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125,000 Sqare Feet of Floor
Space Required to Care for
Constantly Increasing De
mand for Popular Drink.
Columbus, Ga , July 25. Spe
cial) —The newly enlarged build
ing, warehouse of the Chero-Cola
Company of Columbus, Ga.. to
gether with its new bottliug plant,
was thrown open to the public
for inspection on Wednesday,
July 5. This new addition to the
general building, made necessary
by the rapid growth of the com
pany’s business throughout twelve
states where it is now operating,
gives the company a grand total
of approximately 125,000 square
feet of floor space. Included in
this is 35,000 square feet of con
crete floors and 2,2000 square
feet of tiled floor.
All of the Chero-Cola syrup
which goes into the making of
Chero-Cola, now bottled in twelve
states, is manufactured in Colum
bus. Its manufacturing depart
ment, storage warehouses for the
thousands of barrels of syrup
ready for shipment, its warehouse
for the storage of sugar and other
ingredients, cover immense foot
age. The sugar warehouse alone
has a capacity of about 7,000 bar
rels. Forty men, experts in iheir
line, are employed regularly in
the manufacturing department
In fact, the most scientific skill is
necessary and is employed in the
manufacture of Chero-Cola. Four
floors are devoted to storage.
The laboratory occupies a floor to
itself and is presided over by ex
perts. The company owns its
own cooperage plant for the mak
ing of its barrels, and this depart
ment occupies considerable space
in the northeast of the building.
The receiving department is
located in the east wing of the
building, and all incoming freight
is received and checked in there.
The shipping department is located
in the west wing of the building,
where all syrup and advertising
matter shipments to the outside
plants are made. Competent men
are at the heads of these two de
partments with respective a isist
ants. Railroad sidetracks are on
both sides of the building for the
convenience of both tiie receiving
and shipping departments.
On the second floor of the west
wing of the main building is
located the stock room and ware
house for advertising matter.
From this stock room and ware
house are shipped daily advertis
i g matter used by tne approxi
mately 200 Chero-Cola bottling
plants of the country, and sepa
rate stock and shipping clerks are
in charge of this department
which is directly and personally
supe*vised by ihe advertising de
partment of the company. If all
of the advertising matter used in
the publicity of Chero-Cola was
stored here, it would take a much
larger building, but through the
system used by the company this is
unnecessary as a large volume of
signs and other matter are ship
ped direct from the various facto
ries where they are made, direct
to various bottling plants, on au
thorization from the home com
The premium department occu
pies a separate space in the main
building, where a large amount of
premiums of all kinds, which are
given away through the redemp
tion of crowns from bottles, are
kept on hand at all times. Some
very handsome, useful and valua
ble premiums are given away
through this method which has
proven quite popular. Tiie
Chero-Cola Company was among
the first to adopt the profit shar
ing plan.
_ At the main entrance of the
building, ground floor, are located
the general office of the company
and the accounting department.
On the second floor above the ac
counting department are located
the offices of the advertising de
partment. On the same floor are
the executive office and the as
sembly ioom. House telephones
connect the various departments
with each other for convenience.
The entire advertising campaign
for Ciiero Cola is conducted from
Columbus, and for this purpose
an efficient and trained corps of
adverbs' - men are employed.
In addition to these a corps of
traveling advertising men are reg
ularly employed in the advertising
department who assist the various
Dottling plants in their public t>
The company’s system of ex
pans i.i during the past four
years of outside development has
confined its business so far to
twelve states, principally the
Southeast, but its opportunities to
expand all over the United States
have been unlimited, and had it
so desired, there would be today
Chero-Cola bottling plants in at
least 38 or 40 states of the Union.
Countless applications for territo
ry in the West, North, and East
have been made to- the company,
but all turned down, as too rapid
expansion was not deemed ad
All parlies are hereby warend
against giving emoWment to
Matt Jackson and family, under
penalty of the law, as they are
under contract with me for the
year 1916. S. I. SELFRIDGE.
Route 2, McDonough, Ga.
For Representative.
To the Voters of Henry 0 >untv :
I announce mvself as a candidate
for Representative, subject to ih“
Stale Democratic primary.
If I should be elected, I promise
my very best service to every in
terest of niv county and State.
For Congress.
lam a candidate for the Demo
cratic nomination for C morass for
the Sixth Congressional District of
(xeorgia, subject to such p-nles and
regulations as the Executive Com
mittee may provide governing the
T appreciate the past kindness of
the people of the District to me, and
assure you that I will be very
grateful for your support.
For Solicitor General.
I am a candidate for re-election
as Solicitor Deneral of "the Flint
< Hrcuif, subject to ft he rules and
regulations of the coming Demo
cratic primary.
I appreciate the past kindness of
the people of the Circuit to me and
solicit and will be'very grateful for
your support. E. M. OWEN.
For judge.
T : the Democrats of the Flint Cir
cuit :
H vine: served a year of the rn
expived term of the lamented Judge
R »ht-rf. T. Daniel as Judge of the
Superior C »nrrs of f his tfircuit. I
anm>unco m self a candidate for
election for the remainder of this
term, .-übject- to tue primary of
Septeitib IJ. 191 r >.
I vv i • i .ipjo-eci to- tin* support and
votes of all voters in this primary.
Eyspectt ail Tours,
Cr i f :i, •; .. : E V, 1
Worth More Than s4i).
A physician sent to one of his
patients a oil! for pro;e<sional ser
vices and within ten days the bill
came to him with this written on
tin-* reverse side.
Deer Sur, this uoat was put in
my box by mistake. I Faint the
man bee’s deu and ain’t any rela
tion of mine. I dont see how
your conohens will let you dun
the ded. Way doat vou try to
meat that man who elide m heav
en which is worth more than for
ty dollars to any doctor.—Lyons
President Wilson says it is a
matter of personal indifference to
him whether lie is elected Presi
dent again—that is, he is unwill
ing to do anything except what is
right in order to be elected. That
should hush tne criticism that his
attitude towards Mexico is being
maintained for political purposes.
Pig interests or political advance
ment do not seem to have much
to do with his conduct in trying to
avoid war with Mexico. —Christian
Oc :A U . . Cured
witn L -'An a’ . vr. . - they
cannot reach tl •> c ut > f t.. ->east_.
Catarrh is a local «J ».*<'. • pr-. Ply in
fluenced by . . .Mon
and in ord r t ; 1: yuu must
take an ir.o rn:il •- .edv. Kail's Ca
tarrh Our ■ is tv n Internally and
acts thru the M n>.l on tin mucous sur
faces of the « -- u TI li's Catarrh
Cure was ; r ?> ■! bv •?:..» of the best
physicians in ’.' c 'entry for years. It
is composed of pm■■.<,f the best tonics
known. 00.-aMtv .1 with feme of the
best blood purlflt rs. The perfect com
bination of the incTi uients In Hall’s
Catarrh r ure is what produces such
wonderful r suit in catarrhal condi
tions. Send for W- - timonin Is, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
All Druggists, 75c.
Hall’s Family Pills for constipation.
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Bmr* a — —-~f|p7i
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High Gasoline!
As the price of Gasoline soars upward the sale
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service for Ford users,” unequaled by any other
car, makes THE FORD the one car to own.
Buy yours NOW.
' ROADSTER - - $420.30
’ TOURING CAR - 470.10
For full information call on or write
Also we carry a full line ot ford parts and ac
ChHdren Cry for Fletcher's
The Kind You Have Always Bongfct. and which ha. been
iu u*e for over i»U years, has borne the signature of
and has lun'ii made under his per*
(J' &onnl sup» r\isiou shit e its infancy*
Allow no one to deceive you in this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations an i ** Just-as-good ” art; but
Fxpcriincnts that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children—JFxpericnee ay dust experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor 0:2, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. Efc
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. If dcstrnvs Worms
and allays Feverishness. For more than thirty years it
has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation,
Flatulency, Wind Colic, all Teething Troubles and
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assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural
The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend.
In Use For Over 311 Years
The Kind You Have Always Bought