Newspaper Page Text
Mr. and Mrs. P. K. Chappell and
Mr. and Mrs. Cloma Morris spent
Sunday w ith Mr. Robert Chappell
and family.
The sinking given by Miss Vera
Maud Sanders Saturday nigh*
was enjoyed by all preset.. _ „ -
Miss Ethel C (mvwvisited hi>me
foik last week-end.
Mrs. Mary Copeland visited Mr.
and Mrs. J. M. Lester and turnily
a few days iast week.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Duncan are
visiting their daughter* Mis. J. W.
Mrs. D. M. Weems visited her
parents, Mr. find Mrs. Akin, of
Orchard Hill, last week-end.
Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Martin spent
Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs.
Fiat Rock.
The entertainment given by
Miss Temp e Ford Friday night
was enjoyed by all present.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Patillo are
ail smiles over a girl at their
Miss Essie Driver called on Miss
Mary Walden a short while Mon
Many changes has been made
in this community the past week.
Everybody is trying to move.
The many friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Lonzo Hammonds will regret
to hear of the death of their little
boy, who died with membranous
croup November 22, at his home
in Rockdale county. We extend
our sympathy to the bereaved
Mr. and Mr s. Raleigh Allen will
leave in a few days for their
home at Murreycross, Ala.
Blue Eyes.
South Avenue.
Rev. Walter Carmichael filled
his first appointment at Bethel
Saturday and Sunday.
Wedding bells are ringing from
every direction.
Mrs. T. W. Peterman spent
Thursday with Mrs. W. N. South.
Mr. Will Lee Skelton, formerly
of Henry county, died at his home
near Rtd&ivon Wednesday of last
week. The funeral and interment
were at Redan.
't '.
* •
Rev. and Mrs. Walter Carmi
chael spent S turday night witti
Mrs. J. W. Thurman’s famil,.
V s ■*'
Miss Julia Riley spent the week
end with her sister, M 1 ->s Mamie
Riley, at the home of Mr. Henry
Riley, at Flippen.
Mr. T. W. Peterman spent Mon
day and Tue- iy i die Gate
Misses IT rr;eu \ Chiffie
< * •'
Clark were th _n v 'Mrs. C.
W. South Thu* sd i> -moon.
Mr. W. D P fiss Jes
sie Johnson • . at the
home of Mr. , Sunday
afternoon. SY BEE.
pmp • , rAL
We do not fiu.ri one ' ore than
the j> ice v «.• • •'«.
fka.air r..*.r f -■; -
a'4 iku I >■'■ ■ ijfli LESS
Best Gold Cr v/ns
Bridge Work . .
- zv '
;. vV « A best
‘ E ir-
Painless Mettm • Toilful Ope-stars of
years’ experience- V vHi j>o your rail
road fare to Atlanta if your work
amounts to a -tch oi f ’ O.
One Pri c Denial Q/Kce,
106 , <’V^5 , t.'.«U 5t Cor. y.'f-' A' i’arta, C*
Mr. Charlie Kimbell and daugh
ter, Mane, visited relatives here
Saturday and Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. ('. Tolleson have
returned home, after a pleasant
visit to relatives in Forsyth.
*"***. r ' * ••• * • .
Mr. Tom Ingram, of McDon
ough, spoilt the week-end* with
his brother, Mr. Jim Ingram.
’ Mr. T. S. Steele and son, Willie,
spent Friday in Griffin.
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. -ToHeson. of
Ola., spsnt the week-end with the
former’s father, Mr. J..C. Tolle
Messrs. Askew Cook and Jim
Bowden, of Jackson, spent Sun
day here with hometolk.
Mrs. Beulah Chambers and
children spent the week-end with
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. 1.
Mrs. Athey Childs, of Phiilippi,
spent Monday with relatives.
Round About News.
Mr L. C. Butler and daughter,
Miss Tennie, visited Mr. and Mrs.
G. C. Clark Sunday.
Mr. H. A. Jarrett, of Atlanta,
spent Sunday with homefolk, ac
companiei by Mr. Roy Parker.
Mrs. B. W. Walden and daugh
ters, Misses Mandy and Kate, and
son, Cecil, visited Mrs. J. T. Mays
Misses Grace Hightower and
Eunice Beliah spent one night last
week with Miss Carolyn Walden.
Misses Anne and Rosa Jarrett
spent a few days last week with
their sister, Mrs. Monroe Bair.
Misses Snowdie and Chiffie
Clark spent Saturday afternoon
with Misses Mandy and Kate Wal
Miss Ruby Branan, of Stock
bridge, who is in The Henry
County Weekly’s Contest, was
over in this section last Monday.
Mr. Jackson visited Morris
Grove school last Tuesday. The
school is progressing and practic
ing for an exhibition just before
The surprise party given to
Mr. and Mrs. Grem Jones Friday
night was an enjoyable event and
largely attended.
Mr. and Mrs. Raleigh Allen and
Mr. Ben Jones visited Mr. and
Mrs. T. W. Jarrett Monday.
Messrs. B. W. Welden and J. T.
Snravberry attended Dr. Sprav
berry’s funeral Sunday afternoon
at the Mister’s cemetery.
Fairy Fay.
What Is the Best Remedy For
This 13 a question asked us many times
each day. The answer is
utexaßE. deplete,
We guarantee them to be satisfactory
to you. Sold only by us, 10 cents.
The McDonough Drug Co.
-ffT 56 ct 3. PER GAL.
this is bow
u J Buy 4 g als. U.t.'&M, Sctiu
/ Mixed Real Paint $8.40
i j/i And 3 gals. L- .iseed Cil
'‘X \ 1 estimated cost of 2AO
It h Makes 7 gals. Paint for $ :0.80
Aft i It's only $1.54 per gal.
The '.. & VS. SEMI-MIXE!
«FtJ. PAINT IS PtJWE VVjfiTE i-> -O'.
ilM f mil f IViFEM OR the knou
ifuina* materials lor lJ v y^ars.
Cce a gallon ou t of any >ol
buy and if not the best paint
made, then return the paint
and get all your money b xk
Cofieltind-Turner M -rear r ile » <*in;viny,
McDonough, - - CK-orgia
The Rurai Credit Problem.
President Wilson is again urg
ing congressmen to establish a
rural credit svstein, and the agri
cultural sections are demanding
It is, of course, possible that
illusory hopes nave been held out
to the farmers of the low interest
f - m - •
rates to be secured under a rural
credit organization. The fact
that European farmers borrow
money for three to four per cent
in this way does not prove the
same thing can be done here. In
terest rates and labor have al
ways been low abroad. The ma
chinery for such an organization
would cost more in this country
of higher salaries, and the Ameri
can investon gets a higher rate on
his monev.
Still t!.e American farmer is as
sessed a too high rale for his bor
rowings. Loaning companies
make too much money. Their
service as intermediary is neces
s try to give the borrower security
that the prosperity is duly exam
ined and supervised. But many
little companies are doing this
business on too small a scale for
an economical result. The i r
charge for their service is too
The average lender on farm
mortgages probably gets about
six per cent. If the business were
standardized, supervised and con
solidated, so that a farm loan
would look as good as a railroad
bond, the lender might be satis
fied wilh five per cent. The bor
rower would have to pay the in
termediary service of the rural
eredit organization, and it is not
likely that he wtll pav less than
six per cent.
Some of the fanners, particu
larjy in the East, may get their
Tax Collector’s Rounds
For 1915.
Locust Grove, Alonday, Nov. 22
Hampton, Tuesday, Nov, 23
Flippen, Wednesday, Nov. 24
McMullen’s Friday, Nov. 26
Kelley’s Store, a.m.1,. . ..
Ellistown, p m.r ont, av> Nov - 2 7
Ola, a m ) T . ..
Bryan’s Store, p m. j T “esday, Nov. 30
Morris&Sims’Stores, a.m.l
Simmons&Son’sStore,noon Thursday, Dec. 2
Brushy Knob, p.m.j
Scarborough’s Store, a.m.1,. ..
Shake rag, p m friday, Dec. 3
Sixth, Wednesday, Dec. 8
Stockbiidge, Thursday, Dec. 9
Hamp on, Friday, Dec. 10
Locust Grove, Monday, Dec. 13
Tussahaw, Tuesday, Dec. 14
Beersheba, Wednesday, Dec. 15
V hitehouse, a.m.:,
Kelley town, p.m. j Thursdav ’ I)ec - ,6
Luelia, Friday, Dec. 17
Will be in McDonough every Saturday and
Ist Tues Jav and Wednesdav the Ist December.
•r •»
J. H. WALLACE, T. C„ H. C.
loans now for six per cent, includ
ing commissions and discounts.
This is too much If ibis rate
could be lowered by rural credits
organizations, young men won d
be encouraged to take up farming
and one charge on loou produc
tion reduced —Brunswick Baum. r.
FOR SALE Cabbie Plants
Early Jersey ami Waketiei Home
grown, now ready. \V. 8. J. In
gram— Adv.
Is the kind voir spend, it \ou begin your
Christmas Shopping now.
ot New Holiday Goods.
Diamonds, Watches,
Lavallierc". Pins and Broaches.
We c:r elp you select your gifts.
Sp« ci••• vttention given to repairs. 1
Come to
5a West Mitchell Street
Atlanta, Georgia.
FOR RENT —One house on
College street, now occupied by
Mr. 0. F. Spinks; one house on
Bryan street, now occupied by C.
R. McKinley. Apply to Mrs. An
na Weaver. —Adv. tf.
Do Not Gripe
We hnve a pleasant laxative that will
do just what you want it. to do.
jtexoßC Otd&iZieAs
We sell thousands ot them and we
hove never sef-n a better remedy tor the
buwds- Sold ouly by us, 10 ctiuls.
Th« McDonough Drug Co.