Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
* * ' J
First of Season's Open Cotton
Brought to Weekly Office
Messrs. Ji n Berry and Horace
Sims furnished the first open bolls
of cotton brought to The Weekly
office for the 1915 season.
Mr. Sims is farming on Mr. B.
B. Carmichael’s farm east of Me-
Donough, and Mr. Berry is mak
ing a crop on part of the Abel
Lemon place.
Both are young men of energy
and are splendid farmers, and will
no doubt have fine crops this sea-*
Sacred Harp Singing
Here Fifth Sunday.
The annual singing of the Hen
ry county Sacred Harp Association
will be held in McDonough the
sth Sunday in August. A num
ber of good leaders expected.
J. B. Brown,
Stockbridge and Flat Rock
* *
Have Fine Meetings.
Protracted t meetings have re
cently closed at Fiat Rock and
• -Stoclcbrrde Preshyterfan-eharches.
Sunday there were eleven new
members added to the Stockbridge
church. There were also five
added at Flat Rock church, in ad
dition to fourteen who joined at
the close of the meeting there.
This makes a total of thirty at
the two churches.
Rev. Mr. Miller, of Jackson, is
the pastor and is doing a fine work
in his field.
Mr. David Arnold, of Hampton,
was a caller in the city Sunday
Mr. Louis Smith, of Macon, was
a caller in the city the past week.
Miss Annie Nolan will be honor
guest at a dinner dance at the
Capital City club Wednesday even
ing and a di *ner party at the An
sley Hotel Friday evening.
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and Miss
Annie Lemon and Messrs. Park
Dallis and Q. R. Nolan spent Sun
day with Mrs. I. D. Crawfora at
Mr. J. R. Cathy, of Atlanta, spent
the week-end here with his father,
Mr. G. W. Cathy.
Mr. J. B. Upshaw spent Monday
in Atlanta.
Mr. Owen Liveley, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday in our city.
Mrs. Carl Bright, of Atlanta, is
Ihe guest of Mrs. T. M. Bright.
Mrs. Jonas Barclay’s many
friends regret that she has been
very ill this week.
Mrs. Stewart Combs, of Locust
Grove, was the gu°st of Mrs. Rob
ert Tomlinson Monday.
Will sell either one or two-horse
farm, best located in county for
school and church. Cash or
credit. D. T. Carmichael McDon
ough, Ga. Adv. 8-28, 2.
Mrs. J, F. Wall and Miss Nina
Wall enjoyed a picnic dinner at
the Big Spring Park Tuesday.
For Past Two Weeks Services
Were Held at These Churches.
Many New Members.
During the past two weeks fine
meetings have been held at Tim
berridge and Kelley’s churches.
First a week’s .meeting was
held at Timberridge, and then a
week’s meeting at Ke'ley’s.
The Rev. Jonas Barclay, the
pastor, was assisted in the preach
ing by Rev. Mr. Mclvor, pastor of
the Druid Hills church in Atlanta,
at Timberridge. lie preached
able and soul-winning sermons.
The people were greatly edified
by the preaching of both Mr. Mc
lvor and Mr. Bi relay.
There were seven accessories
to the church at Timberridge and
twenty at Kelley’s. The Rev, Edwin
Hemphill preached. He is a son
of the founder of the church and
all the people were much pleased
and moved by his preaching and
rejoiced to entertain him.
Mr. Whitaker Commended
By Comptroller General.
* The following letter to our tax
Collector, Mr. S. W. Whi aker;ex
plains itself.
i His many friends throughout
TReTdMfy are" ncTt 'lftTrfTflsed "at
| the fine showing made by him.
The letter follows:
QfxnnptrriHer-(S«nrral’s ©flirt
State of i&eorgta
.Atlanta, July i. ms.
Mr. S. W. Whitaker, T. C.,
Henry County,
McDonough Georgia.
Dear Sir:-
1 am in receipt of your final
statement for 1914 taxes, with ac
companying papers and vouchers.
1 have checked up your account,
and find it correct and in accord
ance with the books in this oftice.
I enclose receipt for vouchers filed,
which closes your account with
the State tor that year.
I am much obliged to you for
your satisfactory settlement, and
appreciate your good work as
Tax Collector.
With best wishes, I am,
Very truly yours,
Wm. A. Wright,
Veterans Elect Delegates
to State Reunion.
At the reunion on Thursday of
last week of the Confederate Vet
erans of Henry county, the follow
ing were elected delegates to at
tend the State reunion at Fitz
gerald on the 17th and 18th in
stant: Judge A. G. Harris, Judge
J. C. Daniel, and Mr. W. A. Gard
No Preaching Sunday
at Methodist Church.
There will be no preaching ser
vices at the McDonough Metho
dist church Sunday, the 15th in
The Rev. H. S. Smith, the pas
tor, has been given a vacation
which includes Sunday.
Presbyterian Pastor Gives Notice
That He Will Place Resignation
Before Church Meeting.
At the morning services at the
McDonough Presbyterian church,
the Rev. Jonas Barclay gave no
tice of his intention to resign as
He announced the call by the
session of a meeting of the mem
bership of ti e church on Sunday,
the 27th instant, to act upon his
resignation which would be placed
before them. y§§|
This announcement .came as a
surprise to many of Mr, Barclay’s
friends and admiiers.
It is not known yet ' what the
action of the congregation will be
i.i the matter.
It is probable, however, that a
strong effort will be made to have
Mr. Barclay remain he e and that
the members will refuse to accept
his resignation.
During the three years of his
residence in McDonough, Brother
Barclay and his charming family
have endeared themselves to peo
ple of his own and other denomi
nations. ’ *
He has been a faithful and lov
ing pastor and an able and con
vincing preacher of: the gospel
ti uth. His walk in at the ‘ways
rnnislife"Herelras men* of the
exemplary and Christ-like kind.
During his pastorate, the mem
bership at kelley’s has been
doubled; at Timberridge increased
50 per cent and at McDonough
twenty per cent.
The time when his resignation
will become effective has not yet
been fixed.
Our people regret that he feels
that he must leave us, but, if he
does so, he wil. nave tne bast 1
wishes and prayers of all our com
munity for him and his, in what
ever field he may labor.
Good Meetino at Sharon
Closed Saturday.
A splendid meeting at Sharon
closed Saturday.
The Rev. J. M. Ghmoie, the pas
tor, preached earnest ani convict
ing sermons and was heard hy ex
cellent crowds at every service.
Three additions to the church
membership came by letter and
seven by profession. Seven were
Brother Gilmore informs The
Weekly that it was a very satis
factory meeting and that the
church itself was most graciously
Meetings This Week
At Baptist Church.
Frotracted meetings at the Mc-
Donough Baptist church began
Sunday morning.
The meetings will continue dur
ing this week, if not longer.
The Rev. J. M. Gilmore is
preaching sermons of gospel
truth and power and large congre
gations are enjoying them.
Services are held twice daily,
afternoon exercises at 3:15 o’clock,
and evening exercises at 7:45
Esteemed Lady of Sixth
District Died There
Saturday Morning.
Miss Effie Smith died at the
home of her uncle, Mr. T. B. Smith,
in the Sixth district Saturday
morning at 9 o’clock;
Miss Smith was 23 years of age
and was an attractive and highly
esteemed young lady. She had
many friends who join with the
bereaved family in mourning her
The funeral and interment were
at Mt. Bethel Sunday afternoon at
3 o’clock. The Rev. J. J. Cope- !
land conducted the services.
Miss Smith is survived by her
mother, Mrs. Bessie Smith
Services Began Sunday. Rev.
H. S. Smith Is Conducting
The Meeting There.
A series of meetings began at
Turner’s church-Sunday and has
been in progress all this week.
The Rev. H. S. Smith, the pas
tor, has be en conducting the ser
vices and preaching with ability
and power,. ancLgogd coqgq»ga
tions are attending all the meet
What Would You Think.
LaGrange Graphic.
What would you think of a fel
low who refuses to subscribe for
jour paper, and then brings you
an article to publish in which he
alone is interested?
What would you think of a fel
low who wants you to mention
his name every time he goes any
where, and then refuses to sub
scribe for your paper?
What would you think of a fel
low who wants vou to give con
siderable prominence to his lodge
meetings, and then refuses to sub
scribe for your paper?
What would you think of a fel
low who accepts your paper for a
year, when you send him a state
ment he refuses to take your paper
from the post office?
What would you think of a fel
low wno accepts your paper, and
when you meet him and remind
him that he is in arrears, he tells
vou to stop the paper, but does
not offer to pay for it?
What would you think of a fel
low who calls at the office every
week to get a copy of your paper,
and who neyer offers to pay for
it, and when you ask him to sub
scribe he refuses to do so?
What would you think of a fel
low who tries to get all the free
advertising he can but never of
fers to support the newspaper that
gives the free advertising?
My friends, some of you belong
to this class. The world does not
know who you are, but the editor
knows. If the world were to
know just exactly how you treat
your newspaper, you would feel
humiliated. That is the reason
you do not feel exactly right when
you come face to face with the
Rev. i. J. Copeland and Rev. H.
S Smith Conducted Inspiring
Services Last week.
t ™ ♦
Protracted meetings were held
at Philadelphia church last week.
The Rev. J. J. Copeland, the
pastor, of Locust Grove, ws as
sisted by the Rev. H. S. Smith,
of McDonough, and their sermons
were convicting to sinners and in
spiring to believers.
It was an excellent series of
meetings in every way and was of
the highest value to the church
and the community.
Mr J. T. Weems has returned
from the meeting of the anniver
sary club of his ‘ company at At
lantic Beach. Fla. He read a pa-*
per entitled "Yesterday, To Day,
and Forever” which received
much favorable mention there and
Mr. and Mrs. B b Borders, child
and nurse, of M ic >ii, <• one Mon
day to see h-s faili n’ and mother,
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Borders. Tues
day he toiis ptrenti in his
handsom 'm >t >ri i g clr t > their
old home at Covington for the
day. t
Judge Paul Turner an 1 Mile
Josephi ie . made an auSoin Voile
trip to Lawrenceville this week.
Mr. John Tye and son, William,
of Atlanta, were the guests of his
mother, Mrs. Mary Tye, Sunday.
Mesdnmes Ah Harris, Howard
Carmichael, and Ray Brown went
to Atlanta Tuesday.
Mr. Perry Blood worth, of At
lanta, was in town Sunday even
Mr. and Mrs. A. D. McVicker,
and Mrs. J. R. Wallace, of Love
joy, visited Mrs. W. J. B irrett here
Mrs. J. R. Matthews, of Ellen
wood, was the guest of Mrs. J. P.
Simpson Monday and Tuesday.
Mr. Lon Sowell was piinfully
cut by a barbed wire fence last
week when raiding a still. He
was carried to Griffin, where the
cut vas stitched.
Rev. L G. Bowden is in West
Point this week, assisting Mr.
W. J. Culpepper in a meeting
Mrs. Charles Zachry is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Mayson, in At
The many friends of Mr. Bob
Nail who lives near town will re
gret to learn that he has been con
fined to his bed for several weeks.
Misses Lena Freeman and Flor
ene Jackson, of Griffin, and
Messrs. Oliver Si mins and Ray
mond Cathy, of Atlanta, were the
week end guests of Misses Eva
Julia Cathy.
The many friends here of Mrs.
C. W. Bankston sympathize with
her in the death of her brother,
Mr. Jim Pearson, which occurred
at Jonesboro Sunday night. Mr.
and Mrs. Bankston and Sarah left
Tuesday to attend the funeral at
Meetings are also in progress
this week at Philippi.
51.00 V YEAR