Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.M.
Regular communications of Fraternal
IjOdsre No 87 F& A M m et Ur cvl i»l
Firday nights in each month. All duly
qualified brethren fraternally arid cor
dially invited to meet with us.
J. E. Hgotkn, W M.
W. A. Harper, See.
Closing exercises about all over.
Speer makes free examinations
of the eyes.
It could hardly have fallen pret
tier when it did come —the rain.
A severe rise in temperature is
again predicted with the returnx>f
fair weather.
Tomato, Pepper, and Eggplants
for sale; choice varieties and large
plants. Chas. M. Speer, McDon
ough, Ga.
For Sale—Tombstones, third less
in price and just as good as oui
competitors. Nolan Bros. Rt. 3
Box 24, McDono. 128 tf
An interesting letter will be
found from Hon. J. T. Oglesby at
Borden-Wheeler Springs on an
inside page of this issue.
After a two months’ visit to her
sister, Mrs. A. R. Scott. Mrs J. B.
Green and children have returned
to their home in Raleigh, N. C.
For Sale —Pianos and Organs.
Famous Kimball sold under guar
antee. Post ca*’d Rt. 3 Box 24 Mc-
Dono, will reach me. D. A. Nolan.
Rev. M. C. Liddell returned
Monday from Conyers, where he
assisted in the Presbyterian serv
ices, and reports a splendid meet
The regular appointment of
Rev. H. S. Smith at Flippen will
be filled by Rev. J. M. Gilmore
next Saturday, and Rev. L. G.
Bowden on Sunday.
Hurrah for the Griffin Laundry!
Free delivery inaugurated for
McDonough, and all family work
now done without dely or worry.
See wagon and giye trial ord?r.
Col. E. M. Smith and Mr, H. M.
Turner attended the Shriners con
vention at Rome last week. Mar
vin says Rome was so dry, all the
“holler” was taken out of the
The Weekly was in error in re
porting the death of the little
child from burns at Keileytown
week before last. It was the lit
tle son of Mr. J. D. (Deck)
Crumbley, instead of Mr. V. L.
After teaching here the past
year the following teachers re
turned Saturday to their homes:
Misses Alice Hunt and Henrietta
Lambdin to Barnesviile, Edith El
lington to Thomson, Laura Smith
to Flovilla, and Arrie Bonner to
Social Circle.
Rev. J. W. Crumbley of Blount
county, Ala., is visiting his boy
hood friends and relatives. Mr.
Crumbley moved to Alabama
when a young man, but upon his
first trip to Phillippi d strict of
Henry county, says he would like
a home there to spend the re
mainder of his days.
Mr. John R. Smith, McDon
ough’s famous machinist, is ar
ranging to manufacture the most
complete and unique ornament
for autos The Weekly man lias
yet seen. It consists of a good-size
aluminum eagle with outspread
wings, producing a perfectly nat
ural flying movement all the
while a machine, upon which it
may be placed, is in motion.
Patent applied for, and when put
upon the market should prove a
great seller. Must be seen to be
Mrs. Bob Sloan spent Tuesday
in Atlanta.
Miss Blanche Wentzell spent
Tuesday in Atlanta.
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan went
to Atlanta Tuesday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Alexander of
Atlanta visited relatives here last
Miss Lillian Knott of Neal was
the guest of Miss Ellene Neal Sat
Dr. Weyman Sloan of Atlanta is
visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs.
T. A. Sloan.
Mrs. E. M. Smith and children
are visiting Mrs. Jack Craft in
in Hartwell.
Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Turner and
Mrs. E. D. Telleson spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Fine time reported by the vets
returning from the reunion in
Birmingham last week.
Miss Abi Russell was the guest
of her sister, Mrs. Whit Turner,
several days last week.
Miss Carrie Lucy Dailey of At
lanta spent Sunday with her
mother. Mrs. Mary Diiilev.
Miss Clare Blankenship, of La-
Grange Female College, is the
guest of Miss Ilalene Smith.
Mrs. Asa Lemon and children
are visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. A. W. Walker, near Griffin.
Mr. Russ Elliott came down
from Atlanta Friday evening to
attend the commencement exer
Misses Gladys Beck and Vir
ginia Crouch of Griffin are guests
of Misses Ruth and Esther Car
Rev. H. S. Smith left Wednes
day for Zebulon, where he wall
assist in preaching at a ten days’
Lost, at Stockbridge ball ground
last Saturday, pair gold-rim glass
es. Return to J. C. Burks and
get reward.
Mrs. Verna Wright and chil
dren of Jackson were guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Woodruff the
past week-end.
The racing of autos through the
streets is nothing short of a nui
sance, especially in dusty seasons,
besides the danger.
Misses Leila Fargason and
Frances Ammons attended com
mencement here, and were guests
of Mrs. H. M. Turner.
Mr. and Mrs. Hiil Red wine and
little daughter, Martha, of Fay
etteville were guests of Judge and
Mrs. E. J. Reagrni Sunday.
After an extended visit to her
daughter, Mrs. R. L. Turner, Mrs.
Sarah Simms returned to her
home in Covington Sunday.
Mrs. Lewis Bowen returned to
her home in Atlanta last Friday,
afters week’s visit to her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. L Atkinson.
Miss Alice Hunt, McDonough’s
popular music teacher, had the
misfortune to lose her traveling
bag while returning home to
Barnesviile last Friday morning.
It contained all cash she had
(about S3O), several checks and
some other articles, and her
friends sympathize with her very
much in the loss.
Top Dress Your Crops.
6-6, 4-8, 4-8-2, 4-8-4, and
Nitrate ot Soda. Any quan
tity delivered Muscogee
Guano Co, Columbus, Ga.
If Any One Has
Left Town
Had a Eire
Sold a Farm
Been Arrested
Come to Town * ,
Bought a Home
Committed Murder
Given birth to a baby
Fallen from an Auto
That’s News —Telephone Us.
—Adopted from the Greensboro
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Peace spent
Sunday in Douglasville.
Mr. Emory H. Calhoun, of East
man, was a visitor in our city Sun
Miss Gladys Parr, of Macon, was
the guest of Miss Ilalene Smith
during Commencement.
For sale or rent, my house and
lot, with bakery. Mrs. Annie
Whitehead, McDonough, Ga. tf
Mrs. G. W. Cavenaugh and sons,
Laurie and Kenith, leave Satur
day for several months stay in
North Carolina.
Miss Lora Bel! Allen is now r with
the Durham Jewelry Co., 20 Edg
wood ave., Atlanta, where she in
vites all customers to call.
Mr. Fred Scott has accepted a
good telephone position in Atlan
ta, and his place in the postoffice
is again filled bv clever John Var
Taken up, one small black bar
row, weight 35 or 40 pounds —can
be had by calling and paying ex
penses. I. L. Gunter, R. F. D. 3,
Stockbridge, Ga. 2t
Miss Mollie Whitehead enter
tained twenty of her friends at a
rook party Saturday afternoon,
complimentary to Misses Gladys
Beck and Vinginia Crouch of
Mr. and Mrs. Homer Turner
and children, Mr. and Mrs. Will
Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Lum Tur
ner and children, and Mr. and Mrs.
Roy Turner spent Tuesday at
Stone Mountain.
Mr. R. L. Ramey, the excellent
day operator at the block house
for ttie past three years, left Tues
day to accept the depot agency at
Stockbridge. He is succeeded
here by Mr. Jake Guyton.
The difference between the
clerk who spends all his salary
and the clerk who saves part of it
is the difference in ten years—be
tween the ovver of a business and j
the man out of a job.—John'
That long-looked for rain came
in good season, bringing joy to
farmers, gardeners and all others.
Its value in the large territory
covered is estimated to’reach into;
the millions, being expected to
prove a salvation for crons. 1
The Sunday school picnic at i
Indian Spring was well attended
Tuesday, proving to be a very de
lightful outing for both teachers
and pupils. Though a light rain
fall occured about noon, the latter
part of the day turned off bright
and clear, with everything most
pleasant and attractive.
Mr. Asa A. Lemon has received
his official appointment as carrier
on route 5, succeeding Mr. Q. A.
Dickson, whose death occurred
some time ago. He led the large
list of applicants with the highest
record, and his numerous friends
congratulate him upon his dis
tinct success. Mr. Lemon is a
most excellent young gentleman,
and the patrons of the route are
fortunate iu securing his services.
Swallows Gasoline.
Little Mamie Kate Gilmore, the
four-year-old daughter of Rev.
and Mrs. J. M. Gilmore had a nar
row escape from death last Mon
day morning from swallowing
gasoline. Her mother was clean
ing some things with the fluid,
when the little onegot hold of the
can and drank several swallows.
In a few moments her entire body
was perfectly limp and apparent
ly lifeless, naturally frightening
Mrs. Gilmore almost into a frenzy.
Fortunately Mr. Marvin Turner re
sponded to the alarm and hurried
with the little patient to the drug
store, where Dr. Smith adminis
tered an antidote. For a day or
more her condition was critical,
but by Wednesday morning she
was considered out of danger,
and is now practically well, to the
delight of parents and friends.
It was indeed a narrow escape.
The rain has settled the dust
and now the crops will huitle
Miss Miny Austin is back with
home folks once more, after spend
ing near two years in Wingfield,
Miss Myrtie Bell Mitchell is
spending a few days in Atlanta,
the guest of her sister, Mrs. V. H.
Mrs. H. W. Minor and children,
East Atlanta, spent last week with
her mother, Mrs. John Turpin.
Mrs. Gus Pace, of Atlanta, dined
with Mr. and Mrs. John White and
family. Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Ves Moseley and
family were the dinner guests of
Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Mitchell and
family Sunday.
Mrs. Lem Cook and daughter,
Miss Vera, spent Wednesday with
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
C. C. Martin.
Mr. M. Manning, of Atlanta, vis
ited relatives at this place Sunday.
Mr. Frank Much *!i attended the
“old soldiers reunion” at Birming
ham last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Jim White, and
children, visited the latter’s pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitt Scar
brough, of near Flakes Mill, Sun
Miss Grace Hix, of Atlanta, spent
the week-end with Misses Ruth
and Mary Turoin.
Miss L:Hie Belle Cook attended
the commencement at McDonough
Fridav. ONE, TWO, THREE.
South Avenue.
Mr. Joe Howell spent Friday in
the Gate City.
The Mount Zion string hand
made some music at the chaingang
camp Saturday night.
Miss Katie Nep Swan 1 and little
Lucile Stewart spent Sunday with
Mr. and Mrs. C. C. White.
Mrs. T. G. Swann spent’a few
days in McDonough last week, the
guest of Mrs. Vary Elliott.
The many friends of Miss Miny
Austin are glad to have In r back
in their midst again, after an al
most two years stay in Kansas
with her brother, Rev. Waiter
Austin. She has been preparing
herself to be a professional nurse
also, during her absence.
Miss Ethel White called on Mrs.
C. W. South a short while Monday
Little Randolph Peterman is
quite sick at this writing.
Mrs. W. H. White was the guest
of Mrs. T. W. Peterman, Saturday
afternoon. BUSY BEE.
Towaliga News.
Misses Myrtice Parham and
Mavis Futral have returned home
i: »m A. & M. College at Barnes
viiie for vacation.
Mr. John Patrick, who has been
attending a medical college in At
lanta. is visiting relatives here en
route to his home at Umatilla,
Mrs. Emma Woodward of L< u
isiana is on a visit to relatives
Mr. and Mrs. David Gilliard, Sr.,
are receiving congratulations on
the arrival of a lutle granddaugh
ter at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Howard Gardner of Locust Grove.
Mdssrs. Tommie Welden and
Addis Goodrum have returned
from Martha Berry School at
Mrs. W. S. Henley of Delta
Grove spent Monday with Mrs.
W. S. Patrick.
Mr. Bose Patrick is spending a
few days with his brother in South
Several from this community
attended commencement at Lo
cust Grove.
Mrs. John Rich, who had been
ill for some time, passed away last
Wednesday morning. The inter
ment was at Fellowship church
Thursday. She leaves a husband,
three sons and three daughters,
besides a number of brothers and
sisters and relatives. Daep sym
pathy is felt for the bereaved
Mr. Jim Wallace of McDonough
visited here recently.
Dr. and Mrs. T. J. Phillips spent
Sunday afternoon with their niece,
i Mrs. Howard Gardner of Locust
1 Grove.
Cross Roads
The singing at Mr. Nelse Nich -
ols’ Saturday night, given in honor
of their sons, Messrs. Will and
Lem Nichols, of Atlanta, was high
ly enjoyed by a very large crowd.
Among the leading singers were
Mr. and Mrs. Will Nichols, Messrs.
J. S. Barnett, Ira Callaway, Lem
Nichols, T. 0. Callaway and Mrs.
Mollie Gowers.
Mr. and Mrs. Si Barnett passed
through this section last Friday.
Mr. J. M. Barnett, of near Grif
fin, is visiting relatives near Cross
Miss Lizzie Patterson spent Sat
urday night with Misses Leone
and Florence Moss.
Mrs, L. A. Wiikirisand daughter,
Miss Lee, spent Monday afternoon
with Mrs. John Mays.
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Morris and
Mr. R. 0. Barnett motored to Ea
tonton Saturday to accompany the
former’s daughter, Miss Pllon,
home after going to school at
Rockville for the past six months.
We welcome her back in our
Miss Leone and Florence Moss
'spent last Thursday with Misses
Belie and Maude Fester.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H.Moss and three
children were the guests of Mr.
ami Mrs. E. M. Barnett Sunday.
Rev. J. M. Gilmore tilled his reg
ular appointment at Oakland Sun
atternoon, a large crowd being
present and heard a fine sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Steele spent
j the week-end with the latter’s pa
rents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L. Stansell,
near McDonough. TANSY.
Tor Dress Your Crops.
,6-6, 4-8, 4-8-2, 4-8-4, and
Nitrate ot Soda. Any quan
tity delivered. Muscogee
Guano Co., Columbus, Ga.