Newspaper Page Text
Motor floral Carrier Examina*
The United States Civil Service
Commission has announced an
examination for the county of
Henry, Georgia, to be held at
Griffin on January 8, 1916, to fill
the position of motor rural car
rier at McDonough, and vacancies
that may later occur on motcr ru
ral routes from postoffices in the
above mentioned county. The
salary on motor routes ranges
from $1,500 to SI,BOO per annum.
The examination will be open
only to male citizens who are act
ually domiciled in the territary
supplied with mail by a postoffice
in ihe countv and w r ho meet the
other requirements set forth in
Forms 2121 and 1977.
Form 2121 may be seen posted
at ;mypostoffice in the county for
winch the examination is held,
ano Form 1977 and application
bl . ks may be obtained from the
oliices at which the vacancy ex
ists and where the examination is
to held, or from the United
S ies Civil Service Commission at
Y\ ashington, D. C.
le appointee to this position
v i be required to furnish, main
t. , and operate a modern motor
v iicle with a carrying capacity
o .ot less than 800 pounds and a
c. ic capacity of not less than 80
l .
■ pplicants must file with their
a, iications a statement of the
e s pment they will be able to
p vide in the event of appoint
r ii. Applications should be
f • araed to the Commission at
A shington, D. C., at the earliest
p ciical date.
Shop Early and Often at the
There are Dolls for all: Jointed Dolls, Dressed-Up=Dolls with shoes and
stockings, expressive moving eyes, blondes and brunettes.
Almost every imaginable kind of Toys, Doll Carriages and Doll Beds.
Besides these we have in stock, we are making new additions to our stock
every week.
We have useful and beautiful Christmas presents for young and old.
Books and Games, Crockery, Cups and Saucers, Vases and Jardinieres, Etc.
JOE J. SMITH, Proprietor
Phone McDonough, Ga.
flosser Johnson,
Last Sunday afternoon Miss
Fannie Bell Rosser and Mr. L. P.
Johnson were married by Rev. J.
A. Jackson at his home near
Miss Rosser is the daughter of
Mr. W. M. Rosser, of Tussahaw,
and a most interesting and attrac
tive young woman, who has many
Mr. Johnson, the son of Mr.
John S. Johnson, of The Sixth
district, is a worthy young farmer
and is receiving the congratula
tions of his friends.
They will make their home in
Beersheba district next year.
21,050 Pounds of “Pig.*’
On Rev. J. A. Jackson’s farm in
Bethany district there were killed
last week nine pigs —pigs’ broth
er, Mr. Jackson calls them
weighing 21,050 pounds.
Mr. Olin Cathey had three
that weighed 706 pounds; Mr. P.
J. Cannon two weighing 440
pounds. This looks like living.
It just makes you hungry to think
about all the nice sausage, back
bone, spareribs, and hog-head
A Family Dining.
A pleasant event of Sunday was
the dinner at which Mr. and Mrs.
John H. Turner were hosts. It
was in the nature of a fami'y re
union, and a delightful day was
had; a bountiful and most delic
ious dinner was served.
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. W. A. Turner, of McMullen’s;
Mr. and Mrs. Wade Turner and
little Frances, Mrs. Jennie Dutfey
and Sadie Duffey, Mrs. Annie
Whitehead and Mollie and Sarah
Fire at L6ct*st Grove.
Last Saturday night fire de
stroyed the stock of merchandise
of Mr. George Bowden and the
storeroom and office of Judge J.
W. Middlebi ooks. All court pa
pers and files were destroyed.
There were some insurance, but
not enough to cover the value of
the properties.
is on us again and we have an
immense stock of Diamonds
watches jewelry and silver that
has been carefully selected and
priced to cooperate with the
scarcity of money and the low
price of cotton.
If it is not convenient for you to
pay cash we will gladly welcome
your charge account.
Durham Jewelry
20 Edgewood Ave. Atlanta, Ga
We Do Quality Printing
Bring Us Your Order
The Henry County Weekly,
McDonough, Georgia.
Telephones oa
Farms at
Jf Bfo Low i
'Hi 3 Rates
If there is no telephone on your farm
write for our Free Booklet telling how you
may get Service at 5 0 cents per month
and up.
A postal will do!
" s ’ i “i» JV.
Farmers’ Line Department.