Newspaper Page Text
Well Located Farm for Sale.
One hundred and forty acres,
more or less, two-story dwelling,
two tenant houses, fine spring
branch pasture adjacent to barn,
75,000 feet saw timber; all in two
mileS of McDonough, Ga., on one
of the best auto roads in Henry
county. A 1 out as much as four
mules can cultivate properly.
Terms to suit purchaser. See me
at once. M. C. LOW,
t McDonough, Ga.
J? j .j
ELEVEN well-known automobiles have advanced in price within the
last ninety days.
The Maxwell Company has not increased their prices. l ' We do
not know what their plans are, but we do know and you know that
materials entering into the construction of good automobiles now cost
from 20 to 300 per cent more than they did six months ago.
Nothing is to be gained by delay. Much may be lost.
Not only may you lose several dollars in the purchase price, but
you are sacrificing the enjoyment, the relaxation, the health-giving prop
erties — everything, in fact, that makes motoring the favorite pastime of
the nation.
We urge you to come in and investigate the Maxwell.
Or, we will refer you to any number of Maxwell owners and let
them tell you their own story in their own way.
They will tel! you what they have told us.. That the Maxwell is
good-looking that it is powerful —that it is comfortable —that it is
economical — in short, that it is the best investment they ever made.
They will tell you more and they will tel! you gladly and freely.
That’s the v/ay they fee! toward us and the Maxwell Car.
Whatever you do, don’t put this off. We have a few cars on hand
and can take orders for imr echate or future delivery— at present prices .
It you can’t come in, pi.o-.e us for a Maxwell demonstration.
\ ouring Car $605 Roadster $635
||pS|fj J. L. GARDNER, Agent, jfP|f
Locust Grove, Ga.
Time Payments if Desired
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry County.
To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Julia
Turpin, having made application to me in
due form to l>e appointed permanent, ad
ministratrix upon the estate of J J. Tur
pin, late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county, to l>e held on the
First Monday in July, 1916.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this sth day of June, 1916.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Signature of WiarvY. /'CUc&Ai
Administratrix's Sale.
GEORGIA, Henry County
By virtue of an order front the Court of
Ordinary, will be sold before tne court
house door in McDonough, Ga . within
rhe legal hours of sale on the First Tues
day in July, 1916, 60 acres of land instock
bridge district of said county and State,
bounded as follows: On the yorth by
Willingham place, on the south and west
by lands of U. Askew, on the east by
Jethro Harrell lands.
Hold as the estate of H M. Glass, de
ceased, for distribution and payment of
debts. This sth day of June, 1 v»l 6.
For Sale.
One hundred acres of land
three miles from a town on rural
route. Good terms. Apply to
The Weekly Office.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that at the 1916
session of the General Assembly of the
State of Georgia, a Local Bill will be in
troduced. the Cap’ion of which will lie a -
An Act to abolish the ollice of Treas
urer of the county of Henry, in the State
of Georgia, and to provide a Depository
for the safe keeping and disbursement of
the fuiids of said county, and for other
purposes. This June 6th, 1916.
The Terminal Garage,
Rear Terminal Hotel.
Cars repaired, stored and cleaned.
Never close. Phone calls an
swered. We will help you. Fair
treatment. Radiator repairing,
autogenious welding.
Bell Phone. Main 3350, Atlanta, Ga.
Bonita Jellico Coal
Delivered in McDonough, Ga
June shipment - - $4.19 per ton
Juiy shipment - - $4.29 per ton
August shixment - $4.44 per ton
Hamilton Fuel Supply Co.,
Knoxville, Tenn,
For Rent —One house and lot
next to Dr. Horton’s. Mrs. Annie
M. Nolan.