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Fell Off Until He Only Weigh
ed Seventy Pounds. Takes
Tanlac and Gains Twenty-
One Pounds.
“T!! tel! you the truth; if I knew
this Tanlac was not going to he
sold any more I would buy every
bottle on that counter over there
before 1 left here toniuht,” said
W. A. Spitzer, at Patton-Pope’s
Drug Store, Birmingham, recent
ly. Mr. Spitzer is a well-known
painter employed by the Tennes-
Coal, Iron and Railway company,
and resides at 910 South Sixty
eighth street. Birmingham.
“Before I began taking it I only
weighed 135 pounds. Today 1
got on the scales and tipped them
at 156 —a gain of 21 pounds—and
more than l ever weighed in
my life. That’s exactly four
bottles of Tanlac did for me. Just
look at this belt! I had to let it
up four inches, and it is still tight
on me.
About seven years ago I com
menced having stomach trouble,
and it kept getting worse until I be
gan having attacks of acut * indi
gestion. Whenlthese attacks came
on me I would just swell up like a
mule with the colic, and got limp as
a rag. My breath would get short,
and my pulse so weak, I was afraid
my heart would stop beating. The
stomach pump had to be used ev
ery time, and this was the only
thing that would relieve me.
Finally my kidneys went back on
me, and 1 don’t believe I was out
of pain night or day for four long
years, and 1 actually got so u-eak
1 could hardly stand on my feet —
much less work. I was fading
away fast, and got down to where
I only weighed 70 pounds. I was
almost a walking skeleton, and I
tell you 1 was flirting with my
grave, and guess I would have
been in it if it hadn’t been for Tan
lac. For four years I couldn’t hit
a lick of work. 1 guess l was as
near dead as any man you ever
saw to be alive. But, look at me
now; I am strong and as well now
as 1 ever was in my life, and can
do as big a days work as any man.
“Yes, sir. if ever a mortal man
has been through the rub I am the
man. I have paid out, I guess,
not less than $2,500 in the past six
or seven years for doctors’ bills
and medicines, and have bought
enough medicine from drug stores
in Birmingham to own an interest
in one of them, and I was lucky
not to have had an undertaker’s
bill to wind it all up.
“1 have been a painter all my
life, and have had painter’s colic
several times, so I guess that had
Trade Mark Registered
“A very valuable fertilizer to the COTTON GROWERS,
because they have practiced their one-crop system for
so long that their chief need is for a plant food
that will give the results that I believe the
_PHOSLIME will give."
Prices F. O. B. Phoslime, Fla., In Bags
Carload Less Than Carload
$9.00 Per Ton SIO.OO Per Ton
Write For Booklet
Florida Soft Phosphate & Lime Co.
Box 462 Ocala, Florida.
a lot to do with mv condition.
Anyway, there seemed to he noth
ing that would stiaighten me out.
Every time l heard or a new med
icine I would get it. I read of
Tanlac one day, and that’s one
day I hit right. That’s what saved
me. Why, Tanlac just raised me
right out of my grave. I can now
eat anything, and actually I eat so
much 1 get ashamed of myself.
My landlady said the other day
she would have to raise my board.
I told her, though, she must re
member that for four years she
made money off me, and that I
was only making up for lost time.
Whv,-seven or eight biscuits at a
meal don’t satisfy me now, but I
just quit at that fear i overdo mat
ters, but everything taste so good
to me now! And sleep! why, I
never would wake if they didn’t
come in and shake me. I haven’t
a pain about me now.”
Tanlac is sold exclusively in Mc-
Donough by the McDonough Drug
Co; in Hampton, Ga., by H. A.
Moore; Pinson’s Pharmacy Stock
bridge, Ga.; The Norman, Turner
Co., Ola, Ga., J. B. Simmons & Son
Knob, Ga. (Stockbridge, R.F.D.)
Brown, Pitts & Wilson, Luella Ga.,
and J. A. Sims, Stockbridge, Ga.,
The Augusta arsenal, head
quarters for the department of
the gulf, shipped 25 carloads of
ordnance supplies in one day after
the President’s order for mobiliza
tion of the National Guard.
Mrs. Jay McGee, of Steph
enville. Texas, writes: ' For
nine (9) years. I suffered with
womanly trouble. I had ter
rible headaches, and pains in
my back, etc. It seemtfd as if
I would die, I suffered so. At
fast, 1 decided to try Cardui,
the woman’s tonic, and it
helped me right away. The
full treatment not only helped
me, but it cured me.”
The Woman's Tonic
Cardui helps women in time
of greatest need, because it
contains ingredients which act
specifically, yet gently, on the
weakened womanly organs.
So, if you feel discouraged,
blue, out-of-sorts, unable to
do your household work, on
account of your condition, stop
worrying and give Cardui a
trial. It has helped thousands
of women,—why not you?
Try Cardui. E-71
P Everybody Knows
v it By jVame
itains and other Refreshment
Ckero-Cola In the original
tie with the label on it. You
hero - Co/a—“ln a Bottle-
Straw,” and it is always pure,
ieiicious and absolutely uni
r. This is impossible under
x fountain methods.
r Chero-Cola in the bottle
that is the best way
? a Fountains and other
\ment Stands . . . . & C
—Everybody knows it by its name
The Southern Mortgage Co.
t —91 Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot si,ooo to SIOO,OOO on Five Years' time at reasonable rates. Our sources
ol money are practically inexhaustible. We have a strong line ot customers
among individual investors and Savings Banks and I rust Companies in the North,
East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President
W. L. Kemp, Vice-President
J. W. Andrews, Secretary
E. V. Carter, Attorney
A, d’Antignac, Inspector
W. A. Howell, Abstractsof Title
For information, call on or write to
Brown and Brown,
W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
J. G. Work, Abstracts of Title
L. A. Boulighny, Auditor
S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk)
T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk
C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
Horace Holleman, Application CleHc.