Newspaper Page Text
Pungent Paragraphs.
The mule follows the flag.
We note that the English have
captured Poodle. Doggone !
Well, what could you naturally
expect from a man named Case
As a result of the gubernatorial
race in Florida Catts is felicitous,
but Knott is not.
Here’s to Old Glory ! Long may
it wave o’er the land of the free
—and nowhere else.
It takes some folks a long time
to realize that President Wilson's
long jaw stands for firmness.
Our devil has aspirations to be
come a banker, so that he may
observe all the legal holidays.
We have decided to add anoth
er P to our alliterative slogan and
have it-thus: Peaches, pecans,
peas and peace.
Either the legislature is behav
ing better than usual, or the
newspaper reporters have more
important matters to look after.
Josh Billings thus expressed his
opinion of the fly: “1 hate a fly.
Darn a flv.” We feel very much
that way towards the boll weevil,
only a little more so.
Occasionally we talk with a
farmer who says he hasn’t seen
any boll weevils on his place. We
fear that some are like small boys
as regards hook worms —got ’em
and don’t know it.
The average local optionist may
be defined as a man who contends
that if a fellow wants whiskey he
ought to be allowed to buv it at
his home town —and he invariably
has a perennial and consuming
So far as we are concerned, we
■j (lumni.H'Hii' i m .i. m u MuTuMmmuuTu i u j/O- i mTTimi iliiilui iQ
! eroo | \ ~vJ
O/7/L./i r l/ou\%L '%?**'
p 24
} qYou can get your >/ I
Chero-Cola ' in a Bottle f
I --Through a Straw,” ’
j at Soda Fountains ill *
= and other Refresh- JljjjL
\ ment Stands. Better
r Everybody knows it Mii
\ by its name *o U *<
E| fntiimmmiiuiimiiniuinui linn iiiimii Minima mum imiTni ’"''HuiiMinMidiiiiiiuiuß
1 I
! I
L— if
L_ mi....... ■■mimiq
•• Y'oar flag ami my flag, and how it flies
In your land and my land, and half a
world away;
Rose red and blood red its stripes forever
Snow white and soul white, the good
forefathers’ dream;
Sky Idue and true blue with stars that
gleam aright,
The gloried guidon of the day, a shelter
through the night
Your flag and my llag, and oh, how much
it holds!
Your land and my land, secure within its
Your heart and my neart beat quicker at
the sight.
Sun-kissed and wind-tossed, the red and
blue and white;
The one flag—the great flag—the flag for
me and you.
Glorifies all else beside, the red and white
ami blue.
His Backache Gone.
More men have kidney trouble
than are aware of it. Just how
serious a backache, sore muscles,
aching joints, rheumatism, swol
len ankles, and blurring vision
may be is sometimes realized only
when a man attempts to take out
life insurance and is refused on
account of kidney trouble. Jo
seph G. Wolf, 734 So. Jackson
St., Green Bay, Wis., writes: Fo
ley Kidney Pills relieved me of a
severe backache that had both
ered me for several months.”
Any symptom of kidney trouble
deserves attention. The McDon
ough Drug Co.
are willing for General Pershing
and his troops to come out of
Mexico. Thev don’t seem to be
doing any good and are stirring
up enmity. Come out of the wil
derness and back to civilization
and the land of your fathers,
Persh. —Cuthbert Leader.
Card of Thanks.
We wish to express our sincere,
heartfelt appreciation to the many
friends who were so thoughtful
of and kind to us during the ill
ness of our darling baby Nolan.
Also for sweet expressions of
sympathy and lovely floral offer
ings at his death. We pray God’s
cooicest blessings on each and ev
eryone of you.
Mr. And Mrs. J. E. Lyons,
n lnnrr lnnnr h»ov
places as well as Tiperary.
Small Boy (with a hoe in his
hand, insinuatingly to his father)
—Dad, the fish are biting like any
thing down in the river!
Father —Well, my son, you keep
on hoeing weeds and they won’t
bite you!
Well Located Farm for Sale.
One hundred and forty acres,
more or less, two-story dwelling,
two. tenant houses, fine spring
branch pasture adjacent to barn,
75,000 feet saw timber; all in two
miles of McDonough, Ga., on one
of the best auto roads in Henry
county. Al out as much as four
mules can cultivate properly.
Terms to suit purchaser. See me
at once. M. C. LOW,
McDonough, Ga.
High Gasoline!
As the price of Gasoline soars upward the sale
of FORD Cars increases, and the doom of the
big car is foreseen. The more miles per gallon
of gasoline, and longest tire mileage, with “Ford
service for Ford users,” unequaled by any other
car, makes TFIE FORD the one car to own.
Buy yours NOW.
ROADSTER - - $420.10
TOURING CAR - 470.10
For full information call on or write
Also we carry a full line of Ford parts and ac=
For Sale.
One hundred acres of land
three miles from a town on rural
route., Good terms. Apply to
The Weekly Office.
Borden-Wheeler Springs
“The Spa of America”
In IJhie lildge Mountains, Modern 120 Room Motel. Kites ?s 75 to s2l 00.
Cottages to let. Swimming, Tennis. Fishing, Hors,* Back Riding. Mountain
Climbing, Hiw.tlog ami nlj nrH>,r Onr,loor '-ports Kxc**Hen r Orchestra iiml
Dancing in Spacious Bill oom, Box Hill Water has Special Curative Qual
ities for Rheumatism, all Stomach and Bowel Troubles, Diabetes. Send
for Book.
On Seaboard Air Line Ry. Halfway Between Biniingham anti Atlanta
I Whew, It’s Hot! |
Let’s go and get some good old
When you’re hot and thirsty, / ;
or just for fun. there’9 noth- l ■
ing comes up to it for delicious- \
ness and real refreshment. v,
Demand the genuine by full name — Y A
nicknames encourage substitution
100 Acres Land in 5 miles of
two good railroad towns. S2O acre
—The Weekly at once.