Newspaper Page Text
Local Happenings
Fraternal Lodge No 37 F. & A.SI.
Regular communications of Fraternal
Lodge No 87 F & M niret Ist and ;id
nights in each month. All duly
•qualified brethren fraternally and cor
dially invited to meet with us.
J. E. Hooten, W. M.
W, A. HAUPEU, Sec.
■‘Judge not by mere appearances,”
The poet has often sung;
Don't think because tne skirt is short
The woman in it’s young.
Cotton 13 1-4 cems.
“A Kentucky Belle” at Flippen
Glorious Fourth next Tuesday !
And here's to Everybody !
Mrs. Bess Dowda spent Satur
day in Atlanta.
Don’t miss “A Kentucky Belle”
at Flippen tonight.
Mr. Park Daliis of Atlanta spent
Monday in the city.
“A Kentucky Belle,” delightful
play at Fhppen tonight. Go out
and enjoy it.
Dr. and Mrs. J. R. Wallis, of
Lovejoy, spent Sunday with Mrs.
Jim Barrett.
Miss Addie Mae Stroud of Jack
son is visiting her cousin, Miss
Estelle Stroud.
Mrs. Sallie Rountree, of Flip
pen, was the guest of relatives in
the city last week.
Misses Mamie Alexander and
Evelyn Peudley spent Sunday
with friends in Atlanta.
Fiddling John Carson and his
famous banjo pickers at Hinton’s
mill next Tuesday, July 4.
Mr. and Mrs. Q. R. Nolan, of La-
Grange, have been visiting their
mother, Mrs. Annie Nolan.
■ * ...
Mr. Dozier Field;? has returned
home from the University of Geor
gia to spend the summer vacation.
Mrs. Woodfin Combs and child
ren were the week-end visitors to
to her sister, Mrs. Benton Thomp
Mrs. Rav Brown and children,
of Willacoochee, are visiting her
parents, Judge and Mrs. A. G.
Mr. and Mrs. Asa Lemon and
children and Miss Blanche Went
zeil spent Sunday in Griffin with
relatives. 1
Tomato, Pepper, and Eggplants
for sale; choice varieties and large
plants. Chas. M. Sneer, McDon
ough, Ga.
Rev. and Mrs. J. J. Copeland, of
Locust Grove, attended the linen
shower at the Parsonage Thurs
day evening.
Mrs. W. P. Nut*: of Jackson
spent several days in the city this
week with her daughtnr, Mrs. E.
D. Tolleson.*
Mrs. T 0. Tabor. Jr., and Miss
Valeria Allen of Eiberton, were
the guests of Mrs. Andrew Wal
ker last week.
We want,.right away, one doz
en nice, clean, well cured home
raised hams, good prices. Cooe
land-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mrs. Sanford Hooten and grand
daughter, Miss Norine E'iiott,
went to Atlanta Sunday to spend
some time with relatives
Fine stock “Ho’sum” Cakes,
Tip Trfp and Butter-nut Bread,
fresh. Will be closed July 4.
Copeland Turner Mrc. Co.
Miss lie one Smith has returned
home from an extended vNit to
friends in Eastman. She was also
a guest at i house party at the
home of Rev. Alec Bexier at Val
Miss Eva Barrett entertained
Monday evening at rook.
Miss Eva Barrett has returned
from a week’s stay at Atlantic
Miss Carrie Williams, of La-
Grange, is the guest of Mrs. T. J.
Mrs. W. A. Simpson spent the
week-end with her daughter, Mrs.
John Bond, of Ellen wood.
Mrs. H. C. Bridges of Atlanta
was the guest of Miss Lilah Cope
land this week.
Rare opportunity—to hear fa
mous Fiddling John Carson —Hin-
ton’s mill, Ju y 4.
Messrs. L. R. and Hugh Car
michael of Atlanta spent Sunday
with relatives here.
Mrs. R. A. Edimnion of Mil
ledgeviile was the guest of Mrs.
Lon Sowell this week.
Mss Beulah Atkinson visited
her sister. Mrs. Lewis Bowman,
in Atlanta last week.
Messrs. Harold Fields of Atlan-j
ta, and Holmes Henderson of Ma
con, spept Sunday in the city.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Stewart of
East Point were guests of Mr. and
Mrs. W. 0. Welch last Sunday.
Mrs. Paul Turner and Mr. Rob
ert Turner were guests of Mrs
Lamar Etheridge in Jackson Tues
Mrs. Tom Woodruff and child
ren, of Palatka, Fla., are visiting
her parents, Judge and Mrs. A. G.
Mr. Asa Oglesby had the mis
fortune to sprain his right wrist
in alighting from an auto a few
days ago.
Mrs. Ed McLucas and children,
of Macon, are visiting her sisters,
Mrs. J. D. Dupree and Mrs. Hen
ley Varner.
The Woman’s Missionary So
ciety will meet at the Methodist
church Monday afternoon, July 3,
at 4 o’clock.
Col. D. H. Wall stopped over a
short while with the homefolks
Tuesday, returning from Macon to
The friends of Benton Thomp
son are glad to see him on the
streets again, after his recent pro
tracted iilness.
Mrs. A. T. Duncan returned to
her home in Dublin last Friday
after a ten days visit to her daugh
ter, Mrs. Fred Walker.
Judge E. J. Reagan, with a par
ty of friends from McDonough,
motored over to the ball game
Friday.—Griffin News.
Fresh ground Graham and Corn
meal from Fargas'on’s mill, out
of home grown Wheat and Corn.
Copeiand-Turner Mrc. Co.
Everybody for a big Fourth of
July! Fi idling John Carson with
all the frills.. Cordial invitation
and plenty of room for ail —July 4.
All kinds of cleaning and press
ing for ladies and gents. First
ciass work —called for and deliver
ed promptly. Right prices. John
For sale house and lot in
whicii I now live on Key’s Ferry
street. Offer open few days only.
See me at on e i: interested. Joe
M. Oh,fin.
We are opening up puncheon
PC c\ M.i C>. li:' :« the
old time Lav owei goods. Sold in
any >.z? quantities. Copeiuud-
Turner Mrc. C o.
Miss Eva Barrett spent Monday
in AtVmta.
Miss Bessie Sowdl spent Mon
| day in Atlanta.
Mr. Frank Setzir spent Tues
day in Atlanta.
Mrs. Fred Walker spent Wed
nesday in Atlanta.
Mr. Bob. Sloan las been on the
| sick list this week.
Mr. T. A. Sioan vas a visitor to
Atlanta Wednesuaj.
Miss Ethleene Ujchurch enter
] tained twelve Tuesday evening at
Mr. Ed Alexjnler was down
| from Atlanta Wednesday after
: noon. (
Mr. and Mrs. i. P. Simpson spent
Sunday with relaives in DeKalb
Mrs. J. B. Newman and son,
Frank, spent tie week-end in
Showers and sunshine have
started a vigorous growth to crops
in sections the past week.
Mrs. Carrie Mayo has recovered
from her recent i'lness and re
sumed her duties at the T. A.
Sloan Co.
Seme netting, time is right here
for fishing. Do not delay getting
a supply of fishing tapkle ready.
Copeland-Turner Mrc. Co.
Mr. John Oglesby has returned
from Borden Wheeler Springs,
much improved, and is with his
brother, Rev. E. Oglesby.
Editor Frank Reagan came over
from Covington Wednesday to
spend the week-end with his pa
rents, Judge and Mrs. E. J. Rea
Soldier trains, forcible remind
ers of the Spanish-American war,
have attracted much interest
passing McDonough during the
Miss Annie Lemon has returned
home from Washington City,
where she has been delightfully
entertained by Mrs. Dan Kelley
for two weeks.
Misses Lucy McDonald, Beatrice
Patterson, Carrie Williams, Carrie
Sue Fields and Clara Bright will
leave Saturday to attend the sum
mer school at Athens.
All-day sacred harp singings
were well attended at Lebanon
Primitive Baptist church in Hamp
ton and Indian Creek church, Lo
cust Grove, last Sunday.
Full stock Atlas Ezy seal, Queen
and Mason fruit jars, wax top tin
cans, jelly glasses, all kinds jar
tops, rubbers and wax strings.
Copeiand-Turner Mrc. Co.
Miss Lucy Turner and grand
daughter, Miss Mary Ammons, re
turned home from Jackson Sun
day, where they had been visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Hail Turner.
All-day picnic the Fourth of
July at Hinton’s miii. Everybody
come and bring well filled bask
ets —and don’t forget to bring
your bathing suit with you.
Mrs. W. B. Kelley is expected
home the latter part or this week*
from Tampa, Fla., where she lias
been spending several weeks with
the family of her son, Mr. Frank
Mr. W. H. White, of Brushy
Knob district, was a pleasant cal
ler at The Weekly office Wednes
day morning. HeVeports plenti
ful rains and crops promising in
his section.
Mr. B. F. Grant and Mr. J. M.
Stroud with their families will
leave in a day or two for Borden
Springs, where they have rented
cottages and will remain two or
three weeks.
Several from this place attend
ed the Sunday School Convention
at Flippen Sunday.
Mrs. C. W. Gardner and Mrs.
Nelse Pair spent a while Friday
afternoon with Mrs. William Ber
ry who is very sick.
Miss Mamie Dickson of McDon
ough spent a few days the past
week with Miss Vera White.
Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Austin and
little daughter, Elizabeth, spent
Saturday tight with the former’s
parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. K. Austin
and family.
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Turpin and
little son, Harold, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. John Miller, Sun
Mr. and Mrs. V. H. McKee of
Atlanta are spending a while with
the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
J. F. Mitchell.
We are sorry to note Mrs. M.
F. Martin is still very sick, and
hope for her a speedy recovery.
Mrs. John Turpin spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Mercer Turpin,
of Stockbridge, who are enter
taining a fine boy at their home.
Mrs. Lem Cook spent Thursday
with her mother, Mrs. C. C. Mar
Everybody busy working—no
visiting much.
One, 4 wo, Three.
In Memory
Of little Mary Lewis, the 11 months
old daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. W. (>.
Beck, who died June 11, lillt!.
She was bright and beautiful—a
pet with all who knew her. Dol
ing her short stay, in which she
lmd completely entwined herself
around our heirt«, we enjoyed the
precious little gift. Her existence
seemed necessary to our own. She
always had a smile for everybody,
and was the iite of the home. It
is very lonely witln ut her. (iod
has taught ns by afflictions what
we would not learn by mercies,
that our hearts are His property.
Father, mother, brother, sister,
you cannot afford to miss heaven
now. In our imagination we can
see Mary Lewis v\ niching and wait
ing for you. May God sustain
hem in their bereavement.
Our father always calls
His lovrd ones to sweet rest;
ihough our hearts be filled with anguish,
Will say He knoweth best.
Thou hast plucked our (1 >wer fair,
Thou needest M iry Lewi* iu paradise—
She will bloom in ire sweetly then-.
Grand Mother Purhlky.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to express our sin
cere thanks to the many friends
for numerous attentions, sweet
expressions of sympathy, with
beautiful and lov *iy floral offer
ings during the illness and death
of our dear husband and father.
Much comfort and solace have
they given through this, the dark
est, saddest and most trying ex
perience of our lives. May God’s
richest blessings rest with each
one of you.
Mis J. T. Sowell,
Bessie Sowell.
Lookout! Lookout! Mountain
seed Irish potatoes, this is genuine
Georgia grown sto:k and will
make a valuable asset to yuut eat
ing list during the winter. Get
ready now to plant. We are here
with the goods. Correland-Tur
ner Mrc. Co.
Hair and Face Treatment
for Ladies.
Shampoo 40c, face massage 25c.
Tnatment that will stop
hair, and make hair grow. Wiii
do all work at your home.
McDonough, Ga.
Swat the flies.
Most ‘‘laying by” time.
Wars and rumors of war.
It’s the good old summer time
Crops in old Henry are looking
Don’t forget tire singing at Lib
erty Hill, July 4th.
Rev. J. J. Copeland will fill his
regular appointment at Philadel
phia next Sunday.
A good crowd was in attend
ance at the singing at Oakland
Messrs. A. C. Norman, 0. L.
Thompson and Pete Turner mo
tored over to Griffin Saturday.
Prof. Sam Rosser and lady at
tended the Sunday school conven
tion at Flippen Sunday.
Mr. I. L. Nail attended the old
Fa-Sol-La singing at Beersheba
Mrs. E. M. Banks of Atlanta was
the guest of Mrs. J. M. Rape last
Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Stallworth
of Bethany were the guests of
relatives in McDonough Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Carter were
the guests of Mrs. Euitlv Cleve
land Sunday.
Rev. R B. Harrison filled his
appointment af Sunny Side Sun
Mexican bol! weevil and cow
tick talk has taken a back seat
these war talk times.
Prof. T. J. Horton has been
elec'.ed president of the eastern
division of the Henry County Sun
day School Association.
At the evening service of the
Presbyterian church last Sunday,
Rev. M. C. Liddell used for his
subject, “The Man Up a Tree.”
He is a good speaker and always
interests his hearers.
Your Uncle Pomp Rosser at
tended the sacred harp singing at
Beersheba Sunday, and it’s a fact
he is a live wire, when it comes
to an all-day, old time singing.
This suggestion was made to
me the other day, that if every
subscriber of The Weekly would
file away every issue of the paper
and keep them, that it would be
quite interesting to read them
again ten years from now. Try
it, Mr. Subscriber.
Mr. W H. Lane of Tussahaw
district happened to a painful ac
cident last Saturday at Duffev’s
blacksmith shop. He was hold
ing ins mule which Dut'fey was
shoeing, and was violently jerked
and thrown down by the mule,
dislocating his: shoulder bone and
being painfully bruised. A physi
cian was called in immediately,
and fortunately for Mr. Lane his
injuries are not serious.
G ivernor Harris is on the right
line now and we hope he will
convince the legislature to his
way of thinking. He is going to
recommend the handling locally
of a great deal of purely local leg
islation, so that it will not take up
the time of the legislature to the
end that biennial sessions of the
assembly may be substituted
for • nrual sessions.—Darien Ga
Bppflfour, Grocer
_ '
Best By Every Test