Newspaper Page Text
Prominent Georgia Physician
Continues to Use Tanlac in
His Daily Practice With
Surprising Results.
One cf the strongest and most
convincing evidences of the re
markable results being accom
plished by Tanlac throughout the
south is the large number of let
ters that are now being received
daily from scores of well-known
men and women who have been
benefited by its use.
Among the large number that
have been received in the past
few days, none are more interest
ing than the following letter from
Dr. J.T. Edwards, of Fayetteville,
Ga. Dr. Edwards, it will be re
membered, recently gave Tanlac
his unqualified indorsement in a
public statement, and the testi
monial published beiow was re
cently given him by one of his pa
tients. His letter follows just as
it was written:
Fayetteville, Ga., Jan. 4, 1916.
Mr. G. F. Willis, Atlanta, Ga.
Dear I am enclosing you
heY’eb'Ydth statement I have just
received M. McGough.
He has sold out here Anci is mov
ing to Turin, Ga. He was here
this morning, and come in to tell
me what Tanlac had done for him.
He says too much cannnot be said
about Tanlac. It certainly has
cured him.
Mr. McGougft’s statement fol
“I suffered from indigestion adjd
could not eat anything but what
would hurt me. Constipation
gave me a great deal of trouble
also. My symptoms were indiges
tion, heartburn and gas on the
stomach after eating. My appe
tite was irregular and my food
failed to nourish me. This trou
ble caused me to get very poor —
In fact, 1 got so thin and weak I
was hardly able to go about.
“I bought three bottles of Tan
lac on Dr. Edwards’ recommenda
tion, and 1 am now feeling all
right again, and am able to attend
to business. 1 gained seventeen
pounds in weight and am doing
Save Time and Money!
The two-number method of making Long Dis
tance telephone calls enables you to get quicker serv
ice to Atlanta at reduced rates.
You give the local operator the telephone num
ber in Atlanta, then you hold the line until the called
party answers or the operator reports.
Two number service is rendered to Atlanta on a
no delay basis at reduced rates.
The Manager’s office will gladly furnish a list of
telephone numbers in any or all two number points.
Particular party service at the regular rates can
be had by calling Long Distance and placing the call
in the usual manner.
In Memory
Of our little darling, Nolan
Maxie, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. E.
Lyons, who departed this life
June 1, 1916. He was eight years
and eleven months old. In those
short years he accomplished much
gooiL—was a consecrated little
Christian, so obedient, kind, and
true —to parents, teachers, and
schoolmates. To know him was
to love him. His happiest mo
ments were those spent in doing
something for someone else. He
appreciated every kindness shown
him. He loved his brother de
Nolan was sick over six months,
and he never complained one
time, nor never seemed one bit
rebellious to God’s will. He
would say, “Mother, if it is God’s
will and for the best, I’ll get well;
but if not, we must be willing for
God to have His way.” He was
always cheerful and would say,
when asked how he was feeling,
“Oh, I’m all right—l’m feeling
fine.” Even to the very last he
fvouid often say, “Oh, mother, I
am so happy. God is so good to
Just a few days before he died
he asked for his pencil and tablet,
then asked me to write the word
“Jesus,” and then he added, “died
to save us.” That was the last
line my precious boy wrote on
this earth.
Oh! God help us to grasp that
blessed truth, “Jesus died to save
us.” Help us to believe and trust
Him in the same childish faith,
and may our home circle be un
broken at the feet of Jesus.
“A precious one from us is gone,
A voice we love is still,
A place is vacant in our home
Which never can be filled.
“God in His wisdom has recalled
The boon His love had given,
And though the body slumbers here,
. The soul is safe in heaven.”
fine. Tanlac did the work.
“I now recommend Tanlac to
everyone who is sick like 1 was,
and wishes to take something that
will help them.”
Tanlac is sold exclusively in Mc-
Donough by the McDonough Drug
Co; in Hampton, Ga., by H. A.
Moore; Pinson’s Pharmacy Stock
bridge, Ga.; The Norman, Turner
! Co., Ola, Ga., J. B. Simmons & Son
Knob, Ga. (Stockbridge, R.F.D.)
Brown, Pitts & Wilson, Luella Ga.,
and J. A. Sims, Stockbridge, Ga.,
I (R.F.D.)
People On Cuard.
The Walton Tribune believes
that the people are going to nomi
nate their governor in the prima
ry. We hope The Tribune is
right about the matter, but down
this way it looks as if the nomina
tion will be left in the hands of a
few slick politicians, and that the
« Prince Albert gives
smokers such
delight, because
% its flavor is so different and so
I it can’t bite your tongue;
g —you can smoke it as long and
5 as hard as you like without any
jp comeback but real tobacco hap-
Jjt On the reverse side of every Prince
yf Albert package you will read:
It That means to you a lot of tobacco en-
joyment. Prince Albert has always been
sold without coupons or premiums. We
[Albert *
Up the national joy smoke
[ . -xrOU’LL find a cheery howdy-do on tap no
V" I matter how much of a stranger you are in the II ;fVi nInTWnJC l\ Tl lQ]|t? mm,.
neck of the woods you drop mto. For, Prince Hi J Mm r /£\ UDIIQ K\ '
HI gUUUUCSS dUU pass that sells tobacco ! The toppy red I ML-.llik ,'j! 9,
• • bag sells for a nickel and the tidy red f TOBACCO IS h REPAREfI',
in pipG satisfaction tin for a dime; then there's the hand- j cntf CMOKERS UNDERTHE
some pound and half-pound tin ; HJK SMUfUtKa UIWCIV IRE.,
ie all we or its Gnthusi- humidors and the pound PROCESS DISCOVERED IN 5
lO dll WCUI OUUIUOI crystal-glass humidor with iiii/iHC PY PPPIMFNTC TO i
, . r • J 1 • J sponge-moistener top ! MAKING ' ,
astic friends ever claimed that keeps the to : produce the most, db* ,
for it I V **E*V.S ’ UOHIIf AH^HOII;
10 1 ° time) I SOMETOBACCdfORC^
It answers every smoke desire you /SSI
or any other man ever had! It is so WMBSSSC
coql and fragrant and appealing to your "SS*’
smofceappetite that you will get chummy with , I od'EslldT bMlhe tongue 1
it in a mighty short time! t— -il
Will you invest 5c or 10c to prove out our say
so on the national joy smoke ? T,T.Z
in making Prince Albert so much
R. J. REYNOLDS TOBACCO CO.. Win.ton-Salem, N. C. “ ukl "
The Southern Mortgage Co.
Establishd 870. Gould Building —10 Decatur Street—9l Edgewood Avenue.
Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums
ot si,ooo to $lOO,OOO on Five Years’ time at reasonable rates. Our sources
ot money are practically inexhaustible. We have a strong line ot customers
among individual investors and Savings Banks and Trust Companies in the North,
East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the
John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company
with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars.
J. T. Holleman, President
W. L. Kemp, Vice-President
J. W. Andrews, Secretary
E. V. Carter, Attorney
A, d’Antignac, Inspector
W. A. Howell, Abstracts'of Title
For information, call on or write to
Brown and Brown,
steam roller will be working over
time. Crawfordviile Advocate-
The Tribune bel'eves that the
people will express themselves in
the primary for fear of the very
thing that The Advocate Demo
crat speaks of. They know that
the plan is to take the nomination
for a certain candidate, whether
he receives the largest number of
votes or not, and for that reason
they are on their guard, and are
determined that they will not sur
render their rights to the machine
politicians—The Walton Tribune.
It is never smart to say unkind
W. A. Thompson, Abstracts of Title
J. G. Work, Abstracts of Pile
L. A. Boulighny, Auditor
S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk-t
T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Ck rk
C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk.
Horace Holleman, Applicaiu n IT