Newspaper Page Text
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Never before have we been in a position to save our customers as much on
their fall purchases. We placed orders for our goods early and we are of
fering nearly everything at the oid price. Howsver, when we sell what we
have we can’t duplicate the prices, so you can save money by buying early
before the present supply is exhausted.
Wool Dress Goods
36-inch Danish Cloth, yard. 33 1 -3c
36-inch All Wool Suiting 40c
36-inch All Woo! Granite 50c
36-inch Mixed Suiting, all woo! • 50c
36-inch Venetian, all wool 60c
40-inch Ottoman, all wool ...75c
44-inch Serge, all wool ___sl.oo
50-inch Serge, all woo! SI.OO and $1.25
50 inch Broadcloth, all wool SI.OO, $1.25 and $1 50
50-inch Ottoman, all wool $1.50
56-inch Sport Coat Cloth, ail wool $1.50
Boys’ - - - - - 25 c and 50c
Men’s - -- - - 60 c to $|.25
Wool Sweaters
Misses’ Sweaters SI.OO up to $2.50
Bovs’ Sweaters 50c up to $1.50
Ladies’ Sweaters SI.OO up to $5.00
Men’s Sweaters 50c up to $2.50
Misses’, Ladies’ Tailored Suits
Smart styles for Misses and Ladies. Some plain, belted,
braided, and fur-trimmed.
All Wool Serge Suits nicely lined and trimmed; any size from 16 A
years to 44 bust, at ' Y i U
Ail Wool Serge and Poplin Suits, navy, brown, £* Q A 4- n fi'Q £*
green and black, at y I fciDU 10
LADIES' SKIRTS, navy, gray, and black, $2.50 to $5.00
Shoes for Everybody
And at the same prices we sold them last fall.
We bought our shoes early thereby procuring
them before the big advance. Come in and let us
show you how much we can save you on your
shoe bill.
Child’s Soft Sole Shoes, 1 to 4_i 25c and 50c
Chifd’s Vici Shoes, 3 to 5. 50c
Child’s Patent and Kid Shoes, 3 to 5 75c to $1.25
Child’s Patent and Kid Shoes, 5 1-2 to 8 __7sc to $1 59
Misses’ Patent and Kid Shoes, 8 1-2 to 12.51.35 to $2.25
Misses’ Patent and Kid Shoes, 12 1-2 to 2_51.50 to $2,50
Women’s Work Shoes, 3 to 8 $1.50 to $2.00
Women’s Patent and Kid Shoes $2 00 to $5.00
Boys’ Shoes $1,50 to $3 00
Men’s Shoes 51 $2.00 to $5.00
Quilts and Comforts
sl, 1.25, $1.50, $2.00, 2.50, $3, $3.98
Specials, Specials
36 inch Fancy Bordered Curtain Scrim, per yard 6c
Best 25-inch Checks 7c
40-inch Sea Island Sheeting 7c
Extra good 36-inch Bleaching 10c
Nice 36 inch Long Cloth 10c
Ruxton Cheviot 10c
Best Mattress Tick 10c
Good Cotton Flannel 10c
Matting Rugs, 27 by 52 inches ,__l9c
9 bv 12 feet Matting Rugs .$2.98
Best Oil Cloth, yard 20c
Cotton Fabric
Best Calicoes. - - 7c
Highland Suitings -10 c
12 t-2c Utility Ginghams 10c
15c Toile du Nerd “ 12 1 -2c
32-in. Renfrew “ 15c
Strong Cloth - 12 1-2 c
Vicuna Cloth - 12 1 -2c
Check Suitings - 12 1 -2c
Polonia Cloth - -15 c
Duckling Fleece - -15 c
Devonshire Suiting -20 c
Best 36-in Percale 12 1 -2c
Stripe Poplin - -25 c
Mercerized Failie -25 c
36-in Bengaline - -25 c
Fancy Madras - ? 25c
Militaire - - -25 c
Noveitv Silks - -25 c
Broc'd Crepe de Chine 33 1 -3c
Watteau Taffeta - -25 c
36-in Check Suiting -25 c
5 dozen g, od Pearl Buttons
72 Agate Buttons
75 Needles
180 good Pins
12 Safety Pins
100 Hair Pins
12 Hooks and Eyes
4 yards Braid
4 yards Tape
12 large Pearl Buttons
6 Shoe Laces !
12 Collar Buttons i, ■-
2 Cedar Pencils
2 Skeins Royal Society Floss. _ ___ __
2 Lauits’ Handkerchiefs CENTS
1 Wash Rag
10 feet Crepe Paper
5 yards Baby Ribbon
l ball Crochet Cotton.. :
1 box Talcum Powder
1 cake good Soap
1 yard Elastic |
1 Chrochet Needle j
1 Shuttle |
Our Display Room is teeming with Hats—Smart Hats—
styles that are fresh, dainty, beautiful creations so chic, novel and
tasty that ladies of fashion are bound to be pleased* We
/ -
have hats for every purpose—dress, street and sport wear; and
there are no two alike* Special prices -50 c to slo*oo
Children’s and Ladies’ Coats
They emphasize the latest styles and the grace and trim
ness of every line, adds an attractiveness that is especially
pleasing. You will certainly enfoy seeing them, and the
exceptional values that we offer will please you.
Children’s Coats, 2 to 6 years $1.50 to $5.00
Misses’ Coats, 7 to 14 years $2 50 to SIO.OO
Ladies’ Sport Coats $6.00 to $lO 00
Ladies’ Long Coats $3.50 to $17.50
Silks and Messalines
We can supply your wants in this line as we have
full stocks of Taffetas, Messalines, and Plaid Silks.
36-inch Taffeta Silk, all colors and black, yard_ $1.25
36-inch Messalines, all colors and black, yard $1 25
36-inch Beau de Soie Silk $1.25
Plaid Silks, all colors SI.OO to $1.50
36-inch Black Morie Silk $1.50
Boys’ Suits
$2.50, $3, $3.50, $4, $5.00, $6.50
Overcoats $2.50, & $3.50
Pants 4to 17 years 25c to $2.00
Infants’ Long Coats
SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00, $2.48, $3.50
Children’s Vests 10c, 15c, 25c
Misses’ Vests „ 25c, 50c
Misses’ Union Suits 25c, 50c
Ladies’ Vests ‘ :„_2sc, 50c, SI.OO
Ladies’ Union Suits .50c, SI.OO
Boys’ Undershirts 25c, 50c..
Boys’ Union Suits r>oc
Men’s Union Suits $1 00. i 0.00
C; 4-o * Ol T Oil is, and !/■'<
D* 1 ULlvl of all weights and ribs; ...
size from 4 to 10, and any price from, pair, 10c to sl.f,u
Nemo. CORSETS. W. B.
Now is ihe time to get your new Corset before
you have your new dress fitted. •
W. B. Corsets SI.OO, $1.50, $2.00
Nemo Corsets $3.00, $3.50, $5.00