The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 14, 1916, Image 8
I'owaiiga News. Mr. T. W. Patrick of .Jasper county was iiost to his relatives and friends at a barbecue, near his home July 4. Those attending from this community were Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Pullin and family, Mr. J. H. Patrick and family, Mrs. O. W. Sims and family, Mr. D. L. Patrick Sr., Mr. and Mrs. P. P. Patrick, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Benton and Mr. and Mrs. Dile Young. All made the trip in au tos and re; ort a fine time on the “Glorious Fourth” Turner and Eilamae Clements of Macon are visiting their aunts, Mrs. W. S. Patrick and Mrs. B. F. Collins. Mrs. J. E. Wallace and Miss Mary Sue, attended district meet ing at Mt. Zion camp ground last week. Mr. W. S. Patrick spent Thurs day in Atlanta. Mrs. Cato of LaGrange and Mr. Norton of Alabama have returned to their homes, after a visit to their sister, Mrs, Charlie Lester. Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Nutt and Miss Minter Patrick spent Wed nesday with little Mildred Williams of Locust Grove, who has been quite sick. Miss Minnie Patrick of Umatilla, Fla., is spending the summer with relatives here. '' 0. W. Sims is at Dr. Allen’s Sanitarium taking treatment.. All wish for him a speedy recovery. Rev. W. T. Smith and family of Decatur spent a few days with his mother, Mrs, Amanda Smith last week. Phillippi News. Weh guess everybody is having plenty of rain. Mr. Alonzo Chafin and Mr. Van McKibben spent Sunday with Mr. J. T. Bearden and family. We regret exceedingly the death of Mr. J. L. Jinks. The Crunibley reunion will be held at the home of Mr. T. N. Crumblev the 19th of July. Ev erybody has an invitation to come and bring well filled baskets. Mrs. J. W. Childs of Jenkins burg is spending the week with Mrs. G. B. Childs and family. Miss Blanche Childs is visiting relatives in Stockbridge this week. Miss Mamie Dickson, of McDon ough, was down to see her broth er, Mr. C. J. Dickson, Sunday and Monday. Blue Eyes. Progress Here comes “Kitty” again, who has been absent a while. Don’t think the farmers can complain about the dry weather now. Mr. A. A. Exum and family spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. G. M. Adamson and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strickland and children spent Sunday night with Mr. and Mrs. T. R. Tidwell. The many friends of Mrs. G. M. Adamson are so sorry that she is on the sick list. All hope for her a speedy recovery. * Mr. Leroy Strickland passed Sunday night with Mr. Marvin Foster. Miss Annie McCullough of Love joy has been spending a while with relatives through here. Miss Nellie Kennedy, of Dutch town, is staying some with her brother, Mr. William Kennedy. The singing at Liberty Hill on the 4th, was a great success. Had some of the best singing they’ve ever had before. A large crowd out. Kitty For Dismission. GEORGIA, Henry County Wlutvas, A. N. Brown, executor of .7. W. Alexander, deceased, represents to the court in his petition, duly filed and enter ed on record, that he has fully adminis tered J. W. Alexander's estate: This is, therefore, to cite all persons concerned, kindred and creditors, to show cause, if any they can, why said executor should not he discharged from his administra tion. and receive Let ters of Dismission, on the First Monday in August, 1910. Til is June 28, 191(5. A. G, HARRIS, Crdii ary. For Administration. (i HO KG IA Hen ry Con tit j. To Whom It May Concern: G. E. Hen derson, having made application to me in due form to he appointed permanent ad ministrator*upon the estate of 'l'. Hen derson late ot said county, notice is here by civen that said application will be hi ard at the regular term of the Court of j Ordinary for said county, to lie held on the First Monday in August, 1916. Witness my hand and official signature, this Brcl day of July, Idle. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. For Administration. GEORGIA, Henry County. To Whom It May Concern: Mrs. Mary F. Sowell, having made application to me in doe form to lie appointed permanent ad ministratrix upon the estate of J. T. Sow el 1 , late of said county, notice is hereby given that said application will lie heard at the regular term of the Court of Ordi-1 nary for said county, to lie held on the. First Monday in August, 1916. Witness my hand and official signature, ■ this Jrd day of July, 1916. A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary. For Twelve Months’ Support. GEORGIA—Henry County. Mrs. Julia Turpin having made appli cation for twelve months' support out of the estate of J J. Turpin, deceased. All persons concerned are hereby required to show cause before the Court of Ordinary of said countv on the First Monday in August, 1916, why said application should not be granted. This 4th day of July, 1916. A G. HARRIS, Ordinary. Notice of L eal Legislation. Notice is hereby given that at the 1916 session of the General Assembly of Geor gia,, a local bill will be introduced, the capyon of which will be as foUows: An act, to amend an act entitled an act to create the office of Commissioner of Roads and Revenues for the county of Henry, to provide for his election, etc., approved August 13, 1912, as follows: Amend paragraph 3 of said act by striking the words “two years” in the third line thereof and substituting there for the words “foijr years,” so as to make the term of office*!our years instead of two years, after January 1, 1917. Also to amend said act by striking therefrom Section 16. June 20, 1916. For Sale" —Pianos and Organs. Famous Kimball sold under guar antee. Pqs| -card Rt. 3 Box 24 Mc- Dono. wiil reaeh me. D. A. Nolan. COAL From MINES to CONSUMER Bonita Jellico Coal Delivered in McDonough, Ga June shipment - - $4.19 per ton July shipment - - $4.29 per ton August shipment - $4.44 per ton Hamilton Fuel Supply Co,. Knoxville, Tenn, Colds should be "nipped in the bud”, for if allowed to run unchecked, serious results may follow. Numerous cases of consumption, pneu monia, and other fatal dis eases, can be traced back to a cold. At the first sign of a cold, protect yourself by thoroughly cleansing your system with a few doses of THEDFORO'S BLACK DRAUGHT the old reliable, vegetable iiver powder. Mr. Chas A. Ragland, O' Madison Heights Va., says: i have been using Thed ford’s Black-Draught for stomach troubles, indiges tion and colds and find if tc be the very best medicine 1 ever used. It makes an old man feel like a young one." , Insist on Thedford’s, the original and genuine. E-67 THE OLD GIN PROPERTY ON KEY’S FERRY STREET, AT i . - Has been cut into beautiful LOTS and will be sold at TUESDAY 10:30 O’CLOCK JULY -'A V % TERMS —SS.OO Per Lot Cash, Balance of 1-3 October 18th. 1-3 April 18th, 1917. 1-3 October 18th, 1917. 8% Interest, BRASS BAND * This is your opportunity===only $5 and a satisfac tory personal security note needed to buy a lot. $l5 in Gold and Silver given away during this sale You don’t have to buy to participate. ■ ■ ■ q, . ... ■ i . . - - - At the same time the 0 . Joe n. CHAFIN HOME Adjoining the Gin Property, will be sold at . Auction 5-Room House, Lot 114 1=4x200. Easy Terms. AMERICAN LAND COMPANY, J. R. KELLY, Manager, McDonough, Georgia. | _ SKs*