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The Henry;
County Weekly
Entered i*t th« poafcoffioe »t McDon
ough, (i» , BH **cond-ul»h4> nuall uxaitur.
A.dwrWrrtn« Rate* furni«hi*d on tppli
Offtcwi ()*v»u of Henry County.
iI'DONOUGH, GA., Dec. 10, 1915
You are Safe.
I call the readers of The Week
ly’s attention to the statement
made by Mr. J. A. Fouche, as it is
published on the front page of
this issue.
As Mr. Fouche says, it is the
universal and accepted custom
everywhere in the newspaper
business that, in the change of
ot'owneiship or management of
any newspaper, the new owner
or manager takes the subscrip
tion list as it comes to him from
the former management, and the
dates of expiration as shown by
such list control, regardless of the
change of management.
So, even had there been nosucli
written agreement, this custom
would control and every person
paying at any time for the paper,
whether an old or new subscrib
er, would have the payment pro
erly credited to him by the sue- j
c eding management or any num- ;
ber of succeeding managements
1 felt I should make this expla-1
nation because I learn that some 1
people have not understood this
and hestitated to pay the contest- 1
ants for this reason.
Yours respectfully,
Frank Reagan, Editor.
• ... f
■j I M
, aiK m.
I can sell you a Ford Car direct from ®v stock. Come at once before my stock
is gone, for then 1 shall have t» wait till! can get more.
J. •' ;
Is equipped, both in labor and tools, to do the most difficult work most skillfully
and quickly. 1 have also repairs and supplies and all parts for FORDS.
I have on *he sidewalk for you good filtered Gasoline at. 23 cents per gallon.
Prices of Ford Cars Are: Roadster - 420.10, delivered at McDonough
I also have a new, fine Dodge Car on hand I will sel!- Never been used.
Ride in a Ford and forget your worries. Visit my place.
Telephone No. 82 McDonough, Georgia.
Celebrated Medicine Accom
plishing Remarkable Re
sults in Leading Cities
All Over the Country.
U«*fer»ing to the recent vii*it to
Atlanta of 1,. T. Cooper, the man
who electrified the larger cities of
tlie country with his philantbro-
I hv, health tliioritsund celebrated
medicine, Tanlwc, C. F Wallis, his
Southern representative, said:
i “Thousands of the most promi
nent people in Atlanta, Binning
liam, Nashville, Chattnn- nga, Lou
isville, Knosville, and other cities
, where his celebrated medicine has
been accomplishing such remi rka
| ble results, are even more enthusi
astic over Tanlae than Mr. Cooper
“As previously ♦farted, Mr Coop
er contends that nine-ten tbs of the
diseases and ill health of tie? ave
rage person is due to »catarrhal
Ironditiin w ich nn daces faulty
I .
digestion and improper assimila
tion of the food.
1 “In a recent interview Mr.
Cooper was asked if Tanlae would
relieve kidney trouble, liver Corn
plaint, rheumatism and a tloawi
other ailments and in this-eenned'-
ion, said :
“ 'As 1 have reweadly said, mv
medicine arts directly on the nine
ns membrane, stomach and blood,
expelling from them the imparities
toxic poison*and rendering to'them
a strong, healthy condition. lam
convinced that the stomach regu
lates the eourivtiio® of the bl4>od.
and is the fountain head of health
or disease, astheewst.) may be. Mv
medicine is intruded primarily fbr
the regulation of the- s omaeh and
catarrhal infianwation, but it is-no
uncommon thing for persons who
have used »>t to cronve ttu me aud ear:
plain that it ham relieved them o j
Rheumatism and many other ail->
ments not generally recognized as
having their origin m stomach
trouble. ’ ’’
“The ingedients or medical ele
ments which make Tanlae come
from many remote sections of the
Earth—the Alps, the Pyrenees,
Russian Asia, West Indies, Moun
tain states, Mexico and Peru are
among the poiuts trout which the
I principal parts of the preparations
are obtained. In the principal lab
oratory of the Cooper Medic, ne
Co , Inc 1 .‘finder the off seen t dir6Ci
ion of Herr Jos Von Trimlmch, a
native Gurutati chemist of note,
ifchese medicinal herbs, roots and
s barks are assembled in the rough
ai-d painstakingly developed so ns
*o attain that high standard of ef
ficiency shown by tin- uniform pre
paration of Tanlae.’
f» reierring to Tie* wiprecedent
t ed demand for Tanlae jo A tlanta,
Mr. Cha*- A. Smith, tvauager vt
the Jacob**’ Pharmacy Co, , said :
“I bw.v.= F»een in the drug hast
ness ii* Atlanta 25 years, and nut
in my i-x-peircnue have we handled
anything; that even approaches
l'anlac a seller. Tn less than
five weeks*tin;*! we have su’/l and
distributed! turougb eleven stores
9,000 bottles,. ami on last Saturday
alone over 400 people called nt our
stores to obtain, the m»divine.
IJ udguig from the* repeat sales amt
rhemany expressions olf sausfnct son
from those who have actually tes
ta*! T.ililac, fthe preparation must
,be something: of extraordinary
merit. ’ ’
Tanlae is suld- ; exoloeive4y in Me
Skmwagh by the MoDoaoagh Drug
Tanlae is sold' exclusively in
Hampton by H. A. Moore.
Yes —M t*riy Fkaple
Stave told us the f ame story—distress
after eating, gases, heartburn. A
before and after earit meal *dl relieve
yaw.. Sold only by n»--25(5,.
The McDonou gh Drug Co.
Sunday School Association
Meets at Mount Carmel.
Mt. Carmel M. E. church, West
ern Division of Henry County
Sunday School Association, will
meet December 19, 1915, at 10
10 to 10:15—Songs.
10:15 to 10.30—Devotional Ser
vices, H. W. Carmichael.
10:30 to 10:50—T. A Horton,
| The Parents in the School.
10:50 to 11:10 —Col. Dorsey, The
11:10 to 11:30 —Professor Wil-
Aatomobile Club
Henry County Weekly
[Name of Candidate]
This coupon will count for fifty free votes
when properly filled out, sent or brought
to The Henry County Weekly Office.
ihiim-i, Tiit Sunday School.
11:30 to 12:00 —W. W. XWam,
Forward Movement.
1:30 to I:4s—Song Service.
1:45 to 2:ls—Rev. H. S. Smith,
Man’s Responsibility for His In
fluence on the Boy.
2:15 to 2:4s—Rev. J. M. Gil
more, Everybody in the Sunday
2:45 to 3:ls—Rev. C. A- Nor
ton, What Can I Do in the Sun
day School.