Newspaper Page Text
City Local Happenings
Judge Paul Turner spent Mon
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. Turner AllensworP went
up to Atlanta Monday.
Mr. Talmadge Patillo, of Shake
rag, was here Monday .
Mr. Thomas I). Stewart, of At
lanta, was here Saturday.
Mr. Jim Burke, of Shakerag,
was in McDonough Monday.
Mr. Raymond Cathey, of Atlan
ta, was here Sunday with his par
Miss Mitt Wall, of Atlanta, has
been the guest of Mrs. Mamie
Mr. A. N. Brown made a busi
ness trip to Atlanta the last of the
Miss Lois Gilbert of Stock bridge
guests of relatives at Jonesboro
last week-end.
Mr. Wiilie George paid McDon
ough a business trip last Monday.
Conyers Times.
Mrs. G. W. Cathey attended the
funeral of Dr. Sprayberry at El
lenwood Sunday.
Mr. Asa Oglesby was among
the McDonoughites visiting At
lanta Thursday.
Mrs. Howard Carmichael and
children were in Atlanta Saturday
seeing Santa Claus.
Mr. Charles Speer has returned
home alter a stay of four or five
months in Missouri.
Mrs. Marvin Turner and H. M.
Tclleson were those visit
ing Atlanta Saturday.
Mrs. Matthew’s, sister of Mr.
J. A. Fouclie, of Anniston, Ala.,
is a guest in his home.
Mr. Fred Scott was among those
taking in the attractions of the
Gate City last Thursday.
Miss Sally Ford, of McDonough,
is visiting friends and relatives in
Conyers. —Conyers Times.
FOR SALE—Sweet Potatoes at
50 cents bushel; Berkshire pigs at
$3.50. Mrs. John Turner— Adv.
Mrs. W. L Nutt and Miss Sallie
Nutt, of Luella, spent Saturday
shopping in the city. Gnftin
Miss Sarah Hooten came from
Atlanta and spent Sunday with
the family of her brother, Mr. J.
E. Hooten.
Miss Blanche Wentzell and Mrs.
Asa Lemon enjoyed seeing “ l’he
Birth of a Nation” in Atlanta
Wednesday evening.
Mrs. Marvin Harper, after a two
weeks' visit to her father, Mr. H.
W. Carmichael, and other rela
tives here, returned home Friday.
Mrs. Sarah Patterson has re
turned from a visit to her daugh
ter in Dublin, and is now in the
country with another daughter,
Mrs. Russell.
Miss Pallace Green has returned
from a five or six w'eeks’ visit to
relatives in McMcllen's district,
and is now with her uncle, Mr.
George Green.
Rev. C. A. Norton, of Hampton,
was in McDonough Saturday. Mr.
Norton has ju t begun his fu>t
conference year in Hampton, and
*• sanguine of a truittut year both
to his own congregation and to ah
Mrs. Charley Welch came iast
Tuesday from Atlanta, and -pent
the week with her parents, Mi •
and Mrs. Joel Bankston, Mr.
Welch coming down Sunday and
they returned Sunday night.
Miss Martin spent the week-end
in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. A. Paine was a visitor to
McDonough Monday.
Mr. J. W. Anderson spent the
week-end in Covington.
Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Newman
went to Atlanta Saturday.
Miss Mayfield is now making
her home with Mrs. Hankinson.
Mrs. Ed Alexander spent last
Thursday with Mrs. Alex Brown.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner and
Mrs. Simms spent Monday in At
Misses Tarver and Bess Bow
den were shopping in \tlanta
Mr. Dave Wall is in Fayette
ville and expects tw remain for
some time.
Mrs. Fill Fargason spent the
week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Ern
est Elliott.
Mrs. Gradv Morris and little
daughter were visitors in McDon
ough Monday.
Miss Alma Culpepper, of near
Bethany, was in McDonough the
first of the week.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Amis and
Mrs. Lilah D. Copeland mortored
to Atlanta Monday.
Mr. A. J. Henderson, one of
Hampton’s most prominent citi
zens, was in McDonough Satur
To Our Friends and Customers
Yours to serve,
B. B. Carmichael & Son
D. T. Carmichael.
Mr. Ki Price made a busiue s
trip to McDonough Tuesday.
Mrs. Julian Wnetns and Julian
Jr., were in Atlanta Monday.
Mr. C. C. Crawford, of Tussa
haw, was in McDonough Tuesday.
Mr. Lon Sowell attended Unit d
States D.strict Court in Columbus
Mr. and Mrs. Lester, of Price A
Heflin’s mill, motored to McDou
ough Monday.
Mrs. Anna Upchurch made a
trip to Jonesboro to see her sis
ter, Mrs. Henry. Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart
was the week-end guest of Mr.
and Mrs. W. O. Welch.
Mr. Sain Mitchell spent the
week-end ir. Dutchtown with his
uncle, Mr. Henry Mitchell,
Mr. J. D. Johnston, of Atlanta,
was the guest Sunday of his sis
ter, Miss Mamie Johnston.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. R* id, of
Bullochville, spent last week-er.d
with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Brown.
Mrs. Nora E liott and children,
and Miss Pallace Green spent
Sun ay with Mrs. George Kelley.
Mrs. Alex Brown went to At
lanta Thursday to spend several
days as the guest of Mrs. Ed Al
Mr. John Bryans, County Corn
missioner of Roads and Revenue,
has just returned from a trip to
Mrs. E. M. Smith and Ernest,
and Mrs. Tommie Turner were in
Atlanta last Thursday shopping
for Christmas. Atlanta mer
chants advertise.
Bv January Ist to 10th we will have added to our present
lines a full stock of DRY GOODS. NOTIONS, HAT CLOTH
We will be better prepared than ever to take care of your
wants. It is our intention lo be able to furnish you anything
you desire at prices equal to the best to be had. We will also
have added to our present force salesmen of known experience
in their lines.
At an early date we will outline our plan more fully and
in detail.
We thank our friends and customers for their pa*t favors
and solicit a continuance of your patronage.
Mr. Roberts, sf Sewanee, sper.t
Sunday in McDonough, and was a
guest at tea at the home Ot Mr.
Lon Sowell.
Miss Stephie Brogden, of Se
wanee, was the guest of Miss
Ethel Sowell a few days the first
of the week.
Miss lone Price, of The Sixth
district, is the guest of Mrs. E.
M. Smith, and assisting in the U.
D. C. Bazar.
Rev. Jonas Barclay will preach
at the McDonough church next
Sunday. He is now in South
Carolina, but expects to get hack
the last of the week.
Mrs. Dee Tolleson attended a
reception in Jackson Tuesday eve
ning given in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Mallet. Mrs. Mallet is re
merabered here most pleasantly
as Miss Jane Stanfield.
Mrs. Walter Wise and little
daughter, Margaret, who visited
Miss Utah Copeland and her sis
ter, Mrs. W. B. J Ingram, return
ed to their home in Fayetteville
Friday, and thi- \v« ek will join
Congressman yV'ise in Washing
Mr. John O rleshv was
from Atlanta Thursday very ill,
and was carried to the home of
his brother, Mr. Lige Oglesby, and
friends over the < ounty will re
i gret to hear that <h*re has been
little improvcun it in his condi
i Mrs. J. F. M. Fie ds spent Tues
day in Atlan'a. Tne Athnta mer
chants are havi ig such attractive
advertisements that we are tempt
ed to go see whether we buy tr
want quantities of fresh
rabbits between now and
December 20th; must be
in lots of fifty and above.
Ask us how to prepare
them before bringing
Fresh Cocoanuts and
Malaga Grapes.
Bibles aud Testaments
make nice Xmas pres
Big shipment choice live
Geese Feathers.
Supply of Boys' Wagons.
Splendid wagon 50c.
Blue Enameled Water
Buckets with regular
dippers, 45c.
117-Piece Dinner Set,
beautifnlly decorated, for
$6.50. Nothing like it
on the market.
Yates and Terry'S Winter
Apples, buy them by the
Diamond Edge, Fulton
Razor Edge, and Knot
Chopper Axes, 65c.
Real jucy, ripe Indian
River Oranges, 15c, 20c,
and 25c per dozen.
Fresh Cranberries, two
quarts, 25c.
Citron, Dates, Currants,
Raisins, Prunes, Dried
Apples and Peaches,
Nuts, Grade Fruit Tan
gerines. All new and
New Tuna Fish, in cans,
for salads
Gold Bar Mince Meat
10c package.
T urner