The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 28, 1916, Image 3
South Avenue. On next Sunday the 30th instant, there will be an all day holiness meeting at Bethel. Rev. Walter Carmichael the pastor, will be there; also some preachers and singers f«om Atlanta. Miss Julia Riley was confined to her room with illness several days last week. Mr. C. W. South spent Thurs day and Friday in the Gate city. f Mr. and Mrs. Joe Howell spent Saturday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Peterman. Misses Harriett and Elon Clark spent Friday shopping in Atlanta. Mr. and Mrs. Phin Henderson motored from Ellenwood, and were the guests of Mrs. M. D. Ford Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Clark and little son Bromly, spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark and family. We are glad to note that Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Austin are better, after being quite ill for several days. Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Powell and children of Rex, visited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. John White, Sunday. We regret to say that Mrs. White is very sick with grip. Wonder why “Observer” dosen’t write for the Weekly anymore. Busy Bee. Pine Forest. Mr. Will Strickland has been on the sick list for the last few days. Hope he will soon be well again. Mr. and Mrs. Lester visited Mrs. Mary Copeland Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Weems spent last Sunday afternoon with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs J.W. Sanders. Mr. J. A. Wells of Luella was a visitor in this section last Friday. Miss Ethel Coan spent last Sat urday with Mrs. D. M. Weems. Mrs. J. H. Carr and daughter, Miss Annie Kate, spent last Sun day with Mr. P. R. Martin and family. Mr. J. W. Sanders made a busi- tet Contend IS Tluid Dractna j|| . J IjUS P'2 ALCOHOL- 3 PERCENT, j A Vegetable Pre paratioufor As osog simiUtiiKt the Food and PromoksDiie’stifflS ce £ 1 1 ness audPesl.Coutauisfl£ito , no? Opium,Morphia nor Mineral Not \arc otic ‘ &g< j £eci F I ,nMDrS.VW I M<fi& ; piunpkm Settl' i | iMb) Jain Seed* ®5 aES&w ( & | SSSSg- S . ' Wntngr*nnt™r_ VS Ap€*dE|mcdyf«rC®^ m. "afflsgii JjiSo LossorSu* 1 ' , gf.® i lacSii* %!^5 o£ i I| Exact Copy of Wrapper. Bailiany. Bethany Sunday school re-or-j ganized last Sunday and re-elec-j ted Mr. W. G. Thompson superin- < tendent. Union Graded School is on a boom, with Professor Mitchell as principal and Miss Lula Calhoun, and Miss Fannie Ellis assisting. Miss Nannie Lou Stallworth spent the week-end with her sis ter, Mrs. Robert Wynn, in Sandy ridge. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Hooten of Mc- Donough spent Sunday with the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Duke. Miss BesSie Rosser of near Lo cust Grove has been with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. I. P. Rosser, since Christmas, her aunt being confined to her room with blood poison. One of our Sunday school teachers, Mrs. Sallie McCullough, has been on the sick list since the holidays, but we hope she will soon be able to be with her little people. Mr. Wade Rosser of near Lo cust Grove spent Sunday after noon with his parents. The W. M. S. of Bethany church hold their meetings at the church every first and third Saturday aft ernoon, and all the ladies are in vited to attend. Mrs. Ruth Rosser has an inter esting music class at Union Grad ed School. Well, maybe I had better not say too much the first time. Wish ing the editor and many Weekly readers a happy new year, I close. R. T. ness trip to Griffin last Thursday. We are glad to state that Mrs. Mary Copeland is improving. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Glass vis ited the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. McKinney, last Sunday. Look out, boys, it’s leap year now is your time to get married. Betty. Cultivation of good habits is also an excellent way of getting rid of bad ones. For Infants and Children. Mothers Know That Genuine Dastoria Always / / . Bears the /tf flaF Se vX For Over Thirty Years GASTORIA THC CCNTAUA COMMNV, NfW YORK CITY. Union Grove School. Sunday was such a beautiful; davit made everyone feel like winter was gone, and all wanted j to go visiting. A large crowd was present at ’ Sabbath School last Sunday after- * noon. Miss Eva Bell: spent the week ! end with her sister at Pleasant Grove. Misses Cathlene and Colee Combs of Locust Grove spent the week end with their sister, Miss Sarah Combs, at the home of Mr. Doc. j Crumbley. Mr. Howard Carmichael and family spent Sunday is this sec tion. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Elliott Jr. and children attended services at Flip pen Sunday, and report a very fine sermon from the Rev. H. S. | Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Elliott spent i Sunday with. Mr. H. F. Elliott and j family. Mrs. S. Lunsford of Butts coun ty, has been with her mother, Mrs. G. W. Wilder, during her illness. Mr. Janies Russell was a recent caller in this community, Miss Mae Crumbley of Oakland was a visitor in this section Satur day and Sunday. Mr. E. T, Blankenship spent Saturday night with Mr. S. S. Buckalew near Bethany. Cold weather and hog killing has subsided for a while, it seems, but lagrippe and sore eyes are getting busy. Quite a number of the pupils have sore eyes and some older people have lagrippe. Among the latter are Mrs. G. W. Wilder and Mrs. E. Johnson, who have been confined to their beds for several days, but are now very much improved. Mrs. Susan Duffey departed this life Jan. 20, after a long illness at her home in McMullen’s dis trict. Her condition did not seem to be serious until Sunday, 16th, she suddenly grew worse, and all hope was abandoned. She was a good woman, always kind and gentle to those in need. It can truly be said of her, she hath done what she could. Her re remains were laid to rest at the Harper burial ground, after ap propriate held by Rev. J. M. Gil more. One Two. Let Us See. it is said of Hannah Moore that when she was told a tale of any one in her village, her reply ussu ally was: “Come let us go and see \ if this be true.” The effect was something won derful. The tale-bearer, taken ( aback, would begin to make ex cuses and say, “Possibly there is some mistake,” but this would not satisfy the good dame, who insis ted that the tale-bearer should go with her to the parties to see if the tale was true. If every Christian man and wo man were like that, what a revo lution it would bring in society. But how many professing Chris tian ; not only listen to tales about others, but really peddle them, and are often first to cut the ac quaintance of one who is slander ed by the very ones w'ho should have been his staunchest rriends to the last.—Ex. A girl named plain Mary at her birth dropped the “r” when she gre w up and became May. As she began to shine in society she changed the “y” to an “e” and signed her letters “Mae.” About a year ago she was married, and now she has dropped the “e” and is just plain “Ma.” Ibit’. ulouauri'll iHtiM&Sii-* .. * ... 'a . AND BUY A I have the cars, and there is no other which can do the work of the Ford. Prices at McDonough are: Touring Car $470.10 Roadster - 422.10 I also have a good second hand car for sale. Free air at my garage. The best of work in my repair shop. The highest class tires and accessories here. All Ford parts here too. Visit me. With thanks for your patronage and my best wishes for a very prosperous and a happy New Year. H. M. AMIS, McDonough, = Georgia.