Newspaper Page Text
Misses Nellie ar.dfMelba E’Dalgo,
of Forsyth, will be the guests of
Mjss Eva Cat. y this week.
Protracted services are being
heid at Bethany this week. The
Rev. H. V. Adamson, the pastor,
is being ass : sted by Rev. Mr.
Fleming, of f dege Park, who is
preaching splendid sermons.
Mrs. Lee Smith and children
v sited relatives in Spalding coun
ty the past week.
Mrs. Moseley, of Whitehouse,
was here with her daughter, Mrs.
Smith, last week.
Miss Floy \\ ilson, who has been
ill with typhoid fever, is conva
Dr. Bob Tye is improving from
his recent attack of paralysis.
Will personally supervise the
Camp Ground hotel during camp
meeting. The usual rates will
Adv. H. S. Rowan.
Mr. Henry Woodward spent
Sunday at Indian Spring.
Mr. T. A. Sloan visited Atlanta
Misses Annie Ola and Ethel
Sloan have returned from Law
rence ville.
Mr. ,J. J. Fisher was a visitor to
Atlanta Monday.
Mise Lucile Tolleson is spending
this week at Greensboro at a
house party.
Dr. and Mrs. J. G. Smith and
Mr. Dozier Fields returned Tues
day from their Western trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cook, Jr.,
and Walter the 111 spent Saturday
night here, leaving Sunday for a
vacation at Mountain City.
Mrs. A. K. Brown spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. Thompson and
children, of Covington, made a
motor visit to Mr. and Mrs. R. L
Turner Sunday.
Messrs. Robert McGarity, Wal
ker Bryant, and Jim Frank Tur
ner attended Salem camp meet
ing Sunday.
Miss Carolyn Seymore, of At
lanta, is the guest of Mrs. Wilson
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan, Mrs.
Laura Smith, and Mrs. Carrie
Mayo left Tuesday for a trip to
New York, via Savannah aud
steamer from there to New York.
Dr. J. W. Rowan and Mr. P'ord,
of Atlanta spent Sunday here with
Mr. W. J. Greer.
Mr. Otis Love spent Sunday at
Forrest Park.
Miss Sallie Conley, of South
Carolina, Mrs. Lou Mitchell, of the
Sixth district, and Mrs. G. W.
Wise, of Lovejoy, soent Tuesday
here with Mrs. W. B. J. Ingram.
Mrs. H. Dobkin spent Tue sday
in Atlanta.
Mr. J. P. Green, of Yolande,
Ala., spent several days this week
week with his father, Mr. S. P.
Green, in McMullen’s district.
Dr. M. E. Berry and Mr. Joe J.
Smith visited Atlanta Tuesday.
Dr. Berry went to purchase an
Mrs. W. R. Green is visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Mc-
Donald, at Snapping Shoals.
D ysP e PS' a
will relieve your indigestion. Many
people in this town have used them
and we have yet to hear of a case where
they have failed. We know the for
mula. Sold only by ua—2sc a box.
The McDonough Drug Co.
The Bull Tractor
• •
~'‘ r
The Agriculture Tractor that
is practical for plowing. The
BULL Tractor is different from
any other tractors, therefore a
success for the farmer.
The Bull will plow from eight
to ten acres per day and con
sumes less than two gallons of
gasoline per acre.
The Bull tractor is a self
steering machirte. The lead
wheel runs in the furrow. One
man can operate both the engine
and plow.
The Bull wheel, or power
wheel runs in the furrow on the
hard pan, or tough clay, where
it can get traction power, it
travels faster than mules; no
slip back or lost power with the
Bull Tractors.
The Bull TraGtor is the one
factor that pleases everyone
who uses them.
Price ssßs.oo—will do ten
mules work in the field and eats
only when at work.
Write for booklet or call in
and see the Tractor.
70 South Forsyth St ,
Atlanta, - - - - Georgia.
Sick headache, biliousness, piles and
bad breath are usually caused by inac
tive bowels. Get a box of Rexall
Orderlies. They act gently and effec
tively. Sold only by us at 10 cents.
The McDonouoh Drug Co.
Mr . Frank Dickson, son of Mr.
Q. A. Dickson, is somewhat im
proved from his recent severe ill
Mrs. Charles Zachry spent last
week with the family of Mr. Jack
Russell in McMullen’s district.
Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Carmichael
and son and daughter, of Atlanta,
soent Sunday here with his father,
Mr. B. B. Carmichael, and his sis
ter, Mrs. Andrew Walker.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dickson and
family went to camp meeting at
Indian Spring this week.
Mrs. Colter, of Rome, has re
turned home, after a visit here to
her daughter, Mrs. Ellison.
Messrs. Gordon Dickson, Jerome
Cook, and Troy Smith visited
friends in Jackson Wednesday
Mr. Troy Smith is visiting in
Tampa this week.
Messrs. Clarence Harris, John
Jackson, and Robert McDonald
enjoyed a fishing trip to Snapping
Shoals Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dickson and
family spent Sunday at Locust
Grove with his sister, Mrs. G. B.
Mrs. Laura Smith came from
Valdosta last Thursday and has
been visiting her sister, Mrs. Wil
lie Ham.
Mr. Guss Swann, of Stock
bridge, spent Sunday with his
sister, Mrs. H. S. Elliott.
Mr. Will Green spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Thompson
went to Atlanta Sunday to see his
sister, who is very ill at a sanitar
Panama Pacific Exposition
Opened February 20th Closes December 4(h
Panama California Exoosition
Opened January Ist Closes December 31
$72.00 Round Trip Fare $95.95
from McDonough via
Premier Carrier of the South
$72.00 applicable via Chicago, St. Louis,' Memphis, Shreveport; returning via same or any other direct
route. Not via Portland or Seattle.
$95.95 applicable via Chicago, St. Louis, Memphis, Shreveport; returning via same or anv other direct
Tickets on sale March. Ist to November 30th, inclusive. Final return limit three months frpm date
of sale, not to exceed December 31, 1915.
TOP-OVERS permitted at all points on going and return trip.
SIDE TRIPS may be made to Santa Fe, Petrified Forest, Phoenix, Grand Canyon, Yosemite National
Park, Pike’s Peak, Garden of the Gods, Glacier National Park, and other points of interest. FREE SIDE
TRIP to SAN DIEGO, and Cailifornia Exposition from Los Angeles.
Through Pullman Sleeping Cars to Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas Citv and
Denver, making direct connections with through cars for the Pacific Coast,
necessitating only one change of cars.
For complete information call on nearest agent, or address:
R. L. BAYLOR, D. P. A.
Atlanta, Ga. J. C. BEAM, A. G. PA
Atlanta, G.
I he Southern Mortgage Company
Capital and Surplus, $300,000. Established 1870
Gould Building—lo Decatur Street— 9 Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
pi $1,00*) to SIOO,OOI ill Five Yea-s’ time at *"”»smable rates*
Our sources ot money 0 ' practically irexhaus-C’ - We have •> itronw
line ot customers among individual investors ape Savings banks
and Trust Companies in the North, East and Middle West,
and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Co.
with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
W, L. Kemp, Vice-President , R. H. Osborn, Abstracts of Title
J. W. Andrews, Secretary L. A. Boulighny, Auditor
E. R. Hunt, Treasurer S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk
E. V. Carter, Attorney T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
A, d’Antignae, Inspector C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title H irace Holleman, Application Cled<.
For information, call on or write to
McDonough, Georgia.
Until September 12th 1915