The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, January 28, 1916, Image 8

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    Towaliga News.
Mr. D. L. Patrick Jr., is spend
ing this month here cutting logs on
his father’s plantation, preparing
to build a new barn on his farm
near Griffin.
Rev. I. G. Walker preached an
inspiring sermon at Union Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Giiliard of
Macon, and I)r. and Mrs. T. J.
Phillips of Beulah, were the din
ner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. C.
Giiliard Sunday.
Miss Jamie Turner of Hampton
has been the guest of her sister,
Mrs. Roswell Welden for the past
two weeks.
Mrs. B. T. Collins spent Sunday
with Mrs. W S. Patrick.
Little William Patrick is suffer
ing with asthma.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wallace and
Mrs. W. B. Kelley of McDonough,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs.
Tobe Wallace Sunday.
Mrs. Jordan has returned from
Columbia, S. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Williams
and little daughters, Mildred and
Katherine, of Locust Grove spent
the week-end with relatives here.
A marriage of interest to the
many friends of the groom in this
community occured in Williamson
Jan. 16, at the home of the bride’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew
Williamson. The bride was Miss
Buice Williamson, and the groom
Mr. Joe Pullin of Griffin. Rev.
Nath Thomoson performed the
ceremony. Mr. and Mrs. Pullin
are at home to their friends in
Griffin, after several days visit
Mr. and Mrs, L. W. Pullin enter
tained informally at a 6 o’clock
dinner Tuesday m honor of Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Pullin of Griffin.
Regular preaching day at Union
Baptist church has been changed
from the 3rd Sunday to the 4th
-Sunday. Preaching every fourth
Saturday and Sunday in each
month. The public is cordially
invited to attend these services.
Rev. 1. G. Walker of Locust Grove
is pastor.
Mount Bethel.
Folks just have fits and spells
in the country if a child misses a
day, now and then, during a term
from literary school on account of
bad weather; but most any Sunday
is too bad to attend Sunday school
for old and young, and who-ever
saw the weather too bad for a
woman to go visiting, if she had a
chance, or for a man to go hunt
ing or to town? Did you know
that nil excases are untruths?
Think about it.
W. L. Wynn went up to Atlanta
last week. 0. Jones also went re
Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Austin visit
ed his parents near New Hope
church, and Mrs. Austin attended
services there Sunday.
I am sorry to note the serious
illness of Prof. McMillan. Mrs.
Leona McKibben, the efficient pri
mary teacher, has been managing
both his work and her own, but
sorry to say she is sick with la
grippe and there will be no school
at Sandy Ridge until the trustees
can arrange about a teacher, which
of course will be right away.
Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Cash visited
the family of Mr. Ode Hane’s Sun
Mrs. Mamie Rosser and child
ren visited Mis. Exer Austin Sun
day afternoon.
Glad to say that Mr. Arthur Jef
fares is able to be out again, also
that Mr. Cloma Garner seems to
Jenkinsburg News.
We are very sorry to know that
Mr. W. B. Bowden is verv sick,
hope he will soon be better.
Miss Mary Fletcher was the
guest of Miss Beedie Thurston
Mr. Askew Cook of Jackson
spent Sunday with his mother
Mrs. J. T. Cook.
Misses Lncile Akins and Odelle
Moore spent the week-end in At
Miss Mildred Cook spent Sun
day with relatives at Stark.
Mr. Ollie Woodward spent a
few da vs last week with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Wood
Miss Lena Benson has returned
home after a pleasant visit to rel
atives at Conyers.
Mr. and Mrs. Lucian Nutt spent
Sunday with Mrs. V. P. Manning.
Misses Del and Ruth Childs of
Phillips was in our midst last
Mrs. Emory Harper of Jackson
is visiting Mrs. J. W. Harper.
Miss Ruth Middlebrooks who is
attending school at Macon spent a
few days with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Middlebrooks.
Misses Edie, and Ednie Lever
ette have as their guests, Misses
Sallie Ruth Conley and Kaphie
Stone of Monticello.
Miss Kate Tolleson spent Sunday
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.
C. Tolleson. KIDS.
Hey O! Mr. Ed. Hope ye edi
tor and all the correspondents are
enjoying the new year.
Mr. J.R. Reagan and niece, Miss
Leonora Roseberry, visited rela
tives near Mansfield recently.
Mrs. Ben Moseley has been on
the sick list, but has improved.
Mesdames S. D. Reagan and H.
D. Spearman and son James have
returned to their home in Atlanta,
after a stay with Mrs. D. J. Rose
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jarrett Jr.
visited the latter’s parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Coker, Thursday.
Mr. J. F. Roseberry and son
Raymond were visitors near Cov-*
ington Sunday.
Mrs. Grady Bowen has been
staying with her mother, Mrs. Ben
Miss Leonora Roseberry spent
Sunday with Mrs. J. M. Moss.
Several from here attended the
funeral of Mrs. Tom Duffey Thurs
day near Turner’s church.
Mesdames W. J. Coker and Tom
Jarrett Jr. visited Mrs. D. J. Rose
berry and daughter Leonora last
Thursday afternoon.
Misses Alberta and Inez Mose
ley attended Sunday School at
Union Sunday.
Woodland School is progressing
nicely under the guidance of Prof,
Lansby, Miss Brown and Miss
Will bid all goodbye for this
time. Let ail the writers write
often and make The Weekly a
newspaper. SUNSHINE.
have fully recovered from his re
cent illness.
Miss Nannie Lou Stallworth is
visiting her sister, Mrs. Kate
Wynn, of this place.
Mrs. Fannie Cowan is visiting
her daughters, Mrs. Carrie Polk
and Mrs. Beulah Hooten.
Miss Annie Jones spent a few
days with her sister, Mrs. Nellie
Tolleson, last w T eek.
We have ready for
your inspection
full lines of
Percals, Ginghams, Madras, Devonshire Cloth,
Linens, Crepes, Silks, Messalines, Piques, Lawns
Middie Blouses at 25c; Linen Laces at 5c yard; Curtain Scrim
at 5c yard; Misses’ Dresses 25c to $1.25. Full line of Misses’
and Ladies’ Muslin Underwear, consisting of Pants, Gowns,
Petticoats, Combination Suits, Corset Covers. Line of Boy
Rompers and Play Suits; all kinds of Laces and Embroideries.
Our spring line of SLIPPERS is in and open, and ready for
your approval.
We are in a position to save you money on
your spring goods, as we bought before the
advance. Step in and get prices.
T. A. Sloan & Company,
McDonough, Georgia.
Locust Grove Institute.
The Civic League of Locust
Grove meets this afternoon at 3
o’clock at the grammar school. A
good attendance is urged.
Especial attention is called to the
Georgia Sunday school day, which
will be observed on Feb. 13th,
Mr. R. C. Brown, superintendent
of the Methodist school, has set
the goal at 300 for that day.
The ladies of the Baptist church
are observing this week as a week
of prayer.
Dr. W. L. Pierce, the presiding
Elder of the Griffin district, will
begin tlie first quarterly meeting
in Locust Grove on Feb. 11th, at
7:30 p. m. He will also preach
the next day at 11: a. m. The
quarterly conference is expected
to meet at 2:00 p. m., Saturday
Be at the livestock exhibit which
will be given in Locust Grove on
Jan. 31st,, from one to five o’clock
in the afternoon. An address on
animal husbandry will also be
given free. This campaign is di
rected by the extension division of
the Georgia State College of Agri
culture. Remember the time, next
Locust Grove Institute meets
Boys High School, of Atlanta, to
morrow on the basket-ball court,
a stiff contest is expected. The
line-up L, G. I. will use is yet un
certain; however, the dope indi
cates that the Institute athletes
will have to spur up if they would
surpass the strong Atlanta five in
‘rifling the maize’. Come out and
help them win at 3:00 tomorrow
Mr. Frank Fleming spent Satur
day and Sunday at Central Hall,
being entertained by Prof, and
Mrs. Claud Gray.
The following were delightfully
entertained by Dr. J. A. Combs
last Saturday evening: Miss Lucy
Pace, Mr. Joe Murphy, Miss Nettie
Gray, and Miss Lorena Combs.
Mr. Fred Smith, Mr. John Har
kins, and Mr. A. B. Culberson
were in McDonough recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer Gaillard,
of Macon, were in Locust Grove
Do You Want $1,500
Do you want that much money in gold? You
can get it it you want it. And it will be
EASY to get.
The Atlanta Journal
is going to give away piles of gold, and you
can have $1,500 all for your own, if you want it.
Are You Interested ?
If you are, fill out the coupon below and mail
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Please send me full particulars of your big Gold Distribu
R. F. D # . No State
Fits Glass for all Errors of Re
Makes a Specialty of Fits-U Xose
Will l>e at Locust Grove Tues
days. Stock-bridge Fridays of each
Office East Side Macon St.. Mc-
Donough, Ga.
A departure from the usual or
der of chapel exercises was enjoy
ed one day last week through the
courtesy of Miss Nettie Gray and
Miss Mary Lake Sheldon. Four
pieces of Hawaiin music were play
ed on the phonograph; and the
students and teachers could not
be impressed by the real music of
a people so full of emotion and
possessing such an ardent love for
harmony and sound.
Mr. and Mrs. Dock Piper and
little son Grady spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Gus Piper,
The singing given at Mr. Gus
Piper’s was enjoyed by many Sat
urday night.
Mr. Toliver McCord and Miss
Beckie Crowell were out riding
Sunday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCord
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs W. H. Presson.
Mrs. Mamie Gunn and children
spent Sunday night with her fa
ther and mother, Mr. and Mrs. W.
H. Presson.
Mr. Howard Gunn and daughter
Ethel spent Monday with Mr. and
Mrs. W. H. Presson.
Mr. Bud Dick spent Sunday
with Mr. Ed Bunn.
Mr. Colford Piper paid Miss
Ruth Mack a call Sunday night.