The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 26, 1916, Image 2

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    Fine Resort.
Mr, Editor: —I will, by you per
mission, give your readers of The
Weekly a few dots from the fa
mous Borden-Wheeler Spring,
wh'ch’s located on the Seaboard
Railroad 75 miles from Atlanta.
On December Ist I was stricken
down with a most violent attack
of rheumatism in Atlanta. For
nearly three months I lay at my
brother’s home in McDonough
and could hardly move hand or
foot, but by the skillful treatment
of Dr. R. L. Tye, 1 was so I couid
walk a little on crutches by March
15. Soon after this I came to At
lanta and the rheumatism settled
in my knees and feet, and I could
not even walk on crutches. I
called in two physicians and they
could not help me, and they sent
me to Borden-Wheeler Spring.
In fifteen days after I came here
I laid aside my crutches and I am
now going with one stick, and I
can walk around pretty well. I
am drinking"two gallons of water
each day, and 1 expect by July Ist
or sooner to be a well man in ev
ery particular.
Many wonderful cures of rheu
matism has been made here, also
with many other complaints. Peo
ple have come here on crutches
with rheumatism and left in three
weeks perfectly well. It is not
an unusual thing to meet people
who will water saved my
The hotel is built on a beautiful,
natural mound, and makes a mag
nificent sight in a great chain of
mountains that surround it on ev
ery side. The hotel is modern
and up-to-date in every particu
lar. These springs are possibly
the most popular summer resort
in the South. People come here
from many States, and by com
bining the curative powers of this
water with the social features and
the indescribable scenery that
surrounds the place, makes it an
ideal place for the poor and the
Many comfortable cottages dot
the hill around the springs where
many come and bring their fami
lies, spend the summr r and go to
their respective homes when the
autumn leaves begin to fall, feel
ing that life was worth the living.
I could say many things that
would be of interest, but will close
by saying that in writing this ar
ticle that I am actuated by a feel
ing of brotherly sympathy that
some one who has suffered as I
have, may see what Borden-
Wheeler Spring has done and
what it will do for those who
come. With a heart full of love
to every citizen of Henry county,
1 am truly. J. T. OGLESBY.
P. S. There are about sixty
people at the hotel already, when
the season is not supposed to
open until June Ist.
Mr. Frank Grant of McDonough
arrived yesterday and is well
pleased with the water and all the
surroundings. J. T.
Tells What She Thinks.
Anna Hawn, Cedar Grove, Mo.,
writes: “We think Foley Cathar
tic Tablets are the best liver pill
we ever got hold of, as they do
not nauseate or gripe, but act
freely on the liver. Any one in
need of a liver pill, if he once tries
them, would not be without
them.” Recommended for indi
gestion, constipation, bloating,
sour stomach, gas on the stomach,
bad breath or other condition
caused by clogged or irregular
bowels. Stout persons like the
light, easy, buoyant feeling they
give. The McDonough Drug Co.
Don’t use a gallon of words to
express a teaspoonful of thought.
The sunshine of Virginia
is in them!
A jfinfp i / f/0 |
A woman in Seattle, living at
the age of 104 years, says her
long life is due to the fact that
she lias always been able to con
trol her temper. We know folks
who would rather die than give
up an opportunity to show their
mean disposition. —Ex.
Mrs. Jay McGee, of Steph
enville, Texas, writes: ' For
nine (9) years, I suffered with
womanly trouble. I had ter
rible headaches, and pains in
my back, etc. It seemed as if
I would die, I suffered so. At
last, 1 decided to try Cardui,
the woman’s tonic, and it
helped me right away. The
full treatment not only helped
me, but it cured me.”
Tiie Woman's Tonic
Cardui helps women in time
of greatest need, because it
contains ingredients w hich act
specifically, yet gently, on the
weakened womanly organs.
So, if you feel discouraged,
blue, out-of-sorts unable to
do your household work, on
account of your condition, stop
worrying and give Cardui a
trial. It has helped thousands
of women —why not you ?
Try Cardui. E-71
AND you know well enough what that means,
Zjl if you’ve ever smoked a Virginia cigarette.
“The tobacco man's tobacco” is what Virginia
is called. One reason is because Virginia gives
to a cigarette the one quality no other tobacco
can give— “character’ 7—that zest and life that
makes a cigarette satisfying.
Sun-goldened, lively, mellow Virginia-that’s
Piedmonts! ALL Virginia! There’s “character”
aplenty in Piedmonts.
Have you been wondering why your cigarette
is shy of taste ? Why it is just merely ‘‘a smoke ’’?
It’s because it lacks “character 7
So try rhedmonts —today!
The ALL Virginia cigarette —
lO for 5$
cJlso Tacked 20 for 10$
The Southern Mortgage Co.
Establishd 870. Gould Building—lo Decatur Street—9l Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
of SI,OOO to SIOO,OOO on Five Years’ time at reasonable rates. Our sources
of money are practically inexhaustible. We have a strong line of customers
among individual investors and Savings Banks and Trust Companies in the North,
East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
with assets of more than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President
W. L. Kemp, Vice-President
J. W. Andrews, Secretary
E. V. Carter, Attorney
A, d’Antignac, Inspector
W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title
For information, call on or write to
Brown and Brown,
Note:—3scn lb. is the duty which
of quality must be taken out of
luonta can and do give you better
W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
J. G. Work, Abstracts of Title
L. A. Boulighnv, Auditor
S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk
T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk - .
Horace Holleman, Application Cle r k.