Newspaper Page Text
Wilson and Marshall.
As this issue of the Commoner
contains the democratic platform
adopted at St. Louis, the speech
of Temporary Chairman Glynn,
and my own speech, and an an
nalysis of the platform, it is not
necessary to say more than that
the spirit of the convention pre
sages victory for the party.
The fact that there was no con
test for the first place, and but
little for the second, accounts for
the lack of excitement. Even the
suffrage plank did not stir up
much feeling—the vote was so
There was enthusiasm whenev
er emphasis was placed upon the
fact that the President had kept
us out of war, or when a refer
ence was made to the fact that
the nation favors peace. The
preparedness plank drew forth
but little applause -a good omen.
The delegiit s went home happy,
and the visitors were satisfied.
Now for the campaign. Wei
must win ! Let every democrat’
go to work. —W. J. Bryan.
Best For Bilious Headaches
Indigestion quickly develops
sick headache, biliousness, bloat
ing, sour stomach, mis on stomach,
bad breath or some of the other
conditions caused bv clogged or
irregular bowels. If you have
any of these symptoms, take a
Foley Cathartic this evening and
you will feel better in the morn
ing. W. B. Vandigrift, Smyrna,
Ga., says. “We find Foley Ca
thartic Tablets the best we have
used for bilious headaches and I
am praising them up to all my
friends.” The McDonough Drug
Next Step.
Willis —“My wife has just or
dered the most daring bathing
suit of the season.”
Gillis —“Now 1 suppose she will
write for circulars of the various
summer resorts.”
Willis —“No, she is writing for
copies of their municipal ordi
How To Get Rid Of A Cold
Summer colds are serious.
Read how C. E. Summers, Hold
redge, Neb., got rid of his: “1
contracted a severe cough and
cold and could hardly sleep. 1
got a bottle of Foley’s Honey and
Tar and the very first dose reliev
ed me. 1 took a second dose be
fore going to bed and can truth
fully say I did not cough all night.
By using as directed the next two
days and my cough was entirely
cured and 1 gave Foley’s Honey
and Tar full credit for my speedy
recovery.” Foley’s always sooth
es and heals. Children love it.
The McDonough Drug Co.
A great motor show is to be
staged at Fitzgerald.
: You and Your Friends—and ■
1 1'pjj You tried it because xo? told g
3?czi how good and delicious
[pi it was. ;;-Gj
But -Dour friends began
WT :i _ m ; drintim.g it been use you tel / on
/ \ pIT v W>. how good it was. This is thser- i
- SB less chain of enthusiasm that ha*
.. S\Si rnade Ccca-CcUa t.. 2 fc~ --2 - oi
11-.'I 1 -.' r 4, jjr ;\iv \ the nauon.
f,h| The Coca-Cola Co..
flgg&fij ATLANTA. GA. LT,
\ y!. _j ! - 7|. j • nickname* iab»'-.'
For Representative.
To the Voter.- of Henry County:
I announce myself us u candidate
for Representative, subject to til* 3
State Democratic primary.
If I should he elected, I promise
my very best* service to every in
terest of mv county and State
For Congress
I am a candidate for the Demo
cratic nomination for Congress for
1 the Sixth Congressional District of
(leorgia, subject to such rules and
regulations as the Executive Com
mittee may provide governing the
1 appreciate the past kindness of
the people of the District to me, and
assure you that 1 will be very
grateful for your support.
Notice to Validate Bonds.
State of Georgia
Town of Stock bridge
Petition to Confirm and Validate Bonds.
I In the Superior Court of Henry County
Petition to confirm and validate Six
Thousand Dollars of Bonds, the proceeds
of which are to be applied to the purpose
of erecting, completing and furnishing a
new school building in the town of Stock
On the 3rd day of July, 1916, at the
courthouse in McDonough! Ga , said coun
ty of Henry, at 10 o’clock a in . t-ha above
cause, same being a petition filed bv the
Hon. K. M. Owi ii, Solicitor General of
the Flint Circuit, in the name of the State
of Georgia against the Town of Stock
bridge, to confirm and validate $6,000.00
of bonds the proceeds of which are to be
used for the purpose of erecting, complet
ing and furnishing a new school building
in the town of S ockbridge, wiil be heard
and determined, and, any citizen of the
State of Georgia resident of the town of
Stookbridge, or any <it iter person wherever
resident who has a sight to object, may
become a party to these proceedings.
This the 17th dav of Jur e 1916
h! c HIGiIiOWER,
Clerk Superior Court Henry Co. Git
Fits Glass.for all Errors of Re
Makes a Specialty of. Fits-U Xose
Will be at Locust Grove first
Thursdays. Stockbridgu Fri
days of each month.
Office East Side Macon St., Mc-
Donough, Ga.
[TpcUurcli House, Locust Grove.
Hellah House, Stoekbridge.
Plants, all varieties, Potato and
Tomato SI.OO per 1,000.
J. Q. Dorris & Co. Plant Farm,
Valdosta, Ga.
In Service.
Fine Tennessee Jack, surest
and best, now in service at Up
chuich Stables. Don’t delay.
McDonough, Ga.
Office Hours :
7.30 to 12 A. M. io 5 P. M
McDonough, Ga.
—J- ■ n ■
Such /f
as you; never thought y fW' W
could pe is yours to V
command quick as Tfl" \J
you buy some Prince S " y v \ ■ ZJk
Albert and fire-up a (
pipe ora home-made \
cigarette! Yft
Prince Albert gives
isfactioa your smoke
appetite ever hankered | 1
for. That’s because Tobacco-Co. jj[ fl
it’s made by a patented fpP B 8 o„, h j (fM# p
process that cute ouf A py /
bite and parch! Prince Albert has always 30th. P 1307* * d wh“ch I , ,
been sold without coupons or premiums. sHtJSaEEj ' JBMML I
We prefer to give quality 1 Li IGAaE IL £^06A^P:
the national joy smoke
has a flavor as different as it is delightful. You never tasted the like of it!
And that isn’t strange, either.
Buy Prince Albert every
where tobacco is sold in
toppy red bags, sc; tidy red
tins, 10c; handsome pound
and half-pound tin humi
dors—and—that corking fine
pound crystal-glass humi
dor with sponge-moistener
top that keeps the tobacco
in such clever trim—always l
< ;
A Big Touring Car for Five People
5,000 Spectators See Saxon “Six” Win Against
Higher-Priced Cars at San Diego Exposition
Before 5000 enthusiastic spectators, a stock
Saxon “Six” captured two firsts and a third
place, and won the most points in the demon
stration contest just held at the San Diego
Exposition Motor Demonstration Show. Al
though exceeded in both power and number
of- cylinders by higher priced entries, the
Saxon was the only car which won the tro
phy in two events. The performance of the
Saxon was so convincing that a spectator
bought and paid tot the victoiious “Six” on
the Exposition Grounds and without waiting
to get it cleaned up, drove the winning car
The hiii climb wlTch the Saxon won, was
one of the most grueljing ever staged Con
testants in this event were required to drive
down the fifty five percent grade of Expo
sition hill and up the thirty-five per cent
pitch. Then the drivers were obliged to
turn around and reverse the order of de
scending and climbing. The Saxon not only
The above is an Associated Press report of the San Diego Exposition, and ihe perform
ance of the Saxon “Six,’'
Men who think they can’t smoke a pipe or roll a ciga
rette can smoke and will smoke if they use Prince
Albert. And smokers who have not yet given P. A. a try
out certainly have a big surprise and a lot of enjoyment
coming their way as soon as they invest in a supply.
Prince Albert tobacco will tell its own story!
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO., Winston-Salem, N. C.
made the best time, but was one of the few
cars able to reach the top of the fifty five
per cent grade
More expensive cars were defeated by the
Saxon in the relay race. The Saxon romped
around the Tack in fast time, winning the
award of judges, the applause of the as
sembly and live additional points.
Then, just to demonstrate its flexibility in
the quick “get-away” event, the Saxon won
an even break with a higher-priced machine
for third. The time of one twelve-cylinder
and two eight-cylinder cars was bettered by
the Saxon.
Probably no stock car has ever given a bet
ter demonstration than the Saxon gave at
the San Diego Exposition —First in the hill
climbing/proving ample power; second in
the relay, showing logit speed, and third in
the quick “get-away.” completing the re
markable showing of the car. Let us ar
range a demonstration at your convenience.
Saxon “Six” $Bl5, f. o. b. Detroit.