The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, May 26, 1916, Image 8
THEY WANT TO SEE RESULTS Children, Like Adults, Like to Observe the Outcome of Their Labor. Last summer a farmer reported that he set for his two little girls the tusk of cutting out the dandelions in the doorvard. He was to give them ten cents a square rod. They worked at times during one day and then gave it up, discouraged, declar ing they could hardly set* the effects of their work. They did about ten cents' worth. Recently a windstorm scattered little twigs from the trees all over this farmer's yard. These would in terfere with the lawn mower, so an other bargain was made with the girls. This time he offered them five cents for each basketful of twigs, and the girls proudly announced that there were no more twigs to he found. Each received a bright nickel and raced away to put it in her little bank. The father made a hurried inspection of the yard, and, sure enough, they had gathered all the sticks. Then they built a fire with the twigs and while the girls watched the flames he reasoned on their work. It simmered down to this: It was hard to see where the dandelions had come out of the big yard, but it was easy to see the sticks accumulated in the basket. He would try dande liorft again the new way. A bargain was struck at ten cents a bushel for cutting dandelions and, sure enough, they made them fly. They could see results then. That was the secret. We all like to see results whether it is in making an income from the furm or picking up sticks. —Breed- ers’ Gazette. FLUFFY WHITE SEALS SEEN Everybody Who Looked at Them at Moss Beach Says They Were the Real Thing. 1 The silly summer season is over, so there are no more sea serpents be ing discovered hereabouts. In fact, that hasn’t been done for several summers, although it used to be quite pornme de terrc. Fall and winter styles in the un usual were provided by the sight on the reefs of two snow-white seals. They sported in the rushing surf all day and looked as though they were going to remain for the night. They were the white of the polar bear, but more fluffy. In the memory of the oldest inhabitant no white seals have been sighted in this vicinity before. It may be many years before any are seen again. But they were seen recently. As one of the Moss Beach wits remarked to a citizen who arrived home after dark and who expressed incredulity: “Well, everybody that looked at ’em saw ’em.”—Moss Beach Dispatch San Francisco Chronicle. LAND FOR SOLDIERS. A recent publication of the Do minion department of immigration shows that only 144.789 immigrants arrived in Canada during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1915. From Great Britain there were 42,276, as compared with 42,622 in the previ ous year, and from the United States 59,779, as compared with 107,530 in 1913-14. The problem of immigra tion after the war is already being discussed in Canada and Great Brit ain, and plans are under considera tion for the settlement of returned soldiers on the vacant lands of the Dominion of Canada as well as of other oversea countries of the British empire. HOME CANNING INDUSTRIES. “Mv wife wasn’t able to use up half the material she bought for can ning and bottling purposes. She’s all in a jam about her jam.” “Mine is in the same fix. She’s trying to catch up with her catch up” IT ALL DEPENDS. Hazel—lt s always to a man’s credit when he stops drinking. Omar Don’t you believe it. Sometimes it is to his lack of credit. GIRL WAS TOO SUSPICIOUS And as a Result She Is Out Three Pounds of Perfectly Good Candy. Wouldn’t it make you feel joyful if after allowing your thoughts to linger over the sweetest peach in the orchard of love and you admitted the soft impeachment by blowing in three good iron dollars for a box of sweets. And not caring to trust the mails with the precious stuff, you sent it by special messenger. After giving the boy time to reach the house you picture the peach receiv ing the package all aglow, and imag ine her chirping, “the dear boy.” Those were the sweet dreams of a young man who sent bis best girl a box of candy. And this is how the young woman received it: She han dled the package rather gingerly, then she grew suspicious and finally frightened. “It is a bomb,” she ex claimed, and still believing it was, she ran with flu* package to a nearby police station, where it' was placed in a pail of water. After fifteen minutes of soaking it was removed. The young woman waited until it was opened, and she saw it was a three-pound box of chocolates and a card on top reading, “Sweetest Thoughts From Morris.” Of course the candy wasn’t much good as candy after its soaking, so the young wom an cried. Morris’ feelings have not been recorded as yet. —New York Times. SURE Willie Firefly—My, I ought to be able to get that job. STRONG DESERVE THE FAIR. “To the strong the fair,” com mented Judge Morgan in granting a divorce to Duke B. Lee, a strong man in a circus, from Elizabeth Lee, a bareback rider. Lee testified he was married in New York in 1911. Shortly after ward, he said, his wife became ac quainted with Lee Sampson, who, he admitted, was stronger than he, and was, in fact, second to none but the Biblical Samson. “As soon as she discovered that Sampson was stronger than l she left me for him,” said Lee. “She is still with him.”—San Francisco Dispatch Los Angeles Herald. WHERE SHE WORSHIPS. “I see where the sacred • mirror plays a prominent part in the coro nation ceremonies of the Japanese emperor,” said Dubwaite. “Sacred mirror, eh?” replied Twomble. “My wife has one.” “Nonsense!’’ “Yes, she has. It’s on her dress ing table.” NATURAL RESULT. “What did your friend do when he found out he had been chasing a rainbow ?” “He turned colors.” THE OBJECTION. “Do you believe in taxing bache lors ?” “Certainly not. I’m no single tax crank.” APPROPRIATE CUSTOM. “So these two society girls are to open a fashionable dairy. Where will they get patronage?” “From the cream of society.” Phillippi News. Everybody delighted with the rain. Rev. W. 0. Sharpe filled his regular appointment Saturday and Sunday. Mr. B. F. Crumbley, Misses Mary Lou and Alice McKibben motored to Fiovilla and Indian Spring Friday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber Gossip visited Mr. A. K. KimbeH and fain ily Saturday night and Sunday. Quite a large crowd from around hfere attended the singing at County Line Sunday afternoon. Mrs. S. R. Bearden, Mrs. B. F. Crumblev and Elon Crumbley who have been visiting relatives in Alabama have returned. Mr. and Mrs. Van McKibben were the dinner guests of Mr. J. T. Bearden and family Sunday. Mr. G. L. Crumbley and family had as their guests Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Crumbley, Mr. Julian Car dell and family Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Otha Kines spent Sunday with Mr. W. J. McKibben and family. Mrs. E. L. Wainwright, who has been spending a few weeks with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. J. D. McKibben, has recently return ed to her home at Wrightsville. Mrs. C. J. Dickson, Georgia Mc- Kibben spent Friday night with Mrs, Q. A. Dickson and family of McDonough, and attended the school entertainment. People would save the opera tor considerable time and trouble if they would always think to ring off when through talking over the phone. Everybody knows it hy name ChcTO - Cold * s on V * n ie original bottle, sterilized, iDnßß.'iunsnuiiiisaamKßnuimniucnincnnnninrmißniiß sealed and labeled at the plant. Each bottle is filled by machinery—the syrup and carbonated water are accurately measured by machinery, therefore you get the same uniform pleasing flavor in every bottle, which is abso lutely impossible under the ordinary soda fountain method. You can get your CHERO-COLA, ? ’ln a Bottle—Through a Straw” at Soda Fountains and other Refreshment Stands. * ■* * Everybody knows it by its name. Rocky Creek. We are h tving some more cool weather for May. Mr. and Mrs. Will BSrnett were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Welch and family Sunday. Miss Mary Belle Bernhardt of Atlanta was visiting relatives here Saturday and Sunday, re tur.iing home Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Dock Welch of near Bethany were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Welch and family Saturday and Sunday. The singing at Mr. Greer Bern hardt’s Saturday night was en joyed bv all who were there. Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Greer and family spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Sears Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Greer spent the day with, Mr. and Mrs. Wiil, Hand Sunday. j Miss Pearl Payne spent Satur-, day night and Sunday with Mr. : and Mrs. J. M. Greer. Mr. Matthew Alexander had a narrow escape Sunday morning from getting snake bitten by a highland moccasin. MIKE. Well Located Farm for Sale. One hundred and forty acres, more or less, two-story dwelling, two tenant houses, fine spring branch pasture adjacent to barn, 75,000 feet saw timber; ail in two miles of McDonough, Ga., on one of the best auto roads in Henry county. About as much as four mules can cultivate properly. Terms to suit purchaser. See me at once. M. C. LOW, McDonough, Ga. Card of Thanks. We wish to thunk our relatives and many friends from the depths of onr hearts for their kindness and sympathy shown during the death of ur beloved husband and father. May G d's richest bless ings rest on each and every one of yon. Mrs. John Turpin and Children. We to thank onr very kind friends and neighbors for their kinduess and sympathy they gave ns through the illness and death of of our dear loving husband and fa ther. Mrs. J. 8. C. Wilson^ C. M. Wilson. J. Cecil Wilson. Mrs. H. D. Eberhardt. The Weekly solicits your sub scription—sl-00 per twelvemonth. FRANK STATEMENT As to the Only Complaints that A Great Medicine Will Cure. BY THE NUXCARA COMPANY The manufacturers of Nuxcara do not claim that it is an infallible cure for any and every disease. Nuxcara is pre pared especially with the object of af fording permanent relief for ail forms of stomach trouble, and that is all. The Nuxcara Co. asserts that the object has been accomplished, and is prepared to back the statement with their repu tation. Moreover they have hundreds of letters from grateful people, who have been cured of stomach complaints by Nuxcara as additional proof of its value. The great majority of people suffer from some form of stomach trouble. These may be evidenced now by only ■ausea, bad breath, sick headache, sleeplessness aud the like, but if allow ed to continue, will probably have se rious results. Don’t delay until you have some chronic affliction. Save your health and your money by using the simple, tried remedy, Nuxcara. Write for it to the Nuxcara Co., Atlanta, Ga., or get it at * Horton Drug Co. McDonough Ga.