Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No. !57 F ifc A M meet Ist and ;id
Firday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally and cor
u laity invited to meet with r.s."
J. E. Hooten, W. M.
W. A. Harper, Sec,
Days perceptibly longer.
Mr. Harvey Fields went up to
Atlanta Saturday.
7 bars Octagon Soap 25c Satur
day. W. 0. Welch.
Mr. J. S. Bond was down from
Ellenwood Wednesday.
The mule market is beginning
to take on more activity.
Mayor E. M. Smith was in At
lanta on business last Saturday.
Mr. Clarence Harris came down
from Atlanta to be at home Sun
Mr. Howard Carmichael made a
business trip to Atlanta last Sat
Mr. and Mrs. Gus Brown were
among the Saturday visitors to
Mr. Chester Castellaw was up
from Locust Grove on business
Mrs. Annie Whitehead will be
at the home of Mrs. Annie Nolan
while the latter is on a visit to
Florida for awhile.
Miss Blanche Wentzell was call
ed to Richmond, Va., last Satur
day by the serious illness of her
little nephew, Ernest Osgood.
For Sale —Pianos and Organs.
Famous Kimball sold under guar
antee. Post ca r d Rt. 3 Box 24 Mc-
Dono, will reach me. D. A. Nolan.
Mr. Ray Pair was down from
Flippen Tuesday and added his
name to the list of appreciated
new subscribers to The Weekly.
T. A. Sloan & Co. have an in
teresting advertisement of new
goods in this issue of The Weekly
the announcement of which as
sures their customers of nice at
Mrs. Annie M. Nolan and daugh
ter, Miss Annie, left yesterday on
a visit to relatives in Jacksonville,
Fla., and before returning will go
as far south as Tampa and per
haps other points.
Capt. J. T. Lowry, the popular
Southern Railway conductor, is
making a strong race for sheriff
of Fulton county. The people
along this end of the line would
be delighted to see him pull the
Mr. John L. Gardner, the well
known Locust Grove merchant,
advertises low cash prices in our
columns this week, which pur
chasers will do well to read. Mr.
Gardner is one of Middle Geor
gia’s best business men.
When you have eyetroubles
you need not go to Atlanta to
have thent examined and glasses
fitted; just call on Speer, McDon
ough, he uses the latest and most
approved methods of examina
tions ; the best glasses and stylish
Col. Dozier Russell has been
elected city attorney of Jackson,
also captain of the military com
pany there, which is pleasing news
to his numerous Henry county
friends. But few young lawyers
have equaled Colonel Russell’s
success since his entry into the
profession, and he well deserves
the honors and confidence of the
leo tie among whom he has cast
his lot.
Next Tuesday is sale day.
Not a very unusual siege of grip
after all.
25 lbs. granulated sugar $1.60.
W. O. Welch.
Mr. Jim Scott of Conyers was
in this city Friday.
Miss lone Price of Flippen was
in McDonough last Thursday.
Mr. F, G. Dobson of Atlanta,
spent Tuesday night in the city.
Have you noticed the quickened
stroke of the city clock? It’s better.
‘’Uncle Gus” Thrasher was a
prominent passenger to Atlanta
last Saturday.
For Sale —Tombstones, third less
in price and just as good as our
competitors. Nolan Bros. Rt. 3
Box 24, McDono. 1 28 tf
A change of schedule in the
Columbus train from Atlanta last
Sunday morning, puts Lts arrival
an hour later in McDonough.
Mr. Joel Bankston announces
his shops for the new year in bet
ter shape than ever, and places
an attractive advertisement in The
The plumbers have been the
most popular men in town. About
thirty calls were put in at Stansell
Sc Rape’s on account of “busted”
pipes last week.
The McDonough Trading Com
pany has added a new meat mar
ket to its business, under the
management of Mr. Asa Oglesby.
See advertisement in this*issue.
Mr. Lee Hinton and wife and
Mrs. Cora Fields visited the fami
ily of Mr. J. F. M. Fields last Sunday
evening. Mrs. Fields remained
over for the week to be with her
mother, Mrs. Thos. Fields.
Messrs. W. W. DeLanev, W. W.
Simmons, T. L. Ingram and C. H.
Connally, a party of Southern Bell
Telephone officials, stopped over
at the Brown House Tuesday night
on a motor trip from Atlanta.
Parents, many school children
complain of eyetroubles —gener-
ally h.vperopid; if taken in time it
may be remedied by convex glass
es, if neglected it leads to serious
consequences. Call on Speer tor
free examinations.
Rev. M. C. Liddell, the new pas
tor of the Presbyterian church, is
exepected to arrive with his fam
ily today or tomorrow and will
probably preach at the Baptist
church Sunday. A cordial wel
come awaits them in McDonough
by our entire citizenry.
Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Adams,
of Luella, announce the en
gagement of their sister, Miss
Martha Anne Adams, to Mr. Epps
Rowan, of the Sixth district, the
ceremony to occur some time in
February. Many congratulations
go to the excellent couple in ad
Mr. John Rountree of Flippen,
one of the now few who have
been taking The Weekly ever
since its first issue, called in last
Friday to renew his subscription.
Of course many changes have
been made within this time. Mr.
Rountree’s remembrance is duly
Hon. E. L. Rainey, member of
the State Prison Commission, was
a prominent visitor to McDon
ough a few hours yesterday. Mr.
Rainey is not only one of Geor
gia's most efficient and popular
officials, but is also editor of the
Dawson News, a weekly paper
! with no superior in the State.
Mrs. Ed Alexander of Atlanta
spent last week w th her mother,
Mrs. Ida Alexander.
Misses Mary Ross Scott and
Bess Hull of Conyers are guests
of Mrs. D. W. Scott.
Clerk Henry Hightower is re
ceiving congratulations upon the
arrival of a new baby girl.
Several Communications arrived
too late for this issue. To be in
time, everything should be mailed
Monday in order to reach the of
fice Tuesday.
Use our capital —build a money
making business of your o mi sell
ing our Sanitary Brushes. Big
Profits. Exclusive Territory.
North Ridge Company,
Freeport, 111.
Special attention is directed to
the card of Capt. C. M. Speer in
this issue. No one is better pre
pared to serve you in his line, and
it will save time expense
when needing his services, rather
than go off to the high priced
Money to Loan.
A few thousand dollars of local
money to loan on improved Hen
ry county farm lands at 8 per
cent interest; reasonable expense
and no delay if property of un
doubted value. Paul Turner, at
torney at law, office in court
house, McDonough, Ga. 2-12, 4
To my Friends and Cus.
Being unable to dispose of my
fixtures, I have decided to remain
in business, and I take this occa
sion to thank each of you for your
business in the past and ask for
your continued patronage —and
can assure you that I will always
give \ou the best for the money,
it W. 0. Welch.
How’s This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Re
ward for any case of Catarrh that can
not be cured by Hall’s Catarrh Cure.
Hall’s Catarrh Cure has been taken
by catarrh sufferers for the past
thirty-five years, and has become
known as the most reliable remedy for
Catarrh. Ho-ll’s Catarrh Cure acts thru
the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex
pelling the Poison from the Blood and
healing the diseased portions.
After you have taken Hall’s Catarrh
Cure for a short time you will see a
great improvement in your general
health. Start taking Hall’s Catarrh
Cure at once and get rid of catarrh.
Send for testimonials, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio.
Sold by all Druggists, 75c.
Two Stores \ locust R grove trading co. I Two Stores
The Cash System Stores having bought before
the advance 700 barrels of Flour, 10,000 pounds
Lard, 4,000 pounds Coffee. Am selling same
below the market.
Have left 70 tons Cotton Seed Hulls. Am closing out same at sl4 per ton.
Pay cash for what you buy and save money. Prices for this week:
Fancy Patent Flour $6.40; Compound Lard 10c;
Good Coffee, 8 and 9 pounds, SI.OO
My line of Dry Goods, Clothing and Shoes is complete, having bought all
the staples before the advance. Can save you money on these.
I take this occasion to thank my many friends and customers tor their loyal
support and patronage in the past and hope a continuation ot same. It is not my
desire to lose a single customer by this change. PAY CASH and let what you owe
be tor cash, then you will know just what you owe. \ ours truly,
Iwo btores. L g. trading co.
Pleasant Grove School
As a friend and patron of Pleas
ant Grove High School, 1 should
like to make an expression con
cerning the condition and prog
ress of same.
The enrollment has reached
about 150 pupils. The faculty con
sists of five teachers, and the dis
cipline and management seem tu
be almost perfect. Prof. T. J.
Horton, our esteemed Principal,
has the happy faculty of ruling
his school by love rather than the
rod. He has won the respect and
love of his entire school a id com
munity. The patrons feel under
obligations to the trustees in se
curing the services of such a good
We have opened up a new market in the
Grocery Department of The McDonough Trad
ing Company, and will appreciate your giving
us a trial We will keep only good meats and
sell at reasonable prices. Phone No. 105 at Mc-
Donough Trading Company.
Yours for service,
McDonough Market Company,
A. C. OGLESBY, Manager.
To My Friends and Customers
for 1916
lam better prepared to serve you than ever before. My
department tor repairing and repainting automobiles is bet
ter equipped than it has ever been. Recovering and building
new auto and buggy tops done in the best possible manner.
Also m.v general repair work and horseshoeing is kept up
in first class style and everything promptly done.
\ow is the time to have vonr auto overhauled and re
painted while gasoline is high and the roads are had.
Don’t fail to see me for the best of everything.
McDonough. Georgia.
man to be at the head of our
school. We can keep our chil
dren at home and get high class
instruction as the children in town
get. We have a large music class
which is appreciated very much
by the community. Then, our
corps of assistant teachers, Misses
Jeffie Belk, Bessie Greer and Vida
Moore, are as fine as we hope to
get in the county.
We think our school is one
among the best in the county.
We Mend
Shoes, Harness, Guns and Pisto Is,
Fly Screens new and old, Furni
ture new and second hand, in fact
anything that breaks. Mays &
Rape, next door below postot'riee.