Newspaper Page Text
Adding Wealth to Farming
Sections of Georgia By
Many Helpful Contributions
(Andrew M. Soule, President On State
College of Agriculture,)
Last year the adult demonstra
tors raised 15,105 acres of corn
with an average yield of 40.1 bush
els per acre; 6,396 acres of cotton
with an average > ield of 1,315
pounds of cotton seed per acre;
7,712 acres of oats with an aver
of 52 bushels per acre. Compare
these figures with the average for
the state and see the influence
for agricultural betterment which
lias been conferred on these farm
ers through the work of the coun
ty agent. In addition, the agents
were responsible for the seeding
under approved methods of 2,639
acres of cloves, 4,013 acres of
wheat, 1,085 acres of peanuts, 661
acres of rye. 3.040 acres of cow
peas, 126 acres of vetch, 759 acres
of soy and velvet beans and 750
acres of hay crops.
The agents also aided in the es
tablishment of 10.402 acres of
pasture land, 10,953 gardens, in
the preparation of 62,200 tons of
of fertilizer, and the pruning and
spraying of 4.115 acres of orch
ards. They have encouraged the
stumping of 50,920 acres of land,
the terracing 2,360 acres, and the
drainage of 900 more. They are
also largely responsible for the
purchase of SSOOOOO worth of im
proved machinery.
Through their efforts 1,569 pure
bred catttle, principally of the beef
breeds have been brought into
the state. Advice has been given
relative to the purchase, feeding
and managemant of thousands of
beef and dairy cattie, and hogs.
At least 50,000 hogs have been
inoculated with protective serum,
thus effectively controlling the
spread of swine a and en
couraging the development of this
on a basis somewhat commensu
rate with Georgia's needs. One
hundred and twenty-eight modern
farm buildings have been erected
through their influence, as well
as 232 silos and 619 dipping vats.
Waterworks and lighting systems
have been installed n 35 J homes
and telephone connections placed
in 300 more.
Groups of farmers have been
Save Time and Money!
Try This Service
The two-numher method of making Long Dis
tance telephone calls enables you to get quicker serv
ice to Atlanta at reduced rates.
You give the local operator the telephone num
ber in Atlanta, then you held the line until the called
party answers or the operator reports.
Two number service is rendered to Atlanta on a
no delay basis at reduced rates.
The Manager's office will gladly furnish a list of
telephone numbers in any or all two number points.
Particular party service at the regular rates can
be had by calling Long Distance and placing the call
in the usual manner.
Information for Knockers.
Heard a fellow kicking on the
baseball sport. Have looked in
al! the law books that we could
find and hailed to find where a
man had to attend a game if he
did not want to. A man don’t
have to go to a picture show,
fishing, hunting, autoing or do
anything that he does not get any
pleasure out of. Found where a
man that wanted to could enjoy
these different sports if he saw
fit, and still be considered a re
spectable citizen. A great many
of them overdo il, and a great
many eat too much also. It is not
a good principle to decry ail
recreation because forsooth some
overdo and abuse them. All
work and no piav makes Jack a
dull citizen, undisputed right to
do as he pleases in the premises.
—Bainbridge Post Searchlight.
Savannah seems to be standing
by the prohibition laws and al
ready some offenders are serving
jail terms in the city by the sea.
organized in 77 local co-operative
clubs, 46 county or school fairs
promoted and 255 special meet
ings held. The agents have made
over 3,100 visits to the schools,
met personally 49,00 J teachers,
parents and pupils. They travel
ed in their own conveyances 335,-
000 miles.
Cut This Out—lt Is Worth Money
this slip, inclose with 5c and mail
it to Foiey A Co., Chicago, lil.,
writing your name and address
clearly. You will receive in re
turn a trial package containing
Foley’s Honey and Tar Compound,
for bronchial coughs, colds and
croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for lame
back, weak kidneys, rheumatism,
bladder troubles, and Foley Ca
thartic Tablets, a wholesome and
thoroughly cleansing cathartic, for
constipation, biliousness, headache
and sluggish boweis. The Mc-
Donough Drug Co.
The Terminal Garage,
Rear Terminal Hole!.
Cars repaired, stored and cleaned.
Never close. Phone calls an
swered. We will help you. Fair
treatment. Radiator repairing,
autogenious welding.
Bell Phone. Main 3350. Atlanta, Ga.
Aim Was True
“Dad” Miller, the old one-legged
shoemaker of Columbus, likes to
talk about what the soldiers did.
w rites Gregory Mason in the Out
look. He tells how they came in
from the eastern end of the town,
each man dropping on his knee
and covering an enemy with a
cool, unhurried decision, quite
different from tile blind, quick
shooting of the Already weaken
Mexicans. Gradually the invad
ers were swept across the plaza
and out to the rising ground
southwest of the town by the
handful of disciplined American
“One o’ the three Lopez broth
ers,” says the venerable leather
worker, “stood on that leetle rise
to the west o’ the station wavin’ a
big sword an’ ti yin’ to rally his
cowardly companions. Major
Tompkins an’ Sergeant Foley
were right in front o' my store
watchin’ ’em.
“ ‘Can you git that feller, ser
geant?’ asked the major.
“ ‘l’ve never missed, sir,’ says
the sergeant, an’ he gits off his
horse, draws a slow bead an’
drops the big feller with the
sword. That took the heart out
o’ them.”
For Sale —Tombstones, third less
in price and just as good as our
competitors. Nolan Bros. Rt. 3
Box 24, McDono. 128 ti
| s
■ -~~ • uv't Mmm' ({s&&* ts\ \
— vm^j)
High Gasoline!
As the price of Gasoline soars upward the sale
of FORD Cars increases, and the doom of the
big car is foreseen. The more miles per gallon
of gasoline, and longest tire mileage, with “Ford
service for Ford users,” unequaled by any other
car, makes THE FORD the one car to own.
Buy yours NOW.
ROADSTER - - $420.10
TOURING CAR - 470.10
For full information call on or write
Also we carry r a full line of Ford parts and ac=
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