The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 29, 1916, Image 3
HAS NO MORE NEED FOR CRUTCHES NOW P. °. Hooks Spent $2,000 Try ing to Restore Ilis Wife’s Health —Gains 16 Pounds on Tanlac. Another wonderful indorsement for Tanlac that will be read with interest hv thousands of frail, suffering women throughout the south was given recently by Mrs. Elizabeth Hooks, of Rome, Ga., Mrs. Hooks is the wife of P. C. Hooks, a well-known Southern railway engineer. Mrs. Hooks made the remarkable statement that she had received more bene fit from four bottles of Tanlac than from medical treatment that had cost her husband -*2,000 which he had paid out in the oast two years in an effort to restore her health. “For about two years,” said Mrs. Hooks, “I have been in very bad health and have suffered from stomach trouble, extreme nervous ness and bad form of rheumatism. For more than seven months I was confined to my bed and was almost a nervous and physical wreck. My digestion was so poor I had to diet myself and rarely ate anything but soft boiled eggs and milk and things of that kind, and the lightest of foods would nau seate me and lay heavily on my slomach. “Any sudden noise would affect my nerves, and my husband had to quit setting the alarm clock and the door to jny room had to be kept closed so I ccul 1 not hear the ringing of the telephone. I have had the rheumatism in my left hip and shoulders so bad 1 could hardly bear anythi ig to CheraCnl j^t jAßero-CBgJ — ~* o * o ** o * >o *^^/' <1 You can get your Chero-Cola “In a Bottle —Through a Straw*’ at Soda Fountains and other Refreshment V<* Stands. Everybody knows it by its name. tou:h me. “My condition became so bad, my husband look me to Hot Springs, Ark., where I remained for a month. 1 had to use crutches all the time. The treatment there helped me for a while, and I re turned home. I soon relapsed in to my old condition, and then 1 was taken to a specialist in Atlanta. . “I had fallen off from one hun dred and twenty pounds until 1 1 only weighed eighty-nine pounds —just a shadow of my former seif. “the specialist prescribed a course of treatment, but befor us ing the medicine I decided to give Tanlac a trial. I did this because what l had read of Mr. Cooper’s new medicine and because my husband had heard so many rail road men recommend it. “That was the best resolution of my life. I ant now on my fourth bottle and feel better than at any time since I became ill. I can now eat anything 1 want, and my food agrees with me —besides, every - thing I eat tasted good and 1 en joy my meals. “I have set my crutches aside and actually feel so much better I tvd mv husband a few days ago I be ved I would turn off the c )ok, out he insisted that I wait a while. “I now weigh one hundred and five pounds, which is a gain of sixteen pounds, a id am improving right along every day. Before tak ing Tanlac I was so weak and, frail I was greatly discouraged and j could not persuade myself to be- J lieve that I would ever be able to enjoy another well day. But I don’t feel that way now. I am ! not nervous like l was, and L can see and feel a great improvement. I sleep better and my strength is returning rapidly.” Tanlac is sold exclusively in Mc- Donough by the McDonough Drug Co; in Hampton, Ga.. by H. A. Voung Guardian. The minister had to lea' r e home on a long preaching tour. Just before leaving he called his family around him to say goodbye. When he came to Bobby he said: “Old man, I want you to be a good boy and take care of your mother.” Bobby promised. All day long he looked preternaturally grave under the heavy responsibility thus suddenly assumed. When night came and he was called to his prayers, the young guardian said: “Oh, Lord, bless father and brother Tom, and sister Alice, and aunt May, and the little Jones boys and me, but you needn’t trouble about mother, for I am going to look after her.” Moore; Pinson’s Pharmacy Stock bridge, Ga.; The Norman, Turner Co., Ola, Ga.. J. B. Simmons & Son, Knob, Ga. (Stockbridge, R.F.1).) Brown, Pitts & Wilson, Luella, Ga., and J. A. Sims, Stockbridge, Ga., (R FD.) Locust Grove Drug Co., Locust Grove, Ga, Now Well “Thedford’s Black-Draught is the best all-round medicine lever used,” writes j. A. Steelman, of Pattonville, Texas. ”1 suffered terribly with liver troubles, and could get no relief. The doctors said 1 had con sumption. 1 could not work at all. Finally 1 tried | THEDFORD’S i BLACK DRAUGHT and to my surprise,! got better, and am to-day as weil as any inan.” Thedford’s Black- j Draught is a general, cathartic, | vegetable liver medicine, that ( has been regulating irregulari- j ties of the liver, stomach and bowels, for over 70 years. Get a package today. Insist on the I genuine—Thedford’s. E-70 j The Southern Mortgage Co. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS $300,000 Establishd 870. Gould Building—lo Decatur Street—9l Edgewood Avenue. FARM LOANS Negotiated throughout the State on Improved Farm Lands in sums ot SI,OOO to SIOO,OOO on Five Years’ time at reasonable Our sources ot money are practically inexhaustible. We have a strong line ot customers among individual investors and Savings Banks and Trust Companies in the North, East and Middle West, and we number among our customers the John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company with assets ot more than a hundred million dollars. J. T. Holleman, President W. L. Kemp, Vice-President J. W. Andrews, Secretary E. V. Carter, Attorney A, d’Antignac, Inspector W. A. Howell, Abstracts of Title For inlormation, call on or write to Brown <& Browmi 9 M’DONOUGH, GEORGIA. Children Cry for Fletcher’s r#i%.’ik.% J .wjal'V Nk-W «*.'w%2*«k. w *L. L .JjL -. •. w «aa«L -. >jl/ww The Kind You Have Always Hought, and which has boon iu u>e for over i»0 years, has borne the signature of and lias been made under his per- S/* s sonal supervision since its infancy. 'A Allow m» one to deceive you in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and “ Just-ns-good ** are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children—Experience against Experiment. What is CASTOBIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare* goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor- other TSareotio substance, its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms ami allays Feverishness, For more than thirty years it lias been in eonstant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colie, all Teething Troubles and Diarrhoea. It regulates the Stomach and Dowels, assimilates the Food, giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children’s Panacea—The Mother’s Friend. GENUINE CASTOR 1 A ALWAYS In Use For Over 3§ Years The Kind You Have Always Bought TMC CeNTAUR COMPANY, *4 ST W Y O M K Cl TV . The Angusta Chronicle says in a six column headline, “Dorsev, Watson and The Frank Case | Sweep Georgia, But South Crro lina Is Saved From More j Bleaseism.” Don,t take it so hard, Loyless. Come over on our side of the table and help yourself to the Crow.—Friffin. SIOO Reward, SIOO The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science lias been able to cure in all its stages, and that is aatarwi. Catarrh being greatly influenced by constitutional conditions requires constitutional treatment. Hall’s Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts thru the lilood on the Mucous Surfaces of the System thereby de stroying the foundation of the disease, giving the patient etr ngth by building up the constitution and assisting na ture in doing its work. The proprie tors have so much faith in the curative powers of Hall's Catarrh Cure that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for list of testimonials. Address: F. J CHFNFY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. Sold by ail Druefcietfi, 75c. “Well, Willie, how are you? We don’t see as much of you as we used to.” “No’m; I’m in long pants now.” Land for Sale. Will he sold in McDonough be fore the court, house door on the First Tuesday in October, to the highest bidder, the following property: One hundred and sev enty-five more or less, known as the estate of the late M. J. Turner and bounded on the north by Mrs. A. W. Turner, east by L. E. and E. J. Turner, south by John Wyatt and C. W. Turner, and west bv C. W. and Mrs. A. W. Turner. If. B. TURNER, Agt. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Us© For Over 30 Years ""TW Signature of Speer makes free examinations of the eyes. W. A. T hompson, Abstracts of Title J. G. Work, Abstracts of Title L. A. Boulighny, Auditor S. R. Cook, Secretary’s Clerk T. B. Dempsey, Abstract Clerk C. W. Felker, Jr., Abstract Clerk. Horace Holleman, Application Cle r k.