Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Interesting News Letter From
Our Correspondent Tells of
Their Work.
A very exciting game of basket
ball was played Monday afternoon
between the faculty and the Ju
nior class, resulting 14 to 3 in fa
vor of the faculty. It was a cold
and windv day to watch an athle
tic contest an an out door court,
but the faculty members, ordina
rily considered old-timers and
“has bens,” came back and
swamped the Juniors. Besides,
the faculty were the favorites
with the rooters on the side lines,
and also the chief object of tun
and amusement. The ofticial line
up which was used 10 s: facul
ty, Gray, right toward; ivmale,
left foward; Casen, cm i ; Srnal
iey, right guard; Cates ft guard.
Juniors, Thomas, ri toward;
Kidwell, left fowar , Johnson,
center; Mahone, right u ird; Gay,
left guard. Referee, I <d
The Sigma lota S c. * > gave a
unique Christmas i t entertain
ment last Saturday «.t in honor
of the Faculty and boys of the
school. There was much specu
lation as to the identity of Santa
The presentation of the Sweet
Family and Two Joilv Bachelor
Girls furnished much amusement
and entertainm at this week
The Society game was taken by
the Philomatheans 45 to 14.
Whitchard, Daves and David play
ed well for their respective sides.
The Locust Grove' people- who
saw the Dlay “The Birth of a Na
tion,” in Atlanta recently were so
well pleased that many are going
back to see it again.
Prof Earnest Gray may spend
the Christmas vacation visiting
Cuba and the Panama Canal.
Prof. Claud Gray and family
will spend part of the time in
Miss Sheldon is going to be in
Tennessee during the holidays.
The other members of the fa
culty are going to be in and
around their home towns. Prof.
Smalley, in Washington; Cason,
Augusta; Prof. Plymale, Indian
SDrings; Miss Pace, Jackson; Miss
Nettie Gray, Locust Grove; Prof.
Combs, Locust Grove; and Miss
Barton will be in Morrow.
Miss W r ilene Donovan and Miss
Annie Parr, who have been at
tending Shorter will be at home
this week for the holidays.
Miss Nettie Gray has introduced
the cortinaphone method of teach
ing Spanish in L. G. I.
Miss Emma Walker, spent the
week-end at* the Central Hall.
Both Societies had exceptionally
good programs last Saturday.
Miss Helen Howard is visiting
Mrs. Katie Donovan.
Among the recent visitors at the
school were: Mr. and Mrs. Walter
Meade Crawford, from
Jackson; Miss Byrdnette Manley,
Jackson; and Miss Annie Wright
Manley, from Hawkinsville.
The people of Locust Grove had
an informal lawn entertainment
McDonough, qeorqia. Friday December it, ms
For Miss McDonald.
A pretty and novel entertain
ment was that given by Mrs.
Fannie DeLoach at her home at
Snapping Shoals last Saturdry aft
ernoon, December 4th. It was
given in compliment to Miss Mat
tie McDonald, a much loved friend
who is leaving to make her home
in McDonough.
It was in the nature of a hand
kerchief shower. Twenty friends
were invited, and while they gath
ered around tables playing games,
the hostess gave the command to
“push, all push,” and from a bas
ket suspended over the table
where the honor guest sat, many
dainty packages fell all around
and on her, and on opening were
found to contain beautiful hand
kerchiefs. In each package was
found a sealed note which con
tained a written wish, the notes
to be opened at different dates in
the future.
Delicious refreshments were
served. It was a beautiful affair,
showing their appreciation of this
Mrs. Bob Howell Returns
From Rochester, N. Y.
Mrs. Bob Howell returned from
Rochester, N. Y., Monday evening,
where she went for an operation,
it was considered unnecessary by
the physicians and she came by
McDonough for a lew days’ stay
with relatives, and to get her lit.
tk son who was left here with
his a’nt, Mrs. Farrar. She has
now returned to her home in
Tampa, Fla.
Entertainmant at Pleasant Grove.
Tfie Literary and Music depart
ments of the Pleasant Grove High
Scfiool near Kelle.ytown, will give
an entertainment on Thursday
evening Dec. 23rd, at 7:30 o’clock.
Admission 10 and 15 cts Good
Program. Public, are cordially in
vited to attend.
on Friday night in Combs' ppsture.
Miss Lorena Combs entertain
ed fifteen couples t progressive
rook on Saturday evening.
Those visiting Mrs A. u. Combs
are: Mr. Clem Gunn, Mr. Claude
Gunn, from Crawfordsville. Miss
Eva Kimball and Miss Bannie
Kimball, Phillipi; Miss Eda Cal
houn, Americus; Miss Fannie Ellis,
Bethany; and Misses Margaret and
Jane Ogletree, from Griffin.
The Methodist and Baptist Sun
das Schools of Locust Grove will
have a Christmas tree on the
twenty-fourth of December.
Mr. J. A. Fouche Makes Statement.
McDonough, Georgia, December Bth, 1915.
I, the undersigned, J. A. Fouche, have purchased from Frank
Reagan hrs lease to THE Henry COUNTY WEEKLY, to become ef
fective on January 1, 1916, and he and I have entered into a written
contract by which I agree, among other things, to send, without
further pay, The HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY to all paid-in-advance
subscribers to The HENRY COUNTY WEEKLY as turned over to me
at the end of the year 1915 by said Frank Reagan, until their
paid-up-time expires, or for so long a time as I retain, either di
rectly or indirectly through others, charge of said newspaper, THE
Henry County Weekly, or partial charge of the same; it being
the universal and accepted custom that, in the change of the own
ership or control of a newspaper, the subscription list is taken over
by the new management with the obligation to send the pane'-* to
all who are paid-in-advance subscribers. J. A. FOUCHE
The Battle of Ballots Is Almost Over—The Most
Popular and Energetic Members of the Auto
Campaign To Be Announced Friday.
Club Members Should Lose no Time—Send in Reserve Votes
Early—No Votes Issued After the Closing Hour.
As the Candidates have agreed
to the olan, we have extended the
Campaign to nine o'clock sharp,
Thursday night, December 23rd
This is the golden opportunity
for those who are anxious to work
and it will ta«e wofek to win one
of the Prizes. You can’t win a
Prize by sitting at home with fold
ed hands. No! Opportunity isn’t
going to walk up and knock you
over, it only presents itself and if
not entertained, it quietly moves
on to the next doot\
This Campaign ii not an excep
tion to the average business life.
When a man goes into business,
he goes in with his whole heart
and soul, with the determination
to make it a success. So it is
with The Henry County Weekly’s
big Automobile Campaign. If you
want to make a success of it, you’-
ve got to work these last few days
'The isn’t decided ypt and the
Candidate who makes the remain
ing days count tb< BIGGEST will
wTnTfie TntifjrEST. Get the BU
SINESS now and win a FORD
Closing Rules About Getting
Votes In.
The Henry County Weekly
would dislike to see any Candi
date lose a single vote because of
the excitement which is sure to
occur during the last few hours of
the Campaign, or because of some
misunderstanding on the part of
any contestant.
It is impossible for you to ex
ercise to much caution in arriving
at a lull understanding of the
rules and conditions governing
the Contest.
First —All votes and remittan
ces, no matter at what time mail
ed, must be received a! the office
of the Contest Manager before 9
P. M, Thursday Dec. 23rd. or they
will be worthless and will not be
Second —All remittances and
votes mailed afternoon Wednes
day, Dec. 22nd, should bear a
special delivery stamp.
Third —All remittances should
be addressed to the Auto Club
Department and not to individuals.
This is to prevent confusion.
Fourth —No personal checques
will be accepted on the closing
day unless certified; postoffice or
express money orders, and
certified checques will be accept
ed in payment for subscriptious.
Please note this carefully and do
not present personal checques in
payment for subscriptions on
Thursday, December 23rd, * the
closing day of the Campaign.
The following will act as judges
to count the votes and announce
the result and the winner.
Messrs. J. B. Dickson, H. C.
Hightower and A. R. Scott.
H. M. ToJleson 239,400
Charles Low 240,350
Lerov Bright 275,800
Frank Fields 225,400
Howell Dickson 229,800
Miss Lillie Lee Elliott .. . 278,500
Mr. John Varner 230.400
Miss Vella Harper 235,800
Rev. Jonas Barclay 250 600
Miss Myrtle Weatherly.. 278,500
Mr. A. G. Sowell 265,900
Mr. Earnest Rodgers 234,400
Miss Ilalene Smith 230,700
McDONOUGH, (Route 1.)
Miss Alma Culpepper __ 287,400
Miss Estelle Jenkins 265,450
McDONOUGH, (Route, 3.)
Miss Janie Mays 281,425
Miss Evie Stone 279,850
McDONOUGH, (Route 4.)
Miss Trellis Lane 235,4(K)
Rev. E.C Cowan 281,125
McDONOUGH, (Route 5.)
Miss Pearl Payne 241,825
McDONOUGH, (Route 6.)
Mr. J. 0. Adair 273,675
Miss Mertice Bailey 229,800
McDONOUGH, (Route 7.)
Mr. C. J. Green 280,400
Mrs. Grady Morris 280,400
Miss Oza Johnson 277,850
Miss Ruby Branan 281,125
Mrs. A. H. Swann 281,250
Mrs. Laura Dorsey 235,400
Mrs Low Carroll 242,800
Mrs. Pearlie Skinner 235,600
vliss Jennie Fullerton ... 228,175
Miss Robie White 233,150
j No Paper On the 31st Instant
In accordance with the usual
| custom, we shall issue no papei
I on the last week in the year.
Only a sheet to carry legal ad -
vertising will be issued.
The issue of the 24th instant
.will, therefore, be the last paper
issued this year.
Mr. J. A. Fouche to Assume
Control of The Weekly
Col. J. A. Fouche and son, of
McDonough and Atlanta, respec
tively, were in the city a short
while Sunday. Mr. Fouche will
assume editorial and business
control of the Henry Count}
Weekly at McDonough on Janua
ry Ist, and later his son wi'l give
up a Government jot) in Atlanta
ito be associated with him in the
management of the newspaper.—
Griffin News.
Mrs. Andrew Biake, of Gri fin,
Entertains Relatives al Dinner
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Blake, of
Griffin, had as their m 4 1.,: t
Sunday at an elegant dun r, Mr,
and Mrs. Cicero Daniel, Mr. 1
Mrs. Henry Amis and ehildien
Mrs. Eliza Crooksh nks, Mrs.
Lilah D. Copeland ami 11, I. ( p
I land, of McDonough.
Barge Line for Chat! M iT#* )
When navigation 1
from Atlanta to tlie j v
proposed Chattahooch
ment, M rrtin F. Ainoi<
lanta, will provide a b< >
operate on the water \
is the substance of s • ■
wrdte the Atlanta Ci r
Commerce Tuesday.
Mr. Amorous made I
tee because the Uni
Government desired s<
ance that the waterway :
really used after it w. »p.-, ( ,
Mr, Amorous’letter wi hi I
with the Governmen an- i
Engineer Pereival N. Ini*,,
who is in charge of the v r im
provement work.
Some Good Sandwiches.
A delicious chicken sandwich
filling, one especially good to use
with whole wheat bread, is made'
with one cup of chopped chicken,
one cup of chopped almonds,
moistened with cream and season
ed with salt and pepper.
Cream fillings are to be well re
ceived. Cream two tablespoonfuls
anchovy paste, half cup of chop
ped olives season with salt, papa
rika and a bit of mustard and press
between thin slices of white
Miss Eva Sock well- 279,125
Miss Fannie McHayes__ 234,300
Mrs. Lillian Lester 280,400
Miss Bertha Holder... _ 245,600
Mrs Elon Capps 278,925
Mrs. James Middleton... 236,800
Mrs. P. R. Martin 225,600
Miss Vessie Standard 259,725
Mrs. W. W. Fears 280,400
Miss Melba Edwards 2/8,925
Miss Willie Copeland 245,800