat Ones.
The trustees of the McDonough
Public Schools have elected the
faculty for meet year:
Under the management of the
trustees and Professor Gunby, the
schoo 1 has been steadily growing
and has accomplished excellent
The able board of trustees con
sists of Judge T. J. Brown and
Messrs. J. S. Rodgers and W. A.
D. Nelson.
The following is the newly elect
ed faculty:
Professor E. D. Gunby, Super
Miss Aurie Bonner, of Shady
Miss Laura Smith.
Mrs. O. E. Ham.
All the above are in the high
school department.
Mrs. E. M. Fogg, seventh grade.
Miss Edna Earle Lindsey, 6th
Miss Bartha Bunn, sth grade.
Miss Edith Ellington, 4th grade.
Vbss May Tarver, 3d grade.
Miss Lula 11 ill, 2d grade.
Miss Ellene Neal, 2d grade.
Miss Julia Burdette, Ist grade.
The former teachers who return
are all favorites in McDonough and
our people will be glad of their re
The many friends of Miss Ellene
Neal, one of our McDonough girls,
are glad that she will teach in her
own home school.
Miss Bonner is an excellent
young lady who will be gladly
Her numbers of friends will be
pleased that Miss Laura Smith
will again be a member of the fa
culty. She taught here up to a
year or two ago and left a splen
did record as an instructer.
Prospects for the next school
year are very bright and it is pro
bable that the attendance will re
quire the election of an additional
i ; I Ti r AMftiir f'jni.ipiun
lii ill nimiL umi./aurirttL
Mr. and Mrs. H. B Carmichael’s
Infant Daughter Died Mon
day Afternoon.
Little Annk\ th° 21 months old
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. R.
Carmichael, died at their home
Monday afternoon at 3:30 o’clock.
Slit* had been ill for some time
and seriously ill for a week or
more, so that for several days
before her death little hope tor
her recovery was entertained.
Annie was a sweet and winsome
little child, who made the home
and the parents’ fond heart bright
with her presence. She won
friends of all who came within
reach of her influence. And these
sympathize with the bereaved
family in their great loss.
The funeral services were held
at tin- residence Tuesday after
noon at 5 o’ciock. The Rev. H. S.
Smith conducted the services. He
was assisted by the Rev. Jonas
Barclay and the Rev. J. M. Gil
more. The interment followed at
the McDonough cemetery.
The littk one is survived by her
parents: o,w sister, little Mary
Alice: and two brothers, H. 8., Jr. T
i and Cam.
Singing At Bethany.
There win be a singing at Beth
any next Sunday afternoon. E
vangelist W- M. liooteu, A. C.
Combs, S. E. Coker. A. C. Norman,
W. J. Pendley and other leaders
will be present. Sunday School
,is requested to meet early in the
! afternoon. Everybody invited.
Popular and Prominent Henry
County Couple Joined Fortunes
Sunday Afternoon.
Miss Ruby Setzer and Mr. Lu
ther W. Hubbard were married
at the home of the Rev. J. A.
Jackson, near Bethany, Sunday
afternoon at 6 o’clock. The Rev.
J. A. Jackson perform*.d the cere
A large number of friends of
both parties were present on the
happy occasion.
Mrs. Hubbard is a daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. John Hub
bard, a granddaughter of Mrs. M.
V. Sowell, and sister o; Mr. Frank
Setzer. She is one of Henry
County’s most attractive and pop
ular young ladies and her host of
friends are wishing her all happi
Mr. Hubbard is a son of Mr. and
Mrs. J.T. Hubbard, of East Henry,
and he is one of our county’s most
capable and industrious young far
mers. He lias many friends in
every section who are bestowing
their hearty congralations upon
Mr. and Mrs. Hubbard are at
home to their trends at the home
of the groom’s parents.
Misses Beulah Yoss and Bert
Richards, of Atlanta, were the
guests of Miss Beulah Richards
during the Chautauqua.
M OO v V LAk