The Henry County weekly. (McDonough, GA.) 18??-1934, September 29, 1916, Image 8

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    bne. irr Sate.
(iKORG lA Horn y County.
Will !v sold tf>»* ormrt hill**- door in
*«ld rounty on ih#* (Ir*.f Tuesday 'n Octo
-1916, \vjUdn tin* lagnl houro of sale,
for citi-h, the following property, to wit:
AII that, tra •» «, unreel of land lying
and living in the 12th land district of said
comity and State, and being the ttonth
half of lot No. (18, containing one hut id fed
nix and (14 100 acres, being the name tract
purchased by Mrs. l.uumJ. Dorsey from
the administrator of T M Qamnuvge, tie
reaped. except the right of way of the
S< nthern Kailway Company through the
south west conn rof said land lot,. Said
land levied on as the properly of Mrs
Ijmra J Dorsey to sntissfy an execution
is.-tied on tit 2th day of May, 1913. trom
the Superior Court of said county in favor
of John Bryans against Mrs Laura .J
Dorsey. Tenant, in possession legally no
tified. This Sepiemiter 5, 5916.
W. A WARD. Sheriff.
tiKORGIA —Homy o tunty
Will be soltl before the court house
door of said county, wit hin the legal hours
of salt- on the. llr-t Tuesday in October.
l'lTtS, to the highest bidder for cash, the
following property, to wit:
All of that tract or parcel of land in the
town of McDonough, Gi, described ns
follows: All of lois numbers seven!? j and
right [B] in block in the Carmichael
addition to McDonough as per plat .•<*-
corded in hook “8 M at page 4(5 in the
clerk’s office, Henry Superior court. Said
land having a frontaje of one hundred
nd fiftvi I'Uj h et on the west side of Dan
iel street, and extending hack west an even
width with front of said lot two hundred
c-'OO] feet. Sold as tlie property of Mrs
Hunt Clement, to satisfy afl fa from De-
Kalb Supeiior court in favor of Mrs M P
Judd vs Mrs Hunt clement. Tenant in
possession legally notified This Sept r>,
I DID VV. A. WARD, Sheriff.
Administrator s Sale.
GEORGIA—Henry Com:ty.
By virtue nl an order, granted by the
Court of Ordinary of said county, at the
regular Septeiub r term, 1916, will be sold
before the court house door in the city of
McDonough, said State and comity, on
the First 'Tuesday In October, 1916, be
tween the legal hours of sale, to the high
est biuder for cash, the following real es
tate of G. W. Dickson, late of said county,
deceased, to wit:
Thirty acres ef land in the northeast
comer of land lot N'o. 249 in the second
land district of Henry county, (la-, bound
ed on the north by landsof Rape brothers,
on the east by lands of S. 11. Castellaw
and, J. It. Price, south by lands of J R
Price, and west by lands of estate of G.
W Dickson.
Also forty six acres of land lying Imme
diately west of the above JO-ucre tract, in
said northeast part of said lot No 249,
second dls riet, bounded north by land of
W. J. (tombs, cast by 30-acre tract first
described, south by J. R. Price and Mrs.
J H. Smith, and west by landsof Mrs. J.
R. Smith and W. .1. Combs,
Said lands sold for the purpose of pay
ing the debts of the estate of the said G.
W. Dickson, deceased, aiul distribution
among the heirs of said estate.
This September 4 llllti.
Adin’r. Estate of G. W. Dickson, dee’d.
■ nc uixi v EaitOMk unn
The Car With a Reputation
As'a rule all cars look good when new, but most of them are deceptive in one way or another.
Therefore it behooves one to buy a car with a world wide reputation. This is not a boast,
but an undisputed fact, that you get more for your money when you buy a FORD than you
do in buying any other car on the market.
It is literally true that gas, oil and tires are practically the only expense* This not merely an
advertising expression, it is a fact*' The parts rarely have to be removed* You get more
miles to a gallon of gas in a FORD than you do in any other car on the market, and your
tire cost is practically nothing when compared with the heavy cars*
McDonough, Georgia
OUR GARAGE is Complete
For Administration.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: Ben Clood
rmi\ having made application to me in
jds e form to be appointed permanent ad
ministrator upon the estate of Frony Bar
ron, late or said county, notice is hereby
given that said application will be heard
at the regular term of the Court of Ordi
nary for.- vid county, to held .»n the
First Monday in Octolrer, 1910
Witness my hand and official signature,
this 4fh day of September, IVI6
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
GKOKQI A—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: C. J. Dick
son, adnpiustrator of tin* estate of Q A.
I)ic„son, dc< -ased, having in due form
made application for leave to seH the
lands b donging to said estate, in McDon
ough district of -aid county and State.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county to be held on the First Mon
day in October, 19lti.
i'his 4th day of September, 191 ft.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Leave to SeH.
GEORGIA—-Henry < ounty.
To whom It may concern: G. E. Hen
derson, administrator of the estate of Mr®.
T C Henderson, deceased, having in due
form made application for leave to sell all
the lands belonging to said estate in said
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the Court, of Ordinary for
said county to he held on the First Mon
day in October, 191 ft
This 4th day of September, 1916.
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Henry <’ounty.
Notice is hereby given that J. W..Capps,
administrator, has applied to mb for
leave to sell the land belonging to the es
tate of Mis. R A Capps, for the purpose
of distribution.
Said application will be heard at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary for
said county to be hold on the First Mon
day in October. 1916,
This 4th day of September, 1918.
A. G. HARRIS. Ordinary.
Leave to Sell.
GK< >RGI A— Henry County.
To whom it may concern: C. IT. Stroud
and T. J. Stewart, executors of the estate
of \Y. T. Stroud, deceased, having in due
form made ppplication for leave to sell
the lands belonging to said estate, con
sisting of 250 acres in the Eighth district
of said county and State, being the home
place of W. T. Stroud.
Said application will he heard at the
regular term of the Court of Ordinary tor
said County to be held on the First Mon
day in October, 191(5
This 4th day of September, 1916.
A G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
For Leave to Sell.
GEORGIA—Henry County.
To whom it may concern: Paul Tur
ner, executor of the estate of A. A. Lem
ion, deceased, having in due form made
I jpplicuu n for leave to sell the lands bv
lunging t«. said igrate, consisting of one
four9<U an acre of land same lieing ft
' city lot in the iLy of Gritlin, said state.
| on east side of Quilly street.
said application will be heard at the
regular term of the court of Ordinary lor
| said county to l.e held on the First Mon
i day in October. 191(5.
This 4th day of September, l9lti,
A. G. HARRIS, Ordinary.
■ GEORGIA —Henry County.
To whom it may concern : J. S.
Elkins having applied for guardi
anship of Hie person and property
of Mrs. J. S. Elkins, an insane per
son : Notice is hereby given that
I said application will be heard at
inv office on the first Monday in
October next. This Sept. 5,191 b.
Ordinary Henrv County Ga
Executor’s Sale.
By virture of the will of G. W
Bradberry, deceased, will be soi<l
at the court house door in Henry
county on the First Tuesday in
October, 1918, between the usual
hours of sale, at public outcry to
the highest bidder, the following
I lands in the Twelfth land district
jof Henry county, Ga., f>l ->B-18(1
acres and bounded as follows :
On north by lands of W. H.
White, on east by lands of J. W
Thurman, on south by Mrs Geo.
Crumbley, and west by lands of
W. H. ( lark; also 18 83-100 acres
of lot No. 187 and bounded as fol
lows: On north by L. F. White,
and east, by J. C. Howt 11, on south
by J. C. Howell, on west by land of
estate of G. W* Bradberry ; also
77 91-100 acres of said lot No. IS7.
and bounded on north by ,J. B.
Clark, and east by lands of .1. < .
Howell and estate of G. W. Brad
berry, and south by land of J. P.
Barr and M. Barr, west by L. F.
White. Sold as the property of G.
W. Bradberry, deceased, for dis
tribution. Terms made known on
da v ot sale.
Executor of G. W. Bradberry.
Commissioner’s Sale.
Bank of Stockbriclge, plaintiff, vs.
Mrs Ida N. Gilbert, defendant.
Joseph Lewis. Johnnie Warren,
Robert Lee, James Hevvell, Lula
Louise (filbert, by next friend,
J. E. Curtis, intervenor.
Petition to foreclose mortgage, in
Henry Superior Court, April
term, 1918. Petition filed by J.
E Curtis, as next friend, seeking
intervetion to cancel deed and
t«*r other purposes.
Bv virtue of the authority vested
in me as commissioner, appointed
bv the Judge of the Superior Court
of Henry county, by a decree
granted in the above stated Case,
at the April term. 1916. of the Su
perior Court of Henry county, 1
will offer for sale at public outcry,
to the highest bidder, before the
court house door in McDonough.
Ga., between the legal houis of
sale, on the First Tuesday in Octo
ber, 1918, the following described
property, to-wit:
Fifty*(so)acres of land lying and
being in Love s district, Henry
county, Ga.. and bounded as fol
lows: North by the landsof Newt
Owen, oust by the lends of T. C.
Kelley, south bv the lands of Jes
sie Gilbert and Lydia Chafin. and
on the west by the lands of Mrs.
Ida N Gilbert.
Said lands will be sold to satisfy
the mortgage foreclosure iri the
above seated case and to pay off
the claims of the minor heirs of
John Henry Gilbert, deceased, who
are intervenors in the above stated
case Terms of sale cash.
This September 3. 1918.
Commissioner’s Sale.
First National Bank of McDonough,
(la., vs. Mrs. Ida N. Gilbert,
Copeland-Turner Merc. Co., de
fendants. Joseph Lewis. John
nie Warren. Robert Lee, James
Hewell. and Lula Louise Gilbert,
by J. W. Penn, ns next friend,
Petition to foreclose mortgage in
Henry Superior Court. April
term. 19!<>. Petition Bled by J.
W. Penn, as next friend seeking
intervention to cancel deed and
for other purposes.
Bv virtue of the authority vested
in me us commissioner appointed
bv the Judge of the Superior Court
of Henry county, by decree grant
ed in tlie above stated case at the
April term, 1918. of the Superior
Court of Henry county, I will offer
for sale at public outcry, to the
highest bidder, before the court
house door in McDonough. Ga.. be
tween the legal hours of sale, on
the First Tuesday in October. 1918,
the following desciibed property,
to-wi t :
Fiftv (50) acres of land, in the
Eleventh land district- of Henrv
county, Ga., said lard bounded us
follows: North by other lands of
Service Prompt
Mrs. Ida N. Gilbert, south by an Is
of Joe M. Chafin and other lands
of Mrs. Ida N Gilbei t, on i ast by
other lands of Mrs. Ida N. Gilbert,
ami on the west bv Cotton liver.
Said land will be sold to satisfy
the mortgage foreclosure in the
above stated case and to pay off
the claims of the minor lu iis of
John Henry Gilbert, deceased, who
are intervenors in the above stup'd
case. Terms of sale cash.
'l'his September 5. 1918.
Commissioner’s vSale.
First National Bank of McDonough,
plaintiff, vs. Mrs. Ida N. Gilbert,
defendant. Joseph Lewis. John
nie Warren, Robert Lee. James
Hewell. Lula Louise Gilbert, by
J. W. Penn, us next friend, in
Petition to foreclose mortgage,
Henrv Superior Court. April
term, 1918. Petition tiled by J.
W. Penn, as next friend, seeking
intervention to car.c. . deed and
for other purposes.
By virtue of theanthoritv vested
in me, as commission*..'! appointed
by the Judge of the Sun. rior Court
of Henry county, bv a decree
g*anted in the above stated cast at
the April term, 1918, of the Su
perior Court of Henry county, 1
will offer for sale at ptv lie outcry,
to the highest bidder, before tho
court, house door in MoPjnongh.
Ga.. between the legal hours of
sule, on tin*. First Tuesday in Octo
ber, 1918, the following described
property, to-wit :
A tract of land in the Seventh
land district of Henry county. Ga.,
being sixty (80) acres ot land and
being part of land deeded by J. W.
Edwards to Mrs. Ida N. Gilbert
and recorded in Book 10. page 398,
on November 12, 1912. in thy
Clerk’s office. Homy Superior
Court, and bounded as follows:
On north by lands of \\ . S. Crumb
ley, east by the lands of Mrs Mary
Ann Gilbert, south by the lands of
J. D. Mclntosh, west by the lands
of W. S Crurnbley.
Said land will be sold to satisfy
the mortgage foreclosure in the
above stated case and to pay off
the claims of the minor lieirs of
John Henry Gilbert, deceased, who
are intervenors in the above stated
case. Terms of sale cash.
This September 5, 1918
Prices Right