The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 14, 1916, Image 6

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    Is She Any of These?
Is she following the fashion set
by the undressed chorus girls of
the stage?
Is she bedecked with flimsy
garments meant to display the
contour of a shapely figure?
Is her walking dress cut so low
that one would think Hie was on
her way to the opera and so high
that the color or her stockings is
Are her fingers, neck and arms
covered with gaudy jewels, cheap
ly imitated on the live and ten
cent counters.
Is she dining, drinking and
dancing with the giddy midnight
throng in an atmosphere of ex
Is she joy riding on Sunday
nnd neglecting the church of her
father and mother?
Is the pursuit of pleasure, friv
olity and fashion the consuming
passion of her heart?
Is she going the pace in a rest
less desire to shine in the blazing
light of the cabaret and to be
known as one of the fast set?
Is she walking the primrose
path of dalliance with no thought
of the journey’s dreadful end?
Are her companions lifting her
up or dragging her down?
Is she seeking the love of one
true man or basking in the sun
shine of many without manhood?
Is her modesty a mockery, the
prayer book and Bible relics of
the past, and mother’s advice the
played-out whim of the antiqua
ted? longer a comfort to
those at home, the confiding de
light of her mother and the pride
of the family circle?
If this is your daughter, are you
proud of her? Look at her latest
photograph. Then take down
the picture of her mother or
Which do you like the better?
And which do the men of real
Aorth prefer? —John A. Sleicher
in Leslie’s.
Says They Are Wonderful.
Hot weather is doubly danger
ous to a person whose digestion
is bad. The hot sun keeps the
body heated and a decomposing
mass of undigested food in the
stomach will more quickly send
disease-causing impurities through
the blood and poison the entire
system. Indigestion, constipa
tion, sick headache, biliousness,
bloating, or other conditions
caused by clogged bowels yield
quickly to Foley Cathartic Tablets.
Mrs. Elizabeth Siausson, So. Nor
walk, Conn., writes: “I can hon
estly say they are wonderful.”
The McDonough Drug Co.
A town that never has anything
to do in a public way is on the
way to the cemetery. Any citi
zen who will do nothing for his
town is helping to dig the grave.
The man that curses the town fur
nishes the cotfin. The man who
is so selfish as to have no time
from his business to give to city
aifairs is making the >hroud. The
The man who will not advertise
is driving the hearse. The man
who is always pulling back from
any pualic awry; throws bou
quets on the grave. The man
who is s.i -tingy as to be always
bowling hard lie- • , breaches the
funeral, sings the T otology, and
thus tin town lies : iried from all
sorrow and care.—Ex.
You can help make life one
glad, sweet song b ; . letting the
other fellow 1m . h.s way once in
Reviews of New Books.
Mr*. R. H. Hankinson.
Girl From the Big Horn Coun
try.” Page Company, Boston.
$1.25 net; 320 pages.
“The Girl From the Big Horn
Country” is a splendid book for
growing girls. It deals with the
period of college life so dear to
the heart of the young.
The heroine, Virginia Hunter,
leaves her Wyoming home to
seek an education in the East-.
She is fond of her native State
and of the manners and customs
of her people, but she is equally
eager to broaden out and learn
the wavs of people other than her
own. Her experiences while trav
eling, her impressions of the new
country, her pleasures and trials
at St. Helen’s, and the records in
her “Thought Book” all make the
storv deeply interesting. Minor
characters contrast the life in the
West and East very pleasantly,
and incidentally give the reader a
cieaner idea of the different sec
tions of his country.
net Keeps House.” Page, Bos
ton. $1.50; 346 pages.
“Blue Bonnet Keeps House” is
the story of a Texas girl who
leaves her ranch home to study in
the East. Blue Bonnet and Uncle
Cliff buy a hdme in Boston and
keep house. The social life cen
tering around their hearth, the
unfortunates befriended there,
and the sweet spirit of comrade
ship portrayed, all bespeak the
bright, generous, loving heart of
the heroine.
The peep into the tragedy in
the lives of the former owners of
the house is realistic and impres
sive. The customs and usages of
society are so cleverly woven into
the story that the young reader
cannot fail to get more from the
book than the mere story.
Her Left Side Hurt.
No family remedy enjoys a bet
ter reputation among intelligent
women than Foley Kidney Pills.
Mrs. Laura 80-all, Plattsburg,
Miss., writes: Last April 1 got in
bad health; my left side hurt all
the time. The doctor’s medicine
didn’t seem to do me any good.
I had symptoms of Bright’s dis
ease. I took two bottles of Foley
Kidney Pills and feel all right
now.” They quickly relieve
backache, rheumatism, aches and
pains in a natural way —by driv
ing the poison out of the system.
Contains no habit forming drugs.
The McDonough Drug Co. ,
There was not even standing
room in tbe crowded car, for it
was at the rush hour, but one
more passenger, a voung woman,
wedged her way along just inside
the doorway.
Each time the car made a sud
den lurch forward she fell help
lessly back, and three times she
landed in the arms of a large,
comfortable man on the back plat
form. The third time it happened
he said quietly:
“Excuse me, miss, but hadn’t
you better stay here?”
Fits Glass for all Errors of Re
Makes a Specialty of Fits L Nose
G 1h ss.
Will be at Locust Grove first
Thursdays, Sfockhridtre first Fri
days of each month.
Office Fast Side Macon St., Mc-
Donough, Ga.
Fpchurch House. 'L'enst Grove.
Bellah Hons.-. Sto r, kbridge.
L>. A. Hiv'OWN,
t >ffujk; fh rus :
7.He to 12 A. v * o sp. y,
McDonough, Ga.
Wasted Talent.
The train robber suddenly ap
peared, as many of the passen
gers were preparing to retire for
the night,
“Come, shell out!” he demand
ed, hs he stood towering above
an eastern clergyman, who- had
just finished a devout prayer.
The minister looked at him
sadly f >r a moment and then said:
“If I had such energetic fellows
as you to pass the plate now and
then I might have something to
give you.” —Harper’s Magazine.
Under penalty of the law, all
parties are hereby warned against
giving employment to Lewis Car
michael and Sailie Carmichael, as
they are under contract with me
for the year 1916. U. ASKEW.
Stock bridge, Ga.
For Representative.
To tin- Voters of HAnry County :
I announce myself us u candidate
for Representative, subject to the
State Democratic primary,
If I should be elected, I promise
my very best, service to every in
terest of mv countv and State.
For Congress
1 am a candidate for the Demo
cratic nomination for Congress for
the Sixth Congressional District of
Georgia, subject, to such rules and
regulations as the Executive Com
mittee may provide governing the
1 appreciate the past kindness of
the people of the District to me, and
assure you that I wit] be very
grateful for your snppoi’L
A Big Touring Car for Five People
5,000 Spectators See Saxon “Six” Win Against
Higher-Priced Cars at San Diego Exposition
Before 5000 enthusiastic spectators, a stock
Saxon “Six” captured two firsts and a third
place, and won the most points in the demon-
stration contest just held at the San Diego
.. ... ~ . tn . oi f,
Exposition Motor Demonstration Show. Al-
though exceeded in both power and number
of cylinders by higher priced entries, the
Saxon was the only car which won the tro-
phy in two events. The performance of the
Saxon was so convincing that a spectator
bought and paid foi the victorious “Six” on
the Exposition Grounds and without waiting
to get it cleaned up, drove the winning car
The hill climb which the Saxon won, was
one of the most grueiling ever staged Con-
test ants in this event were required to drive
down the fifty five per cent grade of Expo-
sition hill and up the thirty-five per cent
pitch. Then the drivers were obliged to
turn around and reverse the order of de-
scending and climbing. The Saxon not only
The above is an Associated Press report of the San Diego Exposition, and the perform
ance of the Saxon “Six.”
When a woman can’t get a serv
ant to do her work there is no
help for her.
Don’t thrbw that old suit aside.
Have it cleaned, pressed and made
new by John Poweii, Prices
" Kei Contents 15 Fluid Dxachoi
r . , 7* » * v -~ * * f * • • v • jt "t t'r. ' 75 J* iV V-'Va.jrf V . » • ■* . ’• '• "• <V - • w . . » • ■ < ~% ** i:~» u
y o. ; JJ O.O'i » < .■ i I: ? c? €.► c: ,*=£ .-V. /V.J/-J c-4J*V# •.!-.»* O >»'* ni ■ v'c- • / » r J •
f'li/l.ij- Z»jr if <• i /-Jtc): ~ IT. JLf< //ul Ropcrl'O T'-.rf • t/ porA C i >i V‘rxj :i. • JlUt o
fflfii'o 'Acid o, cirihc Lorn .«., J .1 dj sift nssiq fi.o. retjX’i citinitc r
' AYegetablefrepaiafcon&rAs- *
similatingthelootl and ,
tin h the Stomachs and BiiivXiSra __
. Infants
Opium,Morphine liGrßuJai
Not Narcotic*
JSedpeofOlddrlvidLßmß. j
jPwnoHn Seal *
J/x tow®*
JfraWtle MltS-
JnL<x Xttd *
fenpennim - '
jftfyrbrnah ScdtL *■
W, nn Sttd -
M'ftvww Fuovr
Worms, Pm cllS J“£. p “
fac simile Signature °£ |
Exact frny of
made the best time, but was one of the few
cars able to reach the top of the fifty-five
P er cen * 2ra(?e
-e Ivn/m th Ueit ? r - ( M? a * ec *
Saxon in the relay race Tne Saxon romped
around the t ack in fast time, winning the
award of judges, the applause of the as
sembly and five additional points.
Then, just to demonstrate its flexibility in
the quick “get-away” event, the Saxon won
an even break with a higher-priced machine
for third. The time of one twelve-cylinder
and two eight-cylinder cars was bettered by
the Saxon.
Probably no stock car has ever given a bet
ter demonstration than the Saxon gave at
the San Diego Exposition—First in the hill
climbing, proving ample power; second in
the relay, showing high speed, and third in
the quick “get-away,” completing the re
markable showing of the car. Let us ar
range a demonstration at your convenience,
Saxon “Six” $Bl5, f. o. b. Detroit.
In making your friends, be care
ful not to have all of the “fair
weather” kind.
For Sale —Tombstones, third less
in price and just as good as our
competitors. Nolan Bros. Rt. 3
Box 24. McDono. 128 tf
* t * .'■ «I "i
For Infants and Children.
Mothers Know That
Genuine Gastoria
Always / .
Bears the / 5[ ir*
Signature / x t jr
oS ,% v '
j\ In
vj» For Over
Thirty Years