The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 29, 1916, Image 6
Local Happenings Fraternal Lodfcc No 37 F. & A.M. Regular POtnmunicHtion* of Fraternal Lodge N<"> :>7 F&t A \1 meet 1«t and lid nights in each month. All duly qnnbued brethren fraternally and c<ir ei.iliy invited to meet with us. .1. E Hootkn, W. M. W. A. H AIiHEK, Sec. Good second-hand surrey for sale. Brown House. Go to W. B. J. Ingram and buy your trunks at the light price. Miss Kate Russell has entered G. N. 1. College at Milledgeville. Mr. Harry Greer of Atlanta was Ihe guest of homefolks Sunday. Mrs, Hugh Turner visited her sister at Agnes Scott College last week. Best grade of Ginghams for 10 cents the yard at W. B. J. In gram’s. Mrs. J. E. Hooten and children are visiting relatives in Atlanta this week. Farm lands for sale, rent or lease. C. I). McDonald, McDon ough, Ga. Mr. Homer Harris was down from Atlanta Sunday to visit the homefolks. 'Mr. Bob Borders of Macon vis ited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Borders, last week. Mrs. ldus Woodruff and little « son of Stockbridge are visiting relatives in the city. To Rent at Once —House or rooms. Apply home of the late Col. CFeo. W. Bryan. Miss Jettie Bunn, who is teach ing in East Point, spent the week end with her parents here. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Welch have returned to their home in Atlanta, after a visit to relatives here. Mrs. A. W. Walker of Griffin is visiting her daughters, Mrs. A. A. Lemon and Mrs. D. T. Carmichael. Mesdames Paul Turner, T. A. Sloan, and Messrs. Carl and Wey man Sloan spent Monday in At lanta. Dr, and Mrs. D. W. Scott return ed Sunday from Fincastle, Va., where Mrs. Scott has spent the summer. Judge and Mrs. E. J. Reagan were recent guests of their daugh ter, Mrs. Hill Redwine, in Fay etteville. Mrs. Sloan and children of At lanta were week-end guests of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atkinson. Little Miss Marion Shields of Atlanta is the guest of her grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Bunn this week. Miss Nannie Missie Rodgers re turned to Rome last week where she will resume her studies at Shorter College. % Misses Susie and Madeline Mat thews returned to their home in Griffin Monday, after a visit to Miss Ruth Rape. Mrs. Robert Howell of Tampa, Fla., arrived in the city last week, and is the guest of her sister, Mrs. S. W. Farrar. Mr. B. L. Hancock attended the district meeting of the State Agri cultural Department, held at Rarnesville this week. For Rent —Several one and two horse farms, to parties who can furnish themselves. A. C. Elliott, route 2, McDonough, Ga, For Sale —My home in McDon ough, and farm of 100 acres about two and a half miles out. Write or call on Mrs. VV. E. Ham. Big sole day next Tuesday. Ordinarv’s Court next Monday. Baby-Elite Shoe Polish for 8 cents at W. B. J. Ingram’s. Everything wide open for fall business —All aboard with 16 cent cotton. The best grade of Table Cloths at 19 cents the yard. W. B. J. Ingram. A good crowd in town Saturday was a forcible reminder of regular fall trade. One hundred bushels Early Fulghrurn Oats for sale, 90c per busel. B. B. Carmichael. Mr. Park Dullis and Captain Robert of Atlanta were in the city last Monday and Tuesday. Have just received a nice line of Clothing which will go at a goodjprice, W. 13. J. Ingram. The nice new' residence of Mr. Will Green is nearing completion and wiil soon be ready for occupancy. For sale one, small mule, smart, quick—can plow as many rows as any of them. Terms easy. B. B. Carmichael. Mr. John S. Brown was up from Locust Grove Tuesday and adver tises some land bargains for sale m this issue of The Weeklv. > Mr. J. K. Patterson left last week with his family for Atlanta, where he has accepeted a good position with the Ford auto works. The number of new residences built and others remodeled in Mc- Donough this year make a good record for the city's progress in that line. The many friends of Mr. John Bryans were glad to see him able to be in town last Saturday and trust his recovery will soon be complete. Miss Ruth Rape was hostess to a number of her friends Friday evening in honor of her guests, Misses Susie and Madeline Mat thews of Griffin. Mr. Hughie Turner has began work on a nice home near the 1 new residence of Mr. Ralph Tur ner, to be occupied by himself and bride as soon as it can be completed. Work on the new Baptist Sun day School room addition is now under way, and under supervision ;of Contractor J. T. Bryant is ex -1 peeled to be completed early in November. ; For rent, to parties prepared to i furnish own supplies, 4 or 5 horse j farm with good out houses. Or will divide to suit tenants, if ail taken. M. Maddox Sr., R. 2, Stockbridge, Ga. Mr. Earl Brannan left last Satur day for Atlanta, where has accept ed a good position with the Doug las Shoe Co. He will make his firm a good saleseman, and his many friends wish him all success. ! Mr. Jack Brown reports to The Weekly,-on the place of Mr. J. F. McCullough in Dufchtown, what still breaks the record of Henry county gourd vines. It has run all over the smoke-house and contains 37 full matured gourds. Rev. C. C. Jarrell, Commissioner of Education North Georgia Con ference, and one of that deno i mination’s ablest ministers, will 1 preach the 11 o’clock sermon at the Methodist caurch next Sunday morning. Everybody cordially invited to hear him. That same “old w'idower bunch' attended the fa*so-;a singing in Jonesboro last Sunday. Nuff sed. At the close of the regular ser vices at the Presbyterian church last Sunday morning, Messrs. Harris Carmichael, Will Green and Henley Daniel were ordained as deacons of that church, Rev. M. C. Liddell, the. pastor officiating. It was a most impressive ceremony witnessed by a good congregation. The numerous friends of Mr. Boce Elliott congratulate him on being made traveling hat salesman to succeed his uncle, Mr. Jonce Elliott, for a lage hat house in Richmond, Va., leaving for that city last Sunday mornirfg to enter upon his duties. Boce is a number one boy who it goes without sav ing will make good. 'Special attention is directed to the handsome full page advertise ment of T. A. Sloan Co., their first of the fall season, in this issue of The Weekly. This live firm always has a splandid line of goods, and their large list of at tractions is particularly interest ing for the fail trade. Read through and see for yourself- Secretary St. Elmo Massengale, of the State Democratic Eceutive Committee, came by McDonough in his auto Monday afternoon, being joined here by Judge Rea gan, Chairman, and together they proceeded to the State Conven tion at Macon. Judge Reagan called the convention to order at 10 oclock Tuesday Morning, when his duties as head of the com mittee expired. Tomorrow (Saturday) has been set apart as annual work day for Decatur Home, and it is hoped good will follow. The home is n Rearing for and ed. eating orphan chil dren, yet the trustees are com pelled to turn away many on ac count of lack of accommodation, being entirely dependent upon contributions for support. A seciafprogram will be rendered by the Sunday School at the Methodi't church at 9:45 o’clock next Sunday morning. Progress Kitty comes back after a short absence. Everybody busy picking cctton. Mrs. Katie Wood, after spend ing a few days with Mrs. Cliff Hand, returned to her home Sun day morning. A few from around here at tended the old Sacred Harp sing ing at Jonesboro Sunday, and heard lots of good old time sing j ing. Misses Emma and Nolle Kenne dy of Dutch town spent Saturday night and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will Kennedy. This is fine weather we’re hav ing now. Mr. Marvin Foster spent Satur day night with Mr. John Oakes. Mrs. G. M. Adamson spent Sun day with her mother, Mrs. Conkle, of Dutch town. Several from here went to the famous tong swing near here Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Strickland spent Saturday night with Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Strickland of Jones : boro and attended the singing Sunday. KITTY. Tax Notice. ’ j My books are now open for the collection of 1916 taxes, and I will be in my office at the court house until further notice. 1 J. H. Wallace, T. C. FIRST NATIONAL BANK McDonough, Georgia Strength, Safety, Service. Capita! - - $80,000.00 Surplus and Profits [- 4/,000.00 Member of Federal Reserve Bank ol U. S. a Your money in this strong’bank. One Dollar opens an account. Statement of the condition oi The Bank of Stockbridge Located at Stockbridge, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 19, 1916. RESOURCES: Demand Loans - - - #11.032.42 Time Loans - 108,887.98 Overdrafts, secured 8,978.82 Overdrafts, unsecured - 49.93 Bonds and Stocks owned by the Bank - 9,200.00 Banking House - - - 2,109.00 Furniture and Fixtures - - 1.551.80 Due from Banks and Bankers in this State - . - - 6,878.79 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States - - 8,412.84 Currency - - 4.406.00 Gold ... 35.00 Silver, Nickels, etc. - 107.30 Cash Items - 410.87 4,959.17 Revenue Stamps 24 83 Total - - - $152,090.57 STATE OF GEORGIA.—County of Henry. Before .rjnue C. M. Power, Cashier oUtaak of Storkhrhlße. Oj., whD bciaC duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement is a true condition ot said Rank as shown by the books of file in said Bank POWER Sworn to and subscribed before me. this 25th day of n p Statement of the condition of The Citizens Bank Located at Locust Grove, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 19, 1916 RESOURCES: Demand Loans - $2,220 40 Thne Loans - - - 4-7,988.73 . Overdrafts, unsecured, - y1&.94 5 Banking House - - - 2,751.51 Furniture and Fixtures - - 1,68,.28 i Due from Banks and Bankers in this State - - - 6,156.49 Due from Banks and Bankers in other States . - - 2 868.98 Currency - - $8,097.00 Gold - - Silver, Nickels, etc. 202.68 Cash items .64*50 8,531 68 Advances on cotton 21,833.-0 Interest paid 179774 Total - $88,989.92 State of Georgia—Henry County. Before me came J. C. McKnight, cashier of the Citizens Bank. Loc ist G-ove Ga., who being duly sworn, says that the above and foregoing statement isanrue condition of said b;-.;ik. as shown by the books of file in said bank. J. C. McKNIGHT, C-ishier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 28th day of Sept., 1916. T J. W. MIDDLEBROOKS, N. P ex-officio J. P. Statement of the condition of The Bank of Henry County Located at McDonough, Ga., at the close of business Sept. 19, 1916. RESOURCES. Demand Loans (secured ) $ 1,206.86 Time Loans - - - 160,801.84 Overdrafts, secured (cotton i 1,439.82 Overdrafts, unsecured - - 2,290.05 Bonds and Stocks owned by Bank - - - 20.00 Banking House, - - 3,909.04 Furniture and Fixtures, - 3,218.54 Due from Banks and Bankers iu this state - - 3.767.68 Due from Banks and Bankers iu other States - 5 241.73 Currency - - $2,54800 Silver. Nickles, etc., 311 71 Cash Items, - 2,150 39 5,010.10 Advances on Cotton 10,000.00 insurance account 60.33 Revenue Stamps 60.01 Total $197,014 95 STATE OF GEORGIA, HENRY COUNTY. Before me c\me .7. B. Dickon. Cashier of The Bank of Henry County, who, being duly sworn, says that the above and for 'going statement is a tr i-; condition of said Bank as shown by the books of file in said Bank. J. B, Di kson, Cashier. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 26th day of Sept., 1816. W. J. GBEEii. C. N. P, LIABILITIES: Capital Stock Taul in - - $84,000.90 Undivided Profits, less Current Expenses, interest and Taxes Paid . . 14,110.14 Individual Deposits Subject to Check --- - 79,767.05 Time Certificates - - - 23,995.14 Cashier’s Checks - - - 217 64 Bills Payable, including Time Cer tificates representing Borrowed Money, .... 10,000.00 * X ToGT “ - - 1152,090.57 LIABILITIES: Capital Stock paid in $<7,880 bf> Undivided profits, less current expenses, interest and taxes paid - - - 7.914 68 Due unpaid dividends - - 28.80 Individual deposit* subject to c’k 43,530.24 Time Certificates - 9,636.20 Bills payable, including Time Certificates representing borrowed money - - 10.0t.41 00 Total - f88.989.t1g LIABILITIES. Capital Stock Paid in - - $50,000.60 Surplus Fund, - - 30,000.00 Undivided profits, less Current Expenses, interest and Taxes Paid, . . 6,333.70 Due unpaid dividends 50.00 Individual Deposits Subject to Check, ... - 41,466.92 Time Certificates, . . 34 621.45 Cashier’s Checks, . • 539 88 Bills Payable, including Time Certificates representing borrowed money, - . - 34,000.00 Total . . - $197,014.96,