The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 26, 1916, Image 3

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    Defends the Kiss.
An indignant Kentucky editor
who resents the recent publication
in an eastern paper of the state
ment, “We don’t believe that
kisses from the lips of a pretty
girl taste as good now-a-days as
they did twenty years ago,” has
filed the following brief for Kiss
of Today et al., defendants in the
“Well, by the dimples on Cup
id’s anatomy, if that isn’t rank
treason and sacrilege to our most
cherished institution, we’ll eat the
office towel! Taste as good as
they did twenty years ago! Why,
there never was a time from the
instant upon which Adam and Eve
collaborated on the pristine kiss
when one didn’t taste good. The
silvery stars sang for joy in the
silent heavens until the golden
moment when the kiss was born.
The rose and the violet were nox
ious weeds and nectar was as flat
as circus lemonade until the
world’s first lovers felt the soul
stirring thrill of that bubble bliss
—the kiss.
“Taste as good as they did twen
ty years ago! Oh, benighted
brother, they taste as good now r
as they did when Mordecia kissed
Esther, when Leander kissed He
ro, when Antony kissed Cleopa
tra, when Aucassin kissed Nico
lette, w r hen Romeo kissed Juliet,
when Dante kissed Beatrice,
when John Alden kissed Priscilla,
when Herman kissed Dorothea —
just as good, you sour souled sin
ner, as they did on that night of
nights a score of years ago when
you and she were darlings of the
gods and she held up to you those
quivering tosebuds to let you sip
the honey they contained.
“Does a kiss taste as good!
Does it? You know it!”
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our thanks
to our many friends for their
kindness during the illness and
death of our dear father and
J. E. Ray and Family,
Miss Lola Browning.
We have in mind to snake the Bank of Stockbridge, relatively
speaking, the safest Bank in the State of Georgia, there ar • those to
rise up each day to say we cannot put into effect some of the drastic
corrective innovations we have in mind without alienating some of
our present business, but experience teaches us otherwise.
The abuses, due to the overwhelming desire for business, must be
overcome, and to this task we have set ourselves with grim determina
tion Some of these problems are :
(t) To see tint no single name paper comes into the bank unless
secured or well rated (2) To prevent the Bank’s money being used
as capital for another’s business. (3) To see to it that the officers and
directors do not borrow excessively the bank’s money. (4) To make
no unusually large loans no matter how attractive. (5) To prevent
Open an Account with us. Deposits insured
Bank of Stockbridge
Stookbridge, Georgia
J. D. BO WEN. President \V. W. WARD. Vice Pres.
C. M. POWER. Cashier
, —~-J|s *4- „ “1 5
and RETURN, account
Tickets on sale May 13 to 17, inclusive. Good returning
until May 25, with privilege of extension untii June 14. For
further information address.
R. L. BAYLOR, D. P. A, Atlanta.
J. S. BLOOD WORTH,P. A., Macon.
Do You Know That
To-day is always the best day
to clean up?
Fresh air, food, rest—these
three combat tuberculosis?
The U. S. Public Health Service
has reduced typhoid fever 80 per
cent in some communities?
Overeating, constipation, lack of
exercise, foul air, eye strain, may
produce headache?
Polluted drinking water causes
many deaths?
An efficient health officer is a
good community investment?
Bad teeth handicap children?
Insufficient sleep endangers
She Told Her Neighbor.
“I told a neighbor whose very
young child had croup about Fo
ley’s Honey and Tar,” writes Mrs.
Qedkamp, 2404 Herman St., Cov
ington, Ky. “She thought that
the child surety would die it was
so bad. When she gave it a cou
ple doses of Foley’s Honey and
Tar she was so pleased with tlie
change she did not know what to
say.” This old reliable cough
syrup immediately helps coughs,
colds, croup and whooping cough.
Just as go d for old as it is for
young folks. The McDonough
Drug Co.
Fits Glass for all Errors of Re
Makes a Specialty of Fits U Nose
Will be at, Locust Grove first
Thursdays, Stock bridge first i ri
days..of each month.
Office East Side Macon St., Mc-
Donough, Ga.
Upchurch 11 use. Locust Grove.
Bellah House, Stockbridge.
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. I/O 5 P. M
McDonough, Ga,
“De Circus Am Here.”
One hot July afternoon Rastus
Johnsing, a gentleman of color,
and his family of nine, who de
pended almost entirely on the
town for their support, started
away from home all togged out in
their best, each carrying a supply
of eatables. One of their bei e
faetors happened to meet them on
the road.
“Well, Uncle Rastus, where are
you going with all your family so
dressed up?” he asked.
“Well, boss," said Rastus,
“doan’ you know de circus am
come to town?”
“Yes; but I can’t afford to take
all my family.”
“Well, I’ll tel! yer, boss, it’s jes
dis er way wid us. We done soi’
de heatin’ stove ’cause de winter
am fur off but de circus am
Troubled at Night.
Painful, annoying bladder weak
ness usually indicates kidney
trouble and kidney trouble never
she uld be neglected. Backache,
rheumatism, sore, swolen or stiff
muscles or joints—all these have
been relieved by Foley Kidney
Piils. They act promptly and ef
ficiently and help to heaUh. Hen
ry Rudolph, Carmi, 111., writes: “I
was bothered with Hurting in back
and was troubled at night and had
to get up several times. Since
taking Foley Kidney Pills I sleep
all nignt without getting up.”
The McDonough Drug Co.
High Gasoline!
As the price of Gasoline soars upward the sale
of FORD Cars increases, and the doom of the
hig car is foreseen. The more miles per gallon
of gasoline, and longest tire mileage, with “Ford
service for Ford users,” unequaled by any other
car, makes THE FORD the one car to own.
Buy yours NOW.
ROADSTER - - 5422.10
TOURING CAR - 470.10
For full information call on or write
Also we carry a full line of Ford parts and ac=
A*v .l *> nr-
JIM mi iij
Net Contents 15 Fluid Drachm
/ .-o /, , . / , J r i 1 M t .* Cg 1 * . V *J*r***. JL' "jf " irY * ."*■ * X > i
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zzui&c* Aciiia, /nc/;K/»osicao. TcDX*i c
[f9oo Drops]]
A Vegetable IYeparntionforAs
s initiating the food and
thigtte Stomachs
Infants /CmijjgSL
Promotes DigesUoiP bcerkd
ness and Best.Coutauß«JJJ
OpiuncMorpliine norMncßL
Not N'Aiu ()Tl( j
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jac Simile Sisna^. o£
tuL ckstaur company
NE W \T)RK.^
Exact Copy of Wraooer.
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Castoria
Always / .
Bears the /
Signature / j/jr
ft Jf*’ in
\Y For Over
Thirty Years