The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 29, 1916, Image 1

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    The Henry County Weekly
VO! . XL!.
For President —Woodrow Wil
Against everything —Thomas E.
For success Everybody pull
For Governor —Hugh M. Dor
sey of Fulton.
For a safe guard—Sow plenty
of grain.
This is a great big world we
are living in.
How about an old widowers’
Tne present price of meat will
increase hog raising.
Philadelphia church will hold its
services at Bethahy next Satur
day and Sunday.
Rev. B. S. Elliott-filled his regu
lar appointment at Hopewell Sun
’. A sure cure for a chronic kicker
is to jusl lab him keep kicking.
Talk about your burglars, but
here* is the latest. Some one
went into the cotton field of Mr.
W. M. Rosser one night last week
and picked about 100 pounds, and
then took his departure for parts
unknown, and also took the cot
ton with him. if you can
get up anything m the stealing
line ahead of this, please trot, it
In last Sunday’s issue of the
Atlanta Journal there appeared a
clipping from the Henry; Couidy
Weekly in regard to ,ihe prayer
over the telephone by Rev. J. A.-
Jackson during the recent,revival
at Bethany. The Chrisiian ‘lndex
of Atlanta recently reproduced
the article from The Weekly, and
by chance a copy of that paper
fell in the hands of a prominent
citizen of Sabine, Texas, who was
formerly a citizen of this’State,
and after reading -the incident in
regard to Brother .Jackson, .he
was impressed to write and give
Brother Jackson an incident in
regard'to himself which Brother
Jack Son had never known befpre.
About 28 years ago prdther Jbck
son visited the home of mis gen
tleman, then a voung man. Dur
ing tiis stay in the horne*lhat day
Brother Jackson read from* the
third chapter of John, and the
reading of that passage* o|. Scrip
ture* so impressed hiih that he
confessed Christ, and upon read
ing the article which accidentally
fell in'his hands in his far-a-wav
home, he was moved to write-
Brother Jackson and'tell this ex
peri°nce. This goes to prove the
great power there is in the read
ing of God’s word
The South River Association
which met last week, paid Brother
and Mrs. Jackson, who was a for
mer moderator of this association,
a glowing tribute of respect, and
to express their appreciation of
his noble work in former years
they sent him a nice contribution,
amounting to between STS and
S2O, which was a volunteer gift of
the association.
Bank Statements.
The regular quarterly state
ments of Henry county’s eight ex
cellent bank si published last week
and this, show them to be in fine
condition, and financial affairs are
in no immediate danger in old
*A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of McDonough and Henry County.
mcdonouoh, Georgia, fovday. September -ms.
Butts County Fair.
Jackson, Sept. 26.—The Butts
County Fair, which will be held in
Jackson October 10 to 14, will be
one or lire mo: l complete county
fairs in the State. Worth while
attractions have been arranged
for every day, and every day will
be a big day.
The association has just com
pleted the erection of up-to-date
fair buildings, the agricultural
building, octagon shaped, being
one of the most modern in the
| country. The association ’s sup
ported by the citizens of the en
tire county, stock being divided
into small shares and being well
distributed among farmers, busi
; ness and professional men.
• The Following special days have
been arranged:
Tuesday, Oct. 10 —Automobile
Parade and Home Coming Day.
Wednesday, Oct. 11 —Livestock
and Confederate Veterans’ Day.
Thursday, Oct. 12 —Club and
Agricultural Day —old time Fid
dlers’ Convention.
Friday, OH. 13—Colored Folks’
Day. 1
A premium list of several hun
dred dollars has been provided
for. and all premiums will be paid
in cash one hundred cents on the
The merchants and business
men of Jackson
their piace? of business for the.
fair. Hundreds .of .V’sil.jrs are
expected tt> participate in nff-
Automobile Parade and Home
Coming Day * events. Alt former
‘residents of Butts county are ex
tended a cordial invitation to at
tend the fair on Home Coming
Day. *
This is the third annual sessioft
of the Butts County Fair, which
heretofore was held in the court
house. The scope o£ the. enter
prise has -been considerably en
larged and the fair will be bigger
and better 1108 year than ever" be
fore. " -' * *
f - t
State Convention.
' With the exception of consider
able disappointment ai the results
of appellate judgeship nominations
'the State Coitvehtion ended its
duties at Macoiuvery.satisfactorily
last. Tuesday. To'say'that Mr.
Blctodworth’s thousands Of -friends
do.' not severely condemn his un
just defeat, after leading with such
a- handsome majority, couid be
nothing short of flat-'misstatement,
and the wrong should 1 be righted.
Judge J. J. Fiynt of Griffin was
honored with permanent chairm
ship of the convention, by virtue
of which he becomes head of the
State Democraiic Executive Com
mittee for the next two years.
Judge Reagan was given the
honor of Presidential Elector, and
Mr. J. G. Ward member of the
Sixth District Executive Commit
tee i'rorn Henry county.
Dr. Jarrell Lectures.
Rev. C. C. Jarrell, in addition
to preaching at the Methodist
church next Sunday morning, will
lecture tonight (Friday) oil “Amer
ica—Whither Bound ?” and Sun
day night on “The Boy with Key
on His Shoulder.” No admission
will be charged or collection taken
at either of these lectures, and
no one should fail to hear the able
presentation of these subjects by
Dr. oarrell.
An event of much interest to a 1
wide circle of friends was the
marriage of Miss Elsie Johnson,
one of Griffin’s loveliest. young
girls, to Mr. Edward L. Reagan of
McDonough, at 9 oclock VV^tines-,
day morning, a| * St. .George's']
church in the foVmer city,' Rev.-j
C. B. Wihner, rector Luke’s
church, Atlanta, officiating.
Immediately after the’ceremonv
the bride and grooin left for Stt*
vannah, where they took'steamer,
landing at Baltimore for trip
through the A full?
account of tiie be I
given later.
New Adverti^pent.
The First National Bank of Mc-
Donough has a neat nsvvadver-*r
tisement in this of The .
Weekly, briefly showmg^ # some of
its attractive feature*#.. Tfs mem
bership in the Fecpbi Reserve
Bank gives it addj#efr;d advan
tages, and with its general facili
ties renders the First National cue
of Middle Georgia’s
banking institutions. Read thtyr
ad. and remember thenfJ
». .— lit —«<*■
Locust Gfove.
Mrs. W. J. Neal of Cartersville
■ i. • x - 1
' gave quite ■an interesting talk on
Latin America*at L. G. I. Thurs
day evening. v- * 'V.
Mr. and Mirk yjUuqjfc-V
Thursday Jack? mV}-
Mrs. Bed (jraftop of ‘ Bernice,
La., who has been i' l Hie last two
weeks at me hpine of Mr. W. A.
Smith, is slowly improving.
Daisy Gray and Dorothy
PjJjpThave returned to Meridian,
Messrs. Brvant Burk and Joel
Price are at Oglethorpe University
in Atlanta.
Mr. Gus Pdek of Macon has re
turned home after a visit to Mrs.
W. M. Rosser.
Mrs. Claud Gray, Mrs. Grady
Casteltaw, Mrs. A. G. Combs, Mrs.
W. J. Smith and Mrs. Donovan at
tended the women’s ' meeting in
. McDonough Wednesday.
Miss Susie Atkinson has return
ed to her home near Jenkinsburg
after a visit to her sister. Mrs. Lon
Misses Mylene Donovan and An
ufis Parr have returned to Shorter
| College.
Miss Mary Russell has entered
the G. N. and I. College at Mii
Miss Lorena Combs and Mrs.
Julian McKnight were in Jackson
; Monday.
| Mrs. C. V. Williams was shop
ping in McDonough Friday.
Mr. Henry Colvin, who under
went a serious Operation at the
Davis Fisher Sanitarium some
weeks ago, is rapidly improving.
After a visit to relatives here,
Miss Mary Emma Phillips has re
turned to Decatur.
Miss Agnes Duffy of Morrow
has been on a visit to Mr. and
Mrs. Claud Gray.
Mr. N. B. Cason spent the week
1 end with friends at Mercer Uni
versity in Macon.
i Mrs. J. W. Bone leaves this
• week to make her home in At
.* T J A Unchurch
2 J WJ-iigh,tower, Sr
' 3 'WA Ammons
4 1 L MacaUA'
. > . ■- t - r***
. 5 H J Vurijcr * .
6 . J W Pat Jio , '
7 U CRdey*
8' J 8 Rodgers
% W Ft. Knight
TO . W A Combs • •*« •
11 CF Burch
. 1:? pMt Ry w*n
.HE 'A N Bf'own ■
14 Jo.m $ branaan
15 Sam. Hf’itou . * ' '*•/
16 WUr Dopuland /* ;V- ? ?
T 7 M W Hotsum pack
1-8 W M Potts. "><
19 C H GMellaw
20 A B Mitcham^
21 Jp'C;ir£r *
■22 Robert Chappell
23 J P Thompson
.24 J J Walker, Jr
25. D W Clb wr
.26 J. 0. Dfivis - .
27 D C Turjier* *
28 John F Moseley
29 W*N Stricjktatffl . -
30 W L Wynn.-
4 *
1 Ffi Andrews -
& W C CriunfeW- Wa * .
4' foMrtir
5 Vv Iv Di oWii\
6 Newton Barnett
7 AC CastetMw
8 L‘D HigiifWer
9 W. H. Turner
10 P L Jinks
11 W A Bellah
12 W L Smith
13 J D Sorrow
14 T B Hays
15 R C Hearn
16 L C Dupree
17 H I Redwine
18 J W Standard
19 W B Moseley
20 G B Childs
21 L T White
22 W B Hays
23 J W W Ich
24 J H Chat in
25 A C Peterman
26 W E Owen
27 T C Kelley
28 RS Kennedy
29 T M Davis
30 E T King
31 A-G-44+w-^-Jr
32 J. B. Green 1 ~
33 S T Clower
34 J P Glass
35 J W Cook
36 S B Moseley
37 WL Phillips
38 T D Harkins
39 A H Rowland
40 J B Rowan.
1 C S Goodman
2 F B Stravvn
3 W O Tarpley
4 WB G Clark
5 CP Smith
6 M J Turpin
7 C Y Thurman
8 T G White
9 J C Lee
10 V R Jenkins
11 JC Walden
12 A A Lemon
13 R T Nutt
14 J C Sims
15 T J Morris
C’nito h piGsustim; Fnr]>ris«- to iiiwiij
fiiemls last HttiMav utmincton was
the marriage of Miss Kamyio Ijv,
of Newton" county, and
-Mr. Elton Sims o£ McDonough, iu
Covingtoq the pastor of* tiurPros-
Fyte'rJan church there performing
' Sims is ths* ehicient and pop
ular bdok-keeper at Ihe Fitst Na
tiomil *Ea.nk of ‘ this eti v, his Pride
beingwTne of Newton’s most execl
lent uni! attractive young ladies,
and numerous friends extend thorn
heartiest congratulations and good
wishes. For the present they arc
residing a t the home of Lie groom’s
f&ther* Mr. H. A. Sims. -
22 Cent Cotton’ -•
• Mr. Walter Wilson <>i Hinton’s
Mill brought in a bale of s\aple
cotton Monday, and declined jan
offer of 22 cents p|>r poun3 for it
from Mr. J, S, Norton,- the well
known expert cotton buyer, who
has been in McDonough several
seasons “past.
recently stated, Henry coun
ty will Ijave several hundred bales
of this staple cotton the present
season, which is attracting much
interx'st, and the prospect is that
it will command a very handsome
price. From the present outlook,
it will be extensively grown here
next season, and more will doubt
less be heard from it later. ,
'* •••**- • w*
jVnTjpd its next meeting
’ day afternoon af tHe home of Mrs.
The .Library Committee widies
the public to take notice of the
change in their plans. In future
the library will be open every
Monday afternoon from 4:30 to
5:30, and every Wednesday after
noon from 4:30 to 5:30, with Mrs.
O. L. Adams as librarian. New
books are coming in,' and every
one is asked to enjoy them. The
club does not solicit the town for
books, but merely states that any
book that any one has and would
like to put in this library would be
gratefully received —or if a per
son has a real new book, and
would lend it to the rent she!? for
a while it would help the club,
and still the owner would not be
out anything.
16 A W Walker, Jr
17 LD Moore
18 M H Berry
19 B H Starr
20 W L Welch
21 J H Strickland
22 M R Wall
23 Kelley Green
24 W J Hammond
. 25 J W Wilson
26 1 E Carroll *
27 J=433tlgfrtmugr
28 J H Nutt
29 L E Clark
30 W H Barnett
31 W R Green
32 H H Forbes
33 W T Green
34 T H Stallworth
35 J D Phillips
36 J G Elliott
37 J O Rutherford
38 G W Cathy
39 E H Farris
40 F B Crowley
41 JR Elliott
42 Howard Morris
43 C W South
44 A H Swann
45 C M Power
46 J W Morgan
47 I L Nail
48 C M Rape.
il.iift A YEAR