The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 29, 1916, Image 7

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    To Make Your Fall Purchases
One year ago when buyers were few and prices were low, we purchased a num
ber of thousands of dollars worth of Dry Goods, Shoes, and Clothing for our fall trade
of 1916. These purchases have enabled us to increase our business by a very large
percentage as we have given our old and many new customers the benefit of our far
sighted policy. Come and inspect our line of Fall and Winter Goods, including Chif
fon, Broadcloth, Gabardine, Cheviots, Russian Cord, Velour, Ottoman, and Serges;
also Ladies’ Suits, Cloaks, Boys’ and Men’s Suits.
15 pc extra heavy Outing 9c
Best quality Dress Ginghams 10c
Fjorrest Percales 10c
Best quality Bleaching 10c
Hckory Shirting 12 l-2c
Sheeting 7 to 9c
Bed Ticking 1G to 16 2-3 c
Children's Union Suits 25 and 50c
Ladies" Vests and Pants 25 and 50c
Men's Extra Heavy Underwear 50c
Now for a Big Fall
Business, Hr. and
Mrs. Furnit're Buyer
The big Furniture-Selling season of the year will soon
be here. It is just around the corner. We are ready with
our usual strong and popular lines.
When you see our new line for Fall 1916 you'll say,
“It’s the kind of Furniture you want,” because it has the
highest quality and beauty in appearance, and it is guaran
teed to be the best to be had for the money you pay.
A big 2-in post Iron Bed that weighs over 100 pounds for $6.50
A big assortment of Solid Oak Rockers at $2.50
100 Solid Oak Tables of guaranteed quality with 16-in top at 35c
100 Solid Oak Tables of guaranteed quality with 24-in top at $1.25
Buggies, Wagons, Harmless, Lap Robes,
v X
and Groceries
We would be glad to show and submit you our prices. If quality
and rock bottom prices will sell you, we get the business.
We thank you for a look,
phone 51 McDonough, Georgia. f phone 51
A Few Reasons Why Yon Should Come to
We are agents for the following lines of Famous Shoes:
Plant Bros. Ladies' Shoes $2.50 and $3
Krippendorf Ladies’ Shoes $3.50 and $4
Kreiders Boys' and Misses' Shoes $1 :o $2
Bostonian Men's Shoes $4 to $5
Nunn & Bush Shoes $2 to $4
A word to the
Stove Buyer
Our line of “Dixie” Stoves are built from uniform pat
terns, of uniform style of construction, with uniform'd f of
design and ornamentation throughout. They are well pro
portioned, handsome in design, and unequal:! in finish and
* »
The price is $3.50 to S3O with the guarantee that you us: it ior
33 days and if dissatisfied you mayreturn it and' we will refund the
full amount you pay.
Our popular prices will save you money.
Come and see our line, or phone your order,
and be pleased.