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I (—1 c_
lercy County Weekly
fr'KWk HK.\(.A\, hdilor.
Enfcared at tb« Dostofficeat McDonougu.
Mm , a 8 second ()»*».•< mail matter.
Advertising Rate* furnished on Appli
Organ of Henry County.
M rDonough, Ga., Aug. 13, 1915.
Our Dixie Highway.
The Dixie Highway is certainly
•rousing enthusiasm in many sec
Sons. Not only that; it is actually
fceiig built almost from one end
of the route to the other.
And the citizens are not leaving
the matter to the various county
authorities alone. They are or
ganizing “county councils,” as
they are called. These counci s
•re branches of the main Dixie
Highway Association.
The main headquarters of the
Association now publish a serni
■lonthly newspaper under the
title of “The Dixie Highway.”
This four page sheet gives news
of the activity in highway build
ing of the communities all along
the route.
In Florida alone one and ore
half million dollars have been
voted by counties along the pro
posed Dixie Highway route for
the improvement of the roads.
Every week new county coun
cils are being organized, and from
every state comes the news of in
creasing euthusiasm and actual
In the last issue of “The Dixie
Highway” we counted sixteen
news items from Georgia alone,
telling of the work being done for
the Dixie Highway in this State.
But Henry county and the east
ern route of the Dixie Highway
between Atlanta and Macon find
no mention in this publication.
What has become of our Dixie
Highway from McDonough to At
Mr. W. S. Gilbreath, field secre
tary of the Dixie Highway Asso
ciation, is now making a tour over
the entire route of the highway.
He has started from Miami and
~vill soon reach Georgia.
We cannot be ready to show
lim the way through and trom
All the hard work we did to se
cure the highway will be lost un
less we proceed at once to build
the highway, as we promised to
Can Our Government
Care For Us.
For many years a class of man
ufacturers have grown rich on
the government’s favor. This
vas caused by the tariff.
lai recent years classes of pec
pie seeking government aid have
multiplied enormously.
For years and years the great
shipping interests have been de
manding as a matter of right a
subsidy for the merchant marine.
Our State government has not
tscaped the pleas of these who
mould secure from the nation or
.state special privileges and im
It has always been clearly seen
ary the observant that the wealth
iest of our people are the worst
Sax dodgers. And when it is even
suggested that srme method
should be devised of compelling
them to disclose their taxable
property so that it shall be taxed,
they utter a great hue and cry
ind say, “it will hurt business.”
>f course it will hurt their busi
ness. It will hurt it by taking
arom their pockets what belongs
to the public treasury.
A year or two' ago our State
amended the constitution by ex
empting farmers from taxation on
certain property.
j Now the effort of many persons
covering many years to secure the
j exemption o, certain church school
i property from taxation has almost
succeeded. By a close vote it was
defeated in the present legisla
But this same legislature has
provided for the exemption of
resident ship building interests
from taxation.
First, manufacturers exempted
indirectly, by the tariff; next the
farmers exempted directly; then
an effort to exempt church schools
directly; and now an exemption of
What exemption next? ’
Become a millionaire and secure
an exemption of your millions; be
an unfortunate laborer, with only
enough personal property to fur
ni ;h bed and board and you m s
pay taxes to support the million
aire in the possession of his mil
-1 ons.
When a few more classes of ex
eruption are provided who will be
left to pay the taxes?
Now take the ship exemption.
What tax-payers will it bene it
that such tax payers should pay
not only their own taxes but those
of the ship concern also?
For an exemption of any o e
class or business from taxation
means that the p otection and ser
vice of government to thatexemp
concern cost something and if the
class or business does not pay the
cost, then other tax payers do pay !
Are you, Mr. Taxpayer, willing
to make a donation to the ship
Dr. Prather’s Aromatic Laxative is a remedy for Ladies and
Children. For Biliousness, indigestion, torpid liver, sour stomach,
and all sorts of stomach and bowel troubles where a laxative is need
Dr. Prathers Heat Fowders,
an antiseptic powder. Good for heat, sunburn, itching, chafing, etc.,
and especially good for odors of arm pits and feet. Good for all
troubles caused by the heat.
Dr. Prather’s Toilet Soap For Heat,
not a perfumed soap, but a fragrant medicinal Toilet Soap. You
almost welcome the heat for the pleasure of using this soap.
Bid Good Bye to the discomforts of the hot sea
son by using these remedies and preparations.
McDonough, Georgia.
Are Your Books Getting
Heavy With Bad Accounts?
If such is the case you need a business doctor to
clear them away so your financial circulation will be
It is our business to collect bad accounts and will do
it successfully. We have a long list of pleased custom
ers in Georgia.
National Collection Agency
s on us again and we have an
nmense stock of Diamonds
matches jewelry and silver that
/as been carefully selected and
priced to cooperate with the
scarcity of money and the low
price of cotton.
If it is not convenient for you to
pay cash we will gladly welcome
our charge account.
Durham Jewelry
20 Edgewood Ave. Atlanta, Ca
Dyspepsia Tablets
Will Relieve Your Indigestion
The McDonough Drug Co.
The Rev. and Mrs. J. M. Gilmore
and children were the dinner
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wal
ker Tuesday.
Phone Main 678 M 2824 J Residence
Miss Lorah Q Allen
Diamonds, Watches. Clocks. Cut
Glass and Silverware
318 Atlanta National Bank Bui.ding
Watch. Clock and Jewelry repair
ing a specialty. All kinds of | Din
and Diamond Jewelry made to or
der. Engr vine ''ptir-al Work.—
Engraved Wedding Invitations
Corner Whitehall and Aiabama Sts.
Attorney at Law,
Office in The Henry County
Weekly Building.
Will practice in all the courts.
Will be in his Hampton office
on Suturdays only and on every
other dav in Sib Hurt Building,
Atlanta, Ga.
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 a. M. to 5 P. M.
McDonough, Ga.
leorgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to rhe Or
dinary of said county for leave to
to sell the land belonging to the es
tate of Mrs. O. P. Bearden for the
purpose of Distribution among
heirs. Slid application will he heard
at the regular term of Court, ot Or
dinary for said county to be held
on the firet Monday Sept. 1915.
This July 31, 1915.
C. L. Baaidm, Adrnmstrator of
Estate Mrs. A. P. B warden.
Georgia, Henry County.
Mrs. Annie Barrett having mad
application for T.velve Months
Support (jut of the estate of VV J
Barrett deceased. All pers ns con
cerned are hereby required to s o *
cause before ’he Court of Ordinal
of said county on the first M »ndu
in Sept 1915 why said applicutio,
should not. oe granted.
This ;;l day of July 1915
A. G. Harris, Ordinary
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that th
J undersigned has applied to the O
! dmary of said county for leave t
sell 204 acres land in Sandy Ring
1) h , belonging tO ( the estate ot b
M. Hale for the purpose of Inst 11
burion among the heirs. Said appli
cation will be heard at the regal
t rm ot the C > u»■ tot Ordinary ioi
said countv to be held on the first
Mondai S pt. 1;)|5.
lii >.l d > 20i n. 1 a 15.
E. C. Hale. Adiuinstrator.
ieoigia, Henry County,
to whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that the
undersigned has applied to the Or
dinary of said countv for leave to
sell One half interest in House and
lot in t wa of Stockbridge. G« , ie
ionging to the estate ot Mrs. S. A.
Elliott deceased, for the purpose of
Distribution among h-urs. Said ap-
I lication will be h* ard at the regu
lar term of the Court of Ordinary
for said county to be held on ihe
first Monday S 19K>
This August 2 191f>
L. D. Hightower Adminstrator on
Estate Mrs. L A. Elliott.
8 27,4.
reorgia, Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Mrs. N. C. Fears,
having made application to me in due
form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of N. C.
Fears [ite of said county, notice is
lj.-reby given that said application
will tv heard a' tie regular term
or the Court of Ordinary tor said
county, to he held on the First
Monday in Septemb< r, 1915
Witness my hand and official signa
tuer, this 28 da* ( >t July, 1915.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
8-27 4.
Georgia, Henr.v Conty.
Mrs Tabitha Jones tiaiing made
ap| lication for Twelve Months’
support out of the estate of Jno M.
Jones deceased. All persons con
cerned are hereby required to show
cause befoie the Court ul Ordinary
of caid county on the first Month y
in Sep 1915 why said application
should not be granted.
This 15 day ot Julv 1915
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
Georgia, Henry County.
To whom it. may Concern :
W . H . Bostw ic k ,
Having made application to me in due
orm to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of
•I J» . Bostw ic k.
ate of said county, notice is hereby
•iven that said application will be
card at the regular term of the Court
f Ordinary for said county to be held
& the first Monday in Sept.. 1915.
V\ itness my hand and official signa
ture this sth dav of Ang.. 1915.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
For Leave To Sell.
eoreia, Henry County,
fo V\ bom It May Concern :
J. H. Johnson, Adminstrutor of
he estate of .1. R. Mars. deceased,
tax applied to the undersigned for
1 HVC to sell a!! the r> a! estate be
longing to x,ud deceased, said reel
estate described as follows ; 1 nr
divided interest in three acres of
land more or l j ssand the water
privileges together with gin and
gin site, located on cotton Indian
creek in H -nrv connt.v, near Stock-
Georgia ; also ; JOO acres of
l nd with mill thereon, t.ogetlx r
\\’th water privileges and mi 1 site
1 mated on cotton Indian creek n
flenrv conntv near Stock fridge.
G -orgia, for the purpose of par*-
nent of debts and distribution,
'aid application will be beard at
the regular term of the court’ < f
Ordinary for said comity to he h JJ
>n the first Monday in September
his the 9th da,v oj Augnst 1915.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
« H,4
Leave To Sell.
•eorgia, Henry County.
T> \\ horn It Ma Concern :
Fannie James Administratrix ,of
G. xv. James, deceased, has appli d
t me for [ ave to *. p ] j ~f • ■ f") e
• a 1 estate belonging to said \o!e
--e as d consisting of ]()] l 4 acres of
1 nd in said County for the pnntose
of payment of d -hts atul distoibu
ti n Said anplicarion will be he- rd
at the regnlir term of th< - , lr t f
Ordinary to ‘ said C "i r tv to be-h. J 1
” 1 first M mday Sep ember
l > r». ,
This yi h dav of Amrns' I<H5.
A. G. Harris, Ordinary.
9-3 4.