The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 14, 1916, Image 5
Local Happenings Dr. C. D. McDonald went up to AManta Tuesday. Mr. Gus Brown made a business trip to Atlanta Tuesday. Miss Lucile Dailey of Atlanta is visiting Mrs, Paul Turner. Miss Helen H. rris is visiting Miss Sarau Rivers m Jonesboro. W. A. Simpson, Jr., went up to Atlanta on business Tuesday. Miss Ethleefte and Marie Up church are visiting in Atlanta this week. Ordinary Harris and Mr, and Mrs. Ray Brown spent Tuesday in Atlanta. For Rent —One house and lot next to Dr. Horton’s. Mrs. Annie M. Nolan. * * Miss Lucile Daiiey of Atlanta, is the guest of Mrs. Turner Al lensworth. Mr. Guy Gorman of Atlanta was the guest of Mr. Ed Hooten a day or two last week. t Mrs. Ed Yeach of Atlanta was the chaim ng guest of Mrs. Julian Weems iast week. Messrs. Boce Elliott, Jerome Cook and Hughie Turner,,spent Tuesday in Atlanta. Miss Mary and Pearl Mayo, of of Atlanta, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. V. Upchurch. Mrs. Hankinson of Augusta is visiting at the home of her son, Mr. R. H. Hankinson. Mr. Vaney Kimbell, of Locust Grove district, came in Tuesday and went up to Atlanta. Mr. Carl Sloan of Atlanta spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Sloan. Mr. Benton Neal has returned home from an extended trip through Southwest Geotg. Rev. Mr. Reynolds, of Cedar Grove, spent last Thursday night with Mr. W. A. Simpson, Jr. The past season’s wheat crop is reported the biggest and best known i 1 this section for years, Mr. Paul Berry visited Indian Springs last week, the guest of Mr. Harry Thomas at the Elder House. The Mission Study Class of the Methodist church will meet with Mrs. E M. Smith Monday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner en tertained Thursday evening for the Misses Neal and visiting guests. Misses Sarah Rivers, of Jones boro, and Majorie Bush, of Lex ington, are the attractive guests Oi Miss Rosa Lee Brown. After a month’s visit to relatives and friends here, Mrs. T. A. Lit sey and little son have returned to rheir home in Barnesvilie. Mrs. A. W. Walker, Sr., of Griffin is visiting her children, Mesdames Talmadge Carmichael, Asa Lemon, and Mr. A. W. Walk er, Jr. Miss Lucile Tolleson has as her guests this week, !■ isses Lois Pa tillo, of Atlanta, Susie Yeach, of Adairsville, and Adelaide Douglas, o Madison. Col. W. E. Watkins, Judge Ogle tree of Jackson, and Mr. William Seovilie of the Wigw. m at Indian Springs registered at the Brown H nise Monday. Messrs. Luther Fargason and Will Turner went up to Atlanta Tuesda/ to arrange for ih re building of Turn ji’s church, wh en will oe uon i at once. Miss Lucile Tolieson spent Tues day in Atlanta. Messrs. J. F. M. Fields and H. C. Hightower were delegates to the district sonference at Mt. Zion last week, and report the meeting a most excellent one. Mr. L. Ramey, the clever and efficient Western Uuion operator here, left Thursday for Newnan, where lie has been transferred Glen B wden succeeds him. The Weekly is in receipt of the first cotton boll of the season. It was sent in from Beershebo by Mr. Ed Fisher, assistant rural route jcarrrier, and was about half grown ‘or more. Senator Smith spent Wednes day at home, and informs The Weekly that his bill for the new I dian Springs Circuit passed the Senate judiciary committee with out opposition. Mr. Ray Brown arrived from Wiliacoochee iast Sunday, and has been warmly greeted by old McDonough friends this week. He will return home with his fam- I in a few days. Mrs. Ed Piper, an aged and es teemed lady of Sandy Ridge dis trict, died at 5 o’clock last Wed nesday morning, and the remains were interred in Sardis cemetary near Eilistown at 11 o’clock Thursday, On account of so much rain, “The Kentucky Belle,” wlv'ch was to have been given at Stockbridge iast Friday night, was postponed to next Tuesday night, when it will occur under same auspices as previously published. The Young Peolpes Missionary Society was postponed from last Saturday until Saturday the fifth teenth. Will meet at the Metho dist church at 4:30 o’clock. All members are desired to be pres ent as this is a business meeting. We learn that two ladies, Mrs. W. A. Berry and Mrs. I. J. Wal lace, died in the upper part of Henry county last Monday, and the remains of both were buried at Flat Rock Thursday afternoon, Elder Janies of Conyers, officiat ing. One of the most delightful social affairs of last week was the party Wednesday evening at which Mis ses Frances and Flora Neal enter tained for their house-party guests, Misses Martha Cole, Na dine Leach, Myrtle Harris, Lorena Brotherton and Vivian Broadnax. Miss Helen Harris was the charming hostess at a party last Friday morning, in honor of the visiting young ladies, the house part ' guests of Misses Neal and Miss Rosa Lee Brown. Despite the rain, a large number were present and a most enjoyable morning was spent. Mrs. Hugh Hutton and daughter, Miss Cornelia, of Savannah, and Mrs. Derry Robertson and little daughter of Macon, arrived Tues on their regular summer visit to McDonough. They were accom panied by Miss Margaret Walker of Savannah, who will be the guest of Miss Cornelia Hutton for some time. Mi - , and Mrs. N. M. Weaver left tills week to join their d tugiiter, Mrs. R. L. Walker, and her little son at Lovejoy. Mrs. Walker has purchased near Lovejoy a tine old country place that 1* is long be -1 inged to some member of the family, h s had the residence ren ovated and wih maxe it her sum mer home. —Cuthbtrl Leader. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Kimbell of Jackson spent Wednesday in Mc- Donough. Mrs. Ben Bankston and little daughter are visiting her mother in Macon. Mrs. G. W. Cathy has returned from a visit to her former home near Ellenwood. Entertained Delightfully. The Woman’s Club was delight fully entertained by Mrs. Louche and Mrs. Lemon July sth. A full attendance was present and the program was very interesting. A salad course was served. The next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Gilmore July 18th. PROGRAM. >1 usie—“Lorena'' —Mis. Newinan. Brief Summary of Political Parties. 1787-1840—Mrs. E M. Smith, tong —Mrs Will Peace. Sketch of William H. Crawford and John Clark—Mrs. B. E Horton. Reading—Selection from Betsy Hamil ton — Mrs Sidney Fairar .-'ketch of John M Berrien and John Forsyth—Mrs Will T’ttner Chorus —"Old Folk*. a t Home.” Answer roll call with counties In Geor gia Mount Bethel. The recent heavy rains have done a great deal of damage to bottom-land crops in this section. Also the massive Bethel bridge at Island Shoals was swept from its pillars Sunday night. Misses Trellis and Pauline Ing ram of McDonough, were the charming guests of Nellie Hooten iast week. Mr. Oscar Stroud and Miss Lila Bledsoe enjoyed a motor ride Sun day and attended Sunday School at this place. Rev. C. C. Cowan was at home last week to the delight of his family. Little Elinor Cecil Strahan is very ill at present. We have always heard that providence provides for the lame and the lazy. Guess that is why we have been provided with good neighbors who have learned of our sore need and come to our help with such lots of nice beans and potatoes, for which we are truly thankful. Sunday School at this place next Sunday at 10:00 a. m. South Avenue. Rev. W. N. South filled his reg ular appointment at Bethel Sun day. We regret to chronicle the death of Mrs. G. W. Bradberry, which occured at her home near here on Wednesday, June 28. She was ill only a short time. She leaves several children and grand children, and a host of friends to mourn her death. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Clark, and Mr. and Mrs. Luther Scarbrough are enteataining new arrivals— both are girls. Messrs. S. K. Austin, S. C. Mc- Williams and Rev. W. N. South, motored to Griffin the fourth, to be at District Conference. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Thurman MAKE YOUR OWN! Bia> a pvT * a. m. $ YOU will SAVE m els. PFP GAL. THIS IS HOW gals. L. & 51. Semi i Etal Paint jg_QQ i. Linseed Oil with it at ad cost of 2.70 a Is. Paint'for $11.70 $1.67 per gal. Mailt wifi* r'g'il propor- Hons of LEAD, ZINC end LINSEED CIL, lo iiesare ioagtsl wear. In use over 40 yeara Use a gallon out of any you buy a ::5 if not the host paint made, then return the . aint and get ali your money rack. Copeland-Turner Merc. Co. arc entertaining a new boy. Little Rand >lph Peterman seems t) be some better at present. Mr. and Mrs. Bert While visited the Gate City Thursday. Mr. \V. H. White had the mis fortune to lose a good milch cow last week, ami Mr. J. W. Thurman lost a good mule a few davs be fore. Busy bee. Catarrh Canu.ot Be Cucw With LOCAL .\PPUO\T! X* mi cannot reach iho seat <-i ti c1..--:i> Cutui'lu is. a i<- i •V.t i -..1l in fluenced by c. vr.stiiut : a I i liCU or.' tind in order f < cm it you mus: take an internal .er.ieUy. IP.MY Ca tarrh Cure is t:>iter, intern >1 ly ar.d acts thru the bin >. lon t!." i• . in sur faces of tiie system. Ho.. Catarrh Cure was pr< ‘- -rib* 1 by one of the bea t .physicians in this intry for years Tt is compored of some of tire b ?t tomes known, combin'd with some of the host blood purliicre. The perfect com bination of the Ingredients in Hall's Catarrh Cure is what produces such wonderful results in catarrhal condi tions. Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo. O. All Druggists, 75c. Hall's Family Pills for constipation. No. 7969. Report of condition of THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK At McDonough, in the .State of Georgia, at the close of business, on June 30, 1916. • REtiOUKOE-L Loans and Discounts (except, those shown on h) 2nH.2Hf.44 Total loans - 268,288 44 Overdrafts, unseeur-d 3.48.15 393.1 a U. 8. Bonds deposited to secure circulu fion (par valu •) 70,000.00 Total 1 s. bonds 70,000.00 Subscription to stock of Federal Re serve Bank 0,000 no Less amount unpaid - 3j-00.uO 3,000(10 Value of Banking house, (if unencumbered) 15,158.38 Equity in banking house 15,453.38 Earn and Fix. - 5,315.15 X ; amount Due from Federal Reserve bank 3,358.94 Net amount Due from approved Reserve Apt* in Ne v York Chicago, and St Louis 4,810.11 Net amount due from ap prov d Reserve agents in other reserve cities 6,070.81 10,880 93 Net amount due from hanks and bankers (other than included in 10 or 11) 9,542.89 Other checks on banks in the same c'Ky or town as reporting bank 5,887.73 Fractional currency, Nickels, and cents 13 23 Notes of other national banks 2 000.0(4 Coin and certificaies - 7 1543)0 Legal-tender notes 2 4(41) 00 Redemption filial with U. S Treasurer and due from IJ ti T reasu rer B,Oku (>i Bill of Exchange (< otton) 12 004 93 Total . 11l i.'OSJo /> State of Georgia—Henry County. I, Rilph L T'urner, Cashier of the ab-ve n un-d bank, do solemnly swear that theabov • statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. Ralph L Turner, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this Bth day of July, 1016 J li. Turner, Notary Public. Correct Attest: T. A. Sloan, W. W. Turner, Joe J. Smith, Directors. No. 10089. Report of the Condition of The First National Bank, at Hampton, In the State of Georgia, At the close of business, June 30, 1916. RESOURCES. Loans and Discount* (except those shown on b) |‘.i4,748 97 Total Loans - - 04,748 97 U. ti. Ronds deposited to secure circulation (par value) - 990,000.00 Total U. ti. Bonds - 20,000.00 Subscription (-)Kiockof K*>d oral Reserve bank 12,400.00 L-'Ss amount unpaid 1,200.00 1,200 00 1,2"0.00 Value of banking house (if unencumbered) 4,909.00 4,000,00 Funi and Fix. - 2,.)0o(8t Net Ami/i:»t Due from Fed eral Re' rve bank 1 896.38 Net amount Due from approv ed lies rve Apts. Ne s York, C Idea go, and tit, Louis 1 985 3H Net, amount Due from apy»-ov ed Reserve Agfs. in other Reserve CiMcs - 2,038.31 4,028.69 Netanacunr Due from lianks and bankers (other than included in lour ll) 50.49 Other 4 'hecks on banks in the same ciiy or town as reporting bank - 879.81 Outside Checks and other Cash Items - 165.4)4) Fractional Currency Nickels and cents - 13 9 ! > 78 90 Note- of ut h> r National Hanks .56000 Federal Reserve Notes S ) 4‘• Coin and certifi cates - 1,637 35 Legal-tender notes - - 315 (X) Redemption fund with U. ti. Treasurer and dne from U. ti. 1,000.00 Total - 1132 6.)) 59 STATE OF GEORGIA.— County of Henry. I.E. R. Harris, Cashier of the above-mu ■ i bank, d; > solemnly swear that the above .-t it+onent i. true to the best of n:v kn and belief. . K K. Harris, Cashier. SubK’rfivcl and sworn to before :ms (his 116 b «1 iv of July, P-M'i Gto. ri. D. MAL* UELi, Notary Public. COKiiKOT—Attest: VV. ii Harris It. 1. Henderson \V \V Carmichael, Directors Dedication Serv ice. Oakland church will be dedi cated next Sundry, July 16. Dr. John G. Harrison of Mercer Uni versity, Macon, wiii preach tue dedication sfrmon. There will be dinner on (he ground, and preach ing again at 2p. m. All are in vited to come and worship with us on that day. J. M. Gilmore, Pastor. , , i f • Ask Your Grocertr CHEEK-NEAUS COFFEES ' 5 '■> - Best By Every Test LIABILITIES: Capita! stock paid in - |Ho,nuoQO -urnlus fund - - 20,000.440 Undivided profits, 25,908 78 L *ss ourr«*nt. cxnen sos, interest, and tax es paid 25, "08 78 Circulating Nnte« outstanding 7il,ouo.tH> Ncf amount due to banks and bankers (ether than inolud cd in 29 or 3o) 2,325 o 4 Divide ds unpaid - - 160.00 1 mltvidiial deposits subject to check 69,718 80 Certirl. ites of deposit due in less than .39 days 42 '.OO Cashier's checks out Standing 146,09 Total Demand deposits. Items 38, 34, 35. 36, 8 . 88, 39 arid4o; 70 si HO Time deposits (payableafter 80 days, or subject to 30 days or more Notice): Certificates o* d -posit 37,83* 84 Total of rime deposits, Lems 41, 42. anti 43 37,854 84 Rediscount with Federal Reserve ank - 23,140.73 b Notes and bills rediscounted elsewher- than at Federal Reserve bank - £3,149.79 Bills payable, including obligations represent ing money borrowed 90,000.00 I’otAl . 1410,9.38 25 LI ABILITIKti. Capital stock paid in $30,0440,00 tiurpius fund - li) 000.00 Undivided Profits, 7.895.86 i,<• -s Current Expenses i lit,-rest and raxes paid 2,445 86 5,450 00 < Hrculuting notes outstanding $20,000.00 Individual d ‘posits subject to check - - . 33,088 77 of deposit duo in less than 30 days 5*)5 4)0 Cashiers' checks outstand ing - 488.32 T' fa! demand deposits, Items 33, 34, 85 36, 87. 88, 39, and 0) 34,<182.09 Time deposits (Payable after 30days, or snbj-ctto 30days or more notice): < 'ertifieates of deposit 3,158.50 Total of time deposits. 1 terns 41, 42. and 43 8,158.50 Biiis payable, including obliga tions representing borrowed money 30,000.00 Total - $182,090.59