Newspaper Page Text
Mnai Special Offer Announced Today
1 no AHA Frcmnow the close of the Campaign, we are offering 100,000 Extra
lUUfUUv V Votes, on clubs of five s=year subscriptions. This offer is unlimited.
Q? nnn On 4-vear subscriptions, we are offering 85.000 Extra Votes on ciubs of
i-vX.iid. f (Jlv/Oi six.. This is the final offer on 4-year subscriptions.
7C AAA + A r /\fnc On Clubs of eight 3-jear subscriptions, we are offering 75,000 Extra
• OjV/vfAr LI/A.LI d V Votes until the close of the Campaign.
FT vfr-l Vntnc On c, ubs °f twelve 2~year subscriptions, we are making as the final of-
JOjOOO £LAAId V OICS* fer 50,000 votes. You can get extra votes on as ma.iy clubs as you get.
0 5 AAA I? v frn l On clubs of twenty-five i-year subscriptions, we are offering 25000
H/XlLd. V Extra Votes. This offer is good to the end, but not final.
For completing the second club of 25 ones, vve are offering 10,000 votes in addition to the votes mentioned above, which makes 35,000 votes
the second club. For the third club of ones, vve are offering 20,000 additional votes, making 45,000 votes for the completion of the third club of
25 ones.
For the fourth club of 25 ones we are offering 50,000 votes in addition to the 25,000|extra spoken of above. This nets you, as you will see,
180,000 extra votes for a club of 100 one-year subscriptions ana if you don’t complete the hundred, you get something for the part that you did get.
Don’t Worry— Work
Use the time that you
have. It may be only
an hour or so a day.
Use it —make it tell.
It’s the utilizing of time,
not how much you
have, that will put your
name at the head of the
award receiving list.
Many Are
Called, But
Few Have
Chosen the
When You
Meet a
Turn a
Deaf Ear
The second and last voting: period < i The Henry County Weekly’s BIG AUTOMOBILE
CAMPAIGN is just one day off, the 27th, and out of possibly 175 nominees brought for=
ward by their hopeful friends as possible winners of the grand awards to be dis=
tributed by The Weekly on December aßtli, only a few have proven true to the faith
of those who believed in them and their ability to win. The district today shows
a list so scant as to remind one of the list of Hebrews at an Irish wedding feast.
However, there is keen satisfaction in the list of talent that still remains, a sa isfac=
tion similar to that of a planter who. having tested out ail his weak, good = fur=nothing
seeds, finds only the strong, vigorous.ones remaining.
There is one standard tb;it never v aries and that is the Knocker’s. A knocker is the sort of a man
that will hunt out a mud pndd e. wade through it, then “cuss” at the cit\ which permits them
within its limits. Strange -it muv, the knocker is usually the most strenuous talker in the
neighborhood, just as the el west d<>g howls the loudest. Perhaps the same strain runs through
them both. Members <>l e A ito Club should consider such possibilities when they find the same
characteristics b\ those : • .■;<> <ut of their way to dishearten and discourage honest ambition and
effort. Just renun lu 1 he who irfiputbs tals motives to his neighbor will bear close watching
himself, as to be c< min harping about such things is mighty good evidence that lie, himself,
might be able to bb< bis d a cork-screw.
Cali < , ite, or telephone
Don't Worry —Work
You should not worry
because you do not, at
all times, obtain what
you think you should.
Do jast as much as you
can each day. then you
have done your best —
“Angels can do no bet