Newspaper Page Text
The Henry County Weekly
Henry County Superior Court, October Term, 1916
E M Smith and 1016 Thompson, Price & Co. Complaint
E J Reagan vs
Brown Sc Brown T J Standard
J A Drake and 1051 l*' Mrs P A Gullett Complaint
E L Reagan vs
E M Smith T W Woods
J A Drake and 1052 ‘ Mrs P A Gullett Complaint
E L Reagan vs
T W Woods and Mrs W C
E M Smith Woods
E M Smith 1085 y R W Dickerson [Complaint
H D Russell vs
Central Georgia Power Co.
E L Reagan 1113 Arthur Long Appeal
E M Smith Charles Brown
E L Reagan 1114 r Ethel Long Appeal
I vs
E M Smith Charles Brown
E J Reagan and 1116 y w G Callaway, Admr Complaint
E M Smith vs
Brown &Brown ( Mrs S R Skelton
E M Smith 1145 Castellaw & Castellaw Appeal
E J Reagan S A Smith and Will Patrick
E M Smith 1147 Castellaw Sc Castellaw Appeal
E J Reagan S_A Smith and Will Patrick
[ll4B y Tolleson & Turner Appeal
- vs
A H Farrar, Vesper Farrar,
E J Reagan 1151 G B Hawkins Appeal
E M Smith Charles L Moore
Smith & Russell 1166 /J B Newman, transferee Complaint
E J Reagan A F Bunn
E J Edwards 1174 L A Edwards, Exect of Thomas Claim
J. Edwards
Mrs Martha T Edwards
EJ &EL Reagan , 1177 * Gene Arnold Complaint
. Bob Moseley
EL&EJ Reagan. 1178 W A Simpson, Jr Appeal
c [ vs
£. ~ Li , 1 I Southern Railway Co.
£ Coogler 1183 Marietta Knitting Co. Appeal
E M Smith E Goodwin
E J Reagan and Miss Camilla Weaver jciaim
E M Smith
W E Watkins,
C L Redmon,
E L Reagan vs
Brown & Brown R J Williams, deft in fifa, Mrsj
R 0 Jackson . Nancy A Williams, claimant
E J Reagan and 1187 L A H Price, plff in fifa Claim
E M Smith,
W E Watkins,
C L Redmon,
E L Reagan ' vs
Brown & Brown RJ Williams, deft in fifa, Mrs
R 0 Jackson Nancy A Williams, claimant
E J Reagan and 1188 J L Gardner, plff in fifa Claim
E M Smith,
W E Watkins,
C L Redmon,
E L Reagan vs
Brown & Brown R J Williams, deft in fifa, Mrs
R O Jackson j Nancy A Williams, claimant
E J Reagan and 1189 J L Gardner, plff in fifa Claim
E M Smith,
W E Watkins,
C L Redmon,
E L Reagan vs
Brown & Brown R J Williams, deft in fifa, Mrs
R 0 Jackson A Williams, claimant
E J Reagan and 1190>Loeust Grove Mer Co. plff in Claim
E M Smith, fifa,
W E Watkins,
C L Redmon,
E L Reagan vs
Brown & Brown R J Williams, deft in fifa, Mrs
R 0 Jackson J Jtfancy A Williams, claimant j
E J Reagan and 119 PE D Tolleson, admr estate of HiClaim
E M Smith, M Tolleson, dec’d, plff in fifa
W E Watkins,
C L Redmon, j
E L Reagan vs
Brown & Brown R J Williams, deft in fifa, Mrs
R 0 Jackson j f* T ancy A Williams, claimant
E J Rim: m and 1192 The Southern Cotton Oil Co., Claim
E M Sun h, plff in fifa
W E \\ atkins,
C 1 Redmon,
E L Reagan vs
Brown & Brown R J Williams, deft-in fifa
R 0 Jackson
A Weekly Newspaper Devoted to the interests of McDonough and Henry County.
McDonough, Georgia, Friday. October 6. im.
Good Meeting.
The Northern Division meeting
was held at Mt. Vernon Baptist
church September 24, Brother S.
K. Austin, president of the divis
ion, in charge.
The program was begun at
10:30 o’clock. Inspiring talks
were made by Jfjjrof. T. J. Horton,
Rev. T. J. McWilliams of Stone
Mountain, and Brother Austin. A
sumptuous dinner followed for
one hour.
The afternoon session was
opened by a talk by Brother Mi
lam, explaining banner chart;
Bro. J. J. Walker made an ad
dress on the ten points into the
Sunday school; Miss Wilson, the
elementary worker, explained the
efforts of the cradle roll upon the
Sunday school.
Prof. E. L. Cates gave a splen
did talk on the system of the Sun
day school. Pfof. Fullerton spoke
on system and .the unfortunate
There are terf Sunday schools
in the division,‘.‘.and nine were
represented. Glood reports from
Bellah Thanks Friends
Editor Henry Coor)ty Weekly:
Permit me through your paper
to’express my profound apprecia
tion for the votes and iitfluence of
my friends in the recent primary,
and to those \vt»p Voted against
me, for it was rjol - frpm any ill
spirit, but a matjfc£o£cHoice.
It shall be my m Pf'fi purpose
to measure up t& your, expecta
tions to the beMVilnuy ability.
Belonging set of
politicians, I go into office without
any pledges, except to stand for
the right and for principles that
will help our grand old county
and State, physically, mentally
and morally. W. A. BELLAH.
E J Reagan and 1193 P Buttrell Bros., plff in fifa Claim
E M Smith,'
W E Watkins,
C L Redmon,
EL Reagan vs
Brown Sc Brown R. J Williams, deft in fifa
R O Jackson
JW Sc JD Hum- Lovejoy Banking Company Complaint
PHrieS L G. COVise
Paul Turner 1 198'Hattie E Williams, Exec estate Complaint
of M E Griffin
* vs
Charles H Griffin
E J Reagan 1199 /-Mrs Cora Gleaton, Ext TJ Complaint
Sam Chafin
E L Reagan 4201 1/ Dr D R Longino 'Appeal
, ,7- O B Turpin
D W Blair 1202; D W Blair Complaint
I Charles H Griffin
EJ & EL Reagan 120J4 Mrs E E Fields Complaint
E M Smith BO Fields
R O Jackson 1205 Usher, Frank Usher, and Complaint
Will Christian
1206 Odd Fellows Lodge No. 4707
E J Reagan i_^--interstate Chemical Co. Appeal
0 I vs
>. i*k . ~C ! s Kellev Sc Crumbley
E L Reagan 1207 r W I) Bowers Appeal
E M Smith J N Fountain
E M Smith 1210 J T Bond Appeal
J J Barge Mrs L J Dorsey
E L Reagan 1221 Mrs Ella A Dickson Application for
vs [Dower
Charles Dickson, Admr
E M Smith 1223’ T W Jarrett Appeal
J J Barge Bill Walker and Mrs L J Dorsey 1
E M Smith 1225 *" J S Rodgers Appeal
E J Reagan T J Upchurch
E L Reagan' Jud Usher Appeal
E M Smith X Terry McDonald
W A Brcwn G V Williams Appeal
R O Jackson George Combs
A beautiful morning wedding of
Thursday was that of Miss Mary
Elsie Johnson and Mr. Edward L.
Reagan, of McDonough, which
took place at nine o’clock at St.
George’s Episcopal church, in the
presence of a large number of
relatives and friends.
On either side of the chancel
were banked gorgeous palms and
ferns, and in every window in the
ciiurch was a handsome growing
fern. The altar covering and
dossal were of white, outlined with
graceful vines of smilax and on
the altar and credence table were
burning white tapers in single
brass candlesticks and candelabra.
The brass vases belt Easter lilies
and asparagus fern, the artistic
decorations making a beautiful set
ting for the wedding party. The
pews reserved for the two families
and intimate friends were marked
with broad white satin ribbon.
Immediately before the cere
mony Mrs. Clifton Thornton sang,
in her lovely soprano voice, “All
For You.” Mrs. Elizabeth Mills
Watt, organ accompanist.
At the first strains of Mendels
sohn’s wedding march, played by
Mrs. Watt, with violin accompani
ment by Miss Jacksonia Watt, the
ushers: Mr. J. P. Nichols, Mr. Gor
don Dickson, Mr. John Morrow,
and Mr - Philip Cleveland entered
the church in couples, followed by
Miss Lillian Scott, the maid of
honor, who entered alone. Then
came the bricks leaning on ttw-arm
of her father, Mr. James R. John
son, who gave her away, and was
met in the chancel by the groom
and his best man, Mr. Ralph Tur
ner, of McDonough, the betrothal
La nil Sells Well.
To watch the public sales be
fore the court house door last
Tuesday, no one would dream of
hard times in this section, as these
land prices will show :
The (1. W. Dickson home place
of 30 acres in Locust Grove dis
trict sold to L. C. Holsomback for
$2,500. 46 acres no improve
ments, Roscoe Bostwick, $950.
100 acres J. J. Johnson place
near Salem, G. T. Henry, $0,0(X).
90 acres Wilson place in McMul
len's dist., C. J. Turner, $3,500.
50 acres Gilbert place in Love’s
dist., Roy Turner, $1,605. 50acres
Ralph Turner, $675. 60 acres,
home place, .1. M. Carmichael,
175 acres Mem Turner place, in
Beersheba dist., Lawrence Tur
ner, $7,000.
77 acres G. W. Bradberry place
near Rex, C. C. Cash, $6,825. 18
acres, G. F. Bradberry, $1,725.
51 acres J. Bradberry, $2,225.
A couple of McDonough young
men were arrested as they alight
ed from the train in Atlanta Mon
day and carried before the chief
of police for a brief interview, be
ing sadly mistaken for bank rob
service taking place in the chan
cel, and the real marriage service
at the altar, the Rev. C. B. Wilmer
of Atlanta, officiating.
The bride was beautiful in a
tailored spit of midnight blye chif
tou bmacfcTet'fC' wtth or fur collar
and fur pompou buttons, with a
small black velvet trimmed in a
handsome black aigrette. The
blouse worn was of white Geor
gette crepe, hand-embroidered in
front, on the collar and cuffs in
delicate sprays of blue and white.
She carried an ivory prayer book
with a shower of narrow white
ribbon and lilies of the valley.
Miss Scott was lovely in black
velvet and black Georgtte crepe,
the corsage embroidered front and
back in a sprav of w hite. Her hat
was of black velvet trimmed in a
black Paradise brid, and her cor
sage bouquet wasof purple orchids
and valley lilies.
Mr. and Mrs. Reagan left at 9:20
o’clock via the Central for Savan
nah, from which Doint they will
sail for New York, and Will visit
other Eastern cities, and on their
return will make their home in
McDonough. It is with genuine
regret to her many friends here,
where she is much beloved that
Mrs. Reagan’s marriage takes her
away from Griffin to live.
The out-of-town guests at the
wedding were Judge and Mrs. E.
J. Reagan, Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Tur
ner, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Turner,
Mr. and Mrs. Huie Turner and Mr.
Gordon Dickson, of McDonough;
Mr. Frank Reagan, of Covington;
Mr. and Mrs. Hill P. Red wine of
Fayetteville; Misses lone, Ethel
and Pearl Price, of Flippen; Mr.
and Mrs. W. B. Stovall, of Way
cross; Mr. and Mrs. George P.
Weathers, of Rome; Rev. and Mrs.
C. V. Weathers, Mr. Charles P.
Weathers, Jr., Mr. Noble Weath
ers, Mrs. M. L. Miles, Mrs. W. J.
Patterson and Miss Patterson of
Atlanta; Sergeant Kero rt John
son, of Camp Harris, Macon; Miss
Odessa Shack itord, of Ze.bulon;
Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Prothro, Miss
Kathleen Prothro and Mr. W ayne
Prothro, of Rover.
SI.OO A year