The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 29, 1916, Image 5

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    The Henry
County Weekly
J. A. FOUCHE, Editor.
Entered at the postoffice at McDon
ough, Ga., as second "lass mail matter.
Advertising Rates furnished on appli
Official Organ of Henry County.
McDonough Gu., Sept. 29, 1916
We honestly believe Hugh Dor
sey could be prosecuted for
violating the speed limit law. —Ex.
A man who climbs on a “band
wagon” to be popular is only drift
wood,” says Senator Ben Tillman.
Don’t throw that old suit aside.
Have it cleaned, pressed and made
new by John Powell. Prices
Now is the time for all good
subscribers to get together and
pay their subscription to The
“We can clean everything ex
cept reputations and run-down
characters,” states a pressing club
If you want to go to heaven,
brother, just hitch ud a mule and
a politician and start in opposite
direction. —Griffin News.
The election returns in the daily
papers the Harris, Hardman and
Pottle columns look like the road
to heaven we saw in a picture
And the first steam roller is
now a dilapidated back number
—majorities all squshed and ev
erything gone to the bow-wows.
Down with conventions.
If your candidate won out, be
grateful. If they fell in defeat,
don’t whine; the world has no
thought for a boaster —no respect
for a man without spine.—Walton
It is generally conceeded that
Georgia will go Democratic in
November and that the fourth
Thursday or the fifth Thursday of
the same month will be selected
as Thanksgiving Day, remarks
Editor Grubb.
We want to express thanks for
a basket of scupDernongs, a
pitcher of buttermilk, six staikS'
of sugar cane, a sack of apples,
a plate of fresh tomatoes, a panful
of okra, a dozen ears of voung
corn, ajuicy sirloin veal steak, two
rides in a Ford, six dopes, and an
invitation to attend a school open
ing at Graymont. Who wouldn’t
be a country editor.—Swainsboro
Borglum Ready for Work
Mr. Gutzon Borglum has com
menced preparations for his work
in carving the great memorial
statue on Stono Mountain. He has
leased the Leliogg cottage and the
work of installing the necessary
equipment is proceeding under
the direction of Mr. Borglum and
Capt. Jesse Tucker. The engineer
ing work oreparatory to the carv
ing has begun, and in ten days
Mr. Borglum and his brother, Solon
Borglum. will establish their studio
in Kellogg cottage. Work on the
mountain will mark the beginning
of a mounment which is one of the
sreatest in the world of art and the
story of u hich is attracting world-
T-'idt? attention—DeKalbNew Era
.♦.Exchange Extracts...
(Crawford ville Democrat.)
Well, it’s cooler since the pri
’Possum and “taters” sounds
Good to us.
Cheer up, there’ll be another
election by ar.d by
Wonder if the local Sons of Rest
would be in lavor of an eight-hour
One hundred dollars for a bale
of cotton and the seed makes the
farmers smile.
Well, anyway, Alex didn’t have
the Keese that unlocks the State
school superintendency.
(Yackson Progress)
The man while is the
man who smiles and boosts his
town and county.
There are no factions now. Ev
erybody is for the nominees—and
Woodrow Wilson is next at bat
and everybody can get together
on this great president who has
kept the United States oujt of war.
is generally predicted that
Hugh Dorsey will run against
Senator Hoke Smith four years
from now.
(Griffin News)
Billv Sunday says it would cost
a m “li° n dollar’s to save New York.
But what we want to know is how
much would it|cost to save Atlanta?
The new millinery is a delight
to motherland daughter now —and
a little later will be a blow fto
(Greensboro Herald)
The Corn Club boys and Can
ning Club girls are the salt of the
The Vidalia Advance congratu
lates Editor Shope of the Dalton
Citizen. You fought a “Fite” and
We saw where a guy took Tanlac
from a drug store and the judge
give him six months.
All things come to him th it waits
—but they come to the other fel
It looks like the suffragists are
trying to substitute Mrs-rule for
Now, will Hugh Dorsey run
against . Senator Hardwick? —
Nashville Herald.
Nope ! There is one thing that
can truthfully be said about Dor
sey: he doesn’t wear feather sand
is willing to tackle the “Big
You can’t tell what the people
will do. Once upon a time they
elected Hoke Smith governor with
a land slide like they have just
given Dorsey, and they turned
around and defeated Hoke with
the ugliest little man in the state.
There will be sold on the First
Tuesday in October, next, before
the court house door in Conyers
within the legal hours of sale, the
real estate belonging to the estate
of Mrs. J. J. Green, deceased, con
sisting of one store house and lot
on which it stands, 20 feet wide
and 60 feet long, on Center street.
Also one dwelling house and lot
on which it stands of 1 3-4 acres,
and a vacant lot of 1 1-4 acres, ad
joining both on McDonough street.
Also five shares of the bank stock
of the Bank of Rockdale.
The real estate, one-half cash
the balance on the first of Jan
uary next; the bank stock, cash.
Atty. in fact for the legatees of
Mrs. J. J. Green, deceased.
Tribute to tlie Farmer.
We clip the following tribute to
the farmer from the Union Signal:
Farmers, attention!
Who is generally conceded to
be the backbone of the country?
The Farmer.
Who feeds the butcher, the
baker, the candlestick maker, the
banker, the miner, the soldier?
The Farmer. - -
Who is taxed to support the
schools, to build roads, to main
tain asylums, almshouses and
The Farmer.
Who wants the nation dry, in
order that the prisons, alms
houses and asylums may become
fewer while roads and schools
grow propoi tionately better?
The Farmer.
To whom are the patriotic citi
zens looking to stand as a good
phalanx against the combined
liquor interests and give us a
nation free from saloon domina
The Farmer—God bless him,
he is the salt of the earth!
Land for Sale.
Will be sold, before the court
house door in McDonough, Ga.,
on the First Tuesday in October,
1916, to the highest bidder for
cash, One Hundred Acres of Land,
more or less, in Flippen district,
known as the J. J. Johnson home
place. Sold for distribution
among the heirs.
J. H. & J. L. JOHNSON,
All kinds of cleaning and press
ing for ladies and gents. First
class work —called for and deliver
ed promptly. Right prices. John
Cement work of all kinds done
cheaply and satisfaction guaran
teed. Green HarDer.
||| s
ValuahJA I and
mm? f% $
bs #| a*f* Af $ 5% sal a
The Chance of a Lifetime
The famous Wadley Plantation, over 1300 acres, some of the best land ?ti
Georgia, and oilly Ih miles from Macon, HAS TO BE SOLD BY ORDER OF
COURT. The property has a mile frontage on the Central Railroad and Nation
al Highway in the town of Bolingbroke. 'There are plenty of schools and
churches. This land is strong and productive, moderately level, well watered
with pure freestone water; many of the tracts have plenty Oi woodland for do
mestic purposes; healthful locality; finest climate in the State.
Auction Sale on the Property,
This wonderful farm has been subdivided into business and residence lots, also
farms ranging in size from 10 to 325 acres. Plats furnished on application. Copy of
abstract of title on file at our office and at the office of Clerk of Superior Court of
Monroe County, Forsyth, Ga., and at store of B. F. Harrison, Bolingbroke. Mr. L.
0. Kollis is at Bolingbroke every day to show this property. Terms of Sale—One*
fourth cash; cne foudh Dec. 15, 1916; balance February 1, 1917.
There will he a Big Barbecue at Bolingbroke the day
of the Safe. Brass Band Music alt Day.
For plats and more detailed information, write—
Statement'of the condition of
The Bank of Locust Grove
Located at Locust Grove, Ga.,fat the close of business? Sept. 19, r 1916
Demand Loans - $ 1,500 00
l itno Loans - - - 51,008.10
Overdrafts, secured, - - 8,346.00
Overdrafts, unsecured, - - 400 52
Banking House - - - 4,810.23
Furniture, and fixture: - 1,804.46
Other real estate 1,069.61
Due from Banks and Bankers in
this State - 7,588.70
Due from Banks and Bankers in
other States , - 1,360.20
Currency 1,558.00
Silver, Nickels. etc.. 681.59
Cash items - - 563 00 2.737.68
Total .... $81,858.50
State of Georgia—Henry County.
A— Before me came C 11. Plexioo, Cashier of above Bank, who being duly sworn,
says that the: hive and foregoing statement is a true condition of said Bank, as
shown by the books of file in said Bank. ft&fi
Sk SEtt* zs; <• u plexico.
Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 26th dnv of Sept., 1016.
- J W. MIDDLUBIiOOKS, C. .\ P., 11. Co., Ga.
Statement of the condition of
' The Farmers & Merchant Bank
Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business, Sept. 19, 1916.
Demand Loans, . . . $ 8,580,17
Time Loans 92,333 09
Overdrafts, unsecured . . 1,840.06
Banking House, . . . 3,600.00
Furniture and Fixtures . 2,005.00
Duo from Banks and Bankers
in this State, . . . 5,547.84
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States . . . 4,405.01
Currency , $ 3,725.00
Silver, Nickels, etc. 90 29
Cash Items . 521 80
Advances on Cotton 12,476.97 16,813.12
Total . . 1185,395.09
STATE OF GEORGIA.- County of Henry, iiD
Before me came J. If. Turner, cashier of The I?arnierß~;7ml Merchants BanlL
who, being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condi
tion of said Bank as shown by the books of Tile in said Hank. .1, If. Turner, Cashier.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 26th day of Kept., 1916.
J. R. Turner. C. N P. of Henry Co., Ga. 1
•Statement of the condition
The Bank of Hampton
Located at Hampton, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 19, 1916.
Time Loans - 123.725.80
Overdrafts, Unsecured - - 89.39
Bonds and Stock owned by
the Bank - - 2,000.00
Furniture and-Fixtures - 1,200.00
Due from Banks amt Bankers
in this State - - 19,584.05
Due from Banks and Bankers
in other States - 10,013.80
Currency - $5,161.00
Gold - - - 195 00
Silver, Nickels, etc. - 287.63 6 033.08
Total - - - $168,196.13
State of Georgia—HenryCounty.
•*ll. fore me came .1 O Rutherford, Cashier of the Bank of Hampton, who being
duly* worn, -ays that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition of said
HaiiK, as shown by the boons of file in said BanK.
Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 25th day of Sept., 1910.
GEO. S I) MA LAI ER, N. P &Ex off. J. P.
Capital Stock Paid in - $25,000.00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses, Interest and ’▼*l
Taxes Paid - - • 11,589.46
Due to Banks and Bankers in *
this State .... 7,000.00
Individual Deposits Subject to
Check .... 30,942.01
Time Certificates - - - 6,751.63
Cashier’s Checks - - 70.40
Total . . *81,353.50
Capital Stock paid in *30,000.00
Undivided profits, Jess Current
Expenses, interest and
Taxes paid .... 8,593.19
Individual Deposits subject
to Check, . . . ' . 30.865.09
I'ime Certificates . . 34,814.36 .
Cashier's Cheeks 122 45-
Bills payable, including Time 8'
Certificat >s representing
borrowed money 25,(00 00
1 y
Total $135,395.09
Capital Stock Paid in 25,000.00
SuplusFund - - - 30,000,00
Undivided Profits, less Current
Expenses, Interest and Tax
es Paid 0,009.81
Individual Deposits Subject
to Check - - - 54,788.44
'Time Certificates - - 22,038.05
Cashier’s Checks 359,83
Bills Payable, Including Time
Cei tifleates representing
Bon owed Money - 30,000.00
Total -■ 1 1 v 190.13