The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, December 10, 1915, Image 8

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    Cotton Has a Rival.
The opening up of the vast
Diairie laniL of the American
West sixty >tars ago upset agri
culture balances all over the
world. Today that section pro
duces more corn and wheat, prob
ably, than at y other territory of
similar size nt the world.
Compared to this in importance
is the opening now of Southern
tai ming for the cultivation
of corn, 'the figures this year,
showing the enormous increase
in the production of this crop in
the South, indicates that in time
to coine corn and cotton will
rivals in Dixie.
Outside of Florida and South
Carolina, the United States De
pariment of Agriculture estimates
that the Southern States will pro
duce almost eight hundred million
bushels of corn this year. This
is one hundred and seventy-six
million bushels more than last
year, and a quarter of a billion
more than the average for the last
five years.
Naturally, the growing yield of
corn in the South means more
swine, cattle and sheep, especially
the former. It means more pack
ing houses ana million of dollars
saved to the State that heretofore
have gone across the borders for
grain. It means more independ
ent farmers. It means a more
prosperous South. —Macon News.
Yes, we have prepared to take care of your wants for the cold
winter months that are ahead. We anticipated your needs and
our store is full of goods bought early when they could be
bought at rock-bottom prices, and we are pleased to have our
customers share with us the many good things our store is
teeming with. Besides, we have many specials which we
wish to offer for the next few days in Clothing, Ladies’ Suits,
Rugs, Millinery, and other valuable Merchandise.
Extra Special Priced Clothing
We have gone through our entire stock ol Suits and culled from
it every suit where the stock has been broken; 25 suits in all.
Suits that sold from $lB to $12.50 regular. We A"7
have placed on center counter in two lots, one / ft I
for SIO.OO, and the other _ U# || J y
Our stock is full of practical gifts galore, and this is the year
of practical gift giving. Come let us show you our stock and
how cheap they are priced.
Georgia, Henry County.
WhereuhJ. H. Johnson, Admin
istrator of J. K. Mays, represents
to the coart in hie jietition, duly
filed and entered on record, that be
h«8 fnlly administered J E. May’s
This is, therefore, to cite all per
sons concerned, kindred and credi
tors, to show cause, if anv they
can, why said Administrator shonld
not be discharged from his Admin
istration, and receive Letter of
Dismission on the first Monday in
! January 1916
12-31,4 A G. Harris, Ordinary.
leorgia. Henry County.
To whom it may concern:
Notice is hereby given that, the
undersigned has applied to the Or
dinary of said county for leave to
sell the land belonging to the estate
of W. H. Burch for tin* purpose of
Distribution. Said application will
be heard at the regular term of the
Court, of Ordinary for said county
to be held oti he first Monday
JannHrv 191(5.
This Dec. Bth 1915.
W. H Burch, Sr.
12-31,4 Administrator.
By virtue of an order of the Or
dinary of Henry County Georgia,
will be sold before the court house
door in the city of McDonough
Georgia." between the legal hours
of sale on the first Tuesday in Jan
next, the following projKjrty to
One lot, together with brick
building thereon, situated in the
citv of McDonough, Henry county
Georgia, fronting seventy feet on
alley between this property and T.
A. Sloan’s residence and running
East to alley between this property
and former residence of J. B. Rob
inson, thenoe North along said al
h y ninety feet to a fifteen foot alley
between this property and Stansell
& Rapes shops, thenoe along said
alley West seventy feet to the East
wall of the brick stable of Ed Good
win, and thence South along the
middle of said Goodwin's wall nine
ty feet to the allev between this
property arid T A. Hloan’s resi
Also ;
27.1 acreß of land part, of the Dr.
Manson place, and later known as
the Varner lands and known as lot
one on plat of the Varner lands
drawn bv Richa’-dson-Wev Co., re
corded in book of Deeds 11 page 1
in the Clerk’s office Henry Superi
or court, and bounded on the North
by Jonesboro road, on the East by
lands of Mrs. Tomlinson, on the
South by lands of Mrs, Toml nson
W. A. Simpson and estate of L. A.
Turner, on the W* st by other lands
J, V. Upchurch, and beitis* the
home place of the late J. V. Up
Also ;
56,.“) acres of land pait of the Dr.
M inson place, and later known as
the Varner lands and kn<~wn as lot
number two, on a plat of the Var
ner lands drawn bv Richardson-
Wey Co,, and on record in book of
Deeds 11 page 1, in the Clerk’t of
of Henry Superior court, and boun
ded on the North by the Jonesboro
road, on the blast by lands <>t J. V.
Upchurch, known as the home
place, on the South bv lands of
Mrs. Tomlinson W. A. Simpson,
and **s ate of L. A. Turner, and on
the West bp Camp C'eek.
Also, 12 1-2 acres of End near
McDonough Georgia in th> seventh
land district, bounded on th • North
Our Ladies’ Suits and Coats must go regardless as to price.
Come in and let us show you.
Some Notion Specials:
3 pairs of heavy Socks 25c
Good 36-inch Bleaching 08c
5-yard bolts No. 2 Ribbon 10c
by land of J annul the
East by Griffin road, on the South
bv land of A. N. Brown, uu the
West by lands ot A, N. Brown and
Mrs. Annie Nolan.
Also :
One house and lot in Blacksville.
Hunry county Georgia, know n as
the Jake Weems place, and bounded
on the North by Cemetery street,
on the East bv lot of Katie Walker,
on the South by Cenieterv, on the
West by lot of Harrison Alexander.
Also :
One lot in Blacksville, **eing in
Are you prepared to hear that greeting? I can pre
pare you My stock of Mechanical Toys, Fireworks,
Etc., is complete. Then the Christmas Fruits, Nuts,
Raisins, Etc., are here for you. Apples, Oranges,
Grape Fruit, Cranberries, Crackers, Biscuits, Cakes,
My Groceries are fresh and pure. Fresh meats
also. A visit here will pay you.
w. o. WELCH,
McDonough, Georgia
the arvebth land district of Henry
County Georgia, containing one
fonrtb of an acre more ,or less
bounded on the North b.v lot. of
Holloway Crockett, on the East by
lot of As« A. Lemor, on the South
by lot of Henrv Bowles, on the
West bv lot of Arnita Jackson,
formerly Schafer.
All sold as the property of J. V.
Ul»church for the purpose of pay
ment of debts. Terms Cash.
This 7tli day of December 1915.
Anna L. Upchurch,
12-31,4 Adn.r’x of J. V. Upchurch
6 cards Ocean Pearl Buttons._2sc
6 spools Crochet Cotton. .25c
Nice large Rug SI.OO