The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, July 28, 1916, Image 8

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    Cross Roads
Mrs. L. A. Wilkins and son, Mr.
Elmer Wilkins, are vioiting rela
tives at Stockbridge.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Moss are
spending a few days with their
son, Mr. J. H. Moss.
Messrs. Flin and Julian Wilkins
are our champion quill melon
growers, some being about two
and a half feet long.
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Foster an
nounce the birth of twins —a boy
and a girl.
Misses Leone and Florence
Moss spent Tuesday and Tuesday
night of last week with Mr. and
Mrs. H. L. Patterson.
Miss Evie Stone spent a few
days last week with friends at
Locust Grove.
Little Eva Hooten, who has
been sick for some time, is rapid
ly improving.
Miss Matilda Stansell, of near
McDonough, spent a few days
last week with her sister, Mrs. H.
A. Steele.
Messrs. H. L. Patterson and R.
O. Barnett made a business trip
to High Falls Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Barnett spent
the week-end with relatives in
Miss Marv Grace Barnett is with
her aunt, in Atlanta, where she
will go to school a few months.
Union Grove
The protracted meeting at Tim
berridge closed last Friday night
with nine additions to the church,
one by letter and eight on confes
sion of faith. Rev. «J. Edwin
Hemphill, of Atlanta, conducted
both morning and evening servic
es. Rev. M. C. Liddell had charge
of the singing, and a great uplift
ing of the church was felt. Moth
ers’ day was observed Friday
with an appropriate service.
White flowers were worn in mem
ory of the departed mothers,
while red was worn in token of
the living. The service was clos
ed at the cemetery after the flow
ers had been scattered over the
graves. We would not forget to
mention the very impressive meet
ing held atlthe home of Mr. J. J.
Knight Thursday afternoon for
the benefit of his mother and
aunt, who are too feeble to at
tend church. Mr. Hemphill talk
ed, his subject being, “for thou
art with me.”
Messers. J. H. Elliott. Jr., and
W. L. Elliott, have their tent al
most completed.
The singing at Salem last Sun
day afternoon was largely attend
ed. Everyone present seemed to
enjoy the good music by the dif
ferent leaders.
Mr. L. C. IKillebrew, of South
Georgia, is on an extended visit
to relatives in Henry county.
One, Two.
Victory for Cardui.
We are rejoiced |at the great
victory won by Z. C. Patten, Jr.,
and the Chattanooga Medicine
Co., at Chicago.
The jury returned a verdict in
favor of the makers of Cardui, the
woman’s tonic, and held the
American! Medical Journal guilty
of libel for publishing that Cardui
is a nostrum without merit.
In short, the United States
Court has placed the seal of its
approval upon the remedy, Car
dui, after one of the most exhaus
tive trials in the history of the
All Chattanooga will rejoice,
and the verdict will attract nation
wide attention. —Editorial in Ham
ilton County Herald, Chattanooga,
Tenn., June 23, 1916.
Anvil Block.
After several weeks of absence,
here I come again with the news
from this section.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Clark and
charming daughters, Snowdie and
Chiffie, spent Tuesday with Mrs.
Y. C. H. Adamson.
Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Pruett and
children spent Friday with Mr. J.
W. Thurman and family at Bethel.
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Sock well
and children were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Y. C. H. Adamson
Several from here attended
childrens’ day at Kelley’s Chapel,
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Chafin spent
Saturday in the Gate City.
Mr. Peth Bradberry and son,
Sam, of Horton, Ala., arrived
Sunday to visit relatives heie.
Several from this place spent
last Tuesday at Tallulah Falls.
Mrs. C. W. Sockwell and daugh
ter, Ruth, spent Thursday night
with Mrs. M. J. Pattillo.
The annual missionary day of
Methodist-Protestant church, will
be held on sth Sunday of July.
There will be two sermons and
dinner on the grounds —every-
body invited. And don’t forget
that at the noon hour the children
will ask everyone to contribute to
home and foreign missions.
Phillippi News.
We are still having plenty of
Mr. and Mrs. G. B. Childs spent
Salurday night with Mr. J. J. San
difer and family.
Mrs. W. F. Wilson of Crossvrile,
Ala., is visiting relatives here.
Miss Orlena Welch spent Sat
urday night and Sunday with Miss
Della Childs.
Mr. C. J. Dickson attended an
all-day singing over in Pike coun
ty Sunday.
Miss Georgia McKibben spent
Saturday night with Miss Rosa
Mr. and Mrs. T. N. Crumbley
and Mrs. W. F. Wilson visited
Mrs. R. C. Crumbley and family
Mr. G. T. Tingle and family
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
Van McKibben.
Mrs. S. R. Bearden, and Mrs. B.
F. Crumbley visited their mother,
Mrs. J. L. Jinks, Friday.
Mrs. G. C. Crumbley had as her
visiting guests Saturday after
noon, Mrs. C. J. Dickson, Mrs. V.
L. Jinks, and Miss Rosa Crumbley.
Miss Alice MeKinben went shop
ping at Locust Grove, Saturday
Don’t throw that old suit aside.
Have it cleaned, pressed and made
new by John Powell. Prices
Cut This Out —
It Is Worth Money
Cut out this advertisement, enclose
5 cents to Foley & Co., 2535 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name
and address clearly. You will re
ceive in return a trial package con
(1) Foley’s Honey and Tar Com
pound. the standard family remedy
for coughs, colds, croup, whooping
cough, tightness and soreness In
chest, grippe and bronchial coughs.
(2) Foley Kidney Pills, for over
worked and disordered kidneys and
bladder ailments, pain in sides and
back due to Kidney Trouble, sore
muscles, stiff joints, backache and
(3) Foley Cathartic Tablets, &
wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic. Especially comforting to
stout persons, and a purgative needed
by everybody with sluggish bowels
and torpid liver. You can try these
three family remedies for only sc.
The McDonough Drug Co.
South Avenue.
And still it rains.
Mr. M. C. White went to Atlan
ta Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cook, of Con
yers, spent Sunday night at Mr.
T. W. Peterman’s.
Mrs. C. C. White spent a while
with Mrs. C. W. South Thursday
Mr. Emmett Carroll of near
Conyers, and his sister, Mrs. Gor
don West, of Sandersville, spent
Monday at Mr. T. W. Peterman,s.
Miss Robie White and Mr.
George Walden were married at
the home of Rev. Jackson, in the
lower part of the county, Sunday.
Rev. Jackson performing the cer
Something new under the sun !
A certain Henry county merchant
has found out recently, that hens
and incubators are not absolutely
necessars to hatch chickens. His
wife took an egg from the box in
the store (after it had been there
more than twelve hours) wrapped
it up and placed it on the back of
the cooking stove, and a fine
chicken hatched in about an hour.
Miss Miny Austin was called to
the bedsideof little Randolph Peter
man more than two weeks ago.
She is a splendid nurse already.
Busy Bee.
For Infants and Children
In Use For Over 30 Years
Always bears
Speer makes free examinations
of the eyes.
Bonita Jellico Coal
Delivered in McDonough, Ga
June shipment - - $4.19 per ton
Juiy shipment - - $4.29 per ton
August shixment - $4.44 per ton
Hamilton Fuel Supply Co,,
Knoxville, Tenn,
Want trade
Want to expand
Want success in life
Want to find a name
Want to sell your goods
Want to be very well known
Advertise is the way to success
Advertising keeps customers
Advertising shows pluck
Advertising is “biz”
Advertise long
Ad ve rt ise
At once
Mount Bethel.
Some sunshine every day now.
Mr. F. B. Strahan and son,
Franklin, went to Covington last
Saturday and report roads in bad
shape, and bridges gone in New
ton as well as Henry. These con
ditions are a great hindrance to
Mrs. Fannie Jones and children,
attended the Jenkins reunion last
Jollie Joe and Weyman Jeff
Wynn, of Atlanta, are visiting in
this community this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Austin and
daughter, Blanche, enjoyed the
barbecue at Mr. Sanford Rape’s
last Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wilkerson
are the proud possessors of a new
little black-headed boy,
Mrs. J. W. Jeffaies visited rela
tives in Covington last week.
Now Well
“Thedford’s Black-Draught
is the best all-round medicine
lever used,” writes J. A.
Steelman, of Pattonville, Texas.
“I suffered terribly with liver
troubles, and could get no relief.
The doctors said I had con
sumption. 1 could not work at
all. Finally 1 tried
and to my surprise, I got better,
and am to-day as well as any
man.” Thedford’s Black-
Draught is a general, cathartic,
vegetable liver medicine, that
has been regulating irregulari
ties of the liver, stomach and
bowels, for over 70 years. Get
a package today. Insist on the
genuine—Thedford’s. E-70
For Dismission.
GEORGIA, Henry County
Whereas, A. N. Brown, executor of J.
W. r, deceased, represents to r- -
court in his petition, duly filed and ente
ed on record, that he has fully adminis
tered J. W. Alexander's estate: This is,
therefore, to cite all persons concerned,
kindred and creditors, to show cause, if
any they can, why said executor should
not be discharged from his administra
tion, and receive Letters of Dismission, on
the First Monday in August, 19b>.
This June 28, 1916.
A. G, HARRIS, Crdirary.
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County
To Whom It May Concern; U. E. lien
derson, having made application to me in
due form to be appointed pern.-me-, ad
ministrator upon the estate of T. <’. Her.
uerson late ot said county, notice is her
by given that said application will be
heard at the regular term of the Court f
Ordinary for said county, to be held a
the First Monday in August, 1916
Witness my hand and nf:'Vial signature,
this 3rd day of July, 1916.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary
For Administration.
GEORGIA, Henry Countv
To Whom It May Concern : Mrs. Mary
Sowell, having made application to me n
due form to be appointed, permanent e t
ministratrix upon the estate of J. T Sc.v
ell, late of said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will he heard
at the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for said county, to he held on the
First Monday in August, 1916.
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 3rd day of July. 1916
A. G. HARRIS, Ordina’'.
For Twelve Months’ Support.
GEORGIA—Henry Connty.
Mrs. Julia Turpin having made appli
cation for twelve months’ support, out of
the estate of J J. Turpin, deceased. All
persons concerned are hereby required to
sh nv cause before the Court of Ordinary
oi said countv on the First Monday n
August, 1916, why said application should
not he granted.
This 4th day of July, 1916.
A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary.
Notice of Local Legislation.
Notice is hereby given that at the 191(>
session of the General Assembly of Geor
gia, a local bill will be introduced, the
caption of which will be as follows:
An act, to amend an act- entitled an act
to create the office of Commissioner of
Roads and Revenues for the county of
Henry, to provide for his election, etc.,
approved August 13. 1912, as follows:
Amend paragraph 3 of said act by
striking the words “two years” in the
third line thereof and substituting there
for the words “four years,” so as to make
the term of office four years instead of
two years, after January 1. 1917.
Also to amend said act by striking
therefrom Section 16.
June 20, 1916.
Opposite Union Depot on Pryor
St. Renovated and refurnished
throughout. Reservations made
on application. Hot and cold
water, private baths, electric
lights and elevator. First class
accommodations at moderate
Rooms 50c an'i/up